Did a normal as Nami... had enemy ez, trist, and sona bot the entire first half, was terrible! Games like that turn me off to doing Normals. Second ARAM of the day, got Ahri, which I need to get better at, then a bot match to cheer up, then just did 6/5/12 with Annie again (and I'm not even re-rolling!) and won. I really want to get better with Ahri, so any tips would be great
Before this thread is derailed completely - It doesn't matter if you're pro or not. Cynlael is allowed his opinion, as is Yue and Stan, the Plumber. Don't shoot someone else down for calling someone dumb, then proceed to trash-talk everyone yourself.
It does matter if I'm pro or not. Cynlael and Jarrod called Yue dumb for expressing her view on a change in the game. Yue's view was more in touch with reality. We don't call these things 'opinions' because they can be supported by factual evidence; in higher tier games, champs are played certain ways, and we have hard-evidence, verifiable metrics that show whether or not a certain way is more effective than others. The way Yue viewed Zed is more in line with how top-tier players actually utilize the champ, and with good results. It was Cynlael and Jarrod who called her dumb, simply because they are unable to grasp the concepts she is referring to, as they clearly both haven't played competitively at her (or my) skill level. I didn't shoot anyone down or trash-talk anyone - I corrected them.
@Cynlael - you said my CS is bad. Were you looking at an ARAM game, or did you fail to realize that I main jungle? You have no good advice - because you are clearly incapable of playing the game at my level. If you weren't so aggressive and rude to other people in the thread, I would have not even bothered registering and posting. Until you can substantiate your claim of "being good, and knowing how to play effectively" by even getting into games with top-tier players (much less actually winning them), please stop shooting everyone who disagrees with you down and acting like a boss. That's my tip.
@Layna - personal attacks are a clear indicator that you are either 1) upset, or 2) aware of the fact that you're losing an argument. You can say I have no life, that's cool. Here's what my life really looks like: I work 20 hours a week detailing cars. I go to three or four Narcotics Anonymous meetings a week, where I have service positions, a sponsor, and a few sponsees. I workout every day in the morning, and run five miles or ride my bicycle long-distance every other day. I go to a Judo class twice a week, and teach defensive combatives to women who have been victims of violent crimes every Friday. I play with and help manage a professional League of Legends team, and compete professionally in Halo 4 and Call of Duty tournaments at least once a month. I enjoy video games, but they aren't my life. This weekend, I was at the Washington Northern Idaho Region Convention of Narcotics Anonymous in the South Puget Sound, where I met with and celebrated living clean with over 200 addicts. We shared stories, laughs, and hugs. I have more friends than I can count. I play video games because I enjoy the challenge of competitive gaming, it's entertaining, and rewarding. I love the relationships and connections I have developed over my professional gaming career. It's not my whole life. I have a puppy named Sam who is six months old, and he's a better person than you.
Oh my fucking god why is my thread as toxic as fucking rants
Keep the toxicity in The Sewer you guys.
Also, I find that I am really terrible in all the other supports I don't main - Janna, Lulu..for some reason I don't know how to work them out. I do have some recent Soraka experience under my belt, but she isn't really a support you bring to solo queue with.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Good god, I go and watch TV for an hour and this happens.
Well, it probably started happening before then. Oi vey.
Carrying in ARAM is so hard. But, I admit, I'm not that great to begin with XD Enemy team -almost- accidentally threw the game. They had a gauranteed win, and then they suicided on our fountain turret... because, obviously, minions would win it.
Except our inhib respawned.
And then we pushed them back to their nexus turrets... and then the Karthus defile wore us down and we lost. They just had -way- more AoE than we did. Karthus, Sona... I forget who else... There was a Sivir and a GP... I can't remember the fifth. Still, lotta AoE.
Edit: It was a Pantheon. He tried to mandrop and nexus rush us after they respawned after our inhib. That nearly cost them the game, we just couldn't capitalize in the end, obviously.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Oh my fucking god why is my thread as toxic as fucking rants
Keep the toxicity in The Sewer you guys.
Also, I find that I am really terrible in all the other supports I don't main - Janna, Lulu..for some reason I don't know how to work them out. I do have some recent Soraka experience under my belt, but she isn't really a support you bring to solo queue with.
Lulu is epic. I fully endorse learning to play her. I started on Soraka when I first supported, but she does lose a little something when compared to other supports out there. I switched to Lulu and haven't looked back. Her utility is just incredible.
