Combat Logs



  • One does not simply out-Bonko the Bonkmeister.
  • image
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • 5697h, 4539m, 25984e, 11879w cexkdb-

    Shoremaster Proficy, The Forsaken Fist says to you, "Go for it."
    5697h, 4510m, 25999e, 11886w cexkdb-(-29m, 0.6%)

    Zephyros says in a deep, stern voice, "Axes are too slow."
    5697h, 4510m, 25999e, 11886w cexkdb-
    With a smooth lunge to the right, you draw Black Crescent from its scabbard and deliver a powerful slash across
    Proficy's legs.
    The attack rebounds back onto you!
    5415h, 4510m, 25974e, 11886w cekdb-(-282h, 4.9%)
    Ducking behind him, you strike at Proficy's hamstring with a rigid, practised grip.
    You feel the subtle power of Shindo flowing within you.
    5415h, 4510m, 25959e, 11883w cekdb8-
    You tap into your reserves of Shin, channeling it into your blade.
    The crackle of electrical energy emanates from your scabbard.
    5415h, 4510m, 25959e, 11833w cekdb3-
    You are not the member of any party.
    5415h, 4510m, 25959e, 11833w cekdb3-

    Proficy's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.

    Proficy lets fly at you with a snap kick.
    He connects to the right leg!
    4499h, 4510m, 25979e, 11833w cekdb3-(sip health)(-916h, 16.1%)

    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    4090h, 4510m, 25979e, 11833w cekdb3-(-409h, 7.2%)

    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    (svo): Seems that we're fighting with Monk - enabled class tricks.
    3681h, 4510m, 25979e, 11833w cekdb3-(-409h, 7.2%)
    You take a drink from a cedarwood vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    4601h, 4510m, 25979e, 11845w cekdb3-(+920h, 16.1%)

    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.876s)
    4601h, 4484m, 25974e, 11840w cexkdb3-(-26m, 0.5%)
    With a smooth lunge to the right, you draw Black Crescent from its scabbard and deliver a powerful slash across
    Proficy's legs.
    Proficy steps into the attack, grabs your arm, and throws you violently to the ground.
    4601h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cekdb[stun pr]3-
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    4601h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cekdb[stun pr]3-
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    4601h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cekdb[stun pr]3-

    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    You are no longer stunned. (2.168s) (2.168s)
    4601h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[pr]3-(stand)

    Proficy lets fly at you with a snap kick.
    He connects to the right leg!
    3685h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[pr]3-(outr potash|eat potash)(-916h, 16.1%)

    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    Your right leg is greatly damaged from the beating.
    3276h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[pr]3-(-409h, 7.2%)

    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists you.
    He connects to the right leg!
    2867h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[pr]3-(-409h, 7.2%)
    Both of your legs must be free and unhindered to do that.
    2867h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[? pr]3-
    You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 642.

    2867h, 4484m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-(apply restoration to legs)
    You eat a potash crystal.
    You feel your health and mana replenished.
    3436h, 4893m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-(+569h, 10.0%, +409m, 8.4%)
    You must be standing first.
    3436h, 4893m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
    3436h, 4893m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-
    You must be standing first.
    3436h, 4893m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-
    You must be standing first.
    3436h, 4893m, 25949e, 11840w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-

    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    3720h, 4864m, 25964e, 11847w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-(sip health)(+284h, 5.0%, -29m, 0.6%)
    You take a drink from a cedarwood vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    4699h, 4864m, 25964e, 11847w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-(+979h, 17.2%)

    Proficy takes a long drag off his oaken pipe.
    4699h, 4864m, 25964e, 11847w cexkdb[rl2 ? pr]3-

    Proficy kicks his leg high and scythes downwards at you.
    He connects to the head!
    Your mind feels suddenly dulled and slow.

    736h, 4864m, 25964e, 11847w cexkdb[h1 st rl2 ? pr]3-(focus)(-3963h, 69.6%)

    Proficy launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    He connects to the head!
    312h, 4864m, 25964e, 11847w cexkdb[h1 st rl2 ? pr]3-(-424h, 7.4%)

    Proficy launches a powerful uppercut at you.
    He connects to the head!
    You have been slain by Proficy.
  • Advice immediately followed:

    Shoremaster Proficy, The Forsaken Fist says to you, "You shouldnt get caught with breaks."
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    It's true. You are a bad combatant, getting broken and stuff. Learn to not get caught with breaks


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited November 2012
    Drink milk, get calcium, have stronger bones!

