Combat Logs



  • He wasn't out of kola :(. He just didn't def it up after a totem hit like 500 years ago, and I decided to just go for it.
  • Thank you for clarifying. It was a huge concern.

  • (Party): Alim says, "Voidfisting thiev."
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:58:59.735
    (Party): Alim says, "Voidfisting thiev."
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:00.020
    Alim takes a long drag off his pipe.
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:00.264
    (Party): Alim says, "Voidfisting thiev."
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:00.357
    Hawek takes a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:00.361
    (sip mana)
    What is it that you wish to drink?
    (svo): Missing levitation potion for levitation :(
    (svo): Seems we're out of the alternative - switching back to the primary cure.
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:01.099(sip hovering)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:01.167
    The Hill quakes beneath your feet, then disappears in a flash of light!
    The HILL has moved! It is now at: Atop a squat hill in the Lisigian Wastelands!
    6227h,3359m,24398e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:01.469
    (apply caloric)
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:02.714
    Earionduil's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    ++Earionduil rebounding down++
    ++Earionduil rebounding down++
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:02.970
    Earionduil takes a long drag off his pipe.
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:03.264
    Thiev carefully wipes all the venoms off of an ornate steel rapier.
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:03.562
    Thiev carefully wipes all the venoms off of an ornate steel rapier.
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:03.598
    Earionduil takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:04.285
    (sip mana)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:04.597
    (sip hovering)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24430e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:04.693
    (apply caloric)
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    (svo): Missing caloric ointment for caloric :(
    (svo): Seems we're out of the alternative - switching back to the primary cure.
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:06.088(apply
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:06.183
    Earionduil whips his tail around, striking the wall to the south with a powerful
    blow. A network of fine fractures spreads over its surface before it suddenly
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:06.929
    Thiev leaves to the south.
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:07.631
    (sip mana)
    What is it that you wish to drink?
    (svo): Missing hovering potion for levitation :(
    (svo): Switching to the alternative cure (concoctions).
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:08.090(sip
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24462e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:08.193
    (apply exothermic)
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:09.699
    (sip mana)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:11.590
    (sip levitation)
    Earionduil moves his huge bulk to the south with surprising grace.
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:11.707
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:11.984
    (apply exothermic)
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    (svo): Missing exothermic ointment for caloric :(
    (svo): Switching to the alternative cure (concoctions).
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:13.188(apply
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    6227h,3359m,24494e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:13.283
    (sip mana)
    What is it that you wish to drink?
    (svo): Missing levitation potion for levitation :(
    (svo): Seems we're out of the alternative - switching back to the primary cure.
    6227h,3359m,24526e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:15.095(sip hovering)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24526e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:15.312
    (apply caloric)
    I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some fluid.
    6227h,3359m,24526e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:16.799
    (sip mana)(sip hovering)
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24558e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:18.649
    What is it that you wish to drink? (~)
    6227h,3359m,24558e,19270w|cexkdb-|0/0|0/0|0/0|0|10.2| 23:59:18.716
    (Party): Alim says, "Voidfisting thiev."

