Quick update prompted by the in-game line change for standing, brings in several fixes and a set of NameDB improvements, too!
Stand trigger
The standing line in the game got changed, so this update reflects the change. You can also add the new line into the svo stand trigger as a temporary measure before you get a chance to update.
Balzadeen as a def
The Balzadeen got added in for Apostates - it can be deffed up now (the system will properly get 100% mana before raising one), get tracked from ENT, and defences that require a Balzadeen active will now respect that, and summon a Balzadeen first if you've allowed it on defup.
Races added to NameDB
NameDB now tracks the race of a person along with other attributes! It'll realize this either off honours, or you can do ndb set <person> race <their race>.
New API function: ndb.addname
ndb.addname("name") or ndb.addname({"name1", "name2", ...}) allow you to add new names for NameDB to check. This function will allow you to build your own crawlers and so on for your NameDB to havest even more names!
NameDB friends list
NameDB now shows the friends classes and totals on your friends list (provided you have any). This is similar to how it showed this for clanwho and partywho. Thanks to Lynara for adding this in.
NameDB: eating lines while checking fixed
NameDB would sometimes delete one more line than it needed to when gagging a name - this was visible when checking qw for several names. This issue has been fixed.
added an eliminate start trigger (gives an echo if the person is an enemy per ndb)
added Baalzadeen to defup/keepup, and tracking for Baalzadeen-relevant defences
added Balzadeen tracking from ENT
added more bashing triggers
added the new standing trigger
fixed mana change to report the max mana, not health
fixed prone in blackout delaying stand at times
fixed svo.config.set() not to show a prompt if you set the value without an echo
NameDB: added an Immortals section to qwc
NameDB: added an ndb.addname("name") or ndb.addname({"name1", "name2", ...}) function for data import
NameDB: added citizenship line to check a person
NameDB: added FRIENDS LIST to show classes (thanks to Lynara for the code)
NameDB: added honors to work as well as honours (and variants without the S)
NameDB: added race tracking!
NameDB: fixed checking a lot of people deleting more lines than it should at times
NameDB: fixed highlights to be removed on ndb delete all
NameDB: fixed lists sometimes capturing prompt flags
NameDB: fixed vconfig2 to say the right tooltip for highlight pauses
NameDB: improved dragon tracking by honors - it now also considers dragonform along with XP rank
NameDB: improved name checking to delete invalid recorded names, so it doesn't get stuck trying to check them
NameDB: improved ndb cancel to hide the checking window
NameDB: improved vconfig politics to have the color list link on top
Another update shortly after 13.4.1, because I messed up. Sorry about that! Instead of fixing blackout+prone to be quicker to retry, I broke it, it was very spammy now. This update rectifies this quickly.
For some people, some times, auto-updating would not work properly - it'd either get stuck updating, or update and install on system, and so on. I did a bit of digging and one possible cause for this issue seems to be that Dropbox instead of giving the system when downloading it, bugs out and doesn't deliver the system. Then of course installing that wouldn't work, so you'd be left without a system.
Svo will now verify the zip it downloads and will redownload it again if that happens, so after this update, the process will be smoother.
added more bashing triggers
fixed balzadeen and pentagram to show up under Apostasy
fixed block defup and keepup conflicting during defup
fixed knight limbcounter echoes to show in org color
fixed spamming stand in blackout
improved resiliency of the system updates (Dropbox is screwy sometimes)
Hey! New update is here for the Bard, Blademaster and Dropbox changes.
Dropbox stuff
Dropbox changed some things around, which broke the mapper scripts crowdmap and Svo's autoupdates. This means that vupdate will not work on this update I did however work out and fix the problem, so after you do this update, it will work again.
Update your mapper script
In case you haven't updated already, check rl, it should say the following:
(mapper): version 13.4.1.
If it's an earlier version, make sure to update it - download the latest one from here. This'll make crowdmap updates work again.
Updating your Svo
You'll need to manual this updatem as the auto-updater will get fixed in this update and doesn't work due to Dropbox changes yet. To do so, use the original link for your system to download the latest copy (if you've lost yours, feel free to ask me about it). Uninstall your old Svo in the Package Manager, and then install the new zip you've downloaded. Restart Mudlet and you'll be done.
Bard changes
As per the Bard classleads in Announce 3825, 3826, the system has been updated for all of the Bard-related changes. Pesante, Cantata and Noise effects and lines were adjusted. Tremolo and Vibrato was added, with the system also not wasting salve balance on mending/renewal. Appropriate anti-illusion was also added for this.
Blademaster changes
The system was also updated for the small Blademaster classleads as per Announce 3827.
A new customprompt tag has been added: @exits. This lists the current exits your room has on the prompt. An upper-case version, @EXITS, is available as well.
NameDB: improved qw speed
Pulling the names from qw was a bit slow for some people on Windows, so the speed of that was improved. Recent additions to qw also include qw update (to re-check all people on current qw) and qwc (to see qw sorted by city members).
Svo classtricks and NameDB
Svo's classtricks and NameDB have been integrated - and NameDB will now auto-set the class of the opponent you're fighting automatically. This has been proofed against illusions with lifevision and the new vconfig autoclassset # option, which requires x consecutive hits from the class before it sets it.
A new event was also added, svo got hit by that provides the class (and the name if available) that you can use for scripting.
A whole lot of other additions and improvements made it in as well, see the changelog below:
added blue M and m's to Telepathy and Kaido skills
added demon armour, mask Baalzadeen to persist through death
added integration between NameDB and classtricks - NameDB will automatically detect and set class of people during combat
added Lifevision checking for auto-class enabling
added line for soulspear shattering prism
added more bashing triggers (thanks Nemesio!)
added new arm/leg break lines in bashing
added new Cantata line
added new Tremolo, Vibratos in (the system will appropriately delay mending and not waste salve balance), along with the anti-illusion for it
New update, as you'd expect of Svo quality, for the recent changes in the game. Shallam is gone and Targossas, the Dawnspear rises - Svo and NameDB have been updated for this fact.
Targossas renaming
The update has been made to be as painless as possible, so as many things as possible have been automated. Your vconfig org setting will auto-change to Targossas if you've previously have had set it on Shallam. All known Shallamese citizens by NameDB will be auto-migrated to be Targossians whenever you load up Mudlet, and whenever you import data (so your old backups will transition). You will might need to update vconfig politics city relationship statuses to reflect your orgs political reality.
In regards to scripting, ndb.isshallamese() will still be working as it was. If you used ndb.getcity() however, it will now return "Targossas" for a Targossian citizen, so you will have to adjust that. A new function, ndb.istargossian(), was added as well.
added faster clotting if your mana allows it and you're bleeding a lot
deleted Shallam, added Targossas in Svo
fixed illusions stripping defs that show up on prompt working
fixed pesante rebounding still registering a stun
improved Svo to remember which vials you ran out of on restart
inker addon: made it touch tattoos as it inks, instead of all at the end in a row
NameDB: added ndb.getcolorp(), similar to ndb.getcolor but does not prefix <>'s for cecho use. Can be used with fg/bg. Returns nil if there is no color for the person
NameDB: added ndb.istargossian()
NameDB: deleted Shallam, added Targossas. Existing Shallamese citizens will be auto-migrated to Targossas, ndb.isshallamese() will still work, although ndb.getcity will return "Targossas" now (so if you used the former, make sure to update your scripts)
Two new customprompt tags have been added - @day, which shows the current in-game day, and @month, which shows the current in-game month. They're powered by the new IRE.Time GMCP extension that Achaea has added.
