Combat Logs



  • Just 'cause you're such a noob you can't long-range deliverance doesn't mean other people can't do it, Hayte.
  • You bow your head, and concentrate on preparing a channel for your mental power.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15480w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:19:153(-800)
    You look about, reorienting yourself to your immediate surroundings as you consciously cease to 
    focus your mental powers.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15480w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:19:378
    Tirac ceases to wield a Velocity Bow.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15480w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:20:259
    Tirac starts to wield a Velocity Bow in his hands.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15480w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:20:484
    Tirac's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15486w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:22:099
    [SMOKED]: Tirac  pipe
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Tirac.
    4593h, 2944m, 20000e, 15498w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:30:653
    (Party): Wynedere says, "Is Jhui still in?"
    4593h, 2838m, 20000e, 15398w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:34:678(-106)
    =======================EQUILIBRIUM RETURNED=======================
    4593h, 2838m, 20000e, 15398w cexkd-[Paused]23:33:36:179
    (Party): Rajan says, "Yes."
    4593h, 2838m, 20000e, 15398w cexkd-[Paused]23:33:37:722
    (Party): Tirac says, "They're both in."
    4593h, 2838m, 20000e, 15404w cexkd-[Paused]23:33:38:331
    [Omnipave]: System unpaused
    4593h, 2838m, 20000e, 15404w cexkd-23:33:40:239
    You take a drink from a daemonic onyx vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    A menacing hiss resounds as you flip the daemonic head of a daemonic onyx vial backwards to take a 
    sip, a tiny wisp of red fog curling into the air from within.
    4593h, 3504m, 20000e, 15404w cexkd-23:33:40:271(+666)
    A great weight seems to have been lifted from Wynedere.
    4593h, 3504m, 20000e, 15404w cexkd-23:33:41:078
    [APPLIED]: Wynedere  skin
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    4593h, 3504m, 20000e, 15410w cexkd-23:33:44:665
    [Omnipave]: System paused
    4593h, 3504m, 20000e, 15416w cexkd-[Paused]23:33:46:840
    You bow your head, and concentrate on preparing a channel for your mental power.
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15150w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:47:647(-906)
    (Party): Rajan says, "Gloomy hallway."
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15156w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:51:361
    A great weight seems to have been lifted from Torr.
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15156w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:52:116
    [APPLIED]: Torr  skin
    You focus your mind, allowing the image of Penwize to form a picture within your mind's eye.
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15156w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:52:652
    A great weight seems to have been lifted from Rajan.
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15162w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:55:128
    [APPLIED]: Rajan  skin
    You now begin to draw on your willpower to gather the mental energy necessary for the task ahead.
    4593h, 2598m, 20000e, 15162w cxkd-[Paused]23:33:57:684
    You feel an odd sensation of glowing warmth fill you, minute ripples of energy washing through your 
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15068w cxkd-[Paused]23:34:02:666(-106)
    =======================EQUILIBRIUM RETURNED=======================
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15068w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:04:564
    Xer rolls his eyes.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15080w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:07:411
    Glittering points of light grow together in your mind, luminescent stars coalescing into one 
    brilliant, blazing sun. A thrill of energy ripples through you as you bask in the radiance of your 
    telepathic power.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15080w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:07:683
    Xer nods his head emphatically.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15080w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:08:285
    You summon up the vast tide of telepathic energy you have collected, preparing to release its 
    awesome might.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15086w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:12:705
    Xer applies a quicksilver droplet to himself.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:533
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:757
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:759
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:762
    Xer rubs his hands together greedily.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:764
    Xer eats a ball of myrrh gum.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:14:766
    [SMOKED]: Xer  pipe
    [APPLIED]: Xer  skin
    [APPLIED]: Xer  skin
    Xer takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4593h, 2492m, 20000e, 15092w cexkd-[Paused]23:34:15:793
    Your preparation is complete, and with a piercing cry you hurl an almighty blast of mental energy at 
    Penwize. In your mind's eye you see him let out a shriek of agony, stifled speedily as his entire 
    body bursts into flames and disintegrates into smouldering ashes.
    You have slain Penwize.


  • Cahin said:

    I used your radiance to get us into locked rooms in the Blood Congregation's house hall. <3
  • Nah I was prisming to Azor because I thought he was still in the househall.  Penwize and I were behind a locked door and we wanted to stay in the househall, so I tried to prism to Azor.  Should have scryed first.