However - I cannot do anything with Leona, which is sad because she's good
When I get Leona, I always get way too excited at engaging and feed nearly every time! I'm an easily excitable person.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA) Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA) Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA) Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/ Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Step 1) Learn to ward. No, seriously, buy some damn wards. Step 2) Don't initiate a "fight" if your ADC is nowhere in range to capitalize on it. If you have a poke support, learn to point your poke where they're -going- to be. Or do it from a brush. Step 3) MOAR WARDS. Step 4) ??? Step 6) Profit. Step 7) You have just noticed there is no step 5.
I don't know what you're doing wrong, cause, you used to do all the supporting when I was a newb. Then you like, tried to take over my main ¬_¬
My guess is you're being too over-aggressive and not warding enough. Because, think about it, your teammates don't know how to ward. Dragon control is important. Baron control... can be iffy at low silver play. I mean, before 30 minutes. Remember what... uh.. I wanna say Reginald said it, but Baron before 30 minutes is a noob trap.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
And then we pushed them back to their nexus turrets... and then the Karthus defile wore us down and we lost. They just had -way- more AoE than we did. Karthus, Sona... I forget who else... There was a Sivir and a GP... I can't remember the fifth. Still, lotta AoE.
Usually in ARAM, Sona and Sivir is enough to mop if the other team doesn't have a lot of range/poke. Blitz and Thresh are both good counters to those AoE heavy teams but... it's luck of the draw (I have terrible luck in ARAM too)... because that team comp is epicly aoe heavy. also,
@Erasariel: Daklore is totally right. The two things that make any support really valuable to their team are 1) warding and 2) warding. protip: play taric, buy sightstone, go bot, stand in front of your adc mid lane, level your stun first, then your heal.. your adc should do nothing but last hit.. you should stand there not attacking anything.. (PRESS S) any time the enemy team (over)extends to beyond halfway between their turret and your turret, stun. (your adc should engage at that point) don't chase, just keep them off the farm until your jungle is interested in gank.. do same thing, but let the jungle or adc follow to kill... don't steal kills... keep creeps halfway or slightly closer to your turrets. if your adc is gone for some reason and creeps are marching toward turret, walk out and let them hit you to hold the line away from turret.. any time you aren't posted there or stunning, you should be dropping wards.. at 6-8 minutes, ward bush at entrance to river from bot, at 10ish minutes start dropping vision wards at dragon, after that point ward everything.. if you do all that (not that much, but mass fun IMO) there is no reason your ADC shouldn't have huge farm and your team should be well on their way to VICTORY.. Taric is probably the easiest support to learn with, he's sort of overpowered.
One of my personal biggest pet peeves with a support is when they try to initiate a fight in bot lane in a situation where we start off at a significant disadvantage for one of many reasons. I had a game where my Janna support was DCd for the first couple minutes. Whatever, played back, farmed what I could, she shows up just as the wave is pushing into the tower. ~6-7 caster creeps and 3-5 melee ones. She runs into the creeps, autos the enemy adc, and tries to start a fight. Obviously being down 10+cs in xp I was behind, she took 300+ damage from minions, then bitched at me for not initiating with her. Don't be this kind of person.
Bot lane you have to work together for the best effect. ADC needs to manage the creep wave if you want to be offensive, you need to make sure they have the clearance to do so (enemy support can't walk up to them freely as Taric, etc). One big thing is that no matter what you might think, if you have to play passively for a bit (you're behind, lots of creep buildup, whatever) don't let that kill your ward coverage. Push up enough to get some basic sight safely so you can't be easily turret dived by 3+ people.
Like everyone else said, warding is the biggest factor overall. Some pros think that support, played well, is the easiest way to move up in ELO once you're above a certain threshold, because if you provide plenty of vision and the right opportunities for initiation, your team will have a lot more to work with. I would not suggest trying this at low ELO, because every lane will feed and vision won't mean anything.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
having to read through Jathu's nonsense is making my brain hurt. can I please summon the moderators to Captain Planet his toxicity away? @Babel, @Phaestus, @Meletus, anyone?
I refuse to read this topic under any circumstances. Please be good to each other and stop doing whatever it was that made someone flag my name here or I will be forced to call in the mean one, (That means @Ourania). thank you.
I preferred when this thread was Achaeans casually chatting about a game they played on the side. Before people were seized by the burning, passionate need to be right, and persuade all non-believers to see the truth by unleashing the power of contempt.
I don't really believe CLG's team manager would be playing a text game and have a Naruto avatar, but I want to.
Tl;dr Jathu is bad and would probably get beat up by Layna IRL.
PS, if anything you said was true about your life, you wouldn't be sitting on a forum for a text game spouting crap at everyone who says something to you.
I used to visit this thread expecting pleasant discussions to the tune of:
These days, what I got was
Sometimes, you all need to relax, rethink things and realize that
Because no matter if you are a novice player who plays bot games or someone from the Uranium League -LIIVIXANADU, sporting medals from every sanctioned and unsanctioned tournament, non-LoL players will just take a look at forums like these, decide that with players like these, LoL must be a horrible game, and stop fueling it with fresh blood, killing the game slowly. Like...you know, cancer.
