League of Legends



  • edited January 2017
    Elsam said:
    I think WW is actually worse post remake. His damage is down and the length of his ult seems to be down. He does lifesteal a bit more tho. 

    Granted, this was in a bot match, but proof of concept shows the potential for this kind of hilarity is in his kit. His Q scalings at max rank are kind of ridiculous, but after playing him in some live matches I think he needs that kind of front loaded power given it's his only damaging ability and how hard he needs to dive into the enemy team to get the job done. 

    I've found he's also incredibly reliant on teammates, much more so than any other jungler I usually play, even other divers such as Xin and Jax. He's going to struggle if his teammates can't give him an opening to get into the backline. It's possible for him to initiate but unless he gets immediate follow up from his team, things will go south with how single target oriented he is. And on top of that, most of his kit doesn't really kick in until health bars get low. Warwick is incredibly specialized towards clean up and I've found it's something he excels at. 

    If I were to compare him to another champion, it would 100% be Nocturne, as many people have already stated. Much like Nocturne, most of Warwick's mobility comes into play when he's running towards an enemy. But Nocturne has much more control over his mobility than Warwick does, since his main mobility comes from his Q, which is a skillshot that he can use out of combat. 

    Warwick is like a more unreliable, lifesteal-centric Nocturne, but WW is also potentially far more dangerous because of much better he chases. If Nocturne is chasing a target and he misses the Q, 9 times out of 10 he has to give it up and fall back. But Warwick's version is always on, it never turns off and he never stops. And it only gets worse the lower your health drops. 

    For build recommendations, I would recommend challenger's saber into either bloodrazor or cinderhulk (depending on the enemy's team comp and how CC-heavy they are) into trinity force always, then tank. Titanic hydra is tempting (bloodrazor into titanic is the classic Nocturne/Shyvana build), but triforce almost synergizes too well with WW's kit, especially his Q, which procs on-hit effects like sheen and phage. Triforce also have everything WW needs: movement speed for chasing, attack speed and damage for clears, both phage and sheen procs for Q, MANA because holy shit new Warwick goes oom like nobody's business. 

    After that I would recommend full tank. Items like gunblade/rageblade are tempting because of the potential power in an on-hit build, but you really do want to stay alive to both do damage and last into the cleanup phase of teamfights, which is where WW truly shines and where his greatest snowball potential lies. 
  • Being super fed, full build, and ahead in levels, most any champ is ridiculously OP. The problem is that WW is very easy to shut down throughout the game so most of the time he doesn't reach those end game builds. Now this is just what I have experienced from seeing him in damn near every game all day yesterday, I haven't played him myself.
  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    I haven't played in quite a while but when I did I loved tryndamere and kayle. They still decentish if I get around to re downloading?

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • @Kenway I'd say Kayle is still pretty good

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • On hit kayle is still borderline sleeper op imo. If they don't have enough crowd control you're guaranteed triple kills at some point in the match once you get the rageblade. Take her top. 
  • Kayle is too easy to shut down to be OP, but I think she's in a better position than Tryndamere. Both are fine though, how good you are with them so you don't get smashed in lane is more important because they both scale very well.
  • Provided you build Kayle correctly and play alright in laning phase she can be pretty terrifying in team fights, and if you didn't do all that well you're still useful backing up the other champions with your ult and heal/move buff.

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • Kenway said:
    I haven't played in quite a while but when I did I loved tryndamere and kayle. They still decentish if I get around to re downloading?
    I don't know why noone else can admit it, but in lower level play, or in the right situation in any level play, Trynd will forever be OP.
  • edited January 2017
    I've seen a lot of Kayle finding success lately - since top lane tends to be tanky melee currently, she gets a free lane out of her weaker early phase and can even bully some of them out. She pairs really well with control mages too, which are pretty much the best champs in the game with the current patch, and she doesn't mind tearing tanks up either. Just missing some form of hard CC, but if you can get that out of your jungle you're a happy sword-birb!

