What annoys me, though, is people not considered "combatants" or "fighters". Aldair, Szareine, Carmell, Reonna, Morthif...pretty sure I've seen each of them outside of defending Targ.
@Santar - No mention on city soldiers here. I'm tired of everyone telling me these individuals (as examples) are "non-coms". I've already stated my piece on city soldier stuff. Conscript them, don't, that's your business and I really don't care. If i'm raiding, i'll kill whoever is in your city and actively defending. But, when these individuals show up to the clouds for a skirmish, and then tell me how they're non-combatants just trying to defend shrines...? If you're a non-combatant, don't defend the shrine. Funny how Targossas won't require you to conscript in the army to defend the city, but will sure as hell make sure you know you're required to defend the shrines outside of it.
You have an extreme ignorance regarding Targossas, and honestly need to just shut the fuck up if you have no idea what you're talking about. Nobody in Targossas is forcing anyone to be a city soldier, and noone is forcing anyone to fight, not even in defense, and especially not outside of the city. If you see someone in Targossas fighting in a raid/skirmish, it's because they choose to come. 95% of the time they're asking for party invites or following up before you even ask them to.
Haven't read most of the rest of this thread, but the couple things I have read from you are just way off base, and you should really stop posting.
Defense of the city is borderline mandatory(heavily encouraged) but I've never personally twisted someone's arm to defend nor seen anyone else do so. If you really don't want to defend in Targossas, you don't have to. You -definitely- don't have to leave the city to skirmish at clouds/shrines if you don't want to.
Defense of the city is borderline mandatory(heavily encouraged) but I've never personally twisted someone's arm to defend nor seen anyone else do so. If you really don't want to defend in Targossas, you don't have to. You -definitely- don't have to leave the city to skirmish at clouds/shrines if you don't want to.
Aside from your misplaced hostility, i'll go on to note that I've said this exact thing numerous times. My problem, once more (and stick with me if you are able), is that those individuals (not being forced) that skirmish at clouds or during shrine stuff, then are used in your comments when we talk about how Targossas brings 12v5 to a cloud skirmish as being "non-coms".
You're right, I don't know the inner workings of Targossas as I don't have the time nor the care to create a lolalt and see what you've got going on over there. What I am saying is simply that Targossian X,Y,Z defends city, defends shrine (may be part of the Order or not), cloud ganks, skirmishes and what have you. Then, Ashtani X,Y,Z complain Targossas brought 12v5 to skirmish. Targossas A (usually you or someone else heavily artied and combat oriented, Santar) state that Targossian X,Y,Z are non-coms and don't count towards a skirmish with Ashtani A,B,C (usually Jhui, Hirst, Dunn or some A-team variable)
If i'm still unclear and produce such hostility from you misreading (or neglecting to read) the available posts in reference to your inability to understand my point, please feel free to message me and i'll break it down barney-style for you.
When people use the word 'combatant' or 'non-coms' they(or I, at least), are usually referring to people that are at least semi-skilled at combat or seek out combat of mostly their own volition. If the person only follows others in combat that is related to shrines/city defense/raiding, they're not a "combatant". That's all we mean when we say that.
Aldair and Carmell for example, will follow and contribute to fights, but they do that because they care about the city and its ideals, not because combat is their thing.
Let me give an example to you, Lianca - Combatant or no? She comes and fights in raids, she defends. I've seen her on clouds fighting before. Is she a combatant? I'd suggest a solid "No".
Defense of the city is borderline mandatory(heavily encouraged) but I've never personally twisted someone's arm to defend nor seen anyone else do so. If you really don't want to defend in Targossas, you don't have to. You -definitely- don't have to leave the city to skirmish at clouds/shrines if you don't want to.
Aside from your misplaced hostility, i'll go on to note that I've said this exact thing numerous times. My problem, once more (and stick with me if you are able), is that those individuals (not being forced) that skirmish at clouds or during shrine stuff, then are used in your comments when we talk about how Targossas brings 12v5 to a cloud skirmish as being "non-coms".
You're right, I don't know the inner workings of Targossas as I don't have the time nor the care to create a lolalt and see what you've got going on over there. What I am saying is simply that Targossian X,Y,Z defends city, defends shrine (may be part of the Order or not), cloud ganks, skirmishes and what have you. Then, Ashtani X,Y,Z complain Targossas brought 12v5 to skirmish. Targossas A (usually you or someone else heavily artied and combat oriented, Santar) state that Targossian X,Y,Z are non-coms and don't count towards a skirmish with Ashtani A,B,C (usually Jhui, Hirst, Dunn or some A-team variable)
If i'm still unclear and produce such hostility from you misreading (or neglecting to read) the available posts in reference to your inability to understand my point, please feel free to message me and i'll break it down barney-style for you.
No anything but Barney. Do hello kitty style.
In an effort to derail before the derp level increases, here is a complete fail of a gank log (does not really constitute a gank since I didn't bring 30 artied monks):
I would disagree, and say that yes she is a combatant. Is she as active as the A-team in raids and such? No. Does she hold a much more meaningful position as a heavier RP staple than a combatant? Yes. But if she contributes to skirmishes and (wait for it) -COMBAT- then yes, she would be a combatant.
/kəmˈbætnt, ˈkɒmbətənt, ˈkʌm-/ Show Spelled [kuhm-bat-nt, kom-buh-tuhnt, kuhm-] Show IPA
a nation engaged in active fighting with enemy forces.
a person or group that fights.
combating; fighting: the combatant armies. (<--lol'd at armies, cause we know where that's going)
I hope Dictionary.com serves as a decent reference for defining things. I'm sorry if your definition of combatant doesn't sync with Webster, but something tells me experience is in his pocket.
