He wasn't broken in team fights before apart from the fact he could easily be at a massive farm advantage and have more items than anyone if he was sitting in lane farming early game. A nerf to that is a direct nerf to his later team fighting potential.
It's like you're blind to causality.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
"If he was sitting in lane farming early game..." What else do you do early game if not jungling?
Also, removing his overpowered ability to split-push and replacing it with greater team-fight potential isn't a loss.
"He wasn't broken in team fights apart from the fact he could easily be at a massive farm advantage." That farm advantage hasn't disappeared as long as he has an opponent in lane. Now, instead of Shadow Slashing a minion to reset your Living Shadows cooldown for über farm, you Shadow Slash your lane opponent to reset Living Shadows cooldown (FOR GREATER REDUCTION THAN BEFORE) for über farm and continue as before.
It's like you're never going to play outside of Bronze.
Except that it used to count down for EACH INDIVIDUAL minion hit. Sorry but when you're farming, 2 second reduction is not greater than 4+ seconds, I'm sorry if you didn't pass basic math class. I heard buying Zhonyas to counter his ult is a pretty hard thing to do, you're rather idiotic if you play an AD mid vs Zed, unless you think you're Alex Ich or something (Hint: You're not.) Stop talking down to people, people like you are the reason the LoL community has the reputation it has.
He has less farm in every situation because he can't farm as easily, and can actually be bullied in lane. One of the huge issues with Zed was that even if you were winning lane, you couldn't zone him because Living Shadow let him freely farm in lane. Who cares about a 22 second cooldown when it has a 6 second downtime at most with a properly placed shadow? (22 - 6 - 6 (possibly another 2 seconds if you hit enemy champion) - 4 (duration)) With the new change, he is no longer a god mode in lane. This -directly- transitions to a weaker late game presence because he's no longer guaranteed to be highly farmed.
As for your math not being bad, if you close your eyes tight enough it doesn't make you less unbearably dumb.
Assume 2 shadow slashes during the duration, because it's easy to do.
Level 1 (3.5):
22 second cooldown.
Minimum 12 second reduction with properly placed shadow, 14 second if the enemy champion is hit twice.
54.5% to 63.6% cooldown reduced.
Level 1 (3.6):
18 second cooldown.
Minimum 0 second reduction, maximum 4 second if you hit both times.
0% to 22.2% cooldown reduced.
If you'd ever like basic math concepts explained to you, I'll help, but I really don't maintain high hopes based on your clear lack of understanding of so many basic concepts.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
It's not just a farm advantage, though. It's a nerf to split-pushing because he'd have his shadow up pretty much on demand in case someone got sent to deal with him, and his shadow is a fairly powerful juking tool in addition to being amazing at waveclearing.
It's also a nerf to Zed in-lane because one of the only real windows to successfully trade with him and/or harass him was after he'd used his shadow, but since hitting minions let him lower the cooldown, and since he was only realistically limited by that cooldown, he'd have it up constantly.
In the end, I think all of those changes are supposed to be an incentive for him to actually be in a teamfight longer than it takes to R - BotRK active - E - Q - AA someone before going back to split-pushing.
@Jarrod - He'll play you on his smurf, because his 'real account' doesn't actually exist. GG. Just give up, it's pretty obvious he is king of LoL and better than everyone in existence.
@Jarrod - He'll play you on his smurf, because his 'real account' doesn't actually exist. GG. Just give up, it's pretty obvious he is king of LoL and better than everyone in existence.
PS @ Yue, I'm actually Diamondprox.
No, I'll play him on my smurf because I typically jungle, and he has absolutely zero chance of beating me when I have a full rune page.
Also, I'm not a guy and I love how good you are at not talking down to people. GG.
Diamondprox. That explains a lot. No one nice comes from St. Petersberg.
I'm 100% confident I could get to Platinum if I took the time to continually queue ranked.
Beating players in Silver/Gold/Diamond is extremely easy, but it's irrelevant if a player on the enemy team gets super farmed, especially with all the assassins given I usually main ADC.
1v1 is, and always has been, a complete joke of determining skill level.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
@Jarrod - He'll play you on his smurf, because his 'real account' doesn't actually exist. GG. Just give up, it's pretty obvious he is king of LoL and better than everyone in existence.
PS @ Yue, I'm actually Diamondprox.
No, I'll play him on my smurf because I typically jungle, and he has absolutely zero chance of beating me when I have a full rune page.
Also, I'm not a guy and I love how good you are at not talking down to people. GG.
Diamondprox. Cute.
You'll play him on your 'smurf' because it's your only actual account, and you've done nothing to prove otherwise. I'm merely using your logic against you, I don't have to prove I'm Diamondprox until you can 100% prove I'm not. (Hint: When using your logic, just saying I'm not doesn't actually prove true.)
