Combat Logs



  • HhaosHhaos Cortland, Ohio

    Salik said:

    Cooper, you cannot rift lock people as everyone outr's everything, I do not target against monks and still working on my limb counter as it's so different, like Tanris is 22 hits to break a leg or torso, then you can take Goggo it's 18. Still not found out how to get the targetting together, so yeah I need improvment and I do not say I'm great, I say I'm good. I do not use random venoms, I got several pre venomed venom aliases so it's not random venoms with curare, I'm constantly trying to improve my venoms and my axes could not do 49% with a dsl, they are crap, These axes got like 189 damage runed and 168 speed and 182 damage and 136 speed on the other. Still not as good as I used to have, with 210 damage runed on both. I also try different tactics after the fight, just like when I fought Mizik, he gives me pointers on how to improve on different styles.

    Cooper I have fought several people without these rapiers and I do not rely on them against most combatants but I do against heavly artied people, I'm still learning how to fight properly, while you now tell me you made a misstake not sipping health, that was a good thing for you, if you would have sipped health and 20% per dsl at 1.5s, means you could not sip and moss that health back up, then you would need to use transmute also, and when you ran out of mana, and just sipping health to keep your health up, you would not be able to focus or such. So sipping health is a bad choice against a knight that does that much of damage fast if you still want to be able to use mana skills.

    not to argue with you but check your numbers, at 66 damage I break upwards of 12k health at only 18 hits

  • Hhaos said:

    Salik said:

    Cooper, you cannot rift lock people as everyone outr's everything, I do not target against monks and still working on my limb counter as it's so different, like Tanris is 22 hits to break a leg or torso, then you can take Goggo it's 18. Still not found out how to get the targetting together, so yeah I need improvment and I do not say I'm great, I say I'm good. I do not use random venoms, I got several pre venomed venom aliases so it's not random venoms with curare, I'm constantly trying to improve my venoms and my axes could not do 49% with a dsl, they are crap, These axes got like 189 damage runed and 168 speed and 182 damage and 136 speed on the other. Still not as good as I used to have, with 210 damage runed on both. I also try different tactics after the fight, just like when I fought Mizik, he gives me pointers on how to improve on different styles.

    Cooper I have fought several people without these rapiers and I do not rely on them against most combatants but I do against heavly artied people, I'm still learning how to fight properly, while you now tell me you made a misstake not sipping health, that was a good thing for you, if you would have sipped health and 20% per dsl at 1.5s, means you could not sip and moss that health back up, then you would need to use transmute also, and when you ran out of mana, and just sipping health to keep your health up, you would not be able to focus or such. So sipping health is a bad choice against a knight that does that much of damage fast if you still want to be able to use mana skills.

    not to argue with you but check your numbers, at 66 damage I break upwards of 12k health at only 18 hits
    How many people do you come across with 12k health? Tanris, who is both high level and has a lot of artefacts, is generally nowhere close to that. Also, judging by the numbers I get with 90 damage rapiers against somebody with 10.6k health, I'm not sure 18 at 12k+ with 66 damage rapiers is any more accurate that the numbers Salik provided.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    sq n
    A copse of oaks.
    The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A red 
    elm tree grows here, its branches gently swaying in the breeze. A lobelia 
    wildflower is growing here. A low-slung myrrh bush is here. A purple coneflower 
    grows here, its large stalk straining towards the sky. A green-flowered ginseng 
    plant has been planted here. A low-lying wild ginger plant is growing here. A 
    nearby branch is laden with hard-shelled nuts. A large beehive hangs down from 
    the trees above. A lush, viridian plant flourishes amongst the surrounding 
    vegetation. A mighty earth golem stands guard here. Hovering slightly here is 
    Erato, spirit of the Eastern Ithmia.
    You can see no further.



    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Cooper said:

    Salik said:

    so you mean all my rapier sets are god-like and that if I want to duel someone I must downgrade to 200 speed and 50 damage?

    Also mentioning you use your arties to have same damage as full int monk with the str like a monk is better than to focus on all int or all str. As now you got the killing ability in both ways, you can kill them with damage from kicks and if they shield you got a massive choke. I do not think Proficy or Namino hurts that bad with their combos. Also your health arties do not hurt you in our duel, you sipped mana as you transmuted and you had higher health. Having greater health helps you in a duel against a knight.

    I don't think you understood what I was saying. My higher health hurt in that duel because I never once sipped health. I was sipping using mana using my lower mana value, so I wasn't getting 1. the benefit of my level 2 sip ring, and 2.  benefit of a higher sip from higher health, and 3. damage scales with higher health, so I was taking a disproportionate amount of damage to what I was healing. 

    Neither my physical damage or my choke/crush damage is at artefact level. They are at standard levels of monks. The good part is I have the high level of both and not just one. My artefacts allow me not to have to sacrifice tekura for a good choke. The thing is, in a 1v1 fight with you, my crush and choke do not matter at all. I would be better off focusing entirely on strength. 

