League of Legends



  • edited April 2013
    less BM more league pls.

    also, Lissandra sounds like a really interesting champ. It's like Scarra's Sejuani Mid made legit!

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • @Erasariel
    On topic: This weeks free champs are crap, and Lissandra is going to be more broken than Zac if she is released in her current state.

  • edited April 2013

    We had a totally new Mordekaiser that was feeding Zac bad so the game was going downwards, but in the end we won. Olaf is so damn strong..


  • Am I just a noob or is zac op as a mofo?
  • new relases are usually op, after a bunch buys them they get the nerfbat hehe, best merchandise strat ever 

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i've generally found zac's to be quite weak, but i guess I am a nooblord and only play OP heroes like renekton


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    and rammus


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • This game must be called LoL because all I can do is lol at how bad I suck at it
  • I've been on a chogath kick lately.  I think I have more fun playing chogath than any other character.  I'm about to buy Pantheon though, he looks fun.


  • You guys need to play with Carmain and I more. I play more on my alt now, 'Summoner Bot One', in which I pretend to be Riot's Beta Bot program with some AI functionality depending on specific player inputs. Pretty fun.
  • Vaehl said:
     'Summoner Bot One',
    So YOU are them... sorry I declined you, but I honestly thought that was a random person trying to friend everyone 

  • Batang said:
    I've been on a chogath kick lately.  I think I have more fun playing chogath than any other character.  I'm about to buy Pantheon though, he looks fun.
    MY PROFESSION?! Well, now that I think about it, I always wanted to be a baker. Yes. A baker.

    Panth was my first buy, and almost exclusively who I played until about level 22 or so. About that time I started playing with other champs, but Panth got me far. I don't play him on SR anymore, mostly because I play the ADC role... or did, I haven't played in a month now. Other things to play, other things to do. It happens >P Still fun as hell to play, but I only play him on Dominion now.

    Sadly, he seems to drop off by 20 minutes most of the time. Got a little better with S3 itemization, but still seems to fall off if he doesn't get fed early. Maybe that's just me, though.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Snuck over to my boyfriends place while he was out to break my 3 month drought. Played as Sona and got called pro. I know shes like easy modebut it gave me Warm happy feelings.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Won a 4 v 5 with @guhem and rangor's male friend. Only lost one tower too. rangor's friend got a quadrakill and DOUCHEBAG SONA stole his penta with power chord R.

    was amazing. Would have done the same.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Mishgul said:
    Won a 4 v 5 with @guhem and rangor's male friend. Only lost one tower too. rangor's friend got a quadrakill and DOUCHEBAG SONA stole his penta with power chord R.

    was amazing. Would have done the same.

    Was a Q, also first time playing Sona. On the other hand, I still remember chasing someone down as Sona to get a kill, that was hilarious.
  • Sona kills are hilarious. Noone expects them. Your lane buddy dies and you decide to go balls to the wall to chase down the killer and get them as well as their partner. Much rage.
  • Supports are supposed to KILL SECURE. Don't listen to the tears of the ADC's all over the world. After all, what would an ADC be without you?
  • Rangor said:
    Supports are supposed to KILL SECURE. Don't listen to the tears of the ADC's all over the world. After all, what would an ADC be without you?

    Reposting the truth:

    All hail supports.

  • edited April 2013
    Rangor said:
    Supports are supposed to KILL SECURE. Don't listen to the tears of the ADC's all over the world. After all, what would an ADC be without you?
    Tahquil said:
    Sona kills are hilarious. Noone expects them. Your lane buddy dies and you decide to go balls to the wall to chase down the killer and get them as well as their partner. Much rage.
  • Also. Played another Sona game. about 8 minutes into game, 40 health left, I lead Amumu and Katerina (both half health) from river all the way through the jungle surviving by alternating my W,E and chugging down health potions. They are far to interested in killing me to watch where they are going. Bring them all the way to bottom turret an ill-timed jump from Amumu brings him into turret range as I pop my heal, saving me again. Then BAM!!  Q'd the little bastard TO DEATH. Katerina tries to run but the ADC is up by now and BAM. And then we also get the jungler who was coming to gank me.

    Sweet, sweet revenge.
  • And this... is why you don't chase people. *sage*
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Tough break for aAa getting disqualified from the playoffs (even though I wanted SK to win that matchup). :(
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • edited April 2013
    Damn, wish I screenshotted the game with @Snareman...
    Sona/Draven with @Thiev, cocky Volibear comes to gank when I base, Thiev double kills him and MF 'Get outta here, scrubs.' - Volibear rage quits :(

    -Sona/Graves, not Draven*

  • Ugh. Had a Shaco with 22 CS at 26 minutes. He wasn't AFK for any portion of time. Just...what. He started complaining about how we can't win, while I did my best to carry >.>
  • image
    I swear, no matter who I play, I just end up with tons of assists and no kills >.>
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    one day you will have masteries and will be able to do damage


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • @Alyssea:  Buy a Deathfire Grasp on burst AP characters like Annie. Use the active on it, then drop ignite, followed by just facerolling your entire QWER onto them.

  • TSM
  • Playing Gangplank. Doing pretty well. We get into a 5v5 team fight in the enemy jungle. "Double kill." "Triple kill!" Apparently my teammates are doing pretty well too. "Quadra kill!" Oh snap our Graves has picked up a quadra kill. He could get a penta! I don't want to steal this! I quickly click away and hit S. "You have slain an enemy!" My Spirit of the Elder Lizard damage over time stole his penta. I am terrible.
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