Humour and homunculus balances got proper split up in this update - now the system tracks both individually and properly. Remember you can check svo.bals.mybalance and also use the svo got balance and svo lost balance events.
Shadowcloak is finally fixed to properly work again after the in-game change to the line.
Miscellaneous fixes
A bunch of fixes made it into this update, see below!
added 'config prompt all' to installation, seems the game doesn't set a prompt anymore
added a clickable trigger continuing to read read messages off search
added a failsafe to mending looping in blackout
added a trigger for a forced gem of negation touch
added a trigger for being unable to hide with people in the room
added another 'already on' devilmark line
added army support for the Priest Reporter
added homunculus prompt balance tags and triggers
added more bashing triggers
added secondsight already on line
fixed 'vconfig haveshroud' to add the shroud defence again
fixed disrupt cures looping if you didn't have the affliction
fixed levitation in the refiller to use eaglefeathers instead of feather
fixed reflect self not to go off prone
fixed Shadowcloak activation
fixed the system not realising rebounding is gone when you win an arena fight with an action that strips it
fixed touching cloak in retardation not recognising parlaysis
introduced svo.reset.general() - and split it up from svo.reset.affs() where it was before. vreseta/vreset affs still does both.
split humour balance into humour and homunculus properly
It's another one of those enourmous with lots of stuff. Hurrah!
Priests read this
Have I got your attention? I hope I have. If you're a Priest, do CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM *hh, *mm, *ee, *ww *b*d*c after updating the system. This will make the in-game prompt show Healing balance, which will allow the system to track it better. If the system ever thinks deaf/blind took your balance away when you healed someone else of it (it's fine it if it is on yourself), then you haven't done this. If someone else complains about it, then they haven't done that either.
Priest balance was also added to the custom prompt tag, @promptstring - which is in use by default - so you should see an E pop up for your balance. There is also a separate tag now available, @healingbal, should you wish to put the balance elsewhere.
Scripting: svo.gettreeableaffs()
This handy new function returns you a list of afflictions that you currently have that are 'simple' - cured by tree, passive healing, bloodboil, and so on. This thus ignores mangles, timed afflictions and others - but includes common things like paralysis, asthma, stupidity and so on.
Knight limbcounter anti-illusion
Yep, finally added it - do tn ai to turn it on.
Balance loss timers
Little times showing how long your balance was missing for have been added to hydra, entities, healing and voice balances. Information is empowering, they say.
NameDB: Mark tracking
Big thanks to Veldrin for contributing Mark tracking to NameDB! Mark status is reflected on whois, and functions to set and check mark status have been added to the API.
Tree strats for perm tattoos
Owners of permanent tree tattoos, rejoice! Two new strategies are now included with Svo - one to touch the tree if you've got more than two afflictions (one wouldn't be useful - most of the time herb/focus/salve/smoke would get it), and another to touch if you've got more than three.
As most people don't have a permanent tree tattoo, these are disabled by default - so visit vconfig2 to turn them on.
Remeber that you can make your own, completely custom tree strats as well.
Improved ninkharsag handling
The system will now recognise it when an obvious cure was hidden by ninkharsag - for example, when you only had one affliction and it hid one, or only two and it hid two. When this isn't obvious, the system will now add an unknownany affliction - forcing you to eventually diagnose (unless you manually diagnose yourself) to sync the affliction tracking.
As a little bonus for me, I now know how to spell ninkharsag.
added hoisted affliction to system and hoist triggers
added hydra breaking shield line
added mark tracking to NameDB - thanks to Veldrin for making this and contributing it!
added ndb.ismark(), ndb.setmark()
added priest balance tracking from the prompt - if you're a priest, make sure to do "CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM *hh, *mm, *ee, *ww *b*d*c"
added the new void diag line
added two new tree curing strats for people with a permanent tree tattoo - any2affs and any3affs (2+ or 3+ affs to touch tree)
fixed a few afflictions not to get removed on an empty tree touch that tree doesn't cure
fixed an issue where if the parry config was corrupted (for whatever reason), the system wouldn't be able to load anything else after and not finish loading successfully either
fixed bedevil defence to require all 5 channels open
fixed deadening cures to be reconised by skill/passive cures and tree
fixed delay mangles still happening on tekura combos which broke the limb with the first punch
fixed dissonance def strip trigger
fixed eaglefeathers to actually be eaglefeather - apparently this is the variation that works
fixed enchanter to wave the feather for worrystones (thanks Jukilian)
fixed hamstring expiring echo that can sometimes show up even if hamstring is gone
fixed healing balance loss not to be counted for blind and deaf when you cure it on yourself
fixed mending/renewal spam on a mangled limb (the line in the game was changed)
fixed meta limbcounter not to overwrite the singleprompt when that is in use
fixed monolith highlight trigger not to conflict with text replacement, and made it a bit brighter as a bonus (thanks Malaphus!)