    The thing is Salik, you don't have any actual skill as a knight. Or if you do, you don't show it or use it. You slap on a random combination of curare with prefarar and a few other random venoms and dsl until the person dies. If they don't die in 5-10 dsls you throw some thurisaz down and slap on some more random venoms. If they don't die after that, you spam lunge. If a person can survive that you can't kill them. You were dsling me for 20% of my max health every ~1.5 seconds, plus falcon damage and all the thurisaz you sketched. Oh and p.s., your battleaxe dsl that proc'd hugalaz with no sensitivity did 49% my max health. If you call those things skill, well, okay then, you're wrong.

    With the speed of your rapiers you could do some absolutely crazy things with limb targetting, rift locks, pipe locks, and just straight locking some people without even using breaks at all. But since you aren't good and can't think up those things, you just rely purely on how amazing those rapiers are.

    If Tirac or Mizik had your rapiers, dear god I would quit Achaea until they decayed because I would be scared of dying every time I stepped out of Shallam.
    Last part, and really everything else in this post is qft.

  • If you insist on logs, here's one:

    The drizzle stops entirely, leaving only heavy cloud cover.
    2173h, 2058m, 10395e, 11400w cexkdb@-honors arkantos

    Colonel Arkantos, Daijin of the Ashura (male Horkval).
    He is 141 years old, having been born on the 21st of Sarapin, 315 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    He is ranked 104th in Achaea.
    He is an extremely credible character.
    He is one of the Infamous.
    He is a Praetor in Ashtan.
    He is a member of the ruling council of Ashtan, with the title of Archon.
    He is considered to be approximately 205% of your might.
    He is a Desert Roamer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
    He is a member of the clan called 'The Executive Council of Ashtan.'
    He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
    His motto: 'I make it rain!'
    He slew the Magisters Dominar and Jor'keth.
    He slew the Ur'Vampires Asztrik and Zigana.
    He restored the staff of the jaguar spirit in Shala-Khulia.
    He succeeded in bringing song back to Bopalopia.
    He has shown great wit in completing three of the Lady Lorielan's mazes.
    He slew Auntie Maim, stopping a nefarious experiment.
    He bears the arms: Azure, a lion rampant Argent.
    2173h, 2058m, 10405e, 11400w cexkdb@-farsee arkantos

    You can see naught but darkness.
    2173h, 2038m, 10465e, 11396w cxkdb@-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2173h, 2038m, 10475e, 11396w cexkdb@-look

    Treacherous mountain path (road).
    A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. This area is unnaturally flooded with water.
    Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. The sharp ascent has lessened somewhat, though footing here is
    still uncertain. It would be all too easy for some unwary adventurer to stumble or slip, and find themselves in several
    pieces at the base of the mountain. The Silver Dragon Veldrin's imposing form looms. Colonel Arkantos, Daijin of the
    Ashura is here. Osek Ironside is here. He wields an elemental staff in his left hand and a deep red boomerang in his
    right. Guardian of the Wilds, Rangor Corten, Volcanic Warrior is here.
    You see exits leading east and down.
    2173h, 2038m, 10475e, 11400w cexkdb@-help mhaldor

    12.48 MHALDOR

                             [CITY LEADERS]
                          Tyrannus: Wulfen
                     Divine Patron: Shaitan, God of Oppression
                          Viceroys: Ranzou, Rameus, Ulrike, Herenicus, Istiria,
                                    Dethea, and Wulfen
                        Ambassador: Lideron
                   Minister of War: Cooper
              Minister of Security: Nulaye
                         Treasurer: Nitrile
                           Steward: Dethea
                 Minister of Trade: Vadimuses
                        Chancellor: Ladydeath
      Minister of Cultural Affairs: Tenebrus
           Minister of Development: Kellonius

                       Maric - ASK MARIC JOIN MHALDOR
    Type MORE to continue reading. (33% shown)
    2173h, 2038m, 10485e, 11400w cexkdb@-more

                        [CURRENTLY IN THE REALM]
       Able to induct new citizens: Rameus and Malifuus

            The City Heraldic Arms: Gules, an escarbuncle Or within a bordure of
                                    the second

    Far to the west, over the Vashnar Mountains, beyond the Gruun chasm, lies a
    blasted, blighted isle. A poisonous red haze swirls over barren rock,
    bubbling tar pits, and skeletal trees. Tortured abominations and carnivorous
    lycopods roam, seeking the flesh of the unwary.

    At the end of a road lined with gibbets and impaled corpses, Mhaldor, the
    City of Evil, looms above the murk. Through the fortified gates, a horrific
    medley assaults the senses. As eldritch chitterings fill the air amidst
    screams and lashes from the slave pens, rotting undead and foul daemons
    stalk through the streets. The clank of knightly armour mixes with the
    rising chants of daemonic ritualists. The scratching of quills indicates
    Type MORE to continue reading. (66% shown)
    2173h, 2038m, 10495e, 11400w cexkdb@-
    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    2173h, 2038m, 10495e, 11400w cexkdb@-farsee rameus

