To my knowledge it doesnt. It scales off missing health, and does double damage to anyone under 1/3 of their health. It just still has an 80% AP ratio.
I stand by my point. If you're getting one shot by Veig, you need to buy MR. There's even MR items that are decent for ADC's. I used to play a lot, around season 3 or so, and would stay around high gold. I quit bothering when I realised that people get stuck on their "super OP meta build" and refuse to alter it when there are champions that can crush that build on the field. This is an example of that.. you see a Veig getting free farm and kills left and right? Start that banshee's, start the edge, maw, merc scim, do something other than bitch on /all that Veig is OP because you're getting one shot.
Note: I am salty.. bitchy players are the reason I play League about once a week now.
Veigar's ultimate scaling from enemy AP was removed in the mage rework last season, the enemy AP ratio was replaced with an execute mechanic like Kythra said. Veigar does a lot of damage with a single rotation now, however unless he's sitting on something like 1000 AP he isn't going to one-shot an ADC with Maw or Banshees. With 500 AP you're just about going to break 500 damage on an ADC with 3/4 of their health bar. Of course it increases the lower you are, it's an execute, but that doesn't constitute a one-shot. It's also only 650 range, if you're in 650 range of Veigar as an ADC - especially with less than 60/70% of your hp - you only have yourself to blame for dying.
Syndra does practically the same thing except she has a better lane phase and better wave clear, which means better roaming potential and more game impact. Veigar (imo) is middle of the pack at best.
Veigar's ultimate scaling from enemy AP was removed in the mage rework last season, the enemy AP ratio was replaced with an execute mechanic like Kythra said. Veigar does a lot of damage with a single rotation now, however unless he's sitting on something like 1000 AP he isn't going to one-shot an ADC with Maw or Banshees. With 500 AP you're just about going to break 500 damage on an ADC with 3/4 of their health bar. Of course it increases the lower you are, it's an execute, but that doesn't constitute a one-shot. It's also only 650 range, if you're in 650 range of Veigar as an ADC - especially with less than 60/70% of your hp - you only have yourself to blame for dying.
Syndra does practically the same thing except she has a better lane phase and better wave clear, which means better roaming potential and more game impact. Veigar (imo) is middle of the pack at best.
While I agree, and Syndra is way higher in the play and tier ladder. A decent Veigar will have 1100 to 1300+ AP in the late game. While banshees does stop a walk up and ult, in team fights it's very easy for a Veig to stay back and poke with his dark matter until one hits and chunks, or flank and slam the ADC or APC with an ult. I can say I've tilted in enough games where I have Merc treads, scimitar, and banshees on my Draven and I still got popped from a Q->R.
But anyways, Veig is rarely seen top tier because of how immobile he is and how camping can shut him down and render him useless. Syndra, now Lux, Kat, Kass, are all more viable than an immobile mid laner with a 1s delayed stun.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
It was just an amazing game and definitely a champion I'd love to play more. I've also heard Xayah is an absolute blast to play as!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
I haven't played since like december. Holy hell this champ is fun. Kinda funny how his ult procs on people even while he's stunned, if they run into him.
Xayah blows imo, takes too long to ramp up. Combo'd with Rakan she's alright but Lulu/Lucian walks all over them from my experience/watching.
#justjannathings. Feels great to be a support again!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Feels nice to come back and just goof off in off roles after a few months of pretty much no play and actually come out well on top. I'm a damn mid main and support secondary. This shouldn't have happened.
I was playing a Tryndamere game last night and getting flamed because I took ignite. 13/2/12 made them shutup after a while. New Galio pisses me off though.
Don't think I've ever had a game with Trynd on my team, that's lost to a Teemo before. Just play safe until like 10-12 minutes, then mow him down. Bet your ass I'ma pitch a tent against Teemo if I'm jungling, too.
Scout's code means nothing when he's 0-5 by 15 minutes.
I like to not respond to my teammates and random right at the end to see them cry for a good solid 20 minutes or so....if you guys wanna play with me send me something in discord Plskmane#6143
My name on League is thenoobyownsu. I'm actually pretty good normally play at a High Gold to Platinum statistics but I don't devote much time to the game, so I never advance there a LoL discord for Achaea?
Don't think I've ever had a game with Trynd on my team, that's lost to a Teemo before. Just play safe until like 10-12 minutes, then mow him down. Bet your ass I'ma pitch a tent against Teemo if I'm jungling, too.
Scout's code means nothing when he's 0-5 by 15 minutes.
You're gonna walk through mushrooms to camp a Teemo? Seems like a really shitty use of resources
I like to not respond to my teammates and random right at the end to see them cry for a good solid 20 minutes or so....if you guys wanna play with me send me something in discord Plskmane#6143
My name on League is thenoobyownsu. I'm actually pretty good normally play at a High Gold to Platinum statistics but I don't devote much time to the game, so I never advance there a LoL discord for Achaea?
There's a general Achaea Discord, but as far as I know not one specifically for League. If you're interested in League-based communities in general feel free to PM me, I run a huge League server as a social bit for a blog I manage and know of several others as well.