    Having ones limbs broken against a monk is such a noob mistake.
  • Lol'd heartily. I bet Mizik lets serpents hit him with venoms too.
  • That's a pretty long fight, Mizik. I once got bashing combo'd, hit guarding, AXK combo'd and died. 
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    yeah but at least you didnt' get caught with breaks.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • @mizik How did you setup your health/mana changes to show % as well as totals?
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    You shouldn't have attacked.  Hit rebounding and then guarding.  Masochist.
  • Rebounding was on purpose.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    That's what she said


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • It's okay Miz, I had your back long before that fight even started. I 4x BBT'd Proficy.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    You shouldn't have attacked.  Hit rebounding and then guarding.  Masochist.
    Mizik said:
    Rebounding was on purpose.
    You would have lived with like 100 health if you didn't hit rebounding.  Besides I was joking, your two attacks did more harm than good for the purposes of this duel :P
  • Sad part is you're totally right. I was spamming for first attack on 'go' so I could hit that rebound, to try to survive the rest of the fight, before his kill shot. Should have switched legs :(
  • edited November 2012
    Out of the frying pan, and into the fire...back into the frying pan.

  • Tirac said:
    Out of the frying pan, and into the fire...back into the frying pan.

    I feel like Tirac's normally stoic and emotionless countenance would have looked something like -this- during that whole exchange.....


  • If I had to pick an idol in Mhaldor, it wouldn't be any of the scholars. It would be Tirac for pure badassery.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    behold my noobishness

    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • I had the face from three posts up during this.

    Nice gank on me before this, I walked right into that even though I saw them there.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles

    Jonathin said:
    behold my noobishness

    When did theft get an upgrade?  Antidas is able to steal letters now.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.

    Kendrick was so mad. We weren't sure if you were gonna come to Delos and jump me.

    When I enemied you to Hermes, I thought I hit my retardation macro and was going to trample in retardation off of totem but I forgot that I scripted the macro to be pressed twice (to prevent accidental embedding) and I forgot that I left my mount in polyargos. D:
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • edited November 2012
    I actually wasn't going to. I saw the vibes, the rites, Kendrick flying around, whoever else earring'ing in. Signs said "don't do it", brain said "TARGET Kendrick".

    Got him once before I went down (I think?), at least.
  • was some fun skirmishes, for sure. Small group combat is way more fun than enormously large raids, imo :D

  • edited November 2012
    HTML for your eyes:

    You bow your head, and concentrate on preparing a channel for your mental power.  <---radiancing Jhui
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14462w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:23:185(-800)
    You hear a mighty roar from the depths of the earth itself rising to meet its unfortunate victim 
    somewhere nearby.
    A rune resembling a volcano upon the ground flares crimson before fading in a burst of steam.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14462w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:23:407
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14462w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:23:737
    Torr finishes sketching a thurisaz rune with a flourish.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14462w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:25:484
    The ground beneath begins to rumble softly.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14462w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:26:067
    You hear a mighty roar from the depths of the earth itself rising to meet its unfortunate victim 
    somewhere nearby.
    A rune resembling a volcano upon the ground flares crimson before fading in a burst of steam.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:26:795
    (Party): Xer says, "Flooded room."
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:27:868
    You focus your mind, allowing the image of Jhui to form a picture within your mind's eye.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:28:091
    The low rumbling of the earth continues unabated, the ground beneath you vibrating softly.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:29:068
    The ground beneath begins to rumble softly.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:29:501
    Azor, riding a giant eagle, suddenly appears, having travelled down the beam of prismatic light.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14468w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:30:180
    (Party): Rajan says, "Jhui (1) LEFT Mhaldor."
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:30:779
    Trey arrives from the down.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:31:112
    Torr nods his head at Xer.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:31:889
    The low rumbling of the earth continues unabated, the ground beneath you vibrating softly.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:32:487
    (Party): Tirac says, "One moment."
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:32:937
    Your target is too far away for that ability.      <-------------------------------------------Jhui leaves the area.
    You slowly release your concentrated mental energies.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:33:156
    You hear a mighty roar from the depths of the earth itself rising to meet its unfortunate victim 
    somewhere nearby.
    A rune resembling a volcano upon the ground flares crimson before fading in a burst of steam.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:33:159
    Your mind lock has been severed because your target is no longer in the same area.
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14474w cxkd-[Paused]23:35:33:391
    [Omnipave]: System unpaused
    4593h, 2978m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:35:082
    You take a drink from a daemonic onyx vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    A menacing hiss resounds as you flip the daemonic head of a daemonic onyx vial backwards to take a 
    sip, a tiny wisp of red fog curling into the air from within.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:35:119(+601)
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:35:340
    (Party): Azor says, "I can crystalhome us in, now."
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:35:563
    Trey starts to wield a Delosian bastard sword in his hands.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:36:209
    You hear a mighty roar from the depths of the earth itself rising to meet its unfortunate victim 
    somewhere nearby.
    A rune resembling a volcano upon the ground flares crimson before fading in a burst of steam.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:36:489
    (Party): Rajan says, "Jhui (1) ENTERED Mhaldor."  <---------------------------------Jhui back in
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:37:405
    Poised at the very peak of the firmament, Lady Sol blesses the land with life-giving warmth.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14480w cxkd-23:35:37:864
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14486w cxkd-23:35:39:619
    =======================EQUILIBRIUM RETURNED=======================
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14486w cexkd-23:35:39:955
    [Omnipave]: System paused
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14486w cexkd-[Paused]23:35:41:671
    You require a mindlock to perform that ability.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14492w cexkd-[Paused]23:35:43:146
    You focus your mind, and begin to concentrate on forming a mind lock with Jhui.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14492w cexkd-[Paused]23:35:45:979
    [Omnipave]: System unpaused
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14492w cexkd-23:35:46:557
    Nieelensars has been sliced into bloody ribbons by Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14498w cexkd-23:35:47:061
    (Party): You say, "Locking Jhui."
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14498w cexkd-23:35:48:798
    A beam of prismatic light suddenly shoots into the room.    <----------------------- Jhui's prism
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14498w cexkd-23:35:49:021