New updates for Jester classleads, curing fixes and new improvements!
Jester classleads
Jester classleads are here, and so the system got an updated Bop trigger for the mental afflictions it now gives and the vodun/puppetry trigger was updated to take prone into equasion as well.
Restoration curing
Restoration curing in the system was slightly wonky due to the unexpected addition of the "limb too damaged to cure in that manner" line - this has now been fixed, and it's fine once again.
Bloodleech detection
Bloodleech-going-away detection was improved to take account into GMCP (since bloodleeches already show on INFO HERE, it is no different). This means the system will now detect you lost a bloodleech when you leap or jump out of the room and so on.
Peopletracker: ppof alias
A new alias got added to the peopletracker; ppof <citizens> will report the currently online, ungemmed citizens of a city to your CC (so party or clan or whatever). The alias also allows you to lazy-type the city name: i.e., ppof a or ppof ash will do it for Ashtan and so on.
New scripting goodies
A fair bit of new and interesting functions and events are available to scripters now. Check out the docs for svo.usingbalance(), svo.doing(), and svo.not_illusion() functions. A svo started defup event is now raised when you start deffing up in a defence mode, and all limbcounters received a svo limbcounter hit event that is raised when you connect to a limb of your victim.
Svo now cures voyria with tree when out of immunity/antigen
Something that I personally think is very cool, Svo will now use tree to cure your voyria should you run out of immunity and antigen. Assuming you've got a tree tattoo, of course. The cool part about is that the system has advanced enough to make this possible: it tracks the sips your vials have of a given thing. This is available for scripting as well, see svo.es_potions.
Fullstats and transmute
Fullstats has been fixed to work properly when you've got a transmute mode enabled - it didn't before, and never really caught my attention as I haven't played a monk.
svo.me.wielded improvements
svo.me.wielded table has been fixed to account for the Char.Items.Remove change, and additionally, it now uses the right/left/both flags to set svo.me.wielded[item].hand to left, right or both.
NameDB: added rogues highlighting
It's been asked for, and now it's here! Rogues are available as a highlighting category in NameDB. See your improved vconfig politics after you update and restart Mudlet.
NameDB: added improved cwho
Your cwho will now show people who have obtained Dragon, and when they are in Dragon, it will show their lesser class. Big thanks to Veldrin for making and contributing the code for this!
Changelog & everything else:
added a "svo limbcounter hit" event for limbcounters
added a "svo started defup" event that is raised at the start of going into defup
added a dragonlock (when you can't dragonheal)
added a mounted trample symptom to recognize unmounted
added an impatience symtom when trying to meditate
added color customprompts to docs
added feather tattoo to be recognized as levitation (system can't use it yet however)
added GMCP-based bloodleech detection (they show up on INFO HERE as well)
added impaled by soulspear diag line
added more bashing triggers (thanks to everyone who sends them in!)
added svo.usingbalance(), svo.doing(), and svo.not_illusion() functions
added tree curing selarnia line
fixed chargeshield to require air channel
fixed druid dampening line
fixed fullstats to work with transmute enabled
fixed haemophilia and several other detected symptoms to remove an unknown
fixed hold breath anti-illusion check for asthma going off for people who don't have breath if their pipes weren't in order
fixed impale writhing to take into account arm balances
fixed pesante and martellato to be detected properly with an occultist damage rebound aura
fixed Ulgase's aeon trigger
fixed vitality not to go off while numb
improved monk limbcounter not to count hits from the same combo that breaks a limb
made the system touch tree when you have voyria and no antigen/immunity
NameDB: added Dragon/Lesser class to cwho (thanks to Veldrin for the code)
NameDB: added rogues as a category that can be highlighted
Offering script: removed extra prompt trigger
Peopletracker: added ppof alias
removed auto-pause when you burrow, since you can still sip and eat herbs underground
updated Bop trigger for mental afflictions
updated changed Spirit channel opening line
updated svo.me.wielded to set the hand attribute to "both", "left" or "right" based on the GMCP flags
updated system for the new "limb too damaged to cure in that manner" that was messing with restoration curing
A day after the classleads, the system has been updated for all the Monk classleads! Take note that hitting Guarding is now a 2s stun instead of prone.
Limbcounter updates
All limbcounters have been updated to take the new Guarding line into account!
However the Monk one at the time of the writing does not deal with the new Combo command well yet - this has slipped my attention, and another update will be done shortly to rectify that.
Anti-illusion improvements
Hypersomnia is now double-checked by AI when it is on before it is cured! This helps improve the systems AI in general.
Remember that you can add your own illusions to be ignored with svo.ignore_illusion(), and undo detected illusions with svo.not_illusion() (so the system doesn't think something is an illusion if it's not).
Devil tarot tracking
Devil Tarot is now tracked by svo.defc.devil, and the svo got def, svo lost def events. While it doesn't make too much sense to keepup or defup this defence, having it be tracked by the system will allow you to script with it easier, which is the intended idea.
Peopletracker: ppwith improvement
ppwith will now also echo the text back to you, so when you aren't in a party, you can still see with whom a particular person is. Thanks to Dontarion for the idea!
New function: svo.ccnop()
svo.ccnop() is similar to svo.cc("stuff I want to announce"), except that it will go off when the system is paused. It will not go off if you are in aeon or retardation.
This function is useful because sometimes there are announces you want to get through pause, i.e. when you are propping a totem and enemies hit it.
vconfig burrowpause
Auto-pause on burrow is back, this time as an option to please everybody. It's on by default, and with it on, the system will automatically pause when you burrow, so it doesn't spam things. The downside is that it won't cure or heal you either, which is feasible in a limited manner while burrowed.
vconfig freevault
This new option tells the system whenever your vaulting takes up balance or not. The system auto-detects and auto-sets this by itself, so you don't have to worry about configuring it.
If your vault takes up no balance, then the system, when you get proned and knocked off your mount, can send stand vault, and dor or your custom function all at once - shaving you off ping time from just getting up and vaulting at once, and then doing dor or your custom function.
Priest blessings / Alchemist empowerments in Dragonform
Class defences now show up in Dragonform as additional defences! This means that Priest Dragons can now see their blessings and Alchemist Dragons can see the empowerment they have. Same with Magi Chargeshields and so on!
More stuff:
added a new slain trigger by rune to detect death
added anti-illusion check for hypersomnia
added bard fear line
added blackout prompt + vote to be recognized for blackout mode
added choke trigger to count for a persons class
added Devil tarot tracking (svo.defc.devil)
added inlove cure lines to tree and passive curing
added more bashing triggers
added new guarding line to be ignored by limbcounters
added new roundhouse line
added ppwith to also echo the line to yourself
added soulcage and transmog lines not to tick off disrupt
added svo.ccnop - a variant of svo.cc that goes off when paused
added targetted magi prone trigger
added vconfig burrowpause option (toggles whenever the system auto-pauses on death or not)
added vconfig freevault option (tells the system whenever your vaulting takes balance or is free - this is so it can do stuff right away when you stand|vault. The system also auto-detects and auto-sets this option by itself)
elist sorter: fixed the setpotion syntax to accept multiple words
fixed blind cancelling transfix from bashing NPCs still getting counted as transfix
fixed breath keepup not to go off in asthma
fixed class defs to show up in Dragonform as additional defs if they stay (so Priests can see their blessings now, Alchemists can see their empowerments in Dragonform)
fixed parry to reset on death/starburst
fixed prompt tags to properly reflect unknownany / unknownmental counts when loki is visible with a symptom
fixed transfix symptom for duanathar making (i)'s
fixed tree getting used for voyria all the time if you didn't have the elist sorter addon
improved balanceful and balanceless functions to run inline with stand|vault being done, and not right after
inker addon: will now put inks away if you try to ink a tattoo you actually can't
Hi! Timely update to help the system deal with the new Targossian arena properly.
svo.me.wielded improvements
I've improved svo.me.wielded to have it keep tracking properly when vconfig autorewield is off, and it now handles the swap hands command as well. Additionally, it raises an svo me.wielded updated event whenever the table is updated, allowing you to create GUI trackers for your wielded items.