fixed ninkharsag to get removed if it stays on for far too long
fixed priest self-heal not curing an affliction to be recognised again, as it was changed in the game (doesn't say the "person isn't afflicted" anymore)
fixed simultaneity defence to be removed when you lose one of the channels
fixed some errors from NameDB that could pop up while checking ndb update all
fixed and to actually work
fixed tekura combos registering ghost afflictions seldomly since the last update
fixed the echoback option in svo.config.set to actually work when it's set to false
fixed the system not unpausing and returning the custom prompt after editing a poster
fixed vconfig2 displaying a period in the wrong place when preclotting was on and clotting was off
improved arm balance triggers (thanks Bouff!)
improved ninkharsag handling - if it hides cures of an obvious affliction, the system will take it off
improved ninkharsag to add an unknown affliction when it hides an affliction, so the system will diagnose eventually with enough unknowns
improved system to re-do things that were cancelled by sleep right away when you wake up
set the newly-added tree strategies of any2affs and any3affs to be disabled by default
updated fitness skill detection during install for blademasters to work (it was looking for fitness in shindo before)
Server-side curing has made it into Achaea! See this Announce post for details. The system already has integration with the server-side curing a day later, and other things will improve as time goes on.
tn/tf affs
The system now recognises whenever server-side curing does something*, and has an option to switch to the server-side curing for curing afflictions. Doing tf affs will turn off the systems curing and enable the server-side curing, while leaving the system unpaused - so sipping, dor, defences, and all other functions of the system are online. Give it a go and see how you do! tn affs will turn the systems curing back on.
There are opportunities to improve upon this - add an option to use server-side health/mana sip, syncronise curing priorities. If anyone has other ideas, let me know (if you want them to happen, anyway).
* I haven't yet tested every single cure - I couldn't get server-side curing to use salves yesterday. Eating and smoking are fine, if there is a case of the system not recognising what the server-side curing system cured - mail me a log, please!
Devil tarot
You can now defup and keepup Devil tarot.
added a new section to docs: "Running scripts when Svo is ready"
added a trigger for a pestilence ring
added a trigger for when you die in a shipwreck to pause
added devil tarot to defup/keepup
added recognition of server-side curings commands
added tn/tf affs to enable/disable the systems affliction curing and use the server-side curing instead
fixed curing of mangled limbs in blackout with AI on
fixed firewall enchanting in the third-party magi enchanter
fixed hydra balance times showing up on the wrong line
fixed icewalls trigger to highlight all icewalls in the room again
fixed up devil and devilmark triggers (thanks Hirst!)
improved astralform to lose the riding defence
removed some system things from vshow ignorelist that didn't make sense to ignore and weren't ignorable
updated tf affs to turn curing reporting on. The system needs to see what the server-side curing is doing to be able to track it
There's been a fair bit of big changes to the game through classleads in the game lately, and I'm working through them. It'll take a few days though, and to ease the pain of having an outdated system, this intermediate update is published. This covers most of the Alchemist changes plus the new syntax error message that's popping up. More updates will follow to complete updating the system!