    My arties should tell me where I'm prisming to, shouldn't they? damnit, what is this new feature going to cost
  • Jhui, honestly, you're a monk.
    Make an alias, PRISM <person> that does "MIND SENSE <person>, TOUCH PRISM <person>"
    I mean really!
  • Penwize said:

    Cahin said:

    I used your radiance to get us into locked rooms in the Blood Congregation's house hall. <3
    Cahin had his posts out of order.  What a meanie
  • If they didn't have eye sigils in the rooms, serves them right!
  • Penwize said:
    Jhui, honestly, you're a monk.
    Make an alias, PRISM <person> that does "MIND SENSE <person>, TOUCH PRISM <person>"
    I mean really!
    man I manualled prism cuz I never use it,  I think I do have that alias set up, just too noob to remember it.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Can't prism into estates anymore.

    Unless Mhaldor missed the memo.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    Can't use prism, sure.

    There are other ways to get into house estates though. 
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • RuthRuth Singapore

    Jonathin said:
    Can't prism into estates anymore.

    Unless Eleusis missed the memo.
    Fixed it for you. Dem Jhuizzie tried to prism.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • edited November 2012
    Penwize said:

    Cahin said:

    I used your radiance to get us into locked rooms in the Blood Congregation's house hall. <3
    Part of my plan. I hate the BC because that's the house that Carmain is in and he didn't even buy me one single video game last month.

    Jhui said:
    Penwize said:

    Cahin said:

    I used your radiance to get us into locked rooms in the Blood Congregation's house hall. <3
    Cahin had his posts out of order.  What a meanie
    I posted them in order of importance :(

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    you are getting left 4 dead 2 this month. But first I need to find out if I am fired from work or not


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Any idea what happened to me below? Prior to this I was skirmishing, when I lost equilibrium for 6.5 seconds after using selfishness. I'll take this as a sign that I'm getting cut off after too many vivisects.

    You have been slain by Anatral.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
    5957h, 5566m, 22098e, 10169w ex-[]: So fell the throks of Rathnu.
    You rub your hands together greedily.     <-- This was a bad move, yes. But why did it cost 6.5 seconds equilibrium?
    5957h, 5566m, 22098e, 10169w x-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:31:217)
    Anatral takes a long drag off his rosewood pipe.
    5957h, 5466m, 22098e, 10169w x-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:31:242)(-100 M)
    You eat a kola nut.
    5957h, 5436m, 22098e, 10181w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:32:34)
    You say in Mhaldorian, "Duanathar."
    You must regain equilibrium first.
    Archeas springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    4835h, 5436m, 22098e, 10181w xk-(potash)|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:33:54)(-1122 H)
    You feel your health and mana replenished.
    5393h, 5436m, 22098e, 10181w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:33:121)(+558 H)
    Oceana springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    4150h, 5436m, 22098e, 10181w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:34:47)
    The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
    3503h, 5436m, 22118e, 10181w xk-(vitality)|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:35:215)
    The tonic heals and soothes you.
    4547h, 5436m, 22118e, 10181w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:35:241)(+1044 H)
    With a smooth lunge to the left, Hanley draws Conquering Crows from its scabbard and delivers a
    powerful slash across your legs.
    4440h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:35:847)(-386 H)
    The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
    3793h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:36:250)(-647 H)
    Archeas springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    2671h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w xk-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:37:441)
    Oceana inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of white-hot fire shoots from
    her nostrils directly at you.
    You flinch and raise your arms in front of your face in an instinctive gesture of terror, but the
    effort is futile. The heat and intensity of the flames are too much for your weakened frame to stand,
     and the last thing you see through your charred eyes is a glimpse of the pure, white-hot fire
    consuming your entire body.
    You have been slain by Oceana.
    0h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w ex-(+ ablaze)(mending none)|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:37:458)(-
    2671 H)ab,
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    0h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w ex-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:37:459)ab,
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    0h, 5436m, 22118e, 10193w ex-|15|0|4|2|0|0|16||0|0|10|0|4|0|(13:42:37:684)ab,
  • The only thing I can think of is hidden confusion in the time between bursting and doing selfishness. Were there vibes in the room?
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Confusion wouldn't prolong it that much. Likely got hit by a disruption vibe while undeaf and have it gagged or something. Late concentrate? Idk.
  • I don't know, that would be an absolutely huge increase in recovery time from confusion. Perhaps it's changed or I'm misremembering, but I thought confusion was a percentage increase of the standard equilibrium time.
  • XerXer Langley
    I know confusion adds to equilibrium recovery cost. How much is it? Double the time? If so, it still shouldn't be a full 6.5 seconds
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • @Xer: Double the time was what I thought too, and testing confirmed it. I was getting ~0.35-0.4 seconds without confusion, and ~0.8 seconds with confusion.
  • No vibes in room, no magi at all among the defenders. I don't gag any afflictions but even if it was confusion, that's way too long.
  • An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with your forehead. The impact leaves your 
    vision blurred.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with fluid grace in 
    spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected patch of your flesh.
    Inhaling deeply, an ormyrr guard belches forth a noxious, green flame that cooks your flesh.
    You have been slain by an ormyrr guard.