Targossian arena
The new Targossian arena has been added to the system, which'll help stop it from spazzing out while fighting in it. Additionally, I've added a vconfig autoarena option which you can turn off and turn arena mode on/off manually instead to handle this in the future without an update.
ppwith fix
The previous update messed up ppwith - making it not work if the person was with a group (which kind of defeats the point). ppwith is now fixed once again!
Better amnesia+aeon handling
The system now deals with amnesia and aeon far more efficienty, cancelling the amnesia ASAP and restarting whatever it was doing in the same go.
New NameDB alias: ndb
NameDB now sports an ndb alias, which lists all of the aliases from the docs page right within Mudlet for you! You can hover over or click on an alias to get its description. ndb long is a similar version, with all of the alias descriptions expanded.
New NameDB data capture: clan lists
For those who'd like to have ALL THE NAMES in their NameDB, Lynara contributed a way to vacuum those names from clanhelp <clan>! So next time you do clanhelp mudlet... yeah.
A ton of useful improvements also made it in, see changelog below:
added a "svo limbcounter reset" and "svo limb reset" events to all limbcounters
added a ton of voice balance triggers - thanks Cesarina! This improves the voice balance tracking
added an example of "Registering custom tags when Svo is ready" to documentation
added arrowcatch to be properly recognized by defstrip triggers
added grove defences coming off lines (thanks Swadryt!)
added more bashing triggers (big thanks to everyone who sends them in)
added more variables to svo.me in docs
added ndb.iscityenemy(), ndb.isimmortal(), ndb.exists() to NameDB docs
added svo me.wielded updated event
added Targossian arena for automatic arena mode on/off
added tn autoarena, an option you can use to enable/disable turn on/off of the arena mode
added Vodun sleep trigger
changed the default F2 dor example to be 'kill' instead of 'kick'
docs: documented and added svo.me.wielded examples
docs: documented svo.defs.defup() and svo.defs.keepup()
fixed ppwith not reporting someone anymore if they were with a group
fixed svo.me.wielded tracking breaking when vconfig autorewield is off
fixed targetted Dragoncurse to go through anti-illusion
fixed tekura stances now to be done while you are not mounted only
improved amnesia+aeon handling to cancel amnesia and restart whever the system was doing right away
improved givevial in refiller to work with selfishness
improved installation to stop properly if you didn't have GMCP on
improved keepup for blocking not to go off while deffing
improved svo.me.wielded to handle SWAP HANDS
made the system block again quickly after trying to block a direction failed (because you moved rooms just before block went through and the exit doesnt exist anymore)
NameDB: added "ndb" and "ndb long" aliases to server as cheatsheets
NameDB: added clan info to capture names (thanks Lynara!)
NameDB: improved grammar from "and of those" to ", of those" when reporting Dragons
NameDB: improved whois to mention (manual) when the ally/enemy status of a person has been set manually
NameDB: made citizens dormant capture names as well
removed some named generic illusions, other AI methods are handling them now
Very quick follow-up to the previous update, had a bug: limb breaks with venoms / long lines weren't being recognized. Sorry about this! Please update once again ASAP.
As always, if you have any general feedback for improvements or problems - please mail or message me.
This is part 1/2 of the updates for new Occultist lines. All lines and new afflictions have been added; and the system will fare much better now. You will, however, want to adapt your offensive and defensive strategies against the new Occultist!
For Cadmus, a new option was introduced - vconfig focuswithcadmus. With this off (default), the system will not focus while you've got cadmus. When you do have it on, the system will focus while you've got cadmus - and the reason you'll want to do that is that sometimes it's beneficial to swap one high-priority mental affliction for a lower-priority physical one. It's a bit of a gamble, and this is untested, so that's why there's an option for you to enable and play with it. In part 2/2, the option will be augmented by a list of afflictions which you'll specify which to use focus for. So, for example, you could have it risk using focus for stupidity but not vertigo.
Missing things that will come in update 2/2 are:
Nin'kharsag handling
List for focusable cadmus afflictions
Occultist entity balance tracking
added added Instill
added all the new Occultist lines, with the exception of Nin'kharsag handling. That'll be a weak point until part 2 of the update (coming soon as well) comes.
added loneliness to the list of madness affs
added palpatar delaying speed/quicksilver time
added pyradius handling
added rixil delaying focus balance time
added rixil, hecate, palpatar, and cadmus tracking
added vconfig focuswithcadmus - with this on, the system will use focus while you've got cadmus (focus will still cure a mental affliction, but cadmus will give you a physical one). The default is off for this, but you can turn it on if you think it is still beneficial to focus. This is a stop-gap solution: a better way of handling this will come in part 2 of the occultist update.
Hiya - this update brings improved Cadmus handling, Occultist entities balance tracking, and various scripting improvements.
More flexible Cadmus
You can now specify which afflictions should focus be used to cure while you've got cadmus, in addition to the blanket "use/don't use focus with cadmus". Cadmus is the Occultist affliction that cannot be cured directly, gives you physical afflictions if you use focus while you have it, and lasts until you've cured all of the relevant physical afflictions.
To select which affs you'd like to see focus used on, click on vconfig2 → adjust affs. The list is fairly intuitive and you select things by clicking on the checkboxes.
Entities balance tracking
Occultist entities balance is now tracked by the system, in the similar manner that the voice and hydra balances are. You will see it on your prompt of you're using @promptstring tag or by adding the new @entitiesbal one.
You can also use it in your scripting with svo.bals.entities and the svo got balance, svo lost balance events.
Improved scripting things
You can now check if an illusion was registered within a svo.aiprompt() trigger with svo.me.haveillusion. svo.ignore_illusion() does not delete aiprompts (allowing you to use them for other purposes), and this will enable you to act accordingly if an illusion has been detected.
svo.reset.bals() was introduced to reset all balances, and svo.prio.getlist(balance) will give you a list of priorities on a balance. Particularly useful if you want to get some data out of the system as to what actions are focusable, cured by salves, and so on.
What happened to 13.8.2?
It was bad and didn't load right, so 13.8.3 quickly fixed it. If you have upgraded to 13.8.2 in the meantime, please update manually to fix the system. Sorry about this.
More stuff got improved as well, see below:
added a clickable menu to select which afflictions still should use focus while you've got cadmus (and an appropriate API as well)
added Actar and Golgotha defences to Domination (chaosorb got renamed and repurposed)
This is the official Svo update for ANNOUNCE NEWS #3932, and it includes the quick fix - so after updating, you don't need to do that anymore.
The system has been updated to handle addiction eating, and updated all of the lines for the affliction as well.