I don't care who is right in these discussions. Stop being the cancer that is killing LoL.
I have been summoned! Be nice to each other or I will throw you into the pits of Babel's dinner remains (he does NOT eat nice meals) to rot for all eternity.
And before you ask. Yes I do, and mine are Vayne (Sorry @Vayne, you're a chick), Ashe, and Veigar with Soraka for support. And no, I do not play as Diana.
There are nice people who play LoL. People who have fun, laugh, and don't care so much about rankings kdr, or abuse kittens upon losses. More people should come and play with us! (I'm Lianca over on NA)
The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?" The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
Keep the toxicity in The Sewer you guys.
Also, I find that I am really terrible in all the other supports I don't main - Janna, Lulu..for some reason I don't know how to work them out. I do have some recent Soraka experience under my belt, but she isn't really a support you bring to solo queue with.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Well, it probably started happening before then. Oi vey.
Carrying in ARAM is so hard. But, I admit, I'm not that great to begin with XD Enemy team -almost- accidentally threw the game. They had a gauranteed win, and then they suicided on our fountain turret... because, obviously, minions would win it.
Except our inhib respawned.
And then we pushed them back to their nexus turrets... and then the Karthus defile wore us down and we lost. They just had -way- more AoE than we did. Karthus, Sona... I forget who else... There was a Sivir and a GP... I can't remember the fifth. Still, lotta AoE.
Edit: It was a Pantheon. He tried to mandrop and nexus rush us after they respawned after our inhib. That nearly cost them the game, we just couldn't capitalize in the end, obviously.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
Step 2) Don't initiate a "fight" if your ADC is nowhere in range to capitalize on it. If you have a poke support, learn to point your poke where they're -going- to be. Or do it from a brush.
Step 4) ???
Step 6) Profit.
Step 7) You have just noticed there is no step 5.
I don't know what you're doing wrong, cause, you used to do all the supporting when I was a newb. Then you like, tried to take over my main ¬_¬
My guess is you're being too over-aggressive and not warding enough. Because, think about it, your teammates don't know how to ward. Dragon control is important. Baron control... can be iffy at low silver play. I mean, before 30 minutes. Remember what... uh.. I wanna say Reginald said it, but Baron before 30 minutes is a noob trap.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
@Erasariel: Daklore is totally right. The two things that make any support really valuable to their team are 1) warding and 2) warding. protip: play taric, buy sightstone, go bot, stand in front of your adc mid lane, level your stun first, then your heal.. your adc should do nothing but last hit.. you should stand there not attacking anything.. (PRESS S) any time the enemy team (over)extends to beyond halfway between their turret and your turret, stun. (your adc should engage at that point) don't chase, just keep them off the farm until your jungle is interested in gank.. do same thing, but let the jungle or adc follow to kill... don't steal kills... keep creeps halfway or slightly closer to your turrets. if your adc is gone for some reason and creeps are marching toward turret, walk out and let them hit you to hold the line away from turret.. any time you aren't posted there or stunning, you should be dropping wards.. at 6-8 minutes, ward bush at entrance to river from bot, at 10ish minutes start dropping vision wards at dragon, after that point ward everything.. if you do all that (not that much, but mass fun IMO) there is no reason your ADC shouldn't have huge farm and your team should be well on their way to VICTORY.. Taric is probably the easiest support to learn with, he's sort of overpowered.
Bot lane you have to work together for the best effect. ADC needs to manage the creep wave if you want to be offensive, you need to make sure they have the clearance to do so (enemy support can't walk up to them freely as Taric, etc). One big thing is that no matter what you might think, if you have to play passively for a bit (you're behind, lots of creep buildup, whatever) don't let that kill your ward coverage. Push up enough to get some basic sight safely so you can't be easily turret dived by 3+ people.
Like everyone else said, warding is the biggest factor overall. Some pros think that support, played well, is the easiest way to move up in ELO once you're above a certain threshold, because if you provide plenty of vision and the right opportunities for initiation, your team will have a lot more to work with. I would not suggest trying this at low ELO, because every lane will feed and vision won't mean anything.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I don't really believe CLG's team manager would be playing a text game and have a Naruto avatar, but I want to.
PS, if anything you said was true about your life, you wouldn't be sitting on a forum for a text game spouting crap at everyone who says something to you.
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
Let me introduce you to this guy: http://leaguepedia.com/wiki/IWDominate
Everyone knows Idra is the king of BM.
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
Add Gamdo.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."