You can be preempted into defendable totems, and presumably into the city itself/guards. However, it's possible to end preempt early as the DW, presumably to stop that from happening.
So is the no force-follow into defendables a thing? Like I said, I could have sworn it was, but the more I try to find something about it the more I question myself and my sanity.
ETA: And does preempt fire if paralysed/transfixed? Can you end preempt while paralysed/transfixed?
Does not work while hindered. Unsure on if it can be ended while hindered or not, though with it not working while hindered, not sure how it matters since if you are hindered and they leave that's basically a cancel (assuming you don't catch back up in your time window).
Also not sure what you mean about the no force-follow. You can hierophant/soulmaster/force people to follow you into totems without fear of getting issued (provided you have a reason to 'attack' them), yes
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I was under the impression that if you got hierophanted, you weren't mechanically able to follow someone into a city/temple you were enemied to. Not entirely sure why.
Now, to get Cyrenian law changed so I can abuse totems. Muahahahahaha.
It's not force follow, but Ahmet is correct afaik. You can't follow into an enemy city. Only the city, not the defendable totem outside.
For further clarity, it's something like "you can't follow non-enemies in". Can obv follow your raid buddies in, but I do remember the change Ahmet's talking about... Unless I'm crazy too, ofc.
Only solution is to kill before they make it. I've had a few ganks in Annwyn where it's a race to kill while preempted before they hit the island... good times.
Having read through every announce article that matched follow/city or defendable or hierophant or force follow or any combination of following enemies that I can think of, I've come up with nothing @Farrah. Will have to test later, but it's not looking good
Datrius arrives from the up. -(IN)- Here Datrius 6013h, 5316m, 22322e, 17512w cexkdb- You grow very still, focusing on summoning forth your Aeonic might to bring about the doom of Datrius. 6013h, 5183m, 22322e, 17412w cxkdb- +Equilibrium+ Datrius slips and falls on the ice. 6013h, 5316m, 22362e, 17424w cexkdb- As the doom of Datrius draws ever closer, your Aeonic power swells to yet greater heights. 6013h, 5316m, 22368e, 17430w cexkdb- Datrius slips and falls on the ice. 6013h, 5316m, 22368e, 17430w cexkdb- Datrius slips and falls on the ice. 6013h, 5316m, 22368e, 17442w cexkdb- Datrius slips and falls on the ice. 6013h, 5316m, 22408e, 17442w cexkdb- Datrius slips and falls on the ice. 6013h, 5316m, 22408e, 17442w cexkdb- As your power reaches its peak, you will the end of Datrius to come to pass. A spiderweb of cracks begins to race across the form of Datrius. As he opens his mouth, grey light pours forth along with a unearthly keening shriek. The cracks widen, the ineffable glow building until in a single brilliant flash Datrius is eradicated from existence. You have slain Datrius.
And that aside, that doesn't look very damn cheesy. It looks like they both just got straight cleaved while trying to get out of ice. Couldn't they have just tripped him or something?
That wasn't boosted doom. You would have seen me age. Not going to risk MY dying on his RNG. There were plenty of ways out though it's true. Tumble on first message, raido, earring, hinder, fly(not in that room obviously), etc
Any recent Shaman combat logs? The ones I've found through search are all expired.
Only just got corrected last night that bloodlet can be used with a curse because I misread the AB file (all the other ones have it paired with a curse at the top ), feel like I probably have a number of incorrect assumptions now.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
ETA: And does preempt fire if paralysed/transfixed? Can you end preempt while paralysed/transfixed?
Preempt won't fire when paralysed, prone or entangled. Presumably can be cancelled with those afflictions but I've not tested it.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Also not sure what you mean about the no force-follow. You can hierophant/soulmaster/force people to follow you into totems without fear of getting issued (provided you have a reason to 'attack' them), yes
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Now, to get Cyrenian law changed so I can abuse totems. Muahahahahaha.
For further clarity, it's something like "you can't follow non-enemies in". Can obv follow your raid buddies in, but I do remember the change Ahmet's talking about... Unless I'm crazy too, ofc.
Follow only though, not preempt.
Got a kill at defendable, then auto-followed when they moved again. RIP city
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
I will be more descriptive in future!
You were better when you chilled with the Ashtani.
got gud
And that aside, that doesn't look very damn cheesy. It looks like they both just got straight cleaved while trying to get out of ice. Couldn't they have just tripped him or something?
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
Only just got corrected last night that bloodlet can be used with a curse because I misread the AB file (all the other ones have it paired with a curse at the top
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+