Precache has been adjusted to precache a maximum of one item while you have addiction. So if you've got 5 bloodroot and 5 kelp on precache normally, while you have addiction, it'll keep 1 bloodroot and 1 kelp out. This makes sense as every eat will consume the entire portion of that herb/mineral anyhow, so it'd be a waste to have more.
fixed herb looping with addiction and anti-illusion
improved precache to only precache 1 of a thing if you've got precache setup and have addiction
New update - covers Priest classleads and the intermediate salve changes!
New Priest afflictions
This update handles the new disrupt family of Priest afflictions - both in curing, trigger adjustment necessary, and the @affs tag.
As new afflictions get added to the bottom of the priorities, it is recommended that you do vupdate prios after upgrading to move the disrupts up, if you haven't customized your prios setup. If you have, move the disrupts up yourself as necessary.
New Healing balance
From the Priests POV, the system now tracks and respects the Healing balance and the Bedevil affliction.
The healing balance is also available for scripting - via the svo.bals.healing variable, and the svo got balance, svo lost balance events.
Healing modes have not been adjusted yet - they were still being worked on when the salve changes necessitated an update. I'm still working out good ways of handling it - but meanwhile, full, partial and none healing modes are still available. Full might make sense for bashing, but partial not so for PK.
Priest Healer
The Priest healer has been updated - given how you can't mass-heal afflictions anymore, the healer has been reworked to heal afflictions one at a time in the order of priority. This means that for one cre, you'll get one affliction healed - and if you want another healed, use cre again (this is so 10 afflictions won't occupy your healing balance for the next 20s).
The importance of afflictions is determined from your aeon/retardation priority (because that's a place where everything is within one, comparable list).
crc alias was also updated to heal insomnia last.
Spazzing leg curing
The spazzing leg curing that happened since the last few updates was fixed and works fine now! As always, do let me know if you run into any other issues.
13.9.1 update
13.9.1 was a pretty short-lived update - for some time, Achaea's salves that didn't require a bodypart for an application suddenly did, thus breaking the typical "apply mass" and so on syntax. However the update broke Lifevision mask artefact, and it failed to actually make use of the syntax, so 13.9.2 came about to fix that up.
A whole set of other things were updated as well, see below:
added 'svo config changed' to pp alias
added addiction symptoms for adding/removing it
added bedevil defence tracking
added handling of all disrupts in triggers
added new 'already have lifevision' line
added new disrupts as afflictions and proper curing for them
added spirit disrupts to default prios (use 'vupdate prios' to reset prios to new)
added tracking of the new Healing balance
fixed addiction to work with hawthorn
fixed bloodleech haemophilia to be registered with anti-illusion on
fixed frost getting stripped as a def not being upkept
fixed hypersomnia to be registered with anti-illusion and insomnia on
fixed infestation maggots impatience to be registered if your Mudlet screenwidth is 80
fixed lifevision from 13.9.1 update
fixed Metamorphosis Gaze to register confusion as well (thanks Josoul!)
fixed Metamorphosis Glare to register impatience as well
fixed red dragon breath to use the new 'dragonfire'
fixed salve curing spazzing out after a leg was broken and you needed to stand
fixed salve priorities not being applied right on dsl venom cripples and a limb break (regression after tremolo/vibrato stuff)
fixed sensitivity registering in certain cases when only deaf was stripped
fixed svo.clearbalanceful() breaking dor
fixed various typos in the documentation
improved cadmus aff list to show what is cadmus' effect
improved vconfig org to work with 'rogue' as well as 'none'
NameDB: fixed whois ALLCAPITALS to work
removed some Occultist entity lines that didn't actually take entity balance
updated 'vupdate class' and 'vupdate addons'
updated apply syntaxes to require a bodypart
updated dragonforming to the case change in the game's message
updated Healing to respect the new healnig balance
updated priest healing addon: as you can't cure everything in one go now, it'll only cure the most important affliction. Use it again to cure another (or do something else). Big thanks to Melodie for helping test it!
updated salve applications to actually target bodyparts, and localized no cures better
updated trigger bubonis line for typo bugfix in-game
This update follows shortly on the heels of 13.9.2, introducing Elder Dragon support into the system! Congratulations to all of the Dragons who are achieving this feat. As well as Elder Dragons, the updates fixes some miscallaneous things. Runewarden classleads do not require any changes in the system, so there's nothing new in that regard.
added a missing 'svo config changed' event for the dragonbreath option
added bedevil to be defup/keepup-able
added elder dragon support and all things associated with that
fixed a redundant (i) that can happen with impatience on
fixed the elder dragonform start line to work for any colour
fixed typo'd "actar" to be "arctar"
improved elist sorter not to stop system loading if the save file got corrupted
New update! Two in one even, because the first one had two minor problems.
Serpent shrugging is in! It's dealt with in the same successful model as you'll already find dragonheal, tree and restore being dealt with. Shrugging has pre-setup curing strategies you can enable/disable easily via the UI or scripting, and you can also create your own, which can be quite complex and clever, for when you'd like it to be used.
You'll also find that the @promptstring customprompt tag will show shrugging in it now, and a new tag, @shrugging, was added as well to make use of.
Scripting-wise, shrugging-related balance changes now get raised as you'd expect ("svo lost balance" and "svo got balance"), and shrugging is available for querying at svo.bals.shrugging.
Shrugging is off by default - not every Serpent has it at start as a skill. Make sure to turn it on, if you have it, by doing vconfig shrugging yep.
Scripting prios
An improvement to manipulating priorities via scripting - svo.prio.insert(). This is complimentary to the already available swapping function - but unlike swapping, it'll insert a priority in the given position and automatically shift everything else down if it needs to. Swapping will swap places of two things only.
Lyre mode improvements
A whole bunch of improvements were made to Lyre mode to make it more trustworthy in combat - thanks to Rangor for showing the issues, testing the fixes and dying at least once. It is, however, much better now! When you have a concussion or stupidity, doubledo will make sure to avoid double doing the lyre command - since that will break it. lyc is better now - sometimes if you were lagging enough, it'd send commands in after it sent all of them already + the lyre strum - it doesn't anymore. And lastly, if you got stunned in the unlucky moment between the strum command being sent and it going through - the system wouldn't unpause from the pause it did for the lyre. It'll now, however, do it immediately and properly.
Immediate transmute
Transmute mode has been improved to do all the transmute steps at once! Instead of the previous transmute, wait for the transmute command to go through, transmute again, ...the system will now do all of the transmutes at once. According to Draqoom, who helped to test and retest as I perfected this, "... it runs smoother, heals faster and lets me attack quicker without having to wait for it to transmute between/before attacks.".
Making sure it is still safe to use and doesn't over-transmute is the tricky part in doing this, but with some extensive testing it has been tuned to work perfectly. If it is not working well for your ping/internet speed setup, do get in touch.
Faster clotting
Clotting speed has been improved as well to work better on slower connections by batching things when it can, while still remaining safe to use in regards to mana use levels. This'll help against Blademasters, Alchemists and anyone else who stacks a lot of bleeding on you (within your reasonable health/mana limits, of course).
NameDB qw
NameDB's qw now has a little addition that mentions how many people are visible in total. Thanks to Silas for the idea!
Reworked Pyradius trigger
The code behind the Pyradius (firelord, transforms your affs) was improved not to give (i)'s with anti-illusion and generally handle the afflictions better, and properly as it should.