added a 'svo started fullstats' event
added a trigger for bedevil aff rebounding to account for unknown affs
added a voice balance going away trigger
added bedevil aura rebounding an affliction to work for disrupts as well
added humour levels & curing of them
added humours extra levels detection
added the swellskin aff (increases herb balance on next eat)
added truewrack unknowns detection
deleted fluids
deleted sfluids toggle
fixed a meropis pacifism bashing trigger to be peace
fixed anti-illusion not to go off on cures being applied too fast when serverside curing is on
fixed behead warning to work for two-word weapons
fixed curing to work with swellskin
fixed glare trigger
fixed the 'Syntax: OUTRIFT [num|ALL] ' line popping up
improved tekura monk detection to catch more lines (and thus apply restoration earlier if it's an all in one combo)
NameDB: added alchemist class detection for a few more attacks
removed lust from being ignored when server-side curing is on; it doesn't cure it
removed some defences that were put on ignore accidentally when you turned off aff curing
updated all lines for the new humours
updated diag not to say an affliction is ignored when server-side curing is on
updated frost defence to remove temperance as well when it goes away
updated names of some strippable defences, keepup was missing some of them getting stripped until a 'def'
updated restoration refills for the gold change
updated wracking to add the appropriate amount of humour levels depending on the afflictions you've got
Just a heads up, I know you said more updates are coming but pipe refilling is pretty broken right now, SVO doesn't take into account the pipe balance when trying to smoke the last puff and then refill, so currently refilling only works if you use refillat 0
This is the second half of system updates to cover the classlead changes - covers things like pipe balances and so on. The system is pretty much updated for the classlead changes now and is no longer outdated.
Dragonheal balance
Dragonheal balance has been added, and works as you'd expect - the system won't dragonheal when you haven't got it, it shows up in vshowb and svo.bals, and system events are raised for it.
Smoke balance
Smoke balance has been added as a 'real' balance to the system - it existed before, all smoke-related affs were on it already, but they just didn't use it. Same as dragonheal, smoke balance shows up everywhere you'd expect it, and it has the balance timer visible well.
Important: since smoke balance priorities actually matter now, adjust aeon & other important friends to be higher up in the priority!
Purgative balance
Similar to the smoke balance, purgative balance already existed - sipping immunity/antigen will now use it up.
Inundate effects
The system now properly accounts for inundate effects, and in case of the Phlegmatic one where you get hidden, randomised afflictions, it'll try to do a best guess at what you've got.
The newly-added Evileye truestare defence is now available on defup and keepup.
Sileris timeout
The sileris timeout has been increased per the classlead changes from 6s to 8s.
The system now tracks the pinshot affliction, and won't vault if you've got it up.
A note on pre-filling pipes
The system hasn't yet been updated not to use the refillat feature while you've got selfishness up. If you have selfishness up, you can't use the EMPTY syntax to empty a pipe; the only way to empty it was to smoke it away. Since there is a smoke balance in place now, you can't do that. Either put selfishness down when fighting (not a great idea) or set the refillat to be 0, so the system will only refill it when it actually runs out. This change does give an edge to Aeon, as you can't make sure your pipes don't run out so easily anymore - and related just to the smoke balance itself, you can be put off smoke balance before being given aeo, delaying the curing.
Any chance we can add gripping to vodun/puppetry defences? It is possible it's already in the system and I missed it.. If so, please disregard. Thanks for the updates Vadi
Just a quick update for the changed deathsight line in the game and a few other things that came by.
added a few more occy ent balance loss lines
added a note on affliction names in documentation
added devil/devilmark off line
documented vconfig decaytime option in elist sorter (the option was already visible in vconfig2)
fixed aff curing status not being loaded right (system would think its curing was on when it was actually off)
improved unnamable trigger to account for randomness in affliction delivery time
updated AI to account for server curing system's commands
updated deathsight line
updated system to recognise when the server curing lights pipes
updated the 'max stuff in rift' line
updated the system to use the "light pipes" command for lighting pipes. A note though, when you have an empty unlit pipe, the game says you haven't got any pipes that need lighting - in the odd case the system thinks the pipe is full when it's empty, it'll get confused and keep trying to light it. Check plist when that happens - it'll refill it & then light it successfully.
updated tree, dragonheal not to remove affs madness blocks from curing when you've got maddness
The gripping defence has been added to puppetry and vodun skillsets, so you can defup and keepup it now.
Disrupts herb curing
Herb curing has been added to the rest of disrupts afflictions, alongside focus curing. By default, they'll be at the bottom of the herb priorities - you can move them up with vshow > herb if you'd like.
Better tracking of server-side
The system will now track when server-side is curing impales, and a specific case where the system thought you had frozen but server-side cures shivering is accounted for now as well.
