Combat Logs



  • Hirst quickly changes back into Human form.
    8195h, 7482m, 36450e, 8727w cexkdb-
    Hirst's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    With an inhuman rending sound, as if existence were being torn asunder, a pit begins to open in the ground below you. 
    Pulsing impossibly, it seems not to be a splitting of the earth so much as a splitting of reality. Finally it is done, 
    and a gaping maw of midnight and sulphur lies before you.
    Kowski is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    Jhui is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    Zeon is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    The pit quickly closes up and the air clears of its sulphurous stench.


  • Entering a bog near the Prelatorian Highway.
    The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.  Sentinel Raven Rollanz Taver 
    is here. She wields an ornate steel rapier in each hand. Sentinel Raven Sylvain Nomadsson, Oaken Hand is here. He wields
    a wyvern-etched druidic quarterstaff in both hands.
    You see exits leading north, east, and southwest.
    8195h, 7482m, 36450e, 8712w cexkdb-08:38:55.781
    Sentinel Raven Rollanz Taver says in Eleusian, "I've already deactivated it by smudging the wunjo rune."
    8195h, 7441m, 36450e, 8722w cexkdb-08:38:57.296
    Rollanz continues to uproot the totem.
    8195h, 7515m, 36450e, 8722w cexkdb-08:39:00.072
    You tell Manifest, "Nice dog."
    8195h, 7515m, 36450e, 8722w cexkdb-08:39:00.676
    With a mournful howl a bog hound appears from the mist.
    8195h, 7477m, 36450e, 8733w cexkdb-08:39:01.279
    With an inhuman rending sound, as if existence were being torn asunder, a pit begins to open in the ground below you. 
    Pulsing impossibly, it seems not to be a splitting of the earth so much as a splitting of reality. Finally it is done, 
    and a gaping maw of midnight and sulphur lies before you.
    Rollanz is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    You're drawn screaming into its hellish maw.

  • +1 I didn't see and this one.

    Hirst quickly changes back into Human form.
    5989h, 3462m, 25635e, 5643w cxkdb-08:51:08.441
    With an inhuman rending sound, as if existence were being torn asunder, a pit begins to open in the ground below you. 
    Pulsing impossibly, it seems not to be a splitting of the earth so much as a splitting of reality. Finally it is done, 
    and a gaping maw of midnight and sulphur lies before you.
    Rollanz is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    The pit quickly closes up and the air clears of its sulphurous stench.
    5989h, 3462m, 25635e, 5643w cxkdb-08:51:08.780

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited October 2012
    Rangor said:

    Hirst quickly changes back into Human form.
    8195h, 7482m, 36450e, 8727w cexkdb-
    Hirst's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    With an inhuman rending sound, as if existence were being torn asunder, a pit begins to open in the ground below you. 
    Pulsing impossibly, it seems not to be a splitting of the earth so much as a splitting of reality. Finally it is done, 
    and a gaping maw of midnight and sulphur lies before you.
    Kowski is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    Jhui is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    Zeon is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
    The pit quickly closes up and the air clears of its sulphurous stench.

    Hirst the Pitter (as he's known in Shallam) strikes again!

    Also this isn't really a combat log as much as a Admin get your head out from between your legs and fix this troubleshoot ticket.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited October 2012
    Double post. ignore
  • what a lame nickname
  • Hirst the Worst.
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Please stop initiating conflict.


    -ing posers.

  • Karma is really hard to come by and you can't really use pit more than once in a skirmish or you have no karma!

    Oh wait.

  • Venoms OP because you can secrete curare as many times as you want but can only have finite bloodroot
  • Everyone knows pit is annoying. Please at least give us the log of what happened after, I am disappoint by all these new posts.

  • well, he just came in to pit or uprooters, then astralled away again. Wasn't much else going on. :D
  • Shallam would've killed that dude offf pit eq. Get it together, yo.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Appears as if he pitted everyone. It kind of makes sanctioning and uprooting impossible to do unless no one is around.
  • That's kind of the trouble Eleusis has vs Shallam in terms of dealing with pit.  It seems like we always have a much smaller force when we're raiding, as we generally go out with maybe 5 people.  Pit kind of decimates that group size, so there's not much we can do.  Ah well, pit'll get fixed eventually.
  • And it'd better take banish with it
  • nothing wrong with banish.
  • Simple philosophy.

    You bring more than even numbers, I pit.  You uproot, I pit.

    Don't like it, don't do it.

    Besides, you say these things like I actually care.
  • edited October 2012

    That kind of asshole attitude is exactly why we need to be mollycoddled by the admin -- please stop it.

  • I would broken pit Rangor if I was Occultist and saw him so that he couldn't broken thoths + reflexes me to death.  When are people going to learn that Achaea is full of things that don't look fair and embrace it.  Just pick something imba like the people you envy and feel like a badass as well.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Definitely dont envy Hirst though
  • Cahin said:
    I would broken pit Rangor if I was Occultist and saw him so that he couldn't broken thoths + reflexes me to death.  When are people going to learn that Achaea is full of things that don't look fair and embrace it.  Just pick something imba like the people you envy and feel like a badass as well.
    Broken thoth's with reflexes? I've managed to beat Rangor in forest while he used his thoth's fang. So it's  now OP or such like pit. also thoth's is getting fixed in the classlead. not my fault Cahin that you cannot fight properly.
  • edited October 2012
    Salik. Go unartied Monk. :)

    In fact, just go something that isn't runewarden.

  • yeah cause runewardens are so overpowered.... and I'm not artied except  my level 1 sip ring.
  • Well yes exactly, you said it yourself.

  • so if Runewardens are so overpowered why do people choose other classes for top combat? Like Blademaster, Paladin, Maldaathi, Occultist, Jester, Magi, Druid yeah allot of other classes. Garao a monk can beat a runewarden if they know what their doing... but I guess your not one of them. you only see runewardens as overpowered, just a question how many active runewarden fighters are there in sapience right now? If they are so overpowered? Priests are just fine also =)
  • Quit runewarden then

  • so I should quit my class, lose my lessons and not being able to tri trans new skills as a class someone else chooses for me? oh yeah that's smart. Garao if you consider Runewarden to be so overpowered you seriously never fought any other class. I don't want to insult you in anyway, but according to your statements you are not very bright.

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