League of Legends



  • thing with Shyvana... she has no slow nor cc.. which makes her meh in jungle in my opinion, but that's just me.

    I love the character and the artwork tho.


    Mishgul said:
    Just play as rammus

    Just did today with Akti for the first time..and that thing is even tankier than Malph. his jungle is slower than most of the others but I loved him and the speed, God that speed.

  • edited May 2013
    "Hey.. Hey Thiev.. Come play a game."
    "Hey, come play."
    Don't wanna play a game he said. We're gonna lose hard he said.


  • Just an FYI - being a certain rank (silver, gold, diamond) doesn't make you better at the game than someone else. (See Sky, fully admits to being a bad player.) Some people don't play ranked because.. well, people like you. It's also a team effort. If your team is good, it doesn't matter if you're horrible, you're going to get carried now and then. So please, take the toxic attitude elsewhere.

  • edited May 2013
    <Insert generic lolubad comment>

    Follow this up with: go back to feeding.. Or something along those lines.
    Can I be cool now?

    PS: The game is quite clearly not a team game, how are you meant to get carried. It's 1v5.

  • Cynlael said:
    <Insert generic lolubad comment>

    Follow this up with: go back to feeding.. Or something along those lines.
    Can I be cool now?
    Yes, I am bad :( That's why I don't play Ranked! Also, shh. I can fight you, IRL.

  • Layna said:
    Cynlael said:
    <Insert generic lolubad comment>

    Follow this up with: go back to feeding.. Or something along those lines.
    Can I be cool now?
    Yes, I am bad :( That's why I don't play Ranked! Also, shh. I can fight you, IRL.
    No, Sir. I am secretly @Jathu. I can fight all of you.

  • I actually played a ranked game today and went from Silver 5 to Silver 3 in a single win.

    Pro status.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jarrod said:
    I actually played a ranked game today and went from Silver 5 to Silver 3 in a single win.

    Pro status.
    And then Riot was like loljk we trollin' you. Then demoted you to Bronze and said have fun.

  • edited May 2013
    Bronze is great, I learned this cool strategy: when you die you instantly all chat "Worth it." and it becomes worth it.
  • <3 Rammus


  • image

    First time Shaco, but Rammus is still way more fun!

  • Back to Rammus, so fun! 


    K more ppl needs to post scores, I'm way too spammy here today

  • I would, but all I do is play bot games because I'm really bad against people :(

  • AMRAM games. I mean , Jesus Christ you can wrack up so many numbers in such little time. 7/10/48 Sona. 
  • Trilliana said:
    I would, but all I do is play bot games because I'm really bad against people :(
    The only way to get not-bad against people, is to play against people. >P

    Seriously, bot games just teach you bad habits. The reason you're bad against people, is because they've probably learned their way out of those bad habbits that you're still stuck in.

    So... yeah. Play against people and eventually you won't suck >P
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • First ARAM in a while. 

  • edited May 2013
  • edited May 2013
    Still no.
  • @Jathu

    Do be quiet. You're just making yourself look stupid. And egotistical. You sound like HotshotGG and that's probably the worst person in the world to sound like. Infact, if you admitted to being Justin Bieber, it would be better than sounding like HotshotGG. 

  • Good to know that rapists, mass murderers, suicide bombers, terrorists, and burglars are all better than Justin Bieber and HotshotGG.

    go to bed kid
  • To be fair Hotshot has gotten a lot better at trash talking his team, and the recent times he's been streaming (not often) he focuses more on how he could improve within the single game than trash talking his team. Yes, he still trash talks them on occasion, but it's much more 'This shitty jungler won't gank, I should have realized he was bad and warded more/deeper'.

    You might as well say Doublelift actually believes every other ADC is trash.

    This was at Layna, not Jathu. Jathu's post(s) were just weird.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • @Jarrod - Oh, that's not why I don't like Hotshot. Lots of other pro players trash-talk. I just don't like Hotshot :P

    @Jathu - I'm pretty sure I never said any of those people were better than Hotshot or Bieber. I simply stated you could claim to be Bieber, and that would be BETTER than being HotshotGG. Nice to know you lack basic reading comphrension though.

    Also, you stated you were on CLG, and all of CLG is younger than me so calling me 'kid' is about as redundant as anything you've posted thus far.

  • edited May 2013
    Layna said:

    You sound like HotshotGG and that's probably the worst person in the world to sound like.
    Glad to know you have Alzheimer's and don't even know wtf you're saying. You and Cynlael should start a club.

    The We-Suck-At-League-But-Talk-A-Lot-Of-Trash-About-Other-People Club, or NAMBLA
  • edited May 2013
    Jathu said:
    Layna said:

    You sound like HotshotGG and that's probably the worst person in the world to sound like.
    Glad to know you have Alzheimer's and don't even know wtf you're saying.
     to sound like - As far as I'm aware, the groups of people you listed don't have a particular sound or tone. Infact, many of them come across as completely normal, friendly people. Again, you are showing you lack basic reading skills. 

  • edited May 2013
    When referring to how someone 'sounds' in a textual context, you aren't actually referring to 'sound' or 'tone' in the sense that you just described. I thought idiots usually travel in groups.

    So where are your friends?

    Edit: This thread is now toxic. I'll take responsibility for that. In the same way radiation is used to kill cancer... oh nvm
  • edited May 2013
    Jathu said:
    When referring to how someone 'sounds' in a textual context, you aren't actually referring to 'sound' or 'tone' in the sense that you just described. I thought idiots usually travel in groups.

    So where are your friends?

    Edit: This thread is now toxic. I'll take responsibility for that. In the same way radiation is used to kill cancer, I will trash-talk these scrubs into rage mode.
    Actually, it's quite possible to pick up tone in a textual manner. You simply have to understand how the English language works.

    If you have trouble deciphering 'tone' in the written word, then that's probably something you should work on when playing a TEXT game. It also explains why you've completely failed to pick up on the sarcasm that oozes from most of Cynlael's posts.

    Also, I haven't talked trash about anyone that plays League, and I'm fully aware I suck. I don't play the game 24/7. I have a life.

  • Oooo, poorly veiled suggestions of no life.

    In the words of Jarrod, you are unbearably dumb. "It sounds like" is an idiomatic expression that has nothing to do with "literary tone" in the way you used it, and then you confused the meaning of your own post in your subsequent posts. Just quit. Everything. Uninstall. League of legends, and your web browser.
  • edited May 2013
    Actually, I never said 'it sounds like.' I said 'YOU sound like' which has everything to do with literary tone. I was making a comment based on how YOU sounded. And you sounded exactly like HotshotGG sounds when he spouts off about how great he is at League.

    You would think, that someone who plays a text-based game, actually understands the basic concepts of the written word.

    Edit - Before this thread is derailed completely - It doesn't matter if you're pro or not. Cynlael is allowed his opinion, as is Yue and Stan, the Plumber. Don't shoot someone else down for calling someone dumb, then proceed to trash-talk everyone yourself.

    That's my final say on the matter.

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