    -0.3% experience lost.
    An ormyrr guard grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a roll of 13 Mayan crowns from the corpse of 
    Kard. (1.347s)

    Oh well.
  • Kard said:
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with your forehead. The impact leaves your 
    vision blurred.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with fluid grace in 
    spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected patch of your flesh.
    Inhaling deeply, an ormyrr guard belches forth a noxious, green flame that cooks your flesh.
    You have been slain by an ormyrr guard.

    -0.3% experience lost.
    An ormyrr guard grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a roll of 13 Mayan crowns from the corpse of 
    Kard. (1.347s)

    Oh well.
    Do those reset?
  • Mannimar said:
    Kard said:
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with your forehead. The impact leaves your 
    vision blurred.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with fluid grace in 
    spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected patch of your flesh.
    Inhaling deeply, an ormyrr guard belches forth a noxious, green flame that cooks your flesh.
    You have been slain by an ormyrr guard.

    -0.3% experience lost.
    An ormyrr guard grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a roll of 13 Mayan crowns from the corpse of 
    Kard. (1.347s)

    Oh well.
    Do those reset?
  • Died like this 50 times between ormyrr and guard killing. Hope everyone appreciates all the xp I save them:

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles

    All your limbs suddenly shrivel up in response to a command from powers divine.
    H: 8250 (100%), M: 7086 (98%) 24260w, 36794e 76.7% ex|cdbkr- 19:05:55.704  0/0|0/0|0/0|4-(-134 Mana) 
    You watch in horror, helpless, as Shaitan's fist is wreathed in crackling black energy. With a 
    diabolical laugh, He stiffens His hand and slowly runs it down your chest, splitting it open as He 
    does so. Though you scream in pain and beg to die, Shaitan proceeds to rip apart your organs, 
    magnifying the pain until you are driven nearly mad. With a detached smile upon His face, He 
    proceeds to rip out your sternum and drive it through your already splayed-out body, pinning it to 
    the ground and finally killing you.
    You have been slain by Shaitan.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Nerf gods, that's OP.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • It should be fine if you just add an aura to godcripple, so you can't vivisect right after.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited November 2012
    At least it was only a burst!

    We got all excited because Shaitan didn't have divine fire up but we couldn't touch him still :(  False advertising.

    Also I must have died 10 times in one prompt today.  Those dirty Ormyrrs reflex their targets :(
  • Poor Cooper. No one told him about guards and their randomized targeting :(
  • Achilles said:

    All your limbs suddenly shrivel up in response to a command from powers divine.
    H: 8250 (100%), M: 7086 (98%) 24260w, 36794e 76.7% ex|cdbkr- 19:05:55.704  0/0|0/0|0/0|4-(-134 Mana) 
    You watch in horror, helpless, as Shaitan's fist is wreathed in crackling black energy. With a 
    diabolical laugh, He stiffens His hand and slowly runs it down your chest, splitting it open as He 
    does so. Though you scream in pain and beg to die, Shaitan proceeds to rip apart your organs, 
    magnifying the pain until you are driven nearly mad. With a detached smile upon His face, He 
    proceeds to rip out your sternum and drive it through your already splayed-out body, pinning it to 
    the ground and finally killing you.
    You have been slain by Shaitan.
    This was the log I wanted posted.

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