So I am finally on that Warwick is OP bandwagon. It's not even like high damage it's the fact he can sustain for days and the lower the opponent gets the faster he gets and therefore the more lifesteal he has.
Runic into cdr/full tank: IBG second item for the sheen proc and mana, SV into something like Warmogs to max CDR. Get swifties or merc treads so you can chase better.
If you play it right and don't 1v5 or get CC chained, you're actually unkillable.
edit: actually abyssal to cap CDR and finish with deadman's imo, WW's tankiness comes from resistances primarily and you don't need to build that much health due to the way his lifesteal works.
One thing I always hated about LoL is the bushes....the moment a champ's toe barely touches the bush and they are suddenly invisible.
Someone make a champ that devours all bushes on the map!
There's some pretty funny things that you can do with that, though - do your recall right next to a bush in plain sight, and then at the last second walk into the bush instead of completing the recall - you can fool people into thinking that you've left the lane and then kill them when they walk out to farm >.>
So I am finally on that Warwick is OP bandwagon. It's not even like high damage it's the fact he can sustain for days and the lower the opponent gets the faster he gets and therefore the more lifesteal he has.
All of his weaknesses are still there though. His early pressure is negligible and he doesn't scale very well, his damage is far worse than Lee/Kha/Rengar/Elise/Graves/Hecarim and his initiation is much worse than Zac and Hecarim. He seems like an A tier jungler at best which is good but why pick him at all if Rengar, Kha, Hecarim etc are open?
Kha/Rengar are OP so maybe being compared to them isn't a great metric but still.
One thing I always hated about LoL is the bushes....the moment a champ's toe barely touches the bush and they are suddenly invisible.
Someone make a champ that devours all bushes on the map!
There's some pretty funny things that you can do with that, though - do your recall right next to a bush in plain sight, and then at the last second walk into the bush instead of completing the recall - you can fool people into thinking that you've left the lane and then kill them when they walk out to farm >.>
Sit in the brush and Nunu ult while your lane partner baits them into the brush.
One thing I always hated about LoL is the bushes....the moment a champ's toe barely touches the bush and they are suddenly invisible.
Someone make a champ that devours all bushes on the map!
There's some pretty funny things that you can do with that, though - do your recall right next to a bush in plain sight, and then at the last second walk into the bush instead of completing the recall - you can fool people into thinking that you've left the lane and then kill them when they walk out to farm >.>
Sit in the brush and Nunu ult while your lane partner baits them into the brush.
This is called an Empire after one of the pro teams.
So I am finally on that Warwick is OP bandwagon. It's not even like high damage it's the fact he can sustain for days and the lower the opponent gets the faster he gets and therefore the more lifesteal he has.
All of his weaknesses are still there though. His early pressure is negligible and he doesn't scale very well, his damage is far worse than Lee/Kha/Rengar/Elise/Graves/Hecarim and his initiation is much worse than Zac and Hecarim. He seems like an A tier jungler at best which is good but why pick him at all if Rengar, Kha, Hecarim etc are open?
Kha/Rengar are OP so maybe being compared to them isn't a great metric but still.
Preferred champions/skill levels aside, rengar/kha are a lot squishier than warwick builds, and he fares a lot better in 2v1. He's better at early tower dives due to his E reduction + move speed bonus, brings more CC, and outduels tanks due to lifesteal + % damage + dmg reduction (rengar and kha have to be at certain item points in the game vs. hard tanks). I think he's in a good spot for people who are learning jungle (like original WW), but has more complexity and a higher skill cap than before. While I would agree that he's definitely not as strong early as Lee or Elise (where they shine), his early isn't a joke anymore, and his mid/late is still very strong (areas where tank jungles really start to shine). He'll probably be just as good as before at feasting on < plat+ players as before, because he's still got all the tools to punish bad position and isolated targets, I think if he feels good to play for someone you'll get a lot more mileage out of him because he's just easier than some of the other jungles so there's less chance of bad mechanical mistakes.
Plus the glowing red eyes are like, really cool. They really pop on my screen despite how small they are !
