Well, you do know that it's going to eventually be the client we use for live sometime next year, right? :P Better find the feedback board and input your feedback on it! I've already put in my feedback waaaay back in alpha on it. Not much has changed--so far--but it could yet.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I heard they're trying to move the client to a js framework so it'll act like a single page web app, but local to your PC instead. The look's very .NET to me, so I can see it making sense for what they're going for.
Climbing fast will require you to be better than the 9 other players in the game, but even if you climb 'slow' you'll still always go up even if your win rate's only 51%. The caveat here was promos kind of blocking that to some degree, but with the additional free win every time you enter, it becomes easier. Still sorta luck based - but sometimes you just have the be the one to carry the rest of your team out of the flaming mess that they've created and dump them into the flaming mess of the enemy base that you create. Over time, sometimes becomes most of the time, and suddenly you just jump up in rank.
If you get ranked anxiety (absolutely by no means uncommon), I find it helps to just get up and walk around and force yourself to focus on something else for a few minutes. Try and figure out just 1 thing you could have done better and that play will sit with you and you'll pull it off next time. If you consider how often people hover around 50% win rate, but are always on loss/win streaks as opposed to more alternating W/L games, you'll see how badly you can tilt yourself even if you don't think you have.
It's not just ranked anxiety for me, it's anxiety in general. It's been getting worse the last two years, first brought to real light when I went into a full blown panic attack. Though I was having a heart attack or something. Which for someone with heart problems(WPW) was a very real concern and possibility.
Anyway, yeah, for the end of season, I just didn't feel like trying to force myself to keep playing with a time constraint constantly looming was healthy for me. I didn't -need- gold, it wouldn't been nice, but it wasn't really worthy any extra stress I put myself through unnecessarily. :-3
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
@Elsam - warwick was my easy ticket to gold, and I always thought he felt/looked really out of place with how well all the other champions tend to flow. I love the panic you can see in people's movements once bloodscent goes off on them, or when you're juuust in range to ult. Really looking forward to this rework, but I hope bloodscent can still be toggled so you can sneak up on people until it's too late to run.
Also what's your in game name! Add mee (Valistrielle) EDIT: oh, found it like 4 pages back.
@Elsam - warwick was my easy ticket to gold, and I always thought he felt/looked really out of place with how well all the other champions tend to flow. I love the panic you can see in people's movements once bloodscent goes off on them, or when you're juuust in range to ult. Really looking forward to this rework, but I hope bloodscent can still be toggled so you can sneak up on people until it's too late to run.
Also what's your in game name! Add mee (Valistrielle) EDIT: oh, found it like 4 pages back.
Problem with WW is he is pretty much countered by CSS. If he is farming well and/or gets a few kills, then you need a CSS and either mobility, CC, or HP. The beauty of Warwick is he is a lot like Illaoi, most people just don't know how to deal with it.
As an ADC, I would like to not see angry face-hugger puppers, kthx. Botlane is already in a bad position ... unintented plus, I've gotten my primary 100% of games so far...
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
It's like they took Rengar, said "how can we intensify this nightmare" and then increased the leap distance, made him tankier, and as an added bonus removed the ult's stealth but moved the movement speed bonus to a passive and activated it whenever that deliciously squishy adc dropped below 50% hp.
Oh yeah, also innate sustain and a 1.0 AP scaling on his main damaging ability.
ggwp Riot, I fully expect the amount of botlane Ziggs I see to quadruple
I've never bothered playing ranked, but I do play this game sometimes. Support > Top > Mid > ADC. Terrible at jungle. I do not mind playing with terrible newbs.
I've never bothered playing ranked, but I do play this game sometimes. Support > Top > Mid > ADC. Terrible at jungle. I do not mind playing with terrible newbs.
Name on LoL is Khizan.
Ranked is a mess right now TBH. My main account placed G3 and I got it to P5 fairly easily. My new account of course placed B5 and I cannot move it for the life of me. Maybe it has just been so long since I played in bronze, but it feels like these dudes I get teamed with gotta to be trolling, noone can unintentionally make the same mistakes that many times in a row.
I've never bothered playing ranked, but I do play this game sometimes. Support > Top > Mid > ADC. Terrible at jungle. I do not mind playing with terrible newbs.
Name on LoL is Khizan.
I feel your pain, I main support at/around gold level when I can be bothered to play...you spend your entire game babysitting the worst role, every game. ADC gets exploded by everyone, so you either play a nuke or assassin yourself and 'support', hoping to snowball and carry late game, or you play a tank/peel-heavy champ and play Secret Service for the world's most bullet-prone President. And both choices make me sad, since I prefer tank support and there's never enough peel
@Daklore made an Achaea clan which has a bunch of people in it already, but it's usually dead inside whenever I look. I think I still have a clan slot left anyways so I don't mind joining both.