    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    2173h, 2038m, 10495e, 11400w cexkdb@-
    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Rameus.
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Rameus is in Mhaldor.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11396w cxkdb@-
    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    You sigh in relief as you realise the meteor is not heading for you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11400w cxkdb@-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11400w cexkdb@-
    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    You sigh in relief as you realise the meteor is not heading for you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11400w cexkdb@-
    There's a flash of light and you're pulled back into phase with reality.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You sigh in relief as you realise the meteor is not heading for you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10505e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Veldrin.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-
    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Rangor to cover you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You sigh in relief as you realise the meteor is not heading for you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-writhe

    You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cekdb-
    In the sky high above, you hear a high-pitched keening sound, and are appalled to see a flaming meteor streaking towards
    the ground.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cekdb-
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You sigh in relief as you realise the meteor is not heading for you.
    2173h, 2018m, 10515e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
    2173h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Rangor.
    2173h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    "Shoo! Shoo!" Veldrin says to you as he waves you away.
    2173h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Rangor's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Rangor kicks his leg high and scythes downwards at you.
    He connects to the head!
    894h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Rangor launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    He connects to the head!
    468h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Rangor launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    Your mind feels suddenly dulled and slow.
    He connects to the head!
    42h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You feel your body and mind ripped apart as you are enfeebled by Arkantos.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Caelan, riding an alabaster pegasus, enters from the east, fording through the waters.
    He is followed by Diamoirite, the Godar, Lemmus, the Giant Lemming, a cunning red fox, an ebony raven, a small brown
    lemming, a gossamer butterfly, a grumpy badger, and a grey wolf.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Rangor takes a long drag off his pipe.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    The meteor crashes harmlessly to the ground somewhere nearby.
    The meteor crashes harmlessly to the ground somewhere nearby.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-evade e

    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-evade e

    [Acropolis]: Unstunned!
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-parry head
    outr goldenseal
    eat goldenseal
    apply restoration to head
    sip health

    The meteor crashes harmlessly to the ground somewhere nearby.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    Caelan, riding an alabaster pegasus, fords the waters and moves off to the east.
    He is followed by Diamoirite, the Godar, Lemmus, the Giant Lemming, a cunning red fox, an ebony raven, a small brown
    lemming, a gossamer butterfly, a grumpy badger, and a grey wolf.
    22h, 1010m, 10535e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You slip away successfully and evade your pursuers.
    Steep mountainside.
    A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy
    grey clouds. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A huge shrine dominates the location and bathes it in
    intense light and rhythmic patterns of sound. Wings flaring, the pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. Diamoirite,
    the Godar stands here, fiercely ominous. Lemmus, the Giant Lemming is here, looking about nervously. Silent and
    observant, a red fox stands here, alertly watching all with a cunning glint of the eye. A raven the colour of night
    perches nearby and observes curiously with beady black eyes. Nervously pacing, a small brown lemming scampers under your
    feet. Fluttering on delicate wings, a huge gossamer butterfly flits about the room. A grumpy badger stands here,
    snuffling about angrily. Hackles raised, an adult grey wolf sniffs the air for enemies.
    You see exits leading west, up, and in.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    You must regain balance first.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    You must regain balance first.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    You must regain balance first.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    You must regain balance first.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    OUTR 1 goldenseal root (1486 left)
    evade e
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    OFFBAL herb (goldenseal)
    CURED stupidity
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Caelan.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    OFFBAL salve (restoration,head)
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    SIP health
    OFFBAL elixir
    458h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cekdb-
    The power of the choking is too great to bear, and your vision is flooded with darkness as your life is snuffed out.
    You have been slain by Arkantos.
  • And another one:

    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Jaegerl.
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Jaegerl is in Tir Murann.
    2298h, 2440m, 10390e, 11196w cxb-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-farsee arkantos

    You can see naught but darkness.
    2298h, 2440m, 10390e, 11196w cxb-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2298h, 2440m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-honors jaegerl

    Jaegerl Ta'sa, Diaboli Shadowfang (male Mhun).
    He is 57 years old, having been born on the 8th of Daedalan, 400 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    He is ranked 148th in Achaea.
    He is an extremely credible character.
    He is one of the near-permanent Infamous.
    He is a member of the Quisalis Mark.
    He is a Troni in Mhaldor.
    He is considered to be approximately 160% of your might.
    He is a Vashnarian Climber in the Fellowship of Explorers.
    He is a member of the clan called 'Crucify the Day!.'
    He is a member of the clan called 'The Warriors of Sapience.'
    He is a member of the clan called 'The Umbra.'
    He is a member of the clan called 'Hellish Assembly.'
    He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
    His motto: 'The body may be made stronger through combat.'
    He has completed two of the Lady Lorielan's mazes.
    He summoned Sh'Fah, the Kx'Khrah warrior.
    He slew Auntie Maim, stopping a nefarious experiment.
    He summoned Lord Taug in lost Kasmarkin.
    He succeeded in bringing song back to Bopalopia.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Arkantos arrives from the north.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Arkantos adopts a strange position and a look of pure menace flashes in his eyes.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    (Market): Veldrin says, "Crescent's Moon! E N from Hakhim in Shallam!"
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-parry head

    You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
    [Acropolis]: Parrying head
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-i

