Combat Logs



  • I'll shut up Tanris the day you can keep the promises you make =)
  • Salik said:
    Cahin said:
    I would broken pit Rangor if I was Occultist and saw him so that he couldn't broken thoths + reflexes me to death.  When are people going to learn that Achaea is full of things that don't look fair and embrace it.  Just pick something imba like the people you envy and feel like a badass as well.
    Broken thoth's with reflexes? I've managed to beat Rangor in forest while he used his thoth's fang. So it's  now OP or such like pit. also thoth's is getting fixed in the classlead. not my fault Cahin that you cannot fight properly.
    Exactly. Thoths + reflexes is considered imba by many so to counter this Salik gets some imba rapiers and is able to feel like a badass. Classic success story, thank you for your testimony.

    You misinterpreted what I was saying for complaining in any sort of a way, but I'm assuming that is because of the language barrier and not your fault.  

    Now for the last sentence in your post, I am gravely insulted.  Not for the fact that you are implying that I cannot fight properly, but simply for the fact that you are implying that you can.  I feel like that insults a majority of the people who have posted in this thread.

  • I dunno, man. Runewarden felt like Shiva, God of Men. Though, droooool Purity.
  • T fang and reflexes isn't that bad. It's really strong but it's not like you get an auto tier raise, or you become unkillable/unfightable. 

    Runie with 2 soulpiercers on the other hand, also fine and really strong. But a mid tier runie can do the same thing with better rapiers and see a huge performance boost.

    Don't have a problem with either, but they are most definitely different.

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Mizik said:
    I dunno, man. Runewarden felt like Shiva, God of Men. Though, droooool Purity.
    I think you are thinking of purity with raja int.  Purity arc doesn't do nearly as much as before on most stat packs.
  • Nothing to do with the stat packs. Purity base damage was directly downgraded.

    Besides, 15str 14int Purity/Arc was pretty chumpy. As a Rajamala I was powerful. As a Xoran I was indomitable. My Xoran 18str 13int Purity/Arc was a fantastic joke.
  • Off topic: I think I'm falling in love with @Garao. Saves me from having to write my opinion.

  • Chord said:
    Hirst said:
    Simple philosophy.

    I enjoy being an -hole.
    Gee whiz, that really was simple!
    Love it. I keep a tally board for every whine I get.

    <3 Mephaos. Talk is cheap.
  • The last thing he said was right, though.

  • image
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Runewarden by itself isn't exceptionally powerful. It just happens to mesh extremely well with very good weapons.
  • Bonko said:

    Off topic: I think I'm falling in love with @Garao. Saves me from having to write my opinion.

    Surprised nobody can guess Garao's main. He's a really famous PKer.
  • To be fair, that banish on Darroth all happened within like 5 seconds and I think I was told to do it beforehand, or I was just using my head(problematic I know)
  • Can not tell if Cooper is serious or trolling.
  • It's obviously a hyperbole, but there is some truth behind it. Ashtan would be far less successful in a 1v1 tourney than they are at raiding. Not that it would be no contest, just that it would be very close and that Eleusis and Shallam both have a hand full of good 1v1 fighters.

    And those numbers would be skewed further if you consider the fact that Mephaos was probably talking about active Ashtani raiders, which means substituting people like Jarrel and Rean for Hirst and Nemutaur.

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

  • edited October 2012
    The number of active Ashtani raiders that are good 1v1 (not can kill people 1v1 because of their artefacts or lame/cheap tactics) is very small. My list would be Mizik and Tanris. I might have forgotten someone, but Jarrod, Dunn, Sohl, Earionduil, Hirst, Nemutaur, etc. are all lacking 1v1 power.

    Sohl could probably 1v1 me now cause I'm still on broken Occultist curing Vadi-M, though. And Dunn did 1v1 me and beat me once as a Magi through the use of skilled retardation.

    Quick edit:

    None of that was meant to be insulting, or to even imply I'm better than the people that I didn't put on the list or that I could kill them. Just my personal evaluation.

  • don't get the argument anyway. some people (sup) couldn't give less of a damn about 1v1, but enjoy small group fights and whatnot.

    plus, I'm pretty sure everyone listed could shank Mephaos 1v1 easily, so why are we talking about it
  • Because Tvistor takes longer than normal people to grasp those concepts (I should have put what you did in my post about those people not really caring about 1v1 anyway) and needs to have his hand held.

  • oh, I only read the most recent two posts. my b

    also lol, you can get negative points/have no stars. that's awesome.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    1v1 is pretty lame these days.  Once in awhile it can be fun but who wants to fight for 30 minutes straight.
  • Group fights are only fun when there's retardation involved.
  • Group fights with retardation come down to whose dragon + mounted person combo tailsweep/trample better, and how many serpents they had evade out and start sniping. I don't find retardation that fun even though I'm one of the best classes to handle it.

  • I'm only talking out of my ass anyways. It's been so long that I've last had a group fight that I don't really have any clue how they work anymore.
  • Achilles said:
    1v1 is pretty lame these days.  Once in awhile it can be fun but who wants to fight for 30 minutes straight.

    30 minutes?? Wow, some of my duels with skilled oponents takes around 1-2 hours to finish and that is because someone runs out of willpower or endurance or get tired of it. I really love long 1vs1 fights. it makes it fun to duel
  • Cooper said:
    The number of active Ashtani raiders that are good 1v1 (not can kill people 1v1 because of their artefacts or lame/cheap tactics) is very small. My list would be Mizik and Tanris. I might have forgotten someone, but Jarrod, Dunn, Sohl, Earionduil, Hirst, Nemutaur, etc. are all lacking 1v1 power.

    Sohl could probably 1v1 me now cause I'm still on broken Occultist curing Vadi-M, though. And Dunn did 1v1 me and beat me once as a Magi through the use of skilled retardation.

    Quick edit:

    None of that was meant to be insulting, or to even imply I'm better than the people that I didn't put on the list or that I could kill them. Just my personal evaluation.
    This is a pretty good list, including what @Tagg said. Sohl, Nemutaur, Dunn, and Eari all fight 1v1 generally (Eari did have the highest kills on irescoreboard for awhile, not all from raiding). Dunn is really good but hasn't been playing much.

    Miss you @Dunn.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

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