You're doing nothing for your own situation.
Edit: @Mathonwy (v-- Down there) - It is only EVER a buff if you can hit multiple people with the ability each time you use it in team fights, outside of that it is never going to be considered a buff, and unless you get one of those teams who pile together when there's a Malphite on the other team, you're probably not going to hit more than 2 people at max, and an even lower chance that you're going to hit multiple people both times.
I wasn't aware Jarrod was posting when I was or else I probably wouldn't've. Personally, I explained it because it's just easier to guarantee we're on the same page that way. That's all.
I'm not really sure that these kinds of changes can be evaluated in two-dimensional terms because this wasn't a straight nerf or buff-- it was a readjustment of the skill and its associated mechanics. Part of the reason the skill could be on as high of a cooldown as it was was because you could farm that time down-- but that proved to be too powerful, just as how, I'm sure, removing the cooldown reduction element while still retaining the old cooldowns made it too weak of a skill.
So yes, in the context of how the skill used to be used, it's probably a nerf. Situationally, it could be a buff. It's not really possible to evaluate in a vacuum.
@Jarrod - He'll play you on his smurf, because his 'real account' doesn't actually exist. GG. Just give up, it's pretty obvious he is king of LoL and better than everyone in existence.
PS @ Yue, I'm actually Diamondprox.
No, I'll play him on my smurf because I typically jungle, and he has absolutely zero chance of beating me when I have a full rune page.
Also, I'm not a guy and I love how good you are at not talking down to people. GG.
Diamondprox. Cute.
You'll play him on your 'smurf' because it's your only actual account, and you've done nothing to prove otherwise. I'm merely using your logic against you, I don't have to prove I'm Diamondprox until you can 100% prove I'm not. (Hint: When using your logic, just saying I'm not doesn't actually prove true.)
You're doing nothing for your own situation.
I didn't say you're not Diamondprox. In fact, I assumed you are telling the truth. My logic actually supports it - you are kind of annoying, and so are other people I have met from St. Petersberg. I don't care who you are though. LOL and I don't care if you don't believe me. You can stop replying to anything I say at any time, and the world won't end. I only friend people on my main if they are a) fun to play with or b) better than me, and you have done nothing to indicate that you are either of those things. No offense. I just don't care.
@Yue if you didn't care, you wouldn't constantly respond to anything, and everything that I say to you. Also, you just contradicted yourself.. You believe I am Diamondprox, so therefore I have done something to indicate I'm better than you. (Naturally, a challenger jungler that's considered one of the best in the world is better than someone who probably isn't even level 30).
PS. Why would I stop responding to you, it's quite amusing how worked up you get when you're not actually good at the game. PSS. You don't have to friend people to play with them. Clearly you are new to LoL so I'll let that one go.
if it's quite amusing to you to get people worked up, and you're dumb enough to believe what you just said, then -you- are in fact the person that gives league of legends a bad reputation
also, did you miss the a) fun to play with part? even if you are diamondprox, which I know you're not because if you were, you would recognize me, I still wouldn't want to play with you. anyway, let's not hold this thread hostage anymore
I'm bad and dumb and you could all be platinum "if you wanted to"
@Yue did you miss the part in your own sentence where you said A or B? Not that I had to be both.
And no, I didn't say I believed what you said. Once again I'm just using your own stupidity against you. (PS. You don't actually know Diamondprox, and you're not plat.)
Enjoy staying in Bronze 5, when you actually get to level 30.
Please just stop posting and go to bed already.
Edit for clarification; All the cool kids have blank lines between everything they say.
you are being pedantic now and fighting to get the last word in.. it's obvious that I have upset you
my formatting style is cool? i'm glad you like it, but like MJ said, it's better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. I would encourage you to come up with your own style, people will respect you more for doing so
it's 5:12pm my time, so....
you're actually 13 years old
edit: I just wrote a greasemonkey script that automatically removes all your posts from any page I'm looking at.. so you can continue to follow me around like a stray puppy, but I won't be able to see you.. sorry
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
She seems like one of the mids who get good if they get fed. Her poke is easy to avoid, and when it hits doesn't do that much until mid-late / late game. She's stupidly high mobility though, but mobility on mids is meant for assassins.. Which she isn't..
If it's any consolation @Mathonwy, I have the Lissandra icon I like it more
I have fun with Lissandra. I'm not particularly good with her, but I'm not particularly good with anyone. She's squishy, so definitely a mid (don't know why they were saying she was a solotop )
I play this game and I have read a lot of the stuff in here. I still have no idea what anyone is talking about, I only play one character and it works as good in a jungle as it does in a lane.
edit: Of course I could be bad at it although I don't think I am.
