League of Legends



  • Rockin dat sona support



  • Mathonwy said:
    This Best Riven NA championship is way more entertaining than it has any right to be.


    I'm watching the 312 vs Deamonomics match. It's fascinating.

  • edited May 2013
    edit:totally misread chat...

  • Synbios said:
    Mathonwy said:
    This Best Riven NA championship is way more entertaining than it has any right to be.


    I'm watching the 312 vs Deamonomics match. It's fascinating.
    They should have replays up soon, if not now.

    Pobelter/Nientonsoh is definitely worth watching, and ZionSpartan's been really good throughout as well.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • Wish they hadn't surrendered.  Wanted to see how long I could go before they killed me!



  • EiredhelEiredhel California
    Not sure if I'm more shocked that you use internet explorer... or that you have the forums up when you're playing league >.>

    Oh hey! Nice score.

    Meow, meow, etc. 
    Eiredhel's Family Tree

  • Eiredhel said:
    Not sure if I'm more shocked that you use internet explorer... or that you have the forums up when you're playing league >.>

    Oh hey! Nice score.
    Statistically speaking, IE is more commonly used by people of my age demographic.  You young whippersnappers use chrome, firefox, and whatever else newfangled gadget they come out with


  • I used to use IE like you...

    It took 10 minutes to load. Also, obligatory arrow to the knee comment.

    Also, on-topic: Blitzcrank in ARAM is like an insta-win button. ... Actually, Blitzcrank on SR is almost like an insta-win button. Unless they can't land a single grab ever.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.

  • Daklore said:
    I used to use IE like you...

    It took 10 minutes to load. Also, obligatory arrow to the knee comment.

    Also, on-topic: Blitzcrank in ARAM is like an insta-win button. ... Actually, Blitzcrank on SR is almost like an insta-win button. Unless they can't land a single grab ever.
    And then you just play Taric/Leona.. Proceed to block every single grab in lane, then counter initiate on them. Lulu works too, if you're quick enough to polymorph blitz while grab is flying at you.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    I played the most perfect league game last night. Top nasus vs singed it was beautiful. We called it a draw after the rest of my team went and lost the game @Rangor >(


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Hey, that game I had the most damage done to enemy champions. Even if my score was like 4-11-10.

    Anivia's too hard for a newb like me. :(
  • Meanwhile, in ARAM...

    I steamroll a team with Kog'maw. There's no reason we should've won that game. We were all squishy carries(me, Diana, Yi, Elise and Nunu(who didn't build tanky at all...)) against Volibear, Gragas, Janna(dem tornadoes), Olaf and Skarner.

    What did the enemy team do? Build Randuins and try to rush me. They got me once in a while... but I know how to play ADC... More or less.... kinda.

    I went on a few killing sprees. But we had no durability, we just had "make you die before we die... plz?". I don't think they built any MR at all... and half of Kog'maw's damage -is- magic damage. I guess they were really afraid of Kog'maw.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Koyuki said:
    Cynlael said:
    @Koyuki Change boots to MR, IE to muramana, QSS to frozen heart. Only take the jungler item if you're gonna counterjungle their jungler a lot, otherwise get last whisper / more health.
    Nonono. Probably yes to the boots. Possibly to the muramana. No to the FrozenHeart. No to changing the jungler item. My Lizard item is so hot with my acid and seekers. MUAHAHAHA
    As boots you should actually get the CDR ones so you can spam your missile. The rest I agree with Cynlael, as Urgot your aim for CDR is 33.333 If I recall correctly, so you can spam 4 missiles while the corrosive thing is on your enemy.

    Manamune/Muramana is a must for Urgot imo.

  • Goggo said:
    Koyuki said:
    Cynlael said:
    @Koyuki Change boots to MR, IE to muramana, QSS to frozen heart. Only take the jungler item if you're gonna counterjungle their jungler a lot, otherwise get last whisper / more health.
    Nonono. Probably yes to the boots. Possibly to the muramana. No to the FrozenHeart. No to changing the jungler item. My Lizard item is so hot with my acid and seekers. MUAHAHAHA
    As boots you should actually get the CDR ones so you can spam your missile. The rest I agree with Cynlael, as Urgot your aim for CDR is 33.333 If I recall correctly, so you can spam 4 missiles while the corrosive thing is on your enemy.

    Manamune/Muramana is a must for Urgot imo.
    Bro. CDR from offensive masteries, frozen heart and black cleaver = the amount of CDR the urgot needs... CDR boots puts him over the cap.

  • yep.. actually you are right, used my normal build and was around 40cdr, way more than needed.

  • @Mishgul

    Look what you started....

    Nasus is SOOO Much Fun!




  • Sometimes good doggy die for good man.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • *good dog die for good mans

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • Whatever, I was close enough. >P
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • On the one hand, beginner bots (hush. I've had a hard day, and needed something nonstressful). On the other hand, 21/0/5. I'll take it  :D
  • image

    loong game, but Morgana is so fun in group combat!

  • Where is your Zhonyas @Goggo :|

  • yeah, grabbed deathfire grasp accidentally and just sticked with it, all my deaths are because of that hehe

  • image

    This guy is so fun, Gangplank had me hugging my tower the whole lane phase, but in the end I managed to catch up

  • image

    Must carry harder in ARAMs.

  • I closed the end-game window. I fail. I was gonna screenshot it...

    But playing ARAM, first time Lulu... I guess I did pretty good, because...


    ... I did get at least one screen shot. Was a 4v5 start to finish. We were the team down a person.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • I love playing Lulu.... actually I have a liking to anyone short - Tristana Lulu... Annie >.> - though I haven't played Teemo yet

  • Fuck Teemo

    And I used to troll with AD/AS Lulu.  usally got around 20 kills and 4 or 5 deaths.  Then they nerfed that.  Her shots used to apply on hit effects.


  • Yeah, I'm still playing ARAM. I can't help it. My computer sucks and framerate drops on SR aren't fun. I get them on Howling Abyss as well, but still...

    Nothing special about this game, aside from me playing Caitlyn for the first time in forever...


    Is.... is my main showing? XD

    And before you ask about the aegis... first; it's ARAM, second; we had no tank, and third; because it's ARAM, no one builds aegis... so I did.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
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