  • edited November 2012
    Stygian Crossroads.
    A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. Mhaldor's major 
    thoroughfares converge here to form a public square of freshly laid cobblestones. A great obsidian 
    monolith dominates the centre of the crossroads, upon which the seven truths of Evil are inscribed 
    in a spidery script. Open roadways extend to the northeast and northwest, travelling deeper into the 
    mountain city. Continuing higher up is Mhaldor Road, no end to its climb in sight. Far below lies 
    the gatehouse to the city, and to the east and west walkways are outlined by irregular patterns in 
    the ground. Some graffiti has been scrawled here. It reads, "Live without the constraints of Virtue 
    and nothing will be denied you." A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A small mhun miner 
    has been nailed upon a ridged, blood stained cross and left to perish. The cadaverous figure here 
    atop the Idol of Corruption seethes with hatred. A look of disgust plastered across his face, 
    Mhaldorus intently surveys his surroundings. Tattered robes envelop an ominous lich who lies in wait.
     A large school of piranha swims here inside a deep, murky pool. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath 
    your feet. There are 2 knights of the Maldaathi here. Keeping an eye out for trouble, Drobund is 
    here. There are 2 monolith sigils in 2 groups here. The leather-bound Apocrypha lies closed upon an 
    obsidian pedestal. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. 
    Hands clenched before himself in a ready stance, a monk of the Tanjinn appraises the area with a 
    focused gaze. A broken piece of a wickedly sharp, blackened blade has been discarded here. Spreading 
    its majestic golden wings, a giant eagle searches the ground with piercing eyes. An elegant 
    bloodstone bench is here. A black stone chest is here. The Silver Dragon Wynedere's imposing form 
    looms. Sir Trey Adwimar, Knight of Mhaldor is here. He wields a Delosian bastard sword in both hands.
     Blade Aspirant Torr, Recruit of Mhaldor is here. He wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand. The 
    Golden Dragon Tirac's imposing form looms. Cleric Xer is here. He wields a cavalry shield in his 
    left hand and a living vodun doll of Tirac in his right. Minion Rajan is here. His face is partially 
    concealed beneath a raised hood. Father Azor Corso, Messiah of the Damned is riding on a giant eagle.
     His face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields a simple fishing pole in both 
    hands. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
    You see exits leading northeast, east (open door), west (open door), northwest, up, and down.
    4593h, 3579m, 20000e, 14498w cexkd-23:35:50:850
    You continue to delve deeper and deeper into the mind of Jhui.
    4593h, 3499m, 20000e, 14479w cexkd-23:35:51:065(-80)
    (Party): Tirac says, "Do you have full vibes set up?"
    4593h, 3499m, 20000e, 14479w cexkd-23:35:51:797
    (Party): Azor says, "No."
    4593h, 3499m, 20000e, 14479w cexkd-23:35:54:061
    You continue to delve deeper and deeper into the mind of Jhui.
    4593h, 3419m, 20000e, 14460w cexkd-23:35:55:050(-80)
    (Party): Torr says, "Beware of the Deliverance when we go back in."
    4593h, 3419m, 20000e, 14460w cexkd-23:35:56:304
    (Party): Tirac says, "Set them up, please."
    4593h, 3419m, 20000e, 14460w cexkd-23:35:58:519
    You continue to delve deeper and deeper into the mind of Jhui.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:35:59:054(-80)
    Jhui suddenly appears, having travelled down the beam of prismatic light.        <----------------- Jhui prisms to Stygian losing one turn and activating my trap card.
    Jhui's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:01:025
    Jhui awakens with a start.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:01:248
    Calling upon the Twin Lords as he raises a gauntleted fist into the air, a knight of the Maldaathi 
    unleashes a wave of necromatic energy that courses through the surroundings. As the corrupting death 
    magic passes by, you feel a slight tug at your life essence but are left unharmed.
    With preternatural speed, a Tanjinn monk jabs through Jhui's solar plexus with a powerful spearhand 
    strike, sending out a spray of blood. Within the blink of an eye, his body shifts as a well-placed 
    axekick is brought down squarely on Jhui's knee with an echo of shattered bone.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:01:469
    Azor vigorously spins a milky crystal pentagon, and it begins to hover in the air.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:01:471
    Azor makes a forceful gesture and some crystals embed themselves into the ground.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:01:474
    Rajan rubs his hands together greedily.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14441w cexkd-23:36:02:415