Message summaries
Message search lists, summaries and the general messages lists all now made the message numbers clickable - so you can click to read the message, instead of having to type out "m s g r e a d 1 4 5 1".
NameDB scripting improvements
NameDB offers three new functions in this update - ndb.shouldbold(name), ndb.shoulditalicize(name), ndb.shouldunderline(name). These allow you to check if NameDB is going to bold, italisize or underline a name - so you can, in your scripting, replicate the same thing NameDB would do on text from the game.
A whole lot more stuff also made it in; see changelog below:
I forgot to mention in the latest update notes - lyre mode for Metamorph users will now morph and sing in one go, instead of morphing and then singing once morphed. Enjoy!
A quick maintenance update fixing a small set of things - mostly fixing Priest Healing to heal all afflictions a Priest can again.
Priest Healing
The problem was introduced in the last update when I inadvertently sorted the list of healing skills in alphabetical order (instead of leaving it be in the order of learning).
I've also improved the Priest Healing addon to mention the reason why can't it heal an affliction when it can't do so - either because you don't know how to cure that particular affliction, or you don't have the necessary channels open.
A few stuff all around as usual, see below.
added a prompt to vshow ignorelist
added a roundhouse kick to the monk limbcounter
added addiction symptom to be recognized (thanks Hirst)
added entities disloyalty symptom (thanks Hirst)
added mana use to Chivalry Mastery
added more bashing triggers (thanks everyone!)
added war net webbing line
documentation fixed instances of 'svo' to mention 'Svo' as the name
documentation: added a screeshot of 'vshow ignore'
fixed a typo in a Svo protip of the healer addon
fixed an e! for Viridians with the meta limbcounter attacking certain creatures
fixed Priest Healing thinking you can't cure or heal some afflictions since the last update before this
fixed the description of checkparalysis on vshow ignore
improved 'vshow ignorelist' to show a prompt at the end
improved Priest Healing addon to explain why can't it cure an affliction (either you don't have the skill or the channel isn't open)
NameDB: improved 'whois ' to align class and XP rank properly
Holidays season is here, and so is a new Svo! This one brings presents in forms of timely fixes to newly-discovered issues.
Retardation illusion
The fix for the new illusion that enables retardation mode is in, along with improvements to detect when you aren't actually in retardation. Also keep in mind that Svo has an alias, vrmaff, that will remove any affliction, right away, no questions asked.
NameDB: new function
NameDB's scripting now gets an easy way to manually set a name to be an enemy or an ally regardless of everything else: ndb.setiff(). This functions in the same and familiar manner as the iff alias.
Not much to add to them here, so read the list below: Changelog:
added a *ton* of new bashing triggers - big thanks to Rispok, Tessa, Iakimen and anyone else who submitted them
added a new metamorphosis flame defence line
added and documented vconfig ccto army
added Quarterstaff prone line
fixed shrugging not to go off in Dragonform
fixed system for the new Tremolo not to apply restoration every time
fixed vconfig org to unset the status of the org that you switch to in NameDB
fixed well-timed tree touch, restore illusions clearing affs
improved "retardation going away" detection to be more quick
improved devilmark not to go off when devil is up
improved lyre defup/keepup to check for vconfig lyre
improved recklessness detection to take mana into account
improved restore strats not to count crippled limbs that are also mangled or mutilated
improved retardation auto-detection to be quicker, and not so easily trigger-able by illusions
improved stormhammer targetting to target demolitionists and other NPCs with long names
Quick update to take advantages of new features introduced in classleads!
Bell tattoo
The bell tattoo has been repurposed in the game, and now serves a fairly useful role - so it has been added as a defup/keepup defence to the system! You can now def it up whenever you'd like.
If you add it to your basic keepup, it'll be put up automatically right when you login - because the system starts by default in the basic defences mode, and when keepup is on, it makes sure its defences are up.
Subterfuge gained an ability to view wormholes when the secondsight defence is up - the system can now defup and keepup secondsight as well.
Fitness, on the other hand, got stripped of its defence ability. It has now also been removed from defup/keepup - but you still can use it to cure asthma.
A bunch of things were fixed; thanks for reporting them:
added 'svo.config.set("ndbpaused", ) to NameDB docs
added a note to priest healer docs about cre's priorities
added bell tattoo as a defence
added mickey's herb balance stealing effect
added more bashing triggers (thanks to everyone who sends them in!)
added secondsight as a defence
added Tekura stripping deaf line
added the bedevil already on line
added the lightwall darkshade line
added vconfig setpotion to docs for elist sorter
fixed constitution defence stopping illness to be taken into account
fixed sensitivity from targetted dragoncurse only stripping deaf still getting added
improved documentation quality in general in a few places
removed fitness as a defence
rewrote and improved the 'Setting a custom prompt' chapter of docs
A quick update to address the update of the Shadowcloak lines in the game and add new stuff.
Humour balance
Humour balance is now tracked by the system and available in the custom prompt as a prompt tag! Big thanks to Seifur for collecting and sending them in. svo.balance.humour and balance events as available as well as you'd expect.
Totals in NameDB
NameDB will now show the total amount of people online in the class counts, helping you easily realise how many citymates, people in the party or a clan you've got.
Fixed up echanter
Jukilian has fixed up and improved the enchanter include in the system, so give it a go again. A new alias, enchant list, has also been added to help work out some of the less intuitive syntaxes for enchanting.
Quicker paralysis & stand
The system has been improved to chain curing paralysis and standing to do so at once if it's feasible, which is a boon for non-US people against prone & paralysis spam.
A bunch of other improvements as available as well as you'd expect, see below for the full list!
A short update to fix city, house and order enemies updating - which was unfortunately broken with the last update. Sorry about that.
As a useful tip, remember that you can swap afflictions not only by clicking around in vshow but also by editing the lists directly - and in fact creating new lists even, customising them for any combat scenario and loading them in as necessary. Check out this section of the docs.
The last update for Rift changes didn't account for all changes - I didn't realise that the 'glancing into your rift' line's colour is now game-configurable. Since the systems trigger was tied to the colour, the update did not work for everybody. This update rectifies this and restores herb curing!
I'm not excluding the possibility of another update needed after this, since we might discover something else that was changed by the rift updates in the game but wasn't announced.
fixed Viridian limbcounter to work for sides again
updated the rift start line not to depend on colour
Another update to fix the herb-eating issue - the new outr trigger was done wrong and was messing the system up (by removing the herb altogether from svo.me.riftcontents). This prompt update fixes the issue.
disabled accidental highlighting of the rift
fixed an issue where outr'ing something would wipe it from svo.me.riftcontents, causing problems
Quick update prompted by the in-game line change for standing, brings in several fixes and a set of NameDB improvements, too!
Stand trigger
The standing line in the game got changed, so this update reflects the change. You can also add the new line into the svo stand trigger as a temporary measure before you get a chance to update.
Balzadeen as a def
The Balzadeen got added in for Apostates - it can be deffed up now (the system will properly get 100% mana before raising one), get tracked from ENT, and defences that require a Balzadeen active will now respect that, and summon a Balzadeen first if you've allowed it on defup.
Races added to NameDB
NameDB now tracks the race of a person along with other attributes! It'll realize this either off honours, or you can do ndb set <person> race <their race>.