Herb madness cures
A follow-up to the previous update where dragonheal/tree/etc no longer wipes madness and the affs it blocks, herbs no longer do as well when you get no cures.
added an 'already on' line for groundwatch
added grip to puppetry/vodun
added herb curing to disrupts
added more bashing triggers
added tracking to server-side curing for impales
added tracking to server-side curing shivering when the system thinks we've got frozen
fixed empty herb eating wiping madness affs when you've got madness
updated guarding trigger
updated judgement warnings for artefact maces
updated soulspear line for named spears
updated the limbcounter AI not to have false positives
The smoking line was changed in the game within the last 24h - it's not in any announce as far as I could see. This system update updates the line in the system, so the system will now again realise when it smoked and stop spamming.
Automatic updates won't workduring this update. They will for all future updates. Dropbox changed how stuff works, so you need to give the system a hand in getting over the hump.
To manually update, uninstall the system from the package manager, download the zip from the original email link, and install the zip in the package manager. Your system settings will stay.
Do not use Safari on a Mac to download, it will autounzip and give you headaches.
The system now accounts for the hypochondria affliction changes, curing it before impatience, lethargy, illness, and addiction. Default priorities have also been updated to reflect the importance of hypochondria for when you don't have those afflictions - use vupdate prios after you've updated the system to reset them, if you aren't using your own custom ones.
The system has been updated for wielding changes, so autorewield will no longer go nuts when you unwield.
A lot of other stuff is in, see changelog below.
added a 'svo limb broke' even to the knight limbcounter (others are coming)
added already gripping line
added clinging line for ships
added Earthshaker line
added falcon def strip trigger for own falcon
added humours to be ignored when using server-side curing
added more bashing triggers
added some more long-eq lines for alchemist summon
changed system update links from dropbox to
Does the change with dropbox have something to do with the reason I cannot install the newest download?
Yes. Log in to Mudlet, wait for Svo's "I can't download" spam to finish. Go into package manager. Uninstall any one of the Svo folders (they'll all be uninstalled). Manually download your Svo file from Dropbox - (replace Character with your character's name). Within package manager, click Install and navigate to where you saved the zip. Wait for install. Restart Mudlet. Enjoy.
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Vadi, im considering buying this system for my Runie, problem is that im brand new to mudlet and dont have a working gui yet. Would you mind posting a screenie of svo on a blank fresh profile so I can see what my screen will look like? I use a 23 in monitor with a native 1080p res. (1920-1080 pixels).
New season, new update. Happy spring or autumn!
Homunculus balance
Humour and homunculus balances got proper split up in this update - now the system tracks both individually and properly. Remember you can check svo.bals.mybalance and also use the svo got balance and svo lost balance events.
Shadowcloak is finally fixed to properly work again after the in-game change to the line.
Miscellaneous fixes
A bunch of fixes made it into this update, see below!
Mudlet Discord join up
I had a longer post written up but the CMS somehow stuffed up upon saving the draft and erased most of the post
Mudlet Discord join up
It's another one of those enourmous with lots of stuff. Hurrah!
Priests read this
Have I got your attention? I hope I have. If you're a Priest, do CONFIG PROMPT CUSTOM *hh, *mm, *ee, *ww *b*d*c after updating the system. This will make the in-game prompt show Healing balance, which will allow the system to track it better. If the system ever thinks deaf/blind took your balance away when you healed someone else of it (it's fine it if it is on yourself), then you haven't done this. If someone else complains about it, then they haven't done that either.
Priest balance was also added to the custom prompt tag, @promptstring - which is in use by default - so you should see an E pop up for your balance. There is also a separate tag now available, @healingbal, should you wish to put the balance elsewhere.
Scripting: svo.gettreeableaffs()
This handy new function returns you a list of afflictions that you currently have that are 'simple' - cured by tree, passive healing, bloodboil, and so on. This thus ignores mangles, timed afflictions and others - but includes common things like paralysis, asthma, stupidity and so on.
Knight limbcounter anti-illusion
Yep, finally added it - do tn ai to turn it on.
Balance loss timers
Little times showing how long your balance was missing for have been added to hydra, entities, healing and voice balances. Information is empowering, they say.
NameDB: Mark tracking
Big thanks to Veldrin for contributing Mark tracking to NameDB! Mark status is reflected on whois, and functions to set and check mark status have been added to the API.
Tree strats for perm tattoos
Owners of permanent tree tattoos, rejoice! Two new strategies are now included with Svo - one to touch the tree if you've got more than two afflictions (one wouldn't be useful - most of the time herb/focus/salve/smoke would get it), and another to touch if you've got more than three.
As most people don't have a permanent tree tattoo, these are disabled by default - so visit vconfig2 to turn them on.
