Great... vices being useful in the future means they'll be made available to peeps again. No more being special.
Probably won't be brought back into the shop, but there's always an occasional sale where retired items are resold for a limited time/amount. They could also do the letter kit dealio, where they bring it back with a slightly different flavor.
You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.
I was perusing people's signature blocks in the banner topic and saw a Serpent with 24 player kills and a paladin with 6 player kills and thought "Yeah, I bet Serpents have the highest 'average playerkills' stat based on how pvp their skillset is." I was wondering, @Sarapis do you have easy access to playerkills/class statistics, and would you mind sharing?
I was perusing people's signature blocks in the banner topic and saw a Serpent with 23 player kills and a paladin with 6 player kills and thought "Yeah, I bet Serpents have the highest 'average playerkills' stat based on how pvp their skillset is." I was wondering, @Sarapis do you have easy access to playerkills/class statistics, and would you mind sharing?
I would hesitate a guess that occultist has more player kills than any other class.
Probably should've started a new topic with this one, but I thought it was a Quick Question at the time. =/
Monks and Serpents, I think. Just because kai choke and sniping have been pretty solid in defense/raids throughout Achaean history. And Serpents had that whole 'thief/assassin' vibe back in the day, which led them to more pk scenarios.
Why do you think that? It's one of the least played classes.
Tanris and Poergh would skew the numbers heavily, maybe not enough to push them to numero uno but still.
My thought was the amount that the heavy occie raiders over the years would skew it. Even with the list diminishing, I still think it would take a while to ever level out. Monks would be pretty high up there as well.
It might be more meaningful to know what the player kills "per capita" are for each class. Although that would itself suffer from only being realistically trackable with current numbers in each class, whereas population may have skewed towards certain classes more at certain times in the past.
Assuming @Sena will respond with concrete numbers, but for bard hunting, should I be going con spec secondary strength, or con spec secondary int? The rapier hit does like 10 times as much damage as the tunesmithing currently, but I've heard the tunesmithing has better scaling?
Anyone have a list of possible afflictions that loki gives? Does it just give any random affliction or does it give one affliction from a specific pool of afflictions?
I'm pretty sure it's any venom that can be envenomed (so no sumac/camus/scytherus/notechis/nechamandra). Vardrax may also be excluded, not sure on that.
It specifically mimics a random venom, rather than giving a random affliction; that means it can give both blindness and deafness at the same time (colocasia) or cure blindness.
Okay, when we were out hunting for a sargassum, there was this weird object on the seas that looked like an exclamation point with a red background. I've never seen anything like it before, and it moved around WAY too fast to be a sea monster or another ship. Also, since I thought it might have been the sargassum I tried firing in its direction, but it didn't detect it, even though it paused right next to our ship several times.
There was a change recently where adventurers on the wilderness map will be marked with a ! to indicate their location. Probably someone just chasing on the shore to see what you guys were doing. If it was out in the middle of the sea then maybe someone with an oceanic orb.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Vardrax can be envenomed. I think notechis can now as well, (since it gives haemophilia)
Might be misremembering the venoms I had as Paladin, though.
I know vardrax can be envenomed, but I remember someone saying it couldn't be chosen by loki, back when it drained essence. I've never checked myself though.
Notechis has always given haemophilia, and I don't remember it being changed to be envenomable. It's not in toxicology and the AB file still says it can't be envenomed, so I think it still can't (don't have a trans venom serpent alt at the moment, so I can't test it).
Searching through my logs though, loki has given me scytherus and haemophilia, but only rarely (4 scytherus and 3 notechis in 10 years). I guess I just never noticed. It's never been nechamandra, but given how few times I've seen the other two, there's a good chance it's also just rare. So I'd guess it is all venoms except sumac/camus, with the unenvenomable venoms having a much lower chance to be chosen than envenomable ones.
Yea, that one!
Monks and Serpents, I think. Just because kai choke and sniping have been pretty solid in defense/raids throughout Achaean history. And Serpents had that whole 'thief/assassin' vibe back in the day, which led them to more pk scenarios.
It specifically mimics a random venom, rather than giving a random affliction; that means it can give both blindness and deafness at the same time (colocasia) or cure blindness.
Might be misremembering the venoms I had as Paladin, though.
Any clue what it was?
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Notechis has always given haemophilia, and I don't remember it being changed to be envenomable. It's not in toxicology and the AB file still says it can't be envenomed, so I think it still can't (don't have a trans venom serpent alt at the moment, so I can't test it).
Searching through my logs though, loki has given me scytherus and haemophilia, but only rarely (4 scytherus and 3 notechis in 10 years). I guess I just never noticed. It's never been nechamandra, but given how few times I've seen the other two, there's a good chance it's also just rare. So I'd guess it is all venoms except sumac/camus, with the unenvenomable venoms having a much lower chance to be chosen than envenomable ones.