Combat Logs



  • Another page full of non-logs. If you people keep posting useless crap, I'll grab another 2005 log. Yes, it's a threat.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    I like 2005 logs. DO IT!
  • Episode 1

    Santar comes flying in with a jumpkick from the southeast.
    He slams into Jaegerl, knocking him off his feet.
    1928h, 2048m, 8540e, 9200w cex 15:07:26.484-
    Santar balls up one fist and hammerfists Jaegerl.
    He connects to the right leg!
    1928h, 2048m, 8540e, 9200w cex 15:07:26.500-
    Santar balls up one fist and hammerfists Jaegerl.
    He connects to the right leg!
    1928h, 2048m, 8540e, 9200w cex 15:07:26.515-
    Santar takes a long drag off his pipe.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Cahin said:
    Achilles said:
    What?  I'll duel Cahin anytime bro.
    Then why did you say noooo :'(

    eta: oh, defending self esteem right now. Sorry disregard.
    I was asking whether it was a duel not asking for a duel.  Neither of us asked for a duel. I don't need to solicit duels usually, get plenty of contracts or random duels a long the way.
  • edited October 2012
    Achilles said:
    Cahin said:
    Achilles said:
    What?  I'll duel Cahin anytime bro.
    Then why did you say noooo :'(

    eta: oh, defending self esteem right now. Sorry disregard.
    I was asking whether it was a duel not asking for a duel.  Neither of us asked for a duel. I don't need to solicit duels usually, get plenty of contracts or random duels a long the way.
    I totally asked you after you clarified and you said no.  Maybe you were busy, who knows.

    eta: so trivial to me, making me feel stupid for even responding.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Achilles, DUEL NOW! I activate my Dark Magician!
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Guess @Achilles didn't accept my duel. I win again. Yami Daslin out.
  • 1 in 44.000 would be more correct based on your numbers
  • Aliath said:
    1 in 44.000 would be more correct based on your numbers
    The numbers are approximations though, so there's a pretty wide range. For example, using 0.9% for the "~1%" at the end (and the rest as they are) gives 49383.
  • Yeah that was good for me too. *smoke*

  • @Daslin:
    Everyone knows Dark Magician is just the card that gets played to raise the audiences hopes before they realise its actually pretty terrible and gets one shot by the overpowered monster no one has ever heard of that the arch nemesis just happens to have been keeping in reserve for this moment (and of course has absolutely no summoning conditions so just appears out of nowhere).

    Lol'd hard at the softfocus hang, I remember that one.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Tanris That's why I brought him out first! I was sure the audience would love to see their hero's favorite card first. I was then going to call out the red eye black dragon. Soon after, I'd use change of heart on his blue eyes white dragon and fuse them to make the OMGWTFZORZISTHATeyedgreendragon. And win the game, inevitable. Or I was going to make a Koriboh wall and save myself.
  • Game, bitches.


  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    ...I just... lost?! BUT HOW?! Kiba!!!111!
  • I don't understand, he just fielded a dismembered man. Don't you win by default against a man who is already chopped up?
  • Only if dismemberment stops said man from killing you horribly.

    If not, then start running from dismembered death.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    That dismembered man, when he goes on the field, he reassembles and destroys everything. Then again, I could have played my trap cards, and used Obelisk the Destroyer... Maybe then I might have won.
  • oh god I think I actually have an obelisk the destroyer card
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    I had the three Egyptian god cards. Sold em. Made like, 50 bucks.
  • ok Old Log, Tanris got a Torc of Telepathy and all.

    I sit at totem at Approaching, Tanris jumps in

    You raise your bastard sword over your head and begin to swing it in a wide
    circle, gaining speed as you go.

    Tanris Wakes up.

    You begin to bear down on Tanris, preparing to destroy him.

    Tanris cured and writhed free, Tanris charges Aeon, flings at you.

    A surge of elation rushes through you as you realise that Tanris's fate is
    sealed. With a roar of triumph, you whip your bastard sword at Tanris's neck,
    slicing his head from his shoulders in a veritable fountain of dark red blood.
    You have slain Tanris

    I lolled so hard. Artie telepathy and still dies to a behead. Yeah it's pretty old but as you keep spamming combat logs with nonnsense I bring this up

  • I don't know, Salik. That log sure looks pretty fake.

  • No timestamps. Fake log is fake.
  • oh Tanris, sorry then. I actually did not know you missed the sound, I just got amazed that you died after curing out.

  • Tanris said:
    Ffs don't appologise, this was boiling down to be such a fantastic epene contest.
    Your metacomments aren't helping to get the contest on track again either.

    Also, you suck at combat.
  • Tanris, I'm trying to be nice, just like when I dueled Mizik, he ran out of bloodroot, I stopped and let him heal up and gave him the herbs. I apologize as you did not know that you missed that message and it's not correct to poke at you for that, and that is why I won't mention such a thing again.
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