CS is pretty huge if you're in lane - I get S ranks as an ADC even if my score's bad, because I usually come close to flame horizoning the other ADC. I think kills are weighted more earlier in the game too, I feel like I'm more likely to get an S if I get 4 kills < 10 minutes vs. 4 kills after 10, even if my score is the same at the end.
Those people that pick Yi.....and begin to focus solely on pushing their lanes and utilizing their Ult to drop towers quickly, other than to destroy someone that passes along. Then, as the game ends, they type "ez".
The level of twisted game perspective, especially for a MOBA, that such people...makes me dizzy. Was it really worth playing the game, simply to try and stress push yourself to drop towers as fast as you can to get to the nexus, to try and end the game quickly...? Just upsetting such people exist to ruin the experience
Im on Oceania. Having played on North America (when I first started and didnt know much about servers) and then EUW, I can definitely see the differences in player attitude and treatment. EUW has quite the great community..at least the best I have experienced so far. Over there...saying things like "ez" is considered insulting or childish...in Oceania...a game doesnt go by where it isnt written some 5 times. Generally insulting with lewd or racial comments is pretty 'norm' here too. It makes me wonder if the administrative team considers it norm...or is just lazy in punishing.
I finally revived my stream (twitch.tv/svadalica) and I can't wait to start ranked again since it'll be my first full season. I usually soloq for ranked but I'd love to make friends for normals if anyone would like?
Edit: For those that are picky about ranks I finished Gold IV last season after 1.5 months competitive play and finished back to gold in flex already for this season. Haven't started soloq yet as it's the primary focus, got the easy one out of the way.
You say easy like it's easy ... Bronze 1 reporting in I'll get back to silver, if I actually play. S3 last season, lost promos to S2 twice but was still climbing... placed B2 in placements for yoloqq. Anxiety, pls.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
I know I can... at least... I think I can. I'm pretty sure I can make it to gold. I'm not saying I deserve gold, or that I'm a gold player, I merely believe that I have the ability to reach gold and stay there. Beyond that, probably not very likely, but I'm okay with that assessment.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
A few tips from @Kythra later and... That win rate got me feeling good. Still in trash elo, but I finally feel like I am starting to play more like I was a couple years ago.
I found a really cool overlay app if anyone is interested. LolWiz gives you live game info without having to alt tab, just use SHIFT+TAB and it pops up with all kinds of info about everyone in the game. The post game content is great too, game stats, highlights, and your own personal usage stats. You can DL it at http://lolwiz.gg/download/ if anyone wants to try it out. Found out about it when watching IWillDominates stream
What elo is everyone Achaean that plays League? Who are the highest, do we know?
I remember Hasar and Xer also being Plat, did we ever have any Dia+ players?
Plat. Just climbing out of gold with the MMR shift though. But busy with Smurfs teaching Alrena and giving Elsam tips to improve and climb out of Elo hell.
I think the guy who played Ellodin is diamond... I think that's who he played as(assuming he doesn't have an alt now)... he's on my league friend list under Achaeans, but I don't write notes for everyone because I'm like that. I keep telling Xer to get to masters already, but he makes up lame excuses like "studying for mid-terms" and "marking papers for my professor" or "I have to work today." Such a scrub.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
LAN tournaments are more fun than grinding your way up the rankings. I played in the trondheim regional championship and it was a blast. the team that got second had ad top ad bot and two supports and a mage mid. was hilarious
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Lux-Morgana is hell. Binding. Binding. Binding. Binding. Binding. Binding.
I had a fun urf against a nidalee last week, though. Machine gun spears, I was dodging, diving, ducking, dipping and dodging and just generally laughing my head off and she hit everything but me. Good times, good times. I was Nunu, I think.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
@Ahmet - pss join us!
The level of twisted game perspective, especially for a MOBA, that such people...makes me dizzy. Was it really worth playing the game, simply to try and stress push yourself to drop towers as fast as you can to get to the nexus, to try and end the game quickly...? Just upsetting such people exist to ruin the experience
So I made Kythra, and am willing to norms it up as I level up and whatnot and just play it to have fun.
Feel free to add me.
IGN: Kythra
I'm bad.
got gud
Edit: For those that are picky about ranks I finished Gold IV last season after 1.5 months competitive play and finished back to gold in flex already for this season. Haven't started soloq yet as it's the primary focus, got the easy one out of the way.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
That win rate got me feeling good. Still in trash elo, but I finally feel like I am starting to play more like I was a couple years ago.
I remember Hasar and Xer also being Plat, did we ever have any Dia+ players?
Plat. Just climbing out of gold with the MMR shift though. But busy with Smurfs teaching Alrena and giving Elsam tips to improve and climb out of Elo hell.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
got gud
I had a fun urf against a nidalee last week, though. Machine gun spears, I was dodging, diving, ducking, dipping and dodging and just generally laughing my head off and she hit everything but me. Good times, good times. I was Nunu, I think.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.