    On the other hand, I haven't seen Tryndamere do well. He doesn't do amazing against those top lane tanks because they're a lot more difficult to handle in melee, and even the ones I see that get their cheese level 1-3 kills tend to fall off because of the weakness in AD items right now. He also doesn't have a great time mid-late because 2+ tank teams make it rough, assassinating the ADC doesn't give him good returns as they're not really carrying the fights, and control mages are the worst thing he can play against in terms of mids. Maybe if assassins and carry tops become more popular he'll be okay, but the main carry top nowadays is Jayce and that is not a good time for him :\
  • In Trynd's defense though, Jayce is a bad time for a good chunk of top laners. 
  • Jayce is nothing but a very good time ;)
  • Jayce is the only thing preventing top lane from just being a meaty tank carnival, so I appreciate him still being relevant! It's more that at least Kayle can farm and bunker down against Jayce, whereas Trynd brings a sword to a gun fight but it doesn't shoot flaming death like Kayle's does.
  • I like the meaty tank carnival. :(
  • I have found a new love, and his name is Kha'Zix
  • Elsam said:
    I have found a new love, and his name is Kha'Zix
    gotta get them resets

    Also, no matter what the plebian masses tell you, if you need a lifesteal item you build death's dance, not ravenous hydra (unless you really, really need to splitpush)
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I sometimes think about reinstalling. I really miss runaan's hurricane teemo. 
    Huh. Neat.
  • edited January 2017
    After the lethality change this patch you shouldn't really build any lifesteal on kha'zix. It's just not good enough to substitute for Ghostblade/Duskblase/Edge of Night/Cleaver. You life steal enough from jungle camps anyways. As much as I agree that DD is better for Kha than Hydra is.

    Lethality is really strong now, Jayce is pretty ridiculous however Camille is still top dog. The best top laners imo are funnily enough all carries: Camille, Jayce and on-hit Kennen. Then you have Poppy/Maokai/Nautilus/Shen tanks following up closely behind
  • As long as CoC remains in the game I think the Nautilus/Maokai/Poppy supertank trio will remain viable in some form, they just have to survive the laning phase of horror. All three of them are actually solid lane bullies, it's just that they struggle against ranged opponents like Jayce and Kennen unless the latter two misplay something fierce.
  • edited January 2017
    @Ahmet @Kenway you guys should totally join us :D!

    Also I'd say that hurricane Teemo is actually stronger than it was before because you're more often in a better matchup. I've seen a number of hurricane + frozen mallet tank style Teemos do well too.
  • If you don't mind terrible, plastic-tier players, I could join in.
  • another terrible player who could join in

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • I don't mind terrible plastic tier players as long as those players listen to advice/directions. Like, if we say "Hey, don't go up there alone" you should avoid going up there alone. And if we say "Stop running trying to kill him under that tower" you should stop trying to kill him under his tower.

    I don't expect you to 'go all tryhard', but I do expect you to try.
  • jokes on you, I totally just dove an Ashe through both the tier 1 and tier 2 towers as WW, used ult, smite and ghost and died afterwards

    but it was worth because I got shutdown gold
  • @Vallie and I are playing right now if anyone wants in on some games. Probably gonna play another 3 or 4 personally.
  • @Keorin @Asmodron @Vesios join us!

    @Aralaya I added you, haven't seen you on yet :P!

  • @Vallie Achaea + Overwatch = No League. I will be playing soon-ish though

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • Oceania server (much to my dismay) sorry :P
  • @Vallie I was playing a bit earlier but got salty and tilted after the support GP blamed me for "late ganks" coming from mid - as Kennen with ult down and four enemies ganking bot. Needless to say I was the only one on our team that finished with a positive kda that match. May play one more tonight but not feeling it atm, gotta reset.

    Also I don't really play ranked anymore, I'm a normals draft pleb. But if that's fine with you guys I'd be willing to queue up on occasion

    ign is Olcon

  • @Asmodron alas! I hear you guys got a cool ocean event recently though!

    @Vesios not worth spending precious free time on a game unless you're enjoying it, makes sense to me :)!
  • @Aralaya whats your b.net? I play Overwatch too :D
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