    You are wielding an iron-tipped whip in your left hand and a needle-pointed dirk in your right hand.
    You are holding:
    a crossbow, a soot-blackened tinderbox, 2 flame-shaped sigils, a needle-pointed dirk, a hefty shovel, a simple fishing
    pole, 3 rosewood vials, a snow blossom vial, 4 simple oaken pipes, a bard's lute, an ebony vial, 50 cedarwood vials, 5
    hazelwood vials, 14 black-walnut vials, 2 small pinewood vials, a tulipwood vial, 2 white birch vials, 2 monolith sigils
    , 2 meteor arrows, a small grey-brown rattlesnake.
    You are wearing:
    a luxurious black top hat, a pair of soft, blue leather gloves, a sailor's kitbag, a pair of comfortable knee-high suede
    boots, a suit of scale mail, a quiver, a brooch of Thoth, a shaggy sheepskin backpack.
    You have 35 types of items in the Rift.
    You have 106 items and no gold.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-worm channel snake

    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11192w cexb-l arkantos

    He is an insectoid Horkval and is quite mundane. An average specimen, of average height, you get the impression he
    wouldn't stick out too much in a crowded area. Dark of hair, eye, and complexion, he stands with the confidence and
    poise of a leader. A mischievous twinkle dwells beneath the surface of his sharp gaze, and you wonder what secrets he
    finds amusing. He is wearing a Year 450 medallion, a lustrous crimson vambrace, a war satchel, a pocketbelt, a pair of
    jade cufflinks, a long wooden beaded necklace, a fire pendant, a luxurious black top hat, a combat backpack, a pair of
    plain black leather shoes, a Collar of Diablerie, a Sash of Wisdom, a Veil of the Sphinx, a dark steel quiver, an Aegean
    scabbard, a pair of dark black trousers, a black silk shirt with onyx and silver buttons, Robes of the Magi bearing the
    Divine Order arms of Aegis, a Circlet of the Will, Gauntlets of the Aldar, a buckawn's amulet, brass knuckles, a pair of
    eagle's wings, a Girdle of the Titans, and an Aldar Diadem. A rune shaped like a mighty oak has been sketched onto him.
    A rune resembling an elk has been sketched onto him. A rune like a lion has been sketched onto him.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-farsee jaegerl

    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Jaegerl.
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Jaegerl is in the Northern Wilderness.
    2298h, 2440m, 10390e, 11196w cxb-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2298h, 2440m, 10390e, 11196w cexb-farsee jaegerl

    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Jaegerl.
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Jaegerl is in the Northern Wilderness.
    2298h, 2420m, 10390e, 11196w cxb-
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    2298h, 2420m, 10390e, 11196w cexb-
    Arkantos has formally declared you an enemy of the City of Ashtan.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Sticky strands of webbing spray out from a War Witch to cover you.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Sticky strands of webbing spray out from a War Witch to cover you.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    A Knight of the Illuminati stomps in from the north, ever vigilant for the safety of Ashtan.
    A Knight of the Illuminati stomps in from the north, ever vigilant for the safety of Ashtan.
    A Knight of the Illuminati stomps in from the north, ever vigilant for the safety of Ashtan.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    With an air of supreme arrogance, a War Witch strolls in from the north.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    A Knight of the Illuminati growls threateningly, the voice echoing from the depths of the armour.
    A Knight of the Illuminati exclaims, "You! Speak!"
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    A Knight of the Illuminati draws his longsword threateningly.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-ww

    With an air of supreme arrogance, a War Witch strolls in from the north.
    With an air of supreme arrogance, a War Witch strolls in from the north.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Sticky strands of webbing cling to you, making that impossible.
    2298h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Raising his enormous broadsword over his head, a Knight of the Illuminati brings the blade crashing down on top of you.
    A War Witch punches you in the solar plexus with her gauntlet, which discharges an excruciatingly painful shock.
    1247h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-writhe
    sip health

    You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
    1247h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    You bleed 24 health.
    1223h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    A War Witch punches you in the solar plexus with her gauntlet, which discharges an excruciatingly painful shock.
    Crouching down low, a Knight of the Illuminati swiftly lunges with his broadsword, stabbing you viciously in the gut.
    301h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    SIP health
    OFFBAL elixir
    833h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    A War Witch says, "I'm not in a good mood. Tell me what is happening."
    A War Witch says, "If this is a false alarm, someone will pay."
    833h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    With an air of supreme arrogance, a War Witch strolls in from the north.
    833h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-
    Raising his enormous broadsword over his head, a Knight of the Illuminati brings the blade crashing down on top of you.
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w ceb-ww

    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    Sticky strands of webbing cling to you, making that impossible.
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-ww

