League of Legends



  • edited May 2013
    Daklore said:
    Meanwhile, they nerfed Zed again in 3.7

    Let's not get into this Zed thing again, please. This is a thread for fun with LoL, not arguing about champion nerfs or buffs, or calling people names and being toxic.

    This is a toxic-free thread, kthx.
    Ya the new patch sort of throws everything off :D

    I really hope the heavy abuse Yue received for expressing a different opinion (the correct one, btw) isn't indicative of the general attitudes and behaviors of Achaea players. I am really liking this game so far (Achaea) but I don't want to have to deal with people calling me dumb and "blind to causality" simply because they don't understand the difference between a nerf and a buff. It seems very ironic too, given the fact that Yue was more or less correct. (Maybe not on the "why" it's a buff, but the fact that it is a buff.)

    Basically, if you can't argue your view without degrading your opponent (@Jarrod) then please don't even bother responding to anything I write.
  • Daklore said:
    Meanwhile, they nerfed Zed again in 3.7

    Let's not get into this Zed thing again, please. This is a thread for fun with LoL, not arguing about champion nerfs or buffs, or calling people names and being toxic.

    This is a toxic-free thread, kthx.

    Meanwhile... positioning as ADC in ARAM is soooo hard .... when your team's front line lets the enemies bursters through so that they can get at the enemy backline... ¬_¬

    I'm not bait, god-dammit. I'm your damage!

    Singe is sad, so is Cassopia.
  • Queued with a friend, got Lux and Nidalee combo in ARAM. End result: 


    Enemy team combined to make it a fun and hilarious game. :)
  • You're free to express your opinion as well. Please don't express your opinion and say that that makes it right, it's still just an opinion. I still see the massive flaw in your logic (ignoring current Zed's laning phase) but whatever, arguing over it is pointless.

    On another topic, Mantheon Jungle Mode:

    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • edited May 2013
    Jarrod said:
    You're free to express your opinion as well. Please don't express your opinion and say that that makes it right, it's still just an opinion. I still see the massive flaw in your logic (ignoring current Zed's laning phase) but whatever, arguing over it is pointless.
    Why are you even talking? You called some girl 'unbearably dumb' for expressing her opinion. That seems contradictory to your statement now. Arguing over it isn't pointless - you acted like a total ass for the sake of this argument AND YOU WEREN'T EVEN RIGHT. Scrub. As for Zed, well, I'll make two points:

    1. His laning phase is still ridiculous compared to most champs, he can still clear waves in 2 seconds, so it hasn't been nerfed
    2. Everyone who isn't a total noob agrees that it's a buff. Unless you are trying to convince me that you're better and smarter than aphro and crs and all the other competitive diamond players, your opinion doesn't amount to jack

    Zed gets banned anyway, so it doesn't matter (because he's so op and they keep buffing him)

    GG mad kid bad kid
  • Jathu said:

    Basically, if you can't argue your view without degrading your opponent (@Jarrod) then please don't even bother responding to anything I write.
    Jathu said:

    GG mad kid bad kid

    Jarrod said:

    On another topic, Mantheon Jungle Mode:
    I've been playing a bit of Manth jungle lately and I really like it. Most games I've gone ridiculously higher in kills than I normally do. Max Heartseeker, buy Spirit of Lizard, kill people. Hit 6, jump into lanes, kill people. Hit late-game with 300 AD, QWE, kill squishy targets from 100%. I always think I should build Bloodthirster, but I keep going with longsword items - Hexdrinker, Cleaver, Ghostblade.
  • Never seen someone show up so fast and instantly be so mad @Jathu. Holy crap that's impressive.

    Highlight of that game was walking to enemy red, seeing it up, and while I was still in the brush Eve shows up to do red. Wait 10s, kill + red buff! E + Lizard Elder is hilariously fun damage though. I intended to go Lizard -> BT -> LW but I ended up changing around because I had so much gold and nobody was building defensively on their team.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • edited May 2013
    Jathu said:
    Jarrod said:
    You're free to express your opinion as well. Please don't express your opinion and say that that makes it right, it's still just an opinion. I still see the massive flaw in your logic (ignoring current Zed's laning phase) but whatever, arguing over it is pointless.
    Why are you even talking? You called some girl 'unbearably dumb' for expressing her opinion. That seems contradictory to your statement now. Arguing over it isn't pointless - you acted like a total ass for the sake of this argument AND YOU WEREN'T EVEN RIGHT. Scrub. As for Zed, well, I'll make two points:

    1. His laning phase is still ridiculous compared to most champs, he can still clear waves in 2 seconds, so it hasn't been nerfed
    2. Everyone who isn't a total noob agrees that it's a buff. Unless you are trying to convince me that you're better and smarter than aphro and crs and all the other competitive diamond players, your opinion doesn't amount to jack

    Zed gets banned anyway, so it doesn't matter (because he's so op and they keep buffing him)

    GG mad kid bad kid
    You Sir, just won the retard of the year award.

    Stun zed, root him when he becomes visible, knock him away, zhonyas, flash - Throw ANY CC on him when he ults, and watch as it does little-to-no damage to whoever he uses it on.