@Khel@Aralaya what are your summoner names ? I usually pop on when I need some visual distraction instead of Achaea.
And while I agree that ADC is kind of in a really awkward spot right now, it's the same for the other ADC/support pair too - which means my goal most games is just to make them feed harder than I do, and it's easier than ever!
I've never bothered playing ranked, but I do play this game sometimes. Support > Top > Mid > ADC. Terrible at jungle. I do not mind playing with terrible newbs.
Name on LoL is Khizan.
I feel your pain, I main support at/around gold level when I can be bothered to play...you spend your entire game babysitting the worst role, every game. ADC gets exploded by everyone, so you either play a nuke or assassin yourself and 'support', hoping to snowball and carry late game, or you play a tank/peel-heavy champ and play Secret Service for the world's most bullet-prone President. And both choices make me sad, since I prefer tank support and there's never enough peel
Oh shit, maybe I can finally legitimately do support Pantheon
obligatory: j4/panth kill lane bot is pure terror, rip that adc
I'm a top main and specialize in tanks though (Naut/Mao/Poppy) so I know full well what it's like to play secret service heh. I do find it fun but you're rarely given credit for anything, I think I can count the numbers of times the adc has gone and said "wow, great peel!" on one hand.
WW's champion spotlight is up so I'm hoping he's released tomorrow. Can't wait to try out the new and improved dangerous pupper.
I've never bothered playing ranked, but I do play this game sometimes. Support > Top > Mid > ADC. Terrible at jungle. I do not mind playing with terrible newbs.
Name on LoL is Khizan.
I feel your pain, I main support at/around gold level when I can be bothered to play...you spend your entire game babysitting the worst role, every game. ADC gets exploded by everyone, so you either play a nuke or assassin yourself and 'support', hoping to snowball and carry late game, or you play a tank/peel-heavy champ and play Secret Service for the world's most bullet-prone President. And both choices make me sad, since I prefer tank support and there's never enough peel
Oh shit, maybe I can finally legitimately do support Pantheon
My favorite support support, though, is Nami
Best supports right now are anything with a shield honestly. Ardent Censor is so OP especially when coupled with a Locket of the Iron Solari and any champ that can give shields. Next best are your tank supports as usual, but like with displacement support like Blitz and Thresh they are so reliant on your team knowing what tf they are doing that it isn't good for climbing.
It looks so much like it used to when the game first came out: Horribly awful, and unfinished-looking.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Climbing fast will require you to be better than the 9 other players in the game, but even if you climb 'slow' you'll still always go up even if your win rate's only 51%. The caveat here was promos kind of blocking that to some degree, but with the additional free win every time you enter, it becomes easier. Still sorta luck based - but sometimes you just have the be the one to carry the rest of your team out of the flaming mess that they've created and dump them into the flaming mess of the enemy base that you create. Over time, sometimes becomes most of the time, and suddenly you just jump up in rank.
If you get ranked anxiety (absolutely by no means uncommon), I find it helps to just get up and walk around and force yourself to focus on something else for a few minutes. Try and figure out just 1 thing you could have done better and that play will sit with you and you'll pull it off next time. If you consider how often people hover around 50% win rate, but are always on loss/win streaks as opposed to more alternating W/L games, you'll see how badly you can tilt yourself even if you don't think you have.
Anyway, yeah, for the end of season, I just didn't feel like trying to force myself to keep playing with a time constraint constantly looming was healthy for me. I didn't -need- gold, it wouldn't been nice, but it wasn't really worthy any extra stress I put myself through unnecessarily. :-3
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Japan region:
Also what's your in game name! Add mee (Valistrielle)
EDIT: oh, found it like 4 pages back.
got gud
And yesss, I need angry face-hugger puppers, now please.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Oh yeah, also innate sustain and a 1.0 AP scaling on his main damaging ability.
ggwp Riot, I fully expect the amount of botlane Ziggs I see to quadruple
So @Vallie and I have been playing together and it has been a lot of fun! If anyone wants to join us hit me up please. IGN: Pointzz
Also made an Achaea club, come join it, it's lonely in here.
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
Name on LoL is Khizan.
@Khel @Aralaya what are your summoner names
And while I agree that ADC is kind of in a really awkward spot right now, it's the same for the other ADC/support pair too - which means my goal most games is just to make them feed harder than I do, and it's easier than ever!
My summoner name is V1llanox, I am only level 21 though so I may or may not be terrible
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
My favorite support support, though, is Nami
I'm a top main and specialize in tanks though (Naut/Mao/Poppy) so I know full well what it's like to play secret service heh. I do find it fun but you're rarely given credit for anything, I think I can count the numbers of times the adc has gone and said "wow, great peel!" on one hand.
WW's champion spotlight is up so I'm hoping he's released tomorrow. Can't wait to try out the new and improved dangerous pupper.