New API function: ndb.addname
ndb.addname("name") or ndb.addname({"name1", "name2", ...}) allow you to add new names for NameDB to check. This function will allow you to build your own crawlers and so on for your NameDB to havest even more names!
NameDB friends list
NameDB now shows the friends classes and totals on your friends list (provided you have any). This is similar to how it showed this for clanwho and partywho. Thanks to Lynara for adding this in.
NameDB: eating lines while checking fixed
NameDB would sometimes delete one more line than it needed to when gagging a name - this was visible when checking qw for several names. This issue has been fixed.
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13.4.2 update
Another update shortly after 13.4.1, because I messed up. Sorry about that! Instead of fixing blackout+prone to be quicker to retry, I broke it, it was very spammy now. This update rectifies this quickly.
For some people, some times, auto-updating would not work properly - it'd either get stuck updating, or update and install on system, and so on. I did a bit of digging and one possible cause for this issue seems to be that Dropbox instead of giving the system when downloading it, bugs out and doesn't deliver the system. Then of course installing that wouldn't work, so you'd be left without a system.
Svo will now verify the zip it downloads and will redownload it again if that happens, so after this update, the process will be smoother.
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Hey! New update is here for the Bard, Blademaster and Dropbox changes.
Dropbox stuff
Dropbox changed some things around, which broke the mapper scripts crowdmap and Svo's autoupdates. This means that vupdate will not work on this update
I did however work out and fix the problem, so after you do this update, it will work again.
Update your mapper script
In case you haven't updated already, check rl, it should say the following:
(mapper): version 13.4.1.
If it's an earlier version, make sure to update it - download the latest one from here. This'll make crowdmap updates work again.
Updating your Svo
You'll need to manual this updatem as the auto-updater will get fixed in this update and doesn't work due to Dropbox changes yet. To do so, use the original link for your system to download the latest copy (if you've lost yours, feel free to ask me about it). Uninstall your old Svo in the Package Manager, and then install the new zip you've downloaded. Restart Mudlet and you'll be done.
Bard changes
As per the Bard classleads in Announce 3825, 3826, the system has been updated for all of the Bard-related changes. Pesante, Cantata and Noise effects and lines were adjusted. Tremolo and Vibrato was added, with the system also not wasting salve balance on mending/renewal. Appropriate anti-illusion was also added for this.
Blademaster changes
The system was also updated for the small Blademaster classleads as per Announce 3827.
@exits customprompt tag
A new customprompt tag has been added: @exits. This lists the current exits your room has on the prompt. An upper-case version, @EXITS, is available as well.
NameDB: improved qw speed
Pulling the names from qw was a bit slow for some people on Windows, so the speed of that was improved. Recent additions to qw also include qw update (to re-check all people on current qw) and qwc (to see qw sorted by city members).
Svo classtricks and NameDB
Svo's classtricks and NameDB have been integrated - and NameDB will now auto-set the class of the opponent you're fighting automatically. This has been proofed against illusions with lifevision and the new vconfig autoclassset # option, which requires x consecutive hits from the class before it sets it.
A new event was also added, svo got hit by that provides the class (and the name if available) that you can use for scripting.
A whole lot of other additions and improvements made it in as well, see the changelog below:
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13.4.4 update
New update, as you'd expect of Svo quality, for the recent changes in the game. Shallam is gone and Targossas, the Dawnspear rises - Svo and NameDB have been updated for this fact.
Targossas renaming
The update has been made to be as painless as possible, so as many things as possible have been automated. Your vconfig org setting will auto-change to Targossas if you've previously have had set it on Shallam. All known Shallamese citizens by NameDB will be auto-migrated to be Targossians whenever you load up Mudlet, and whenever you import data (so your old backups will transition). You will might need to update vconfig politics city relationship statuses to reflect your orgs political reality.
In regards to scripting, ndb.isshallamese() will still be working as it was. If you used ndb.getcity() however, it will now return "Targossas" for a Targossian citizen, so you will have to adjust that. A new function, ndb.istargossian(), was added as well.
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13.4.5 update
New update for the Dragoncraft changes!
Added triggers for the new targetted Dragoncrafts curse ability, and added recklessness, weakness as blocking afflictions to Dragonheal.
@day and @month tags
Two new customprompt tags have been added - @day, which shows the current in-game day, and @month, which shows the current in-game month. They're powered by the new IRE.Time GMCP extension that Achaea has added.
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New updates for Jester classleads, curing fixes and new improvements!
Jester classleads
Jester classleads are here, and so the system got an updated Bop trigger for the mental afflictions it now gives and the vodun/puppetry trigger was updated to take prone into equasion as well.
Restoration curing
Restoration curing in the system was slightly wonky due to the unexpected addition of the "limb too damaged to cure in that manner" line - this has now been fixed, and it's fine once again.
Bloodleech detection
Bloodleech-going-away detection was improved to take account into GMCP (since bloodleeches already show on INFO HERE, it is no different). This means the system will now detect you lost a bloodleech when you leap or jump out of the room and so on.
Peopletracker: ppof alias
A new alias got added to the peopletracker; ppof <citizens> will report the currently online, ungemmed citizens of a city to your CC (so party or clan or whatever). The alias also allows you to lazy-type the city name: i.e., ppof a or ppof ash will do it for Ashtan and so on.
New scripting goodies
A fair bit of new and interesting functions and events are available to scripters now. Check out the docs for svo.usingbalance(), svo.doing(), and svo.not_illusion() functions. A svo started defup event is now raised when you start deffing up in a defence mode, and all limbcounters received a svo limbcounter hit event that is raised when you connect to a limb of your victim.
Svo now cures voyria with tree when out of immunity/antigen
Something that I personally think is very cool, Svo will now use tree to cure your voyria should you run out of immunity and antigen. Assuming you've got a tree tattoo, of course. The cool part about is that the system has advanced enough to make this possible: it tracks the sips your vials have of a given thing. This is available for scripting as well, see svo.es_potions.
Fullstats and transmute
Fullstats has been fixed to work properly when you've got a transmute mode enabled - it didn't before, and never really caught my attention as I haven't played a monk.
svo.me.wielded improvements
svo.me.wielded table has been fixed to account for the Char.Items.Remove change, and additionally, it now uses the right/left/both flags to set svo.me.wielded[item].hand to left, right or both.
NameDB: added rogues highlighting
It's been asked for, and now it's here! Rogues are available as a highlighting category in NameDB. See your improved vconfig politics after you update and restart Mudlet.
NameDB: added improved cwho
Your cwho will now show people who have obtained Dragon, and when they are in Dragon, it will show their lesser class. Big thanks to Veldrin for making and contributing the code for this!
Changelog & everything else:
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Monk changes
A day after the classleads, the system has been updated for all the Monk classleads! Take note that hitting Guarding is now a 2s stun instead of prone.
Limbcounter updates
All limbcounters have been updated to take the new Guarding line into account!
However the Monk one at the time of the writing does not deal with the new Combo command well yet - this has slipped my attention, and another update will be done shortly to rectify that.
Anti-illusion improvements
Hypersomnia is now double-checked by AI when it is on before it is cured! This helps improve the systems AI in general.
Remember that you can add your own illusions to be ignored with svo.ignore_illusion(), and undo detected illusions with svo.not_illusion() (so the system doesn't think something is an illusion if it's not).
Devil tarot tracking
Devil Tarot is now tracked by svo.defc.devil, and the svo got def, svo lost def events. While it doesn't make too much sense to keepup or defup this defence, having it be tracked by the system will allow you to script with it easier, which is the intended idea.