    Protip: Stop referencing what pro people say, when you're not even close to being at that level. At that level champions matter a lot less, than overall skill, as is obvious just by watching LCS / OGN / IEM, etc etc.

    @Jarrod: Ignore the buttmad people - Continue facerolling keyboard for wins with Pantheon.
    @Everyone else: Don't be like said buttmad people, and keep on topic.

  • I still remember when Pantheon became nearly obselete at the 20 minute mark. And that was when I played him.

    Still, I have fond memories of a running away 3v1 that ended with me getting a triple kill. Good times, good times.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Just play as rammus


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Okay
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Any hints on Olaf? I love the character.. but when ganking I feel him way less powerful than Trynd, Udyr or even WW? is it just me?

  • edited May 2013
    Cynlael said:
    Jathu said:
    Jarrod said:
    You're free to express your opinion as well. Please don't express your opinion and say that that makes it right, it's still just an opinion. I still see the massive flaw in your logic (ignoring current Zed's laning phase) but whatever, arguing over it is pointless.
    Why are you even talking? You called some girl 'unbearably dumb' for expressing her opinion. That seems contradictory to your statement now. Arguing over it isn't pointless - you acted like a total ass for the sake of this argument AND YOU WEREN'T EVEN RIGHT. Scrub. As for Zed, well, I'll make two points:

    1. His laning phase is still ridiculous compared to most champs, he can still clear waves in 2 seconds, so it hasn't been nerfed
    2. Everyone who isn't a total noob agrees that it's a buff. Unless you are trying to convince me that you're better and smarter than aphro and crs and all the other competitive diamond players, your opinion doesn't amount to jack

    Zed gets banned anyway, so it doesn't matter (because he's so op and they keep buffing him)

    GG mad kid bad kid
    You Sir, just won the retard of the year award.

    Stun zed, root him when he becomes visible, knock him away, zhonyas, flash - Throw ANY CC on him when he ults, and watch as it does little-to-no damage to whoever he uses it on.

    Protip: Stop referencing what pro people say, when you're not even close to being at that level. At that level champions matter a lot less, than overall skill, as is obvious just by watching LCS / OGN / IEM, etc etc.
    lol, basically that champ is worthless? hmmmm.... excellent advice from a... bronze player? you described what you would try to do to avoid Zed.. that doesn't mean you're going to be successful against a skilled player

    calling me a retard does not make you right.. feel free to add me - The Biddler - and play some games with a real Summoner. I'll be more than happy to show you how much you suck at League of Legends, because pretty much everything you have said in this thread is utter garbage
  • edited May 2013
    that attitude was here when I arrived.. as for trolls, just do everyone a favor and report.. it sucks, but oh well

    honestly I have won games with 3 adcs :D

    also, your signature is awesome Goggo

    edit: @Cynlael - feel free to put your team together then challenge me.. play ADC.. I'll be more than happy to earn my "retard of the year" award by griefing you out of the game with Zed lol..
  • edited May 2013
    @Goggo I had to solo bot with teemo last night because my friend and I had 2 randoms lie out of their arse ("we don't PVP" yet one of them had a bunch of wins and such, can't remember their names) and the third random just kinda sat back and did nothing.

    edit: And the attitude here has gotten worse. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, not stressful :/

  • got destroyed in this game, then he played two on my team.. pretty fun


    (@Cynlael: I know what the pros are saying better than you think.)
  • Goggo ... you should make that macro... but use Amumu for style-points.

    Still, play nice people. We all have to share this sandbox, and I don't like sharing my sandbox.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I mean, I could go with jiji's opinion that you just need to run at Zed in lane to stop him from farming, but whatever, bringing outside opinions into it (-opinions-) doesn't change anything. You're pretty toxic as seen by your few posts so far, so I don't understand your better than thou attitude.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    Shut up @Jarrod and play with me. WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • Because I don't have time for a full game right now before I need to leave, would play if you wanted when I got back. I don't get on that often anymore.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    Hmm, okay, Just poke me when you have time then. I don't have any clan practices I have to go to today. :D

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • @Jathu: I too like to claim a champ is OP, and then get an average-at-best win/loss ratio with them.

    PS, looking through your stuff... Learn to CS properly, might help you get better at the game. Np for the tips, will be here if you need any more.

  • lol yeah my diamond rating is clear evidence that I suck
  • edited May 2013
    Since when does being better translate to sucking?
    Unless you do think you suck... Self degradation is bad, you shouldn't do it. :(

    PS; It's okay. Not everyone can be pro with Zed, he is quite a hard champion to play (You made that pretty evident with your scores with him, and since you're top tier, you'd know right?)

  • What's with the TPA skins? I see them when I'm picking my skin in a match, but I can't buy them yet..?

    any of them looks nice? Ezreal one looks pretty meh..

  • @Goggo according to league forums, the week of the 24th

  • Skins will often be released to the client before they can be purchased. So, yeah.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Have you guys seen the recent unveiled changes for the 3.08 patch? There's lots of interesting items in the unofficial leak! No more 1:40 jungle starts, no more Malady, and quite a suite of changes to a good amount of champions. Looking forward to how things turn out!

    I tried out a couple of jungle champs, and found Shyvana to fit really well with my play style. Also have a good amount of item sets - they are a godsend.

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
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