Combat Logs



  • bloody... Stop posting about Salik's rapiers! Find your own topic!
  • Salik said:

    Cooper, you cannot rift lock people as everyone outr's everything, I do not target against monks and still working on my limb counter as it's so different, like Tanris is 22 hits to break a leg or torso, then you can take Goggo it's 18. Still not found out how to get the targetting together, so yeah I need improvment and I do not say I'm great, I say I'm good. I do not use random venoms, I got several pre venomed venom aliases so it's not random venoms with curare, I'm constantly trying to improve my venoms and my axes could not do 49% with a dsl, they are crap, These axes got like 189 damage runed and 168 speed and 182 damage and 136 speed on the other. Still not as good as I used to have, with 210 damage runed on both. I also try different tactics after the fight, just like when I fought Mizik, he gives me pointers on how to improve on different styles.

    Cooper I have fought several people without these rapiers and I do not rely on them against most combatants but I do against heavly artied people, I'm still learning how to fight properly, while you now tell me you made a misstake not sipping health, that was a good thing for you, if you would have sipped health and 20% per dsl at 1.5s, means you could not sip and moss that health back up, then you would need to use transmute also, and when you ran out of mana, and just sipping health to keep your health up, you would not be able to focus or such. So sipping health is a bad choice against a knight that does that much of damage fast if you still want to be able to use mana skills.

    I read this post and I threw up shells and cheese all down the front of my shirt. I really wish I could have posted this in the form of a youtube video of myself. You owe me a new shirt, please communicate your method of payment for such through pms.

  • Cooper said:

    I'm sorry, Cooper, but if you won't help us, Rita Skeeter will find some other person to gather facts-that-can-be-twisted-into-something-else-entirely for her Daily Prophet. And you know that those Hufflepuffs are gullible enough to believe whatever she writes.

  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012

    Did I really start all of this by complaining about arties?

    Also, adding to my complaint not being omni-trans. I'd love to have riding and enchantment. :( And optimal race (horkval).

  • edited October 2012
    Terra said:

    Did I really start all of this by complaining about arties?

    Also, adding to my complaint not being omni-trans. I'd love to have riding and enchantment. :( And optimal race (horkval).

    How is Grook not optimal? Grook regen is 25% of your max health and mana every 10 seconds - seems better than the damage reduction from horkval. Although that's assuming you're in flood which means no frozen ground along with some other things.
  • I think you went a bit wrong in your calculations there.

  • Requires flooded room, whereas horkval protection is permanent. Also, horkvals have higher con for their int stat-pack, don't they?
  • Garao said:
    I think you went a bit wrong in your calculations there.
    It's definitely 25% of your maximum health and mana regenerated - procs every 10 seconds if you are in water.
  • edited October 2012
    It's level 2 regen. Definitely not 25% health and mana regen every 10 seconds. I think.

  • Tvistor said:
    I guess you could save you've been...

    Paragraped Paragriefed.

  • Garao said:
    It's level 2 regen. Definitely not 25% health and mana regen every 10 seconds. I think.
    Just tested it, grook regen in an actual water room is 25% health and mana every 10 seconds. Not sure if it's reduced in a flooded room.
  • edited October 2012
    WHAT. Sorry @Maht, pretty sure it wasn't 25% health and mana every 10 seconds, that is crazy

  • edited October 2012

    Sena said:
    Garao said:
    It's level 2 regen. Definitely not 25% health and mana regen every 10 seconds. I think.
    Just tested it, grook regen in an actual water room is 25% health and mana every 10 seconds. Not sure if it's reduced in a flooded room.
    It is not reduced in a player-flooded room - at least not reduced by Magi's Flood as that is the only one I have tested. Thanks for the testimony, saved me the time of making a log!
  • Yep, it is the same in a flooded room.
  • If Tanris were to go grook magi, he would passive regen almost four times as much as I sip for, not including regen rings and boar, if they stack. Shallam so lucky.
  • Salik said:

    I do not use random venoms, I got several pre venomed venom aliases so it's not random venoms with curare, I'm constantly trying to improve my venoms

    Pre-envenoming is just as bad as slapping random venoms on your weapons, to be honest.

    Salik said:

    my axes could not do 49% with a dsl, they are crap, These axes got like 189 damage runed and 168 speed and 182 damage and 136 speed on the other. Still not as good as I used to have, with 210 damage runed on both.

    Not being as retardedly good as your previous set doesn't make them crap; those are still exceptionally good battleaxes. For somebody who forges so much you certainly have an... interesting... opinion on what constitutes good. This might explain why you only think your rapiers are "above average", though.

    Garao said:

    Also, 20+ slashes to prep a limb with 92 damage rapiers, are you sure?

    If Tanris has somewhere in the region of 11,500 health, it's possible. Assuming Tanris is usually somewhere around 10,000 maximum health (in Dragonform), you're looking at 19 slashes per limb.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Rajan said:
    If Tanris were to go grook magi, he would passive regen almost four times as much as I sip for, not including regen rings and boar, if they stack. Shallam so lucky.
    Shhhhh dude has the sceptre and the gem.
  • Antonius said:
    Salik said:

    I do not use random venoms, I got several pre venomed venom aliases so it's not random venoms with curare, I'm constantly trying to improve my venoms

    Pre-envenoming is just as bad as slapping random venoms on your weapons, to be honest.

    Salik said:

    my axes could not do 49% with a dsl, they are crap, These axes got like 189 damage runed and 168 speed and 182 damage and 136 speed on the other. Still not as good as I used to have, with 210 damage runed on both.

    Not being as retardedly good as your previous set doesn't make them crap; those are still exceptionally good battleaxes. For somebody who forges so much you certainly have an... interesting... opinion on what constitutes good. This might explain why you only think your rapiers are "above average", though.

    Garao said:

    Also, 20+ slashes to prep a limb with 92 damage rapiers, are you sure?

    If Tanris has somewhere in the region of 11,500 health, it's possible. Assuming Tanris is usually somewhere around 10,000 maximum health (in Dragonform), you're looking at 19 slashes per limb.

    I pre envenom around 8-10 venoms as I do not like to press envenom on every dsl.

    Also yes what I consider crap weapons many say are exceptional. it's like when I forged handaxes I got a 238 speed and I called it crap. I call every battleaxe under 190 damage unruned to be crap, I call every rapier under 240 speed and 70 damage to be decent but not good, I define my 92/152/253 to be an exceptional but not a Great rapier. So yeah my head might be a bit twisted to stats as I forge allot. It's like my fullplate 120 cutting and 90 blunt, I consider that decent and as fast as I can afford I will forge for a new one.

    Also on the breaks I got a 72 and a 92 damage with my highest speed so it takes that many hits.

  • There was another thread created for this crappy discussion, y'know. More gank logs please.
  • Maht said:
    Terra said:

    Did I really start all of this by complaining about arties?

    Also, adding to my complaint not being omni-trans. I'd love to have riding and enchantment. :( And optimal race (horkval).

    How is Grook not optimal? Grook regen is 25% of your max health and mana every 10 seconds - seems better than the damage reduction from horkval. Although that's assuming you're in flood which means no frozen ground along with some other things.
    Primary reason for wanting to be horkval is leap, actually! Though, getting defense without having to flood has its advantages too.
  • Terra said:
    Maht said:
    Terra said:

    Did I really start all of this by complaining about arties?

    Also, adding to my complaint not being omni-trans. I'd love to have riding and enchantment. :( And optimal race (horkval).

    How is Grook not optimal? Grook regen is 25% of your max health and mana every 10 seconds - seems better than the damage reduction from horkval. Although that's assuming you're in flood which means no frozen ground along with some other things.
    Primary reason for wanting to be horkval is leap, actually! Though, getting defense without having to flood has its advantages too.
    I miss no-eq observe.
  • This thread needs a log. People complain nobody 1v1s anymore. But nobody even ganks anymore! :(

  • Searnla arrives, following Sothantos.
    [Searnla - here]
    Antonius arrives, following Sothantos.
    [Antonius - here]
    Veldrin arrives, following Sothantos.
    [Veldrin - here]
    Beatrice arrives, following Veldrin.
    [Beatrice - here]
    Silas arrives, following Sothantos.
    [Silas - here]
    The Dragon Sothantos thunders in from the east.
    [Sothantos - here]
    6832h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Sothantos's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Sothantos lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your right leg.
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) (-383h, 5.6%) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Sothantos exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    A starburst tattoo fades from view and disappears.
    [Faded]:Tattoo has faded: starburst
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    You gather together the inks that are needed in order to create the starburst tattoo.
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Beatrice.
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Sothantos takes a long drag off his pipe.
    6449h, 6862m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Sothantos takes a long drag off his pipe.
    6790h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) (+341h, 5.0%) (+75m, 1.0%) 
    Antonius lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left leg.
    Your shield completely absorbs the damage.
    6790h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Antonius exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    6790h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Silas lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your right leg.
    6407h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) (-383h, 5.6%) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Silas exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    6407h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Sothantos snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before catching you with a second powerful bite.
    3166h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) (-3241h, 47.4%) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Sothantos exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    3166h, 6937m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (PP) 
    As the inking process is ruined, the ink dissipates into the surrounding air.
    You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
    3166h, 6922m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-15m, 0.2%) 
    3166h, 6922m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    You are not fallen or kneeling.
    3166h, 6922m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    4084h, 6922m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (+918h, 13.4%) 
    You eat some irid moss.
    You feel your health and mana replenished.
    4630h, 7175m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (+546h, 8.0%) (+253m, 3.5%) 
    You are not fallen or kneeling.
    4630h, 7175m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    I see no "body" to take.
    4630h, 7175m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    Your great form grows still as you begin to pierce the Veil Extant.
    Your defensive barriers disappear.
    4630h, 6675m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-500m, 7.0%) 
    You bleed 439 health.
    4191h, 6675m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-439h, 6.4%) 
    Veldrin's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Your body trembles as Veldrin invokes a dramatic chant in the dragon tongue. As his voice resonates, you are assailed by a wave of magical energy that threatens 
    to tear your skin apart.
    2748h, 6375m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-1443h, 21.1%) (-300m, 4.2%) 
    Veldrin takes a long drag off his pipe.
    2748h, 6075m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-300m, 4.2%) 
    Silas snaps his massive jaws close around you, jerking you back and forth with agonising strength.
    2091h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-657h, 9.6%) (-480m, 6.7%) 
    (Party): Nemutaur says, "Omw."
    2091h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Silas exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    2091h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    Antonius lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left leg.
    1708h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-383h, 5.6%) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Antonius exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    1708h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    (Party): Dunn says, "Stop fucking running."
    1708h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    Sothantos lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your right leg.
    1325h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-383h, 5.6%) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Sothantos exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are knocked over.
    1325h, 5595m, XX| BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    EQUILIBRIUM - Be Patient - EQUILIBRIUM EQ: 2.588s
    1325h, 5595m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    Beatrice's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Beatrice lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your right leg.
    Your right leg is greatly damaged from the beating.
    942h, 5595m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] (-383h, 5.6%) 
    Both of your legs must be free and unhindered to do that.
    942h, 5595m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
    942h, 5595m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    With a flap of your majestic green wings, you successfully pierce the Veil, and are gone. (the Parthren Gare)
    Dragonspire Mount.
    A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground.
    You see a single exit leading down.
    942h, 5595m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|2|4|4|4] 
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • @Salik:
    I hate to break the news to you but, even in dragonform I break in less than 22 hits. Considering that almost every fight I have had with you has been in lesserform, I can assure you that there is something very, very wrong with your calculations. Also your logic is kind of flawed. Relying on god rapiers to kill artifacted people who can by dint of being artifacted disregard your over the top damage? The place your rapiers make the most difference is against unartifacted people who cannot tank that damage.

    Now that that is over with, I need to go and ponder a way to justify becoming a frog IC. This will be glorious.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Tanris you are a terrible person and like Salik is best one macro fighter in Achaea. If anyone knows one macro combat, Salik knows one macro.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Mishgul said:
    Tanris you are a terrible person and like Salik is best one macro fighter in Achaea. If anyone knows one macro combat, Salik knows one macro.
    Two dude, he said he has a pre-envenom alias/button.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    rapier discussion aside Salik is actually a good defender/raider.  He doesn't maximize the full potential of those rapiers sure, if anything those rapiers might hold him back from the more complicated kill methods needed to people you can't LOLdamage out.
  • Give me a minute to consolidate some scripts and I'll out one macro Salik.

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

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