Peopletracker: ppwith improvement
ppwith will now also echo the text back to you, so when you aren't in a party, you can still see with whom a particular person is. Thanks to Dontarion for the idea!
New function: svo.ccnop()
svo.ccnop() is similar to svo.cc("stuff I want to announce"), except that it will go off when the system is paused. It will not go off if you are in aeon or retardation.
This function is useful because sometimes there are announces you want to get through pause, i.e. when you are propping a totem and enemies hit it.
vconfig burrowpause
Auto-pause on burrow is back, this time as an option to please everybody. It's on by default, and with it on, the system will automatically pause when you burrow, so it doesn't spam things. The downside is that it won't cure or heal you either, which is feasible in a limited manner while burrowed.
vconfig freevault
This new option tells the system whenever your vaulting takes up balance or not. The system auto-detects and auto-sets this by itself, so you don't have to worry about configuring it.
If your vault takes up no balance, then the system, when you get proned and knocked off your mount, can send stand vault, and dor or your custom function all at once - shaving you off ping time from just getting up and vaulting at once, and then doing dor or your custom function.
Priest blessings / Alchemist empowerments in Dragonform
Class defences now show up in Dragonform as additional defences! This means that Priest Dragons can now see their blessings and Alchemist Dragons can see the empowerment they have. Same with Magi Chargeshields and so on!
More stuff:
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Hi! Timely update to help the system deal with the new Targossian arena properly.
svo.me.wielded improvements
I've improved svo.me.wielded to have it keep tracking properly when vconfig autorewield is off, and it now handles the swap hands command as well. Additionally, it raises an svo me.wielded updated event whenever the table is updated, allowing you to create GUI trackers for your wielded items.
Targossian arena
The new Targossian arena has been added to the system, which'll help stop it from spazzing out while fighting in it. Additionally, I've added a vconfig autoarena option which you can turn off and turn arena mode on/off manually instead to handle this in the future without an update.
ppwith fix
The previous update messed up ppwith - making it not work if the person was with a group (which kind of defeats the point). ppwith is now fixed once again!
Better amnesia+aeon handling
The system now deals with amnesia and aeon far more efficienty, cancelling the amnesia ASAP and restarting whatever it was doing in the same go.
New NameDB alias: ndb
NameDB now sports an ndb alias, which lists all of the aliases from the docs page right within Mudlet for you! You can hover over or click on an alias to get its description. ndb long is a similar version, with all of the alias descriptions expanded.
New NameDB data capture: clan lists
For those who'd like to have ALL THE NAMES in their NameDB, Lynara contributed a way to vacuum those names from clanhelp <clan>! So next time you do clanhelp mudlet... yeah.
A ton of useful improvements also made it in, see changelog below:
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13.7.2 update
Very quick follow-up to the previous update, had a bug: limb breaks with venoms / long lines weren't being recognized. Sorry about this! Please update once again ASAP.
As always, if you have any general feedback for improvements or problems - please mail or message me.
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Quick update that fixes limb breaks to be properly recognized - the last update still had problems. Sorry about that.
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This is part 1/2 of the updates for new Occultist lines. All lines and new afflictions have been added; and the system will fare much better now. You will, however, want to adapt your offensive and defensive strategies against the new Occultist!
For Cadmus, a new option was introduced - vconfig focuswithcadmus. With this off (default), the system will not focus while you've got cadmus. When you do have it on, the system will focus while you've got cadmus - and the reason you'll want to do that is that sometimes it's beneficial to swap one high-priority mental affliction for a lower-priority physical one. It's a bit of a gamble, and this is untested, so that's why there's an option for you to enable and play with it. In part 2/2, the option will be augmented by a list of afflictions which you'll specify which to use focus for. So, for example, you could have it risk using focus for stupidity but not vertigo.
Missing things that will come in update 2/2 are:
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13.8.3 update
Hiya - this update brings improved Cadmus handling, Occultist entities balance tracking, and various scripting improvements.
More flexible Cadmus
You can now specify which afflictions should focus be used to cure while you've got cadmus, in addition to the blanket "use/don't use focus with cadmus". Cadmus is the Occultist affliction that cannot be cured directly, gives you physical afflictions if you use focus while you have it, and lasts until you've cured all of the relevant physical afflictions.
To select which affs you'd like to see focus used on, click on vconfig2 → adjust affs. The list is fairly intuitive and you select things by clicking on the checkboxes.
Entities balance tracking
Occultist entities balance is now tracked by the system, in the similar manner that the voice and hydra balances are. You will see it on your prompt of you're using @promptstring tag or by adding the new @entitiesbal one.
You can also use it in your scripting with svo.bals.entities and the svo got balance, svo lost balance events.
Improved scripting things
You can now check if an illusion was registered within a svo.aiprompt() trigger with svo.me.haveillusion. svo.ignore_illusion() does not delete aiprompts (allowing you to use them for other purposes), and this will enable you to act accordingly if an illusion has been detected.
svo.reset.bals() was introduced to reset all balances, and svo.prio.getlist(balance) will give you a list of priorities on a balance. Particularly useful if you want to get some data out of the system as to what actions are focusable, cured by salves, and so on.
What happened to 13.8.2?
It was bad and didn't load right, so 13.8.3 quickly fixed it. If you have upgraded to 13.8.2 in the meantime, please update manually to fix the system. Sorry about this.
More stuff got improved as well, see below:
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This is the official Svo update for ANNOUNCE NEWS #3932, and it includes the quick fix - so after updating, you don't need to do that anymore.
The system has been updated to handle addiction eating, and updated all of the lines for the affliction as well.
Precache has been adjusted to precache a maximum of one item while you have addiction. So if you've got 5 bloodroot and 5 kelp on precache normally, while you have addiction, it'll keep 1 bloodroot and 1 kelp out. This makes sense as every eat will consume the entire portion of that herb/mineral anyhow, so it'd be a waste to have more.
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13.9.2 update!
New update - covers Priest classleads and the intermediate salve changes!
New Priest afflictions
This update handles the new disrupt family of Priest afflictions - both in curing, trigger adjustment necessary, and the @affs tag.
As new afflictions get added to the bottom of the priorities, it is recommended that you do vupdate prios after upgrading to move the disrupts up, if you haven't customized your prios setup. If you have, move the disrupts up yourself as necessary.
New Healing balance
From the Priests POV, the system now tracks and respects the Healing balance and the Bedevil affliction.
The healing balance is also available for scripting - via the svo.bals.healing variable, and the svo got balance, svo lost balance events.
Healing modes have not been adjusted yet - they were still being worked on when the salve changes necessitated an update. I'm still working out good ways of handling it - but meanwhile, full, partial and none healing modes are still available. Full might make sense for bashing, but partial not so for PK.
Priest Healer
The Priest healer has been updated - given how you can't mass-heal afflictions anymore, the healer has been reworked to heal afflictions one at a time in the order of priority. This means that for one cre, you'll get one affliction healed - and if you want another healed, use cre again (this is so 10 afflictions won't occupy your healing balance for the next 20s).
The importance of afflictions is determined from your aeon/retardation priority (because that's a place where everything is within one, comparable list).
crc alias was also updated to heal insomnia last.
Spazzing leg curing
The spazzing leg curing that happened since the last few updates was fixed and works fine now! As always, do let me know if you run into any other issues.