    You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11200w cexb-
    You hurl yourself forwards through the air, and sure enough a swirling vortex of colours springs into existence to
    swallow you.
    The wormhole spits you out at the other end.
    Along the Prelatorian Highway (road).
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. A small grey-brown rattlesnake is coiled here,
    rattling menacingly.
    You see exits leading northeast and south.
    454h, 2460m, 10390e, 11180w cxb-
    You must regain equilibrium first.
  • I thought people said web/axk was op, that wasn't even a one shot. I am disappoint.
  • You snap your fingers in front of Karlyt.
    2124h, 2082m, 11130e, 11986w cexk-
    Karlyt gives a personal journal to you.
    2124h, 2082m, 11130e, 11992w cexk-'thanks
    You say, "Thanks."
    2124h, 2082m, 11130e, 11992w cexk M-300 12:22:03.109-look
    You take a drink from a tulipwood vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 11998w cexk 12:22:03.640-ma
    You take a drink from a tulipwood vial.
    The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 11998w cexk 12:22:04.109-
    Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger says, "Like I even use that?"
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 11998w cexk 12:22:04.437-
    Karlyt rubs his hands together greedily.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 11998w cexk 12:22:05.031-read karlyt
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:08.390-
    There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:08.765-p journal
    The size of a book, this journal is of expensive vellum construction, with a fine leather binding. It has no
    title and the author is listed as being Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger.
    It weighs about 1 pounds and 4 ounce(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:25.843-read journal page 2

    You see nothing written there.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:29.281-
    Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger says, "Very funny."
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:31.171-give journal to karlyt

    You give a personal journal to Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger.
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:31.593-qw

    Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger says, "I haven't had to use that in years."
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:54.734-
    Laverna tells you, "I'm unblocking -grin-."
    2124h, 2677m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:22:57.562-hypnotise karlyt

    You prepare yourself to hypnotise your victim, Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 11990w cexk 12:23:09.546-
    "Awwwww!" Laverna says.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 11996w cexk 12:23:13.203-
    You fix Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger with an entrancing stare, and smile in satisfaction as you realise
    that his mind is yours.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:14.062-
    Laverna takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:16.109-
    Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger says, "Not since I was like, well, Laverna's age."
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:28.265-
    Laverna gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:31.421-
    Laverna says, "But I'm much prettier!"
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:39.906-
    The corners of Laverna's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:40.453-
    Laverna says, "Just kidding."
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:44.437-
    "Heh heh heh" Karlyt chuckles.
    2124h, 2627m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:23:46.578-suggest karlyt action ct Help! Help me!

    You issue the suggestion, concealing it deep within Karlyt's mind.
    2124h, 2577m, 11130e, 11990w cxk 12:23:57.859-
    2124h, 2577m, 11130e, 11996w cexk 12:23:59.812-seal karlyt 1

    You draw Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger out of his hypnotic daze, your suggestions indelibly printed on his

    You take a drink from a tulipwood vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11986w cxk 12:24:00.640-
    Karlyt takes on a vigilant expression.
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11986w cxk 12:24:01.015-snap karlyt

    Deepest Stygian night steals over the land as the symbolic hourglass empties and turns, ready to begin a new
    It is now the 24th of Phaestian, 461 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11986w cxk 12:24:04.031-
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11986w cexk 12:24:04.062-
    You snap your fingers in front of Karlyt.
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11992w cexk 12:24:04.343-
    2124h, 2823m, 11130e, 11992w cexk 12:24:05.250-farsee dannyl

    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Dannyl.
    Though too far away to accurately perceive details, you see that Dannyl is in Shallam.
    2124h, 2803m, 11130e, 11996w cxk 12:24:18.906-
    2124h, 2803m, 11130e, 11996w cexk 12:24:19.984-look

    Skirting the northern Vashnar range (road).
    Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. Your gaze cannot help but be drawn westwards, towards
    the Vashnar mountains. The snowy-capped peaks loom above like parents over a naughty child. To the southwest,
    almost unbelievably, a cluster of peaks rises half again as high as the next highest peak. They seem to reach
    to the heavens themselves, and you can make out the vague, massive shape of Yggdrasil, the World tree, which
    is the support that allows the Pillars of Heaven to soar so high. Karnivour Karlyt, the Zisha Tiger is here.
    He is surrounded by one reflection of himself.
    You see exits leading east and southwest.
    2124h, 2803m, 11130e, 12000w cexk 12:24:24.250-

    Dannyl arrives following Guardian of the Wilds, Rangor Corten, Volcanic Warrior.
    Rangor drifts in from an unseen gateway.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    A pair of hands closes down over your eyes, and you hear a soft "Guess who?" close to your ear.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Rangor to cover you.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    Dannyl takes a long drag off his pipe.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Rangor.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    Your shroud dissipates and you return to the realm of perception.
    2124h, 2653m, 11130e, 11988w cexk-
    Rangor's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Rangor kicks his leg high and scythes downwards at you.
    He connects to the head!
    659h, 2653m, 11130e, 11994w cexk-
    Rangor launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    He connects to the head!
    185h, 2653m, 11130e, 11994w cexk-
    Rangor launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    Your mind feels suddenly dulled and slow.
    He connects to the head!
    You have been slain by Rangor.
    0h, 2653m, 11130e, 11994w ex-
    Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
    0h, 2503m, 11130e, 11994w ex H-2124 M-150 12:24:55.453-
    Karlyt rolls on the floor, laughing.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    I'm more impressed with the 2124 health.
  • edited October 2012
    Thank you Thaumas! <3

    RIP mindTravel/guesswho @target/web/axk combo.

    also pro enfeeble:
    42h, 2018m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
    You feel your body and mind ripped apart as you are enfeebled by Arkantos.
    22h, 1010m, 10525e, 11400w cexkdb-
  • Thaumas said:

    This brings back memories.
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • edited October 2012
    I was more impressed that Rangor was the one web/axking and not Axkantos himself.

    eta: good logs. rip Osek

  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    The last part of getting jumped by Roam. Posting to see if anyone feedback.