What most annoys me is when you right-click someone to auto-attack or cast a spell at them and it cancels when their toe touches the bush...then they jump out to end you...
It has really made me consider the idea of throwing a ward immediately in a bush when fighting someone on the fringe
What most annoys me is when you right-click someone to auto-attack or cast a spell at them and it cancels when their toe touches the bush...then they jump out to end you...
It has really made me consider the idea of throwing a ward immediately in a bush when fighting someone on the fringe
That's more advanced tactics, especially for junglers. When in a ranked game (cause normals are for the lulz) and I go for a gank the first thing I do is toss wards in their escape path if they can path to a bush. Vision honestly wins League of Legends. One of the major points that separate bronze from say gold and up is warding.
So I am finally on that Warwick is OP bandwagon. It's not even like high damage it's the fact he can sustain for days and the lower the opponent gets the faster he gets and therefore the more lifesteal he has.
All of his weaknesses are still there though. His early pressure is negligible and he doesn't scale very well, his damage is far worse than Lee/Kha/Rengar/Elise/Graves/Hecarim and his initiation is much worse than Zac and Hecarim. He seems like an A tier jungler at best which is good but why pick him at all if Rengar, Kha, Hecarim etc are open?
Kha/Rengar are OP so maybe being compared to them isn't a great metric but still.
Thing about WW is this: Sustain. You can gank, dip into jungle, gank dip into jungle for a long ass time. It is really easy to get ahead early as WW and put the game in your teams favor. You don't have to back as much and you dont need to waste gold on pots. Also he is mechanically easy which is great for climbing.
It has more factors than just score. CS for lanes, wards for support and it seems to be wards placed in different locations etc. For junglers it seems to be how many buffs your team got and also how many objectives like baron and dragon. I've had 15/5 games where I got an A- but it seemed we had a lot less neutral buffs and objectives. Then a 3/2 game I'll get an S but we killed it on objectives.
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
But with all these plastic tiers... we could probably get a 5 person flex queue plastic tier going XD
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Runic into cdr/full tank: IBG second item for the sheen proc and mana, SV into something like Warmogs to max CDR. Get swifties or merc treads so you can chase better.
If you play it right and don't 1v5 or get CC chained, you're actually unkillable.
edit: actually abyssal to cap CDR and finish with deadman's imo, WW's tankiness comes from resistances primarily and you don't need to build that much health due to the way his lifesteal works.
I've realized my early game play is all over the place, but I am a mid/late game queen. I need to learn how to read my supports better.
Someone make a champ that devours all bushes on the map!
Couldn't resist, too funny.
There's some pretty funny things that you can do with that, though - do your recall right next to a bush in plain sight, and then at the last second walk into the bush instead of completing the recall - you can fool people into thinking that you've left the lane and then kill them when they walk out to farm >.>
Kha/Rengar are OP so maybe being compared to them isn't a great metric but still.
Preferred champions/skill levels aside, rengar/kha are a lot squishier than warwick builds, and he fares a lot better in 2v1. He's better at early tower dives due to his E reduction + move speed bonus, brings more CC, and outduels tanks due to lifesteal + % damage + dmg reduction (rengar and kha have to be at certain item points in the game vs. hard tanks). I think he's in a good spot for people who are learning jungle (like original WW), but has more complexity and a higher skill cap than before. While I would agree that he's definitely not as strong early as Lee or Elise (where they shine), his early isn't a joke anymore, and his mid/late is still very strong (areas where tank jungles really start to shine). He'll probably be just as good as before at feasting on < plat+ players as before, because he's still got all the tools to punish bad position and isolated targets, I think if he feels good to play for someone you'll get a lot more mileage out of him because he's just easier than some of the other jungles so there's less chance of bad mechanical mistakes.
Plus the glowing red eyes are like, really cool. They really pop on my screen despite how small they are
It has really made me consider the idea of throwing a ward immediately in a bush when fighting someone on the fringe
Almost have a S-rank on all ADCs now, just need to have enough IP to buy them >.>
5/0/25 lux gets a b+
I'm starting to think these are rigged.