13.9.1 update
13.9.1 was a pretty short-lived update - for some time, Achaea's salves that didn't require a bodypart for an application suddenly did, thus breaking the typical "apply mass" and so on syntax. However the update broke Lifevision mask artefact, and it failed to actually make use of the syntax, so 13.9.2 came about to fix that up.
A whole set of other things were updated as well, see below:
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This update follows shortly on the heels of 13.9.2, introducing Elder Dragon support into the system! Congratulations to all of the Dragons who are achieving this feat. As well as Elder Dragons, the updates fixes some miscallaneous things. Runewarden classleads do not require any changes in the system, so there's nothing new in that regard.
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New update! Two in one even, because the first one had two minor problems.
Serpent shrugging is in! It's dealt with in the same successful model as you'll already find dragonheal, tree and restore being dealt with. Shrugging has pre-setup curing strategies you can enable/disable easily via the UI or scripting, and you can also create your own, which can be quite complex and clever, for when you'd like it to be used.
You'll also find that the @promptstring customprompt tag will show shrugging in it now, and a new tag, @shrugging, was added as well to make use of.
Scripting-wise, shrugging-related balance changes now get raised as you'd expect ("svo lost balance" and "svo got balance"), and shrugging is available for querying at svo.bals.shrugging.
Shrugging is off by default - not every Serpent has it at start as a skill. Make sure to turn it on, if you have it, by doing vconfig shrugging yep.
Scripting prios
An improvement to manipulating priorities via scripting - svo.prio.insert(). This is complimentary to the already available swapping function - but unlike swapping, it'll insert a priority in the given position and automatically shift everything else down if it needs to. Swapping will swap places of two things only.
Lyre mode improvements
A whole bunch of improvements were made to Lyre mode to make it more trustworthy in combat - thanks to Rangor for showing the issues, testing the fixes and dying at least once. It is, however, much better now! When you have a concussion or stupidity, doubledo will make sure to avoid double doing the lyre command - since that will break it. lyc is better now - sometimes if you were lagging enough, it'd send commands in after it sent all of them already + the lyre strum - it doesn't anymore. And lastly, if you got stunned in the unlucky moment between the strum command being sent and it going through - the system wouldn't unpause from the pause it did for the lyre. It'll now, however, do it immediately and properly.
Immediate transmute
Transmute mode has been improved to do all the transmute steps at once! Instead of the previous transmute, wait for the transmute command to go through, transmute again, ...the system will now do all of the transmutes at once. According to Draqoom, who helped to test and retest as I perfected this, "... it runs smoother, heals faster and lets me attack quicker without having to wait for it to transmute between/before attacks.".
Making sure it is still safe to use and doesn't over-transmute is the tricky part in doing this, but with some extensive testing it has been tuned to work perfectly. If it is not working well for your ping/internet speed setup, do get in touch.
Faster clotting
Clotting speed has been improved as well to work better on slower connections by batching things when it can, while still remaining safe to use in regards to mana use levels. This'll help against Blademasters, Alchemists and anyone else who stacks a lot of bleeding on you (within your reasonable health/mana limits, of course).
NameDB qw
NameDB's qw now has a little addition that mentions how many people are visible in total. Thanks to Silas for the idea!
Reworked Pyradius trigger
The code behind the Pyradius (firelord, transforms your affs) was improved not to give (i)'s with anti-illusion and generally handle the afflictions better, and properly as it should.
Message summaries
Message search lists, summaries and the general messages lists all now made the message numbers clickable - so you can click to read the message, instead of having to type out "m s g r e a d 1 4 5 1".
NameDB scripting improvements
NameDB offers three new functions in this update - ndb.shouldbold(name), ndb.shoulditalicize(name), ndb.shouldunderline(name). These allow you to check if NameDB is going to bold, italisize or underline a name - so you can, in your scripting, replicate the same thing NameDB would do on text from the game.
A whole lot more stuff also made it in; see changelog below:
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Mudlet Discord join up
A quick maintenance update fixing a small set of things - mostly fixing Priest Healing to heal all afflictions a Priest can again.
Priest Healing
The problem was introduced in the last update when I inadvertently sorted the list of healing skills in alphabetical order (instead of leaving it be in the order of learning).
I've also improved the Priest Healing addon to mention the reason why can't it heal an affliction when it can't do so - either because you don't know how to cure that particular affliction, or you don't have the necessary channels open.
A few stuff all around as usual, see below.
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Mudlet Discord join up
Holidays season is here, and so is a new Svo! This one brings presents in forms of timely fixes to newly-discovered issues.
Retardation illusion
The fix for the new illusion that enables retardation mode is in, along with improvements to detect when you aren't actually in retardation. Also keep in mind that Svo has an alias, vrmaff, that will remove any affliction, right away, no questions asked.
NameDB: new function
NameDB's scripting now gets an easy way to manually set a name to be an enemy or an ally regardless of everything else: ndb.setiff(). This functions in the same and familiar manner as the iff alias.
Not much to add to them here, so read the list below: Changelog:
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Quick update to take advantages of new features introduced in classleads!
Bell tattoo
The bell tattoo has been repurposed in the game, and now serves a fairly useful role - so it has been added as a defup/keepup defence to the system! You can now def it up whenever you'd like.
If you add it to your basic keepup, it'll be put up automatically right when you login - because the system starts by default in the basic defences mode, and when keepup is on, it makes sure its defences are up.
Subterfuge gained an ability to view wormholes when the secondsight defence is up - the system can now defup and keepup secondsight as well.
Fitness, on the other hand, got stripped of its defence ability. It has now also been removed from defup/keepup - but you still can use it to cure asthma.
A bunch of things were fixed; thanks for reporting them:
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Quick update for the insomnia change in the game, among other improvements.
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A quick update to address the update of the Shadowcloak lines in the game and add new stuff.
Humour balance
Humour balance is now tracked by the system and available in the custom prompt as a prompt tag! Big thanks to Seifur for collecting and sending them in. svo.balance.humour and balance events as available as well as you'd expect.
Totals in NameDB
NameDB will now show the total amount of people online in the class counts, helping you easily realise how many citymates, people in the party or a clan you've got.
Fixed up echanter
Jukilian has fixed up and improved the enchanter include in the system, so give it a go again. A new alias, enchant list, has also been added to help work out some of the less intuitive syntaxes for enchanting.
Quicker paralysis & stand
The system has been improved to chain curing paralysis and standing to do so at once if it's feasible, which is a boon for non-US people against prone & paralysis spam.
A bunch of other improvements as available as well as you'd expect, see below for the full list!
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A short update to fix city, house and order enemies updating - which was unfortunately broken with the last update. Sorry about that.
As a useful tip, remember that you can swap afflictions not only by clicking around in vshow but also by editing the lists directly - and in fact creating new lists even, customising them for any combat scenario and loading them in as necessary. Check out this section of the docs.
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Mudlet Discord join up
The last update for Rift changes didn't account for all changes - I didn't realise that the 'glancing into your rift' line's colour is now game-configurable. Since the systems trigger was tied to the colour, the update did not work for everybody. This update rectifies this and restores herb curing!
I'm not excluding the possibility of another update needed after this, since we might discover something else that was changed by the rift updates in the game but wasn't announced.
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Another update to fix the herb-eating issue - the new outr trigger was done wrong and was messing the system up (by removing the herb altogether from svo.me.riftcontents). This prompt update fixes the issue.
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