Remeber that you can make your own, completely custom tree strats as well.
Improved ninkharsag handling
The system will now recognise it when an obvious cure was hidden by ninkharsag - for example, when you only had one affliction and it hid one, or only two and it hid two. When this isn't obvious, the system will now add an unknownany affliction - forcing you to eventually diagnose (unless you manually diagnose yourself) to sync the affliction tracking.
As a little bonus for me, I now know how to spell ninkharsag.
Tons of various stuff below, read on.
Mudlet Discord join up
Server-side curing has made it into Achaea! See this Announce post for details. The system already has integration with the server-side curing a day later, and other things will improve as time goes on.
tn/tf affs
The system now recognises whenever server-side curing does something*, and has an option to switch to the server-side curing for curing afflictions. Doing tf affs will turn off the systems curing and enable the server-side curing, while leaving the system unpaused - so sipping, dor, defences, and all other functions of the system are online. Give it a go and see how you do! tn affs will turn the systems curing back on.
There are opportunities to improve upon this - add an option to use server-side health/mana sip, syncronise curing priorities. If anyone has other ideas, let me know (if you want them to happen, anyway).
* I haven't yet tested every single cure - I couldn't get server-side curing to use salves yesterday. Eating and smoking are fine, if there is a case of the system not recognising what the server-side curing system cured - mail me a log, please!
Devil tarot
You can now defup and keepup Devil tarot.
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Mudlet Discord join up
Whoops, mudlet crashed during the update and now I don't have any svo installed. How do I fix?
I'm good now
Just a heads up, I know you said more updates are coming but pipe refilling is pretty broken right now, SVO doesn't take into account the pipe balance when trying to smoke the last puff and then refill, so currently refilling only works if you use refillat 0
Wouldn't it run out of puffs and then refill anyway?
Mudlet Discord join up
It appears to reset to 9 puffs after it fails to refill and you need to Plist for SVO to recognize that its empty.
puff skullcap
You take a long drag off your pipe. (2 skullcap left)
Your lungs have recovered enough to smoke another mineral or plant.
puff skullcap
You take a long drag off your pipe. (1 skullcap left)(outr skullcap|smoke 341268|smoke 341268|put skullcap in 341268)
You remove 1 skullcap, bringing the total in the Rift to 638.
Your lungs have not yet recovered enough to allow you to smoke.
Your lungs have not yet recovered enough to allow you to smoke.
A long, elegant ebony pipe is full and will hold no more items.
Your lungs have recovered enough to smoke another mineral or plant.
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
puff skullcap
You take a long drag off your pipe.
You puff on the pipe, but your existing aura of weapons rebounding negates any effect. (9 skullcap left)
Your lungs have recovered enough to smoke another mineral or plant.
Your lungs have recovered enough to smoke another mineral or plant.
Stat Pipe Contents Remaining Decay
artfct pipe353677 slippery elm ( 10 puffs) n/a (re-enable lighting)
artfct pipe341268 empty n/a
artfct pipe336015 a valerian leaf ( 8 puffs) n/a (re-enable lighting)(outr
skullcap|put skullcap in 341268)
You remove 1 skullcap, bringing the total in the Rift to 637.
You fill your pipe with a skullcap flower.
Mudlet Discord join up
That'd suck balls if you tried to smoke elm to cure the aeon only to discover you had to fill the pipe.
Mudlet Discord join up
14.5.2 update!
This is the second half of system updates to cover the classlead changes - covers things like pipe balances and so on. The system is pretty much updated for the classlead changes now and is no longer outdated.
Dragonheal balance
Dragonheal balance has been added, and works as you'd expect - the system won't dragonheal when you haven't got it, it shows up in vshowb and svo.bals, and system events are raised for it.
Smoke balance
Smoke balance has been added as a 'real' balance to the system - it existed before, all smoke-related affs were on it already, but they just didn't use it. Same as dragonheal, smoke balance shows up everywhere you'd expect it, and it has the balance timer visible well.
Important: since smoke balance priorities actually matter now, adjust aeon & other important friends to be higher up in the priority!
Purgative balance
Similar to the smoke balance, purgative balance already existed - sipping immunity/antigen will now use it up.
Inundate effects
The system now properly accounts for inundate effects, and in case of the Phlegmatic one where you get hidden, randomised afflictions, it'll try to do a best guess at what you've got.