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • Why don't my duels ever end in f- yous
  • edited October 2012
    3199h, 2859m, 17880e, 15347w xk-16:04:56:433
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
    Salik viciously jabs an ornate steel rapier into you.
    Your insomnia has cleared up.
    [Paving]: Insomnia stripped!
    2425h, 2859m, 17880e, 15347w xk-16:04:57:612[Paving]: Nom nom nom bloodroot(-774 Health)
    Horror seizes Salik's features as his skin rapidly withers and parches. Forked patterns gain shape 
    beneath his wasting flesh, skin splitting around them to reveal bulging vines coiled around his very 
    skeleton. Streaking through his body, the green lattice tears Salik apart from within, until the 
    final dessicated remains of his carcass fall away. As the vine-tangled bones fall to the ground, a 
    single ivory blossom slowly blooms from within the pale ribcage.
    You have slain Salik.

    Shit is way too stronk.
  • edited October 2012
    (3.5k not my full health, just a couple falcon ticks before log)

    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w xk-16:10:56:097
    A tentacle shoots up from the ground, wraps itself around you, and drags you back to earth.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:56:688
    A mottled desert falcon glides in.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:56:938
    North of New Thera (road).
    A smattering of clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. A polished wooden sign is 
    nailed to a small tree here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the 
    ground. A sticky spiderweb spans the area here, waiting for a hapless victim to become entangled 
    within it. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A brightly 
    coloured jack-in-the-box rests quietly on the ground. A dyed red poster bearing the title "URGENT 
    PLEASE READ" has been hung here. An elegant white letter is in danger of being soiled here. Coiling 
    green tendrils ensnare a scattered pile of pale, humanoid bones. A many-headed hydra towers over the 
    area, his carmine scales glimmering like gems. A mottled Mhojave Desert falcon glides effortlessly 
    to and fro.  Jovora is here. He wields a buckler in his left hand. Champion Salik Rian is riding on 
    a ruby hydra. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:57:250
    (Market): Mako says, "Buying any sulphur or mercury."
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:58:214
    A Mhojave falcon hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:58:465
    Jovora gives you the once over.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15279w k-16:10:58:479
    ---------------RECOVERED BALANCE---------------
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w xk-16:10:58:715
    Tianna arrives from the north.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w xk-16:10:58:960
    (Newbie): Romeo says, "Wish to learn a few new abilities? The best teachers will be those from your 
    house or city. If none of them are available, try one of the denizen tutors from HELP TUTORS. HELP 
    LEARNING has much more information on learning."
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w xk-16:10:59:560
    ---------------RECOVERED EQUILIBRIUM---------------
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w exk-16:10:59:574
    Tianna leaves to the southwest.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w exk-16:10:59:679
    Salik's attack rebounds off your magical shield.
    3515h, 2977m, 17880e, 15285w exk-16:10:59:692
    You take a long drag off your pipe.
    3515h, 2227m, 17880e, 15165w xk-16:11:00:032
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    3515h, 2227m, 17880e, 15165w xk-16:11:00:095
    You take a drink from an oaken vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    3515h, 2752m, 17880e, 15165w xk-16:11:00:314(+525 Mana)
    You bleed 31 health.
    3484h, 2752m, 17880e, 15153w xk-16:11:00:909(-31 Health)
    The falcon dives at you and throws you off balance.
    3484h, 2752m, 17880e, 15153w k-16:11:01:242
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
    2710h, 2752m, 17880e, 15153w k-16:11:01:859[Paving]: Nom nom nom kelp(-774 Health)
    You remove 1 kelp, bringing the total in the Rift to 1053.
    2710h, 2752m, 17880e, 15153w k-16:11:01:974
    [Paving]: A piece of kelp eaten
    Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
    2710h, 2752m, 17880e, 15153w k-16:11:02:107
    Salik viciously jabs an ornate steel rapier into you.
    A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
    Salik viciously jabs an ornate steel rapier into you.
    A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
    1740h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:03:445(-970 Health)
    [Paving]: ----MUST EAT MORE HERBS----
    1740h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:03:676[Paving]: Nom nom nom bloodroot
    You remove 1 bloodroot leaf, bringing the total in the Rift to 1477.
    1740h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:03:886
    [Paving]: A bloodroot leaf eaten
    Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
    1740h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:03:894
    A Mhojave falcon dives at you, raking your face with its talons.
    Your barkskin defence is ripped apart by its talons.
    [Paving]: Unbarkened!
    1253h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:04:323(-487 Health)
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    1253h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w xk-16:11:04:669
    You take a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    1975h, 2752m, 17880e, 15159w exk-16:11:04:80816:11:04:810(+722 Health)
    1975h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:04:957
    I cannot fathom your meaning.
    1975h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:04:976
    1975h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:04:994
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    A bolt of lightning hurls from the tip of the runeblade skywards, accompanied by a crack of thunder.
    With a series of hisses, small acidic hailstones pour down from above, battering your body.
    The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:05:221(-1649 Health)
    [Paving]: ----MUST EAT MORE HERBS----
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:05:313
    You take out some balm and quickly rub it on your body.
    Food is no longer repulsive to you.
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:05:359[Paving]: Nom nom nom kelp
    You remove 1 kelp, bringing the total in the Rift to 1052.
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:05:675
    [Paving]: A piece of kelp eaten
    The stinging feeling fades.
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:05:683
    [Paving]: Nom nom nom moss
    You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 1457.
    326h, 2702m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:06:333
    [Paving]: Some irid moss eaten
    You feel your health and mana replenished.[Paving]: Illusion?? I DON'T WANT TO EAT MY VEGETABLES 
    716h, 3036m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:06:349(+390 Health, +334 Mana)
    You bleed 107 health.
    609h, 3036m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:06:357(-107 Health)
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    609h, 3036m, 17880e, 15154w xk-16:11:06:365
    609h, 2976m, 17880e, 15142w xk-16:11:06:453(-60 Mana)
    609h, 2916m, 17880e, 15136w exk-16:11:06:59616:11:06:598(-60 Mana)
    Please try rewording.
    609h, 2916m, 17880e, 15136w exk-16:11:06:70416:11:06:706
    You concentrate for a moment, and your skin becomes rough and thick like tree bark.[Paving]: Tough 
    like a tree
    609h, 2841m, 17880e, 15131w xk-16:11:06:71716:11:06:719(-75 Mana)
    609h, 2841m, 17880e, 15131w xk-16:11:06:753
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:773(-60 Mana)
    Come again?
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:779
    Please explain.
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:798
    Brilliant! Dumb it down for me?
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:816
    Come now, you don't really mean that.
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:834
    Brilliant! Dumb it down for me?
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:852
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:881
    I don't follow.
    609h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w xk-16:11:06:899
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
    Lightning-quick, Salik jabs you with an ornate steel rapier.
    The final blow is too much for you, and you fall to the floor a broken, bloody mess.
    You have been slain by Salik.
    Salik is a Jerk.
    The corpse of a carnivorous lycopod falls out of a buffalo hide backpack.
    The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a young rat falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a baby rat falls out of your inventory.
    0h, 2781m, 17880e, 15119w ex-16:11:07:222[Paving]: Getting high on valerian(-609 Health)