  • (svo): Elixirs:
      0 an elixir of speed            2 short            
      0 an elixir of mana             1 short            
      0 an elixir of levitation       2 short            
      0 an elixir of health           2 short            
      0 an elixir of venom            2 short            
      0 an elixir of frost            2 short            
      0 an elixir of immunity         2 short            
    (svo): Salves:
      0 a salve of restoration        2 short            
      0 a caloric salve               2 short            
      0 a salve of mass               2 short            
      0 an epidermal salve            2 short            
      0 a salve of mending            2 short            
    (svo): Balms:
      0 an exothermic balm            2 short            
      0 a sensory balm                2 short            
      0 a density balm                2 short            
      0 a renewal balm                2 short            
      0 a reconstructive balm         2 short            
    (svo): Empties:
      0 empty                         2 short            
    (svo): Tonics:
      0 a tonic of endothermia        2 short            
      0 a tonic of hovering           2 short            
      0 a tonic of haste              2 short            
      0 a tonic of antigen            2 short            
      0 a tonic of vitality           2 short            
      0 a tonic of toxin              2 short            
      0 a tonic of mentality          2 short            
    (svo): Venoms:
      0 the venom gecko               2 short            
      0 the venom darkshade           2 short            
      0 the venom aconite             2 short            
      0 the venom curare              2 short            
      0 the venom epseth              2 short            
      0 the venom epteth              2 short            
      0 the venom oculus              2 short            
      0 the venom eurypteria          2 short            
      0 the venom prefarar            2 short            
      0 the venom kalmia              2 short            
      0 the venom delphinium          2 short            
      0 the venom oleander            2 short            
      0 the venom digitalis           2 short            
      0 the venom monkshood           2 short            
      0 the venom slike               2 short            
      0 the venom vernalius           2 short            
      0 the venom euphorbia           2 short            
      0 the venom xentio              2 short            
      (change desired amounts)
      (append refill request, need 85 refills)
      (refill from tuns, need 85 refills)

  • edited September 2012
    np, anytime
  • Hashan. :-<

  • edited September 2012
    Those Yahoo smileys, god damn it.
  • edited September 2012
    A look of concentration followed by a look of disgust passes across Carmain's face.
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)

    Okay, this spar has gone on LONG enough, I'm gonna risk it. If he goes through with it, he can't sip.

    3780h, 2972m, 12482e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:52:819
    You have recovered balance on your right arm.
    You have recovered balance on your left arm.
    3780h, 2941m, 12482e, 9986w ekdb-80-20:04:54:053(-31 Mana)
    ---------------RECOVERED BALANCE---------------
    3780h, 2941m, 12482e, 9986w exkdb-80-20:04:54:290
    The hands of the grave grasp at your ankles and throw you off balance.
    3780h, 2941m, 12482e, 9986w ekdb-80-20:04:54:508
    ---------------RECOVERED BALANCE---------------
    3780h, 2941m, 12492e, 9992w exkdb-80-20:04:55:385
    Parapet of the Tower of the Blade.
    A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.
    You see a single exit leading down.
    3780h, 2941m, 12490e, 9992w exkdb-80-20:04:55:623
    You launch yourself into the air at Carmain.
    Climbing the tower stairs.
    A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Muscles rippling beneath his grey coat, a noble 
    destrier stands tall here, mane draped over his long neck. A daemonic ice wyvern is here, her 
    bloodshot eyes flitting disturbingly around. An abominable kitten shrieks faintly at her immediate 
    surroundings. A Baalzadeen demon towers over you, filling you with dread. A fierce tiger prowls 
    restlessly nearby. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. Snuffling with 
    fervour, a rotund piglet waddles here.  Hands of rotting flesh and white bone push up from the 
    ground. Dreadlord Carmain Fol'ia, Messiah of the Damned is riding on Azaiza, a daemonic wyvern. He 
    wields a wicked-looking daegger in his left hand and a blackened cavalry shield with ivory accents 
    in his right.
    You see exits leading up and down.
    Your foot slams into Carmain, knocking him off his feet.
    3780h, 2941m, 12388e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:56:207
    You ball up one fist and hammerfist Carmain.
    You connect to the left leg!
    3780h, 2941m, 12373e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:56:437
    You ball up one fist and hammerfist Carmain.
    You connect to the right leg!
    3780h, 2941m, 12358e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:56:443(-33 Mana)
    With a daegger in hand, Carmain begins to close in on you.
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    WATCH OUT HE IS AIMING FOR YOUR HEAD (but thankfully not your penis)
    3780h, 2908m, 12358e, 9986w ekdb-80-20:04:58:303
    You have recovered balance on your right arm.
    You have recovered balance on your left arm.
    3780h, 2908m, 12368e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:59:780
    ---------------RECOVERED BALANCE---------------
    3780h, 2908m, 12368e, 9992w exkdb-80-20:04:59:890
    You move in towards Carmