Combat Logs



  • Jacen said:
    Jacen said:
    It really surprises the hell out of me when Jhui or Mizik or some other good combatant posts a log and I see they're using svo. 
    I wasn't talking shit about svo, I think it's an awesome system. I use it on Jacen and all my alts.I was saying that, despite all the "svo sucks at this" and "svo sucks at that" I've heard since Jacen's been alive, it really speaks for the quality of the system that top tier combatants use it. I was always given the assumption that svo was good to get you into combat/bashing, but you'd have to make your own or buy a better system to get to the top. This is obviously not the case.
    As far as I know, there isn't really a better one out there to buy. Only other major one I can name is Omnipave which is probably about on a par in terms of core functionality, and less featureful. The advantages to making your own aren't really as much to do with them being better, I think, so much as being forced to learn a fair amount about the basics of curing in order to do it, and maybe having something that's easier for you to customise, just because you wrote it in a way you understand. Self-written curing is only going to be comparable to svo if you have knowledge of curing strategy, coding skills, and free time comparable to Vadi's.
  • edited November 2012
    Jacen said:
    Jacen said:
    It really surprises the hell out of me when Jhui or Mizik or some other good combatant posts a log and I see they're using svo. 
    I wasn't talking shit about svo, I think it's an awesome system. I use it on Jacen and all my alts.I was saying that, despite all the "svo sucks at this" and "svo sucks at that" I've heard since Jacen's been alive, it really speaks for the quality of the system that top tier combatants use it. I was always given the assumption that svo was good to get you into combat/bashing, but you'd have to make your own or buy a better system to get to the top. This is obviously not the case.
    Svo can be customized to no end, and often is. People that criticize its usage are often thinking of install-and-go newbies or non-coms who expect svo to keep them alive without any idea on when to actually play defensively. As long as you remember to toggle things like anti-illusion and specific classes you are fighting then it is really great even "out of the box". Otherwise you will fall prey to stupid things like Chaosrays illusions that will break you in 2 dstabs.

    Edit: Also, people tracker is THE SHIT and so is every other feature included (singleprompt is fantastic if you wish for such a thing).
  • edited November 2012
    Eld said:
    Self-written curing is only going to be comparable to svo if you have knowledge of curing strategy, coding skills, and free time comparable to Vadi's.
    Actually, you don't need quite as much time for it as Vadi. It's something hugely different to write a script that is only meant for your own personal use, or to write one that needs to work for a large variety of people, with different skills, equipment, etc., which all also takes a long time to test since you can't easily test it all yourself. (E.g. if you have artie pipes you don't need to code anything about relighting, etc.) Then there's the whole aspect of documentation, which you also don't need if you're just coding for yourself. I know from personal experience how much work it is to make a script meant for public distribution, compared just making something for yourself.

    That being said, Svo is still a highly customizable system, so it's certainly a perfectly viable system for any level of combat, as long as you fine-tune some things for yourself. Many "top combatants" aren't coders (or simply don't want to spend so much time on it), so they need to rely on someone else's system, and Svo has a pretty good spot among those, if only for things like clarity of code, customisability, and documentation, areas which other systems are definitely lacking in.
  • Mizik said:
    Zero coordination on our part, but a greatly entertaining show of flurries of improv offense!

    Edit: Good god, I really need to take my salve queue out of monk mode.
    artied monks. :( so hilarious Jarrel bursted to that
  • Iocun said:
    Eld said:
    Self-written curing is only going to be comparable to svo if you have knowledge of curing strategy, coding skills, and free time comparable to Vadi's.
    Actually, you don't need quite as much time for it as Vadi. It's something hugely different to write a script that is only meant for your own personal use, or to write one that needs to work for a large variety of people, with different skills, equipment, etc....
    -clip lots of good points-
    Yeah, that's definitely true. But then, the extensive detailed understanding of combat and curing combined with the programming skills probably cut down a lot on the time required to write a system. I've spent quite a lot of time on my mediocre system over the course of a couple years, but that's at least partly because I was (and still am) learning both the curing and the language as I went.