    Closing the distance in but a few large steps, Mhaldorus, a colossal daemon charges at Jhui. As he 
    approaches, he shoots a dart of concentrated magic at Jhui's body, forcing a stunned look over his 
    face. A moment later, his mouth-like appendage takes hold of him, and he rapidly turns pale.
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14447w cexkd-23:36:02:906
    (Party): Xer says, "TARGET : Jhui."
    4593h, 3339m, 20000e, 14447w cexkd-23:36:03:129
    You continue to delve deeper and deeper into the mind of Jhui.
    4593h, 3259m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:131(-80)
    You take a drink from a daemonic onyx vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    A menacing hiss resounds as you flip the daemonic head of a daemonic onyx vial backwards to take a 
    sip, a tiny wisp of red fog curling into the air from within.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:178(+591)
    Jhui takes a drink from an obfuscated crystal vial.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:398
    Jhui eats a kola nut.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:401
    Jhui clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:403
    With a prayer to Shaitan and Apollyon, an ominous lich sends a surge of electricity to wreak havoc 
    upon Jhui's body.
    Calling upon the Twin Lords as he raises a gauntleted fist into the air, a knight of the Maldaathi 
    unleashes a wave of necromatic energy that courses through the surroundings. As the corrupting death 
    magic passes by, you feel a slight tug at your life essence but are left unharmed.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:613
    Xer's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Xer points an imperious finger at Jhui.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:619
    Jhui eats an arsenic pellet.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:621
    Jhui takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:624
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:03:833
    [SMOKED]: Xer  pipe
    Tirac's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Tirac viciously seizes Jhui in his jaws, tossing him effortlessly into the air before catching him 
    in a second bite.
    Jhui has been slain by Tirac.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Jhui in red light.
    A misshapen lump of coal upon a slender mithril chain falls from Jhui's person.
    A giant eagle falls from Jhui's person.
    A lobelia seed falls from Jhui's person.
    A goldenseal root falls from Jhui's person.
    A hawthorn berry falls from Jhui's person.
    A group of 2 pieces of kelp falls from Jhui's person.
    A valerian leaf falls from Jhui's person.
    A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Jhui's person.
    A skullcap flower falls from Jhui's person.
    Slippery elm falls from Jhui's person.
    A kola nut falls from Jhui's person.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:063
    Calling upon the Twin Lords as he raises a gauntleted fist into the air, a knight of the Maldaathi 
    unleashes a wave of necromatic energy that courses through the surroundings. As the corrupting death 
    magic passes by, you feel a slight tug at your life essence but are left unharmed.
    Shifting expertly into a scorpion stance, a Tanjinn monk launches into a flurry of kicks and punches 
    directed at Jhui's limbs, leaving him crippled and broken.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:067
    Tirac crafts a mysterious vision, directing it towards Jhui.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:070
    [SMOKED]: Tirac  pipe
    Jhui eats a kola nut.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:280
    Jhui takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:283
    Jhui touches a cloak tattoo.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:285
    [SMOKED]: Jhui  pipe
    Jhui clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:291
    Jhui calls aloud abruptly.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:293
    Jhui begins to chant a rapid mantra.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:296
    A low, thrumming vibration fills the air.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:501
    Jhui takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
    4593h, 3850m, 20000e, 14422w cexkd-23:36:04:837
    Torr whips an ornate steel rapier through the air in front of Jhui, to no effect.
    Lightning-quick, Torr jabs Jhui with an ornate steel rapier.
    Closing the distance in but a few large steps, Mhaldorus, a colossal daemon charges at Jhui. As he 
    approaches, he shoots a dart of concentrated magic at Jhui's body, forcing a stunned look over his 
    face. A moment later, his mouth-like appendage takes hold of him, and he rapidly turns pale.
    Jhui has been slain by Mhaldorus, a colossal daemon.

  • *radiancing
  • lol jhui died because he became too white
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