Now obviously, defending a city would not make someone a combatant, as I have said multiple times in the past, because that would be forcing someone into a combatant title and that's just wrong. However, once again (this horse should be dead soon), those individuals you listed that actively fight outside of city defense -OR- shrine defense (cloud ganks, skirmishes, killsteals from totem ganks etc.) are, and should be, labeled combatants. Maybe not for eternity, people retire, sure. But call a spade a spade for God's sake.
All you guys are doing is arguing pointless semantics about how to define a "Combatant". If you want to do that, start a thread about it. All you'll find is that such an argument has absolutely no relation with anything to do with the war system - because whether or not you're skilled in combat, if you instigate fights by participating in raids, you're subject to retaliation from the opposing side. No one bloody cares if you're good at combat or not. In fact, it might be useful for you to start a thread about the expectation of joining the military if you plan on defending - to be honest, most of you will find that you're being highly ignorant of the responsibilities and repercussions of being in an active city military, and unfair to say the least in persecuting people who don't want to fulfill that obligation.
Need an admin in here before Santar gets even more needlessly aggressive and people start thinking it's okay to respond in kind: @Tecton@Ourania@Valnurana@SOS
I'm not the one derailing every thread on the forums into ignorant bitching. That's all the Ashtani forum squad. How often do you hear Targossas whining or complaining about anything on the forums? It's all Ashtan in every thread crying rivers over whatever their hive-mind is wanking off about this week.
I'm not the one derailing every thread on the forums into ignorant bitching. That's all the Ashtani forum squad. How often do you hear Targossas whining or complaining about anything on the forums? It's all Ashtan in every thread crying rivers over whatever their hive-mind is wanking off about this week.
(p) 0h, 4973m, 23564e, 19442w ex- +-Shadow Matrix Jarrod Lucoster, Explorer of the Mind-------------------------+ | Level : 103 (38.7%) "3rd Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy" | *snip* (p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex- You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage and pain, a whirlwind of flame explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything in the surrounding area. As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world improve. (svo): The room has been destroyed! (p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex- *snip* (p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex- +-Shadow Matrix Jarrod Lucoster, Explorer of the Mind-------------------------+ | Level : 103 (39.1%) "3rd Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy" |
2014/02/02 23:40:48 - Jarrod, Jhui, and Kross have destroyed Arms of the Maldaathi.
Dead? Not a problem.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
So, I get jumped by @Aelios and @Edris for jumping them both singularly. Offer over market to duel singularly. Aelios says ok. I sense them sitting together in Thera, I immediately decline. He says Edris is leaving, so I go in wary, and exactly what I thought would happen happened... and it was hilarious
Aelios Azon is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand. You may ENTER the WILDERNESS map
from here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
A wormhole is here, leading to: A bloody hallway (#3280) in Belladona.
"Alright, he vibed up, going to be a good1v1 then...nope."
Herp. I thought Knights wern't supposed to jump uneven odds T_T
Jumpers gonna get jumped! (Although if I had known it was a 1v1, I'd not have done that, sorries! Xer been jumping him/me all day, hence I figured... y'know.) Next time just duel! Then I know not to jump in.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Aside from your misplaced hostility, i'll go on to note that I've said this exact thing numerous times. My problem, once more (and stick with me if you are able), is that those individuals (not being forced) that skirmish at clouds or during shrine stuff, then are used in your comments when we talk about how Targossas brings 12v5 to a cloud skirmish as being "non-coms".
You're right, I don't know the inner workings of Targossas as I don't have the time nor the care to create a lolalt and see what you've got going on over there. What I am saying is simply that Targossian X,Y,Z defends city, defends shrine (may be part of the Order or not), cloud ganks, skirmishes and what have you. Then, Ashtani X,Y,Z complain Targossas brought 12v5 to skirmish. Targossas A (usually you or someone else heavily artied and combat oriented, Santar) state that Targossian X,Y,Z are non-coms and don't count towards a skirmish with Ashtani A,B,C (usually Jhui, Hirst, Dunn or some A-team variable)
If i'm still unclear and produce such hostility from you misreading (or neglecting to read) the available posts in reference to your inability to understand my point, please feel free to message me and i'll break it down barney-style for you.
I would disagree, and say that yes she is a combatant. Is she as active as the A-team in raids and such? No. Does she hold a much more meaningful position as a heavier RP staple than a combatant? Yes. But if she contributes to skirmishes and (wait for it) -COMBAT- then yes, she would be a combatant.
nt, ˈkɒm
tənt, ˈkʌm-/ Show Spelled [kuh
m-bat-nt, kom-buh-tuh
nt, kuhm-] Show IPA
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lr4jfuk78cz6cj/Yankin tzond into Targossas.html
Oh and a Targ Ashtan skirmish with me being in melee range failing a lot of the fight ignore the name, don't want to cause more drama
https://www.dropbox.com/s/opj9yzy18nud69j/Kicked targs ass in a skirmish on clouds.html
+-Shadow Matrix Jarrod Lucoster, Explorer of the Mind-------------------------+
| Level : 103 (38.7%) "3rd Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy" |
(p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex-
You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage and pain, a whirlwind of flame explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything in the surrounding area.
As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world improve.
(svo): The room has been destroyed!
(p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex-
(p) 0h, 4973m, 23584e, 19442w ex-
+-Shadow Matrix Jarrod Lucoster, Explorer of the Mind-------------------------+
| Level : 103 (39.1%) "3rd Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy" |
2014/02/02 23:40:48 - Jarrod, Jhui, and Kross have destroyed Arms of the Maldaathi.
Dead? Not a problem.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
So jelly