    I didn't mean to imply that writing your own curing was a bad way to go or not worth it. Just that most people aren't going to write something that's better than svo or Omni* at the essentials, so it's not too surprising to see top-tier combatants using them.

    *I also have no real idea how svo and omni compare on the level of essential curing, I'm just assuming that they're pretty comparable.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Omnipave sucks, people should use svo.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Don't trust Carmain. He knows nothing.
  • omnipave is the shit

  • I would use SVO but I believe in Harvey Carmain.
  • edited November 2012
    @mizik log: Two monks, no enfeeble or banish!

    And Jarrel did a good job tanking them bbt's for you at the start. :D
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Tvistor said:
    I would use SVO but I believe in Harvey Dent.
  • Was 3v3 skirmishes. No Banish!

    And yeah, Jarrel got down on the ground to reverse spoon me for the BBTs all while pro slashing.
  • Rangor said:
    @mizik log: Two monks, no enfeeble or banish!

    And Jarrel did a good job tanking them bbt's for you at the start. :D
    We enfeebled Jarrel while Mizik was out of the room!  Jarrel's defending ruined our whole plan :(
  • Jacen said:
    Jacen said:
    It really surprises the hell out of me when Jhui or Mizik or some other good combatant posts a log and I see they're using svo. 
    I wasn't talking shit about svo, I think it's an awesome system. I use it on Jacen and all my alts.I was saying that, despite all the "svo sucks at this" and "svo sucks at that" I've heard since Jacen's been alive, it really speaks for the quality of the system that top tier combatants use it. I was always given the assumption that svo was good to get you into combat/bashing, but you'd have to make your own or buy a better system to get to the top. This is obviously not the case.
    I used to fight top tier on Acropolis (long after Acropolis was way outdated) and I know other top tier combatants have used similarly awful systems. So, while I'm not arguing with the idea that SVO may be the best easy-to-get system around, the fact that a system is used by top tier combatants doesn't really say anything about how good the system is. Top tier combatants are top tier because they know how to do a lot more defensively than their system can do.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i'm only agreeing with Terra this once but she still smells.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Psssh I only burst once in those few rounds we went 3v3. Needs moar Tanridunnizik logs from last night.

  • Oreganowned.
  • All he wanted to do was serenade that nice vertani with a beautiful cantata, and you go ruin everything.

  • damn was totally hoping that wouldn't end up on embarrassing

    thought the jitb failed if you left the room for a message :(
  • Jhui said:
    damn was totally hoping that wouldn't end up on embarrassing

    thought the jitb failed if you left the room for a message :(
    My JITB trigger:

    para.alert("JITB 1/3! LEAVE THE ROOM - LEAVE THE ROOM - LEAVE THE ROOM (11 seconds till death)")

    if jitbTimer then killTimer(jitbTimer) end

    jitbTimer = tempTimer(12, [[cecho("\n<YellowGreen> - - - - - - - > 12 seconds passed. JITB should have gone off by now.")]])

    It's proven useful many times! (I do the same with many other instakills too.)

  • You know, I suddenly realised that the Whip of Taming is not so useless after all, even if only useful in a very specific situation.
  • It is pretty useful against jesters, yeah.
  • Thaumas said:
    You know, I suddenly realised that the Whip of Taming is not so useless after all, even if only useful in a very specific situation.

    Don't you F-ing dare.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Shut up, non com.

    ....who 2:0'd me when I was Pwnwarden

    how the f
  • I'm only a non com outside the arena, cause a) don't hunt enough to make up for experience loss at all, and b) my class is expensive and tiny bits of broken.

    When fashioning gets improved, I'll duel and stuff.

    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • I would love to see you fight more, even if just so people could see your badass Shield of Absorption. Xith is the model Achaean Jester. It's exactly the way I imagine the class.

    I hate your dirty tricks, though.
  • Yeah, I tried to out-Bonko Bonko. It didn't work that time.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
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