Don't think I've ever had a game with Trynd on my team, that's lost to a Teemo before. Just play safe until like 10-12 minutes, then mow him down. Bet your ass I'ma pitch a tent against Teemo if I'm jungling, too.
Scout's code means nothing when he's 0-5 by 15 minutes.
You're gonna walk through mushrooms to camp a Teemo? Seems like a really shitty use of resources
Idk every game I've played vs Teemo since I started playing again, have pointed out where the shrooms were, or had river brush pink warded like any good player does. Post 11-12 minutes, most top laners will be able to handle Teemo just fine and can get rid of shrooms themselves. Especially a Trynd.
Lane ganking is the alternative, in which case you only really need the first brush clear of shrooms. Legit every Teemo I've played against likes to hard shove lane lol. Too ez at that point.
New Morde sucks in actual games, with people who aren't absolutely awful.
Was great when he first got 'reworked' but nerfs came quick and he dropped largely back into obscurity. Still has a couple matchups he can go okay in, provided he doesn't feed his ass off, but he's just not that great lategame anymore, even midgame he drops off hard vs actual comps.
New Morde sucks in actual games, with people who aren't absolutely awful.
Was great when he first got 'reworked' but nerfs came quick and he dropped largely back into obscurity. Still has a couple matchups he can go okay in, provided he doesn't feed his ass off, but he's just not that great lategame anymore, even midgame he drops off hard vs actual comps.
He's not LCS tier but he's one of my favorite picks into Riven top, Yorick, Akali. He has his niche moments, and there's a few Masters and Challenger mains who use him, so he's not complete garbage like Urgot or something. But yeah, he drops off pretty hard late game, but his mid game if farmed well is devastating if you can secure dragons. Also the spike at 6 with ult and ignite can usually secure you having a lead on the lane.
But yes, there's always better picks than Morde. But so much of the community is like (in ranked) 'Man I've never fought Morde before or what he does now' and I can usually gain a huge lead and people crying 'busted' and 'wtf is that damage with lichbane' (when I use my third Q + lichbane proc)
I'm finally climbing after finding my home in top lane. I found out how hard Nasus smacks Illaoi last night when I had around 250 stacks at 12 mins from her tentacles.
got gud
To my knowledge it doesnt. It scales off missing health, and does double damage to anyone under 1/3 of their health. It just still has an 80% AP ratio.
I used to play a lot, around season 3 or so, and would stay around high gold. I quit bothering when I realised that people get stuck on their "super OP meta build" and refuse to alter it when there are champions that can crush that build on the field. This is an example of that.. you see a Veig getting free farm and kills left and right? Start that banshee's, start the edge, maw, merc scim, do something other than bitch on /all that Veig is OP because you're getting one shot.
Note: I am salty.. bitchy players are the reason I play League about once a week now.
got gud
Syndra does practically the same thing except she has a better lane phase and better wave clear, which means better roaming potential and more game impact. Veigar (imo) is middle of the pack at best.
But anyways, Veig is rarely seen top tier because of how immobile he is and how camping can shut him down and render him useless. Syndra, now Lux, Kat, Kass, are all more viable than an immobile mid laner with a 1s delayed stun.
Guess who's baaaack! I'm pretty happy to say I still got it after seven years.
I even did a pretty great clutch play (for unranked)!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Also going to add ^
Rakan is absolutely busted right now and I can't believe how easily I got used to this champion.
Just look at this video!
And the post-game screen!
It was just an amazing game and definitely a champion I'd love to play more. I've also heard Xayah is an absolute blast to play as!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Xayah blows imo, takes too long to ramp up. Combo'd with Rakan she's alright but Lulu/Lucian walks all over them from my experience/watching.
#justjannathings. Feels great to be a support again!
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
I'm a damn mid main and support secondary. This shouldn't have happened.
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
^ Literally my first time playing new Galio ... ... i'm an ADC main, not a top laner.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Step 2) Instalock Teemo
Step 3) Never underestimate the power of the scouts code.
The scout's code is stronk.
Scout's code means nothing when he's 0-5 by 15 minutes.
My name on League is thenoobyownsu. I'm actually pretty good normally play at a High Gold to Platinum statistics but I don't devote much time to the game, so I never advance there a LoL discord for Achaea?
art stream / twitter / ko-fi
Lane ganking is the alternative, in which case you only really need the first brush clear of shrooms. Legit every Teemo I've played against likes to hard shove lane lol. Too ez at that point.
Was great when he first got 'reworked' but nerfs came quick and he dropped largely back into obscurity. Still has a couple matchups he can go okay in, provided he doesn't feed his ass off, but he's just not that great lategame anymore, even midgame he drops off hard vs actual comps.
Spoiler: I hate Yasuo. With the passion of a billion exploding suns. Even if they rework him, i will permaban him on principle.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
But yes, there's always better picks than Morde. But so much of the community is like (in ranked) 'Man I've never fought Morde before or what he does now' and I can usually gain a huge lead and people crying 'busted' and 'wtf is that damage with lichbane' (when I use my third Q + lichbane proc)