    Dw, I'm a noob too.
  • Heartseed is so awful
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, you don't even need to CURE to stop heartseed. @Zeon

  • ^ is why I hate it.
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    Kalvon said:
    Why don't my duels ever end in f- yous
    He crashed my tea party. I was pissed.

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • The only class unique instantkill that is an affliction and you don't even need to cure it?  :-/

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

  • Gonna assume you meant prevent and not stop, as to not be arguing semantics.

    Would argue heartseed is one of the stronger instantkills, though obviously it needs some adjustments, like everything else.

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

  • Nay, you can stop it (I.e, purge it from your diag) without actually curing it.

  • @Mizik
    Dat Silas pinata

  • Title of pb was the only reaction I could muster.


  • You are jolted violently downwards by powers unseen.
    Above the clouds over central Sapience.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, and down.
    4241h, 2912m, 18797e, 14510w excdbk|-
    Jarrod leaves to the east.
    4241h, 2912m, 18797e, 14510w excdbk|-
    An arrow flies in towards you.
    It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound.
    |     SHOT! | SHOT!     |
    Your insomnia has cleared up.
    3065h, 2912m, 18797e, 14510w excdbk|-(-1176)(-1176 Health)
    You take a drink from an oaken vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    3936h, 2912m, 18797e, 14510w excdbk|-(+871)(+871 Health)
    You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
    3936h, 2752m, 18797e, 14498w excdbk|-(-100 Mana)
    Akia, riding a winged nightmarish steed, arrives from the north.
    4148h, 2752m, 18797e, 14504w excdbk|-(+212)(+212 Health)
    On the clouds.
    A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. There are 2 ebony
    pegasi here. Its feathers streaked with mossy green and muddy grey, a mottled marsh falcon perches
    menacingly here.  Agathon Corten is here. He wields a Shield of Absorption bearing the arms of
    Agathon in his left hand and an elemental staff in his right. General Dunn Lichlord is here. He
    wields a runic totem in both hands. Eirk is here. Grandue is here.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down,
     and in.
    Your blindness is cured by a wunjo rune on a totem.
    Your limbs lock up in paralysis as you see an inguz rune on a totem.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.
    You spy a fehu rune on a totem.
    Your insomnia has cleared up.
    You spy a fehu rune on a totem.
    You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
    You lose purchase on a ruby hydra.
    You spy a fehu rune on a totem.
    You feel yourself calm down as the kola nut wears off.
    4148h, 2692m, 18795e, 14492w excd|-
    Eirk balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the left leg!
    You are jerked awake by the pain. (0.008s)
    3903h, 2692m, 18795e, 14492w excd|-(-245)(-245 Health)
    Eirk balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    3658h, 2692m, 18795e, 14492w excd|-(-245)(-245 Health)
    A mottled bog falcon dives at you, raking your face with its talons.
    3373h, 2632m, 18815e, 14480w excd|-(-285)(-285 Health)
    You already are awake.
    3373h, 2632m, 18815e, 14480w excd|-
    You begin trying to wrest your mind free of that which has transfixed it.
    3373h, 2632m, 18815e, 14480w ecd|-
    You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
    3373h, 2532m, 18815e, 14480w ecd|-(-100 Mana)
    You must be standing first.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|- (2.074s)
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.026s)
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn ceases to prop up a tall totem pole.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn ceases to wield a runic totem.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn begins to wield an ornate steel rapier in his right hand.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn begins to wield an ornate steel rapier in his left hand.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn's knuckles grow momentarily white as he strengthens his grip.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn easily vaults onto the back of an ebony pegasus.
    3373h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Dunn draws his blade back and plunges it deep into your helpless body impaling it to the hilt.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-(-636)(-636 Health)
    You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled you.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    What do you want to eat?
    (svo): Oops, don't have irid in inventory for healhealth.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    You must be standing first.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    You continue trying to wrest your mind free.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    You must be standing first.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    Akia, riding a winged nightmarish steed, arrives from the up.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    You must be standing first.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    What do you want to eat?
    (svo): Oops, don't have irid in inventory for healhealth.
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    Someone tells me something