It's pretty hilarious that the LoL thread is about as acerbic as the old politics thread used to be on the forums of yore.
Hilarious and depressing. I go to the LoL thread to get away from the toxic moments of the other threads. Not it seems like it's the other way - I visit the rants thread because the LoL thread is the new toxic.
It's like you're blind to causality.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I heard buying Zhonyas to counter his ult is a pretty hard thing to do, you're rather idiotic if you play an AD mid vs Zed, unless you think you're Alex Ich or something (Hint: You're not.)
Stop talking down to people, people like you are the reason the LoL community has the reputation it has.
He has less farm in every situation because he can't farm as easily, and can actually be bullied in lane. One of the huge issues with Zed was that even if you were winning lane, you couldn't zone him because Living Shadow let him freely farm in lane. Who cares about a 22 second cooldown when it has a 6 second downtime at most with a properly placed shadow? (22 - 6 - 6 (possibly another 2 seconds if you hit enemy champion) - 4 (duration)) With the new change, he is no longer a god mode in lane. This -directly- transitions to a weaker late game presence because he's no longer guaranteed to be highly farmed.
As for your math not being bad, if you close your eyes tight enough it doesn't make you less unbearably dumb.
Assume 2 shadow slashes during the duration, because it's easy to do.
Level 1 (3.5):
22 second cooldown.
Minimum 12 second reduction with properly placed shadow, 14 second if the enemy champion is hit twice.
54.5% to 63.6% cooldown reduced.
Level 1 (3.6):
18 second cooldown.
Minimum 0 second reduction, maximum 4 second if you hit both times.
0% to 22.2% cooldown reduced.
If you'd ever like basic math concepts explained to you, I'll help, but I really don't maintain high hopes based on your clear lack of understanding of so many basic concepts.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
It's also a nerf to Zed in-lane because one of the only real windows to successfully trade with him and/or harass him was after he'd used his shadow, but since hitting minions let him lower the cooldown, and since he was only realistically limited by that cooldown, he'd have it up constantly.
In the end, I think all of those changes are supposed to be an incentive for him to actually be in a teamfight longer than it takes to R - BotRK active - E - Q - AA someone before going back to split-pushing.
Just give up, it's pretty obvious he is king of LoL and better than everyone in existence.
PS @ Yue, I'm actually Diamondprox.
Beating players in Silver/Gold/Diamond is extremely easy, but it's irrelevant if a player on the enemy team gets super farmed, especially with all the assassins given I usually main ADC.
1v1 is, and always has been, a complete joke of determining skill level.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
You'll play him on your 'smurf' because it's your only actual account, and you've done nothing to prove otherwise.
I'm merely using your logic against you, I don't have to prove I'm Diamondprox until you can 100% prove I'm not. (Hint: When using your logic, just saying I'm not doesn't actually prove true.)
You're doing nothing for your own situation.
Edit: @Mathonwy (v-- Down there) - It is only EVER a buff if you can hit multiple people with the ability each time you use it in team fights, outside of that it is never going to be considered a buff, and unless you get one of those teams who pile together when there's a Malphite on the other team, you're probably not going to hit more than 2 people at max, and an even lower chance that you're going to hit multiple people both times.
I'm not really sure that these kinds of changes can be evaluated in two-dimensional terms because this wasn't a straight nerf or buff-- it was a readjustment of the skill and its associated mechanics. Part of the reason the skill could be on as high of a cooldown as it was was because you could farm that time down-- but that proved to be too powerful, just as how, I'm sure, removing the cooldown reduction element while still retaining the old cooldowns made it too weak of a skill.
So yes, in the context of how the skill used to be used, it's probably a nerf. Situationally, it could be a buff. It's not really possible to evaluate in a vacuum.
ETA: stop editing posts you guys wtf.
PS. Why would I stop responding to you, it's quite amusing how worked up you get when you're not actually good at the game.
PSS. You don't have to friend people to play with them. Clearly you are new to LoL so I'll let that one go.
And no, I didn't say I believed what you said. Once again I'm just using your own stupidity against you. (PS. You don't actually know Diamondprox, and you're not plat.)
Enjoy staying in Bronze 5, when you actually get to level 30.
Please just stop posting and go to bed already.
Edit for clarification; All the cool kids have blank lines between everything they say.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
90% of people that play her are terribad.
9% do alright
1% make me swear that she is OP and needs nerfing immediately
She's stupidly high mobility though, but mobility on mids is meant for assassins.. Which she isn't..
If it's any consolation @Mathonwy, I have the Lissandra icon
I like Lissandra because she's a genuine villain. No misunderstandings, no abstract morality. Bitch is evil.
Also someone needs to ban Yue and Cynlael from this thread. Or at least from each other.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important