The newly-added Evileye truestare defence is now available on defup and keepup.
Sileris timeout
The sileris timeout has been increased per the classlead changes from 6s to 8s.
The system now tracks the pinshot affliction, and won't vault if you've got it up.
A note on pre-filling pipes
The system hasn't yet been updated not to use the refillat feature while you've got selfishness up. If you have selfishness up, you can't use the EMPTY syntax to empty a pipe; the only way to empty it was to smoke it away. Since there is a smoke balance in place now, you can't do that. Either put selfishness down when fighting (not a great idea) or set the refillat to be 0, so the system will only refill it when it actually runs out. This change does give an edge to Aeon, as you can't make sure your pipes don't run out so easily anymore - and related just to the smoke balance itself, you can be put off smoke balance before being given aeo, delaying the curing.
See stuff below.
Mudlet Discord join up
Any chance we can add gripping to vodun/puppetry defences? It is possible it's already in the system and I missed it.. If so, please disregard. Thanks for the updates Vadi
Sure, send me a mail with the syntax, the on, already on, off, already off and defence lines.
Mudlet Discord join up
14.5.3 update!
Just a quick update for the changed deathsight line in the game and a few other things that came by.
Mudlet Discord join up
An update to fix up some general things!
The gripping defence has been added to puppetry and vodun skillsets, so you can defup and keepup it now.
Disrupts herb curing
Herb curing has been added to the rest of disrupts afflictions, alongside focus curing. By default, they'll be at the bottom of the herb priorities - you can move them up with vshow > herb if you'd like.
Better tracking of server-side
The system will now track when server-side is curing impales, and a specific case where the system thought you had frozen but server-side cures shivering is accounted for now as well.
Herb madness cures
A follow-up to the previous update where dragonheal/tree/etc no longer wipes madness and the affs it blocks, herbs no longer do as well when you get no cures.
Mudlet Discord join up
Important update for the smoking change line!
Smoking line
The smoking line was changed in the game within the last 24h - it's not in any announce as far as I could see. This system update updates the line in the system, so the system will now again realise when it smoked and stop spamming.
Automatic updates won't work during this update. They will for all future updates. Dropbox changed how stuff works, so you need to give the system a hand in getting over the hump.
To manually update, uninstall the system from the package manager, download the zip from the original email link, and install the zip in the package manager. Your system settings will stay.
If you've lost your original email, you can substitute your character name in: and download in the browser.
Do not use Safari on a Mac to download, it will autounzip and give you headaches.
The system now accounts for the hypochondria affliction changes, curing it before impatience, lethargy, illness, and addiction. Default priorities have also been updated to reflect the importance of hypochondria for when you don't have those afflictions - use vupdate prios after you've updated the system to reset them, if you aren't using your own custom ones.
The system has been updated for wielding changes, so autorewield will no longer go nuts when you unwield.
A lot of other stuff is in, see changelog below.
Mudlet Discord join up
Hi Vadi,
The tattoo add-on triggers need to be updated. Once a tattoo is finished the system remains paused and it doesn't auto-touch.
Thanks for your hard work!
Noticed, thanks!
Mudlet Discord join up
Does the change with dropbox have something to do with the reason I cannot install the newest download?
Yes. Log in to Mudlet, wait for Svo's "I can't download" spam to finish. Go into package manager. Uninstall any one of the Svo folders (they'll all be uninstalled). Manually download your Svo file from Dropbox - (replace Character with your character's name). Within package manager, click Install and navigate to where you saved the zip. Wait for install. Restart Mudlet. Enjoy.
Vadi smoking line changed
is what it is now@Klendathu, awesome, thanks!
Yeah that is included, see Smoking line.
Mudlet Discord join up
Aha, after spending 20 minutes fixing my profile last night, I know what caused the issue for me.
Vadi, im considering buying this system for my Runie, problem is that im brand new to mudlet and dont have a working gui yet. Would you mind posting a screenie of svo on a blank fresh profile so I can see what my screen will look like? I use a 23 in monitor with a native 1080p res. (1920-1080 pixels).
Mudlet Discord join up
Since the update, this has been changing back and forth from this to Do have.
You easily vault onto the back of a vibrant xaohlatl.
(svo): Don't have balanceless vaulting.
Haven't had balanceless since runie. Aand it keeps bouncing between vault and mount. No explanation why.