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w ecd|-
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (0.931s)
    2737h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Eirk moves in towards you in a grabbing posture.
    Eirk lifts you triumphantly into the air, then yanks you down into his raised knee with back
    breaking force.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-(-1780)(-1780 Health)
    You must be standing first.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    You must be standing first.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    You must be standing first.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    You must be standing first.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    What do you want to eat?
    (svo): Oops, don't have irid in inventory for healhealth.
    957h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-
    Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
    758h, 2472m, 18815e, 14468w excd|-(-199)(-199 Health)
    (The Rian Family): Arcturus says, "KILL IT."
    758h, 2472m, 18815e, 14474w excd|-
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    758h, 2472m, 18815e, 14474w excd|-
    You have writhed free of your state of transfixation. (3.93s)
    842h, 2472m, 18815e, 14474w excd|-(+84)(+84 Health)
    What do you want to eat?
    (svo): Oops, don't have irid in inventory for healhealth.
    842h, 2472m, 18815e, 14474w excd|-
    An arrow flies in towards you.
    It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound.
    |     SHOT! | SHOT!     |
    Unable to withstand the arrow piercing your chest, you stumble to the ground as darkness overtakes
    You have been slain by Jarrod.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
    (svo): Your max health changed to 3985h - sipping, moss and other values have been automatically

    (svo): We hit starburst!
    (svo): Auto-switching to combat defences mode.
    3985h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-(+3143)(+3143 Health, +650 Mana)
    You take a drink from an oaken vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.

    (svo): Welcome back to life! System unpaused.
    3985h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-
    Akia points a razor-sharp elemental staff fashioned of imperfect glass at you and you scream in pain
    as your skin begins to freeze and crack.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-(-1174)(-1174 Health)
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
    A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-
    You down the last drop from an oaken vial.
    A chill runs over your icy skin.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-
    You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 skullcap left)
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-
    You remove 1 quartz, bringing the total in the Rift to 1866.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w ex|-
    You eat a quartz grain.
    An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You remove 1 quicksilver, bringing the total in the Rift to 1636.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You apply a quicksilver droplet to yourself.
    2811h, 3122m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-(-100 Mana)
    You concentrate on gripping tightly with your hands.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    A brief shiver runs through your body.
    (svo): Your max health changed to 4241h - sipping, moss and other values have been automatically
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You turn a bone ring etched with lightning bolts about your finger. A crackling stream of argentine
    light emanates from its band, surrounding you with a flickering aura.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You turn a simple bone ring about your finger. A coruscating stream of sanguine light emanates from
    its band, surrounding you with a scintillating aura.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You turn a bone ring etched with ice crystals about your finger. A frigid stream of cerulean light
    emanates from its band, surrounding you with a frosty aura.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You turn a bone ring etched with magical symbols about your finger. A swirling stream of heliotrope
    light emanates from its band, surrounding you with a shimmering aura.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14474w exk|-
    You call aloud and feel an aura of resistance shroud itself silently about you.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14454w exk|-
    You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround you.
    2811h, 3022m, 18835e, 14454w xck|-
    You say, "Ride home."
    Within a blacksmith's workshop.
    A rune resembling a horse has been sketched into the ground here (raido: return location). A sturdy
    iron forge stands here, cold and dark. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Standing atop
    a raised marble dais an imposing cast-iron forge dominates, fire and heat radiating from this
    massive shrine to the Smith. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. An obsidian eye sigil
    is here. There are 2 Magi of the Guard here. A Priestess of the Guard stands here, keeping watch
    over the city. Surrounded by an aura of magical energy, a Shallamese djinn watches the area with
    dark, mysterious eyes. A city monk paces here, keeping the peace.
    You see a single exit leading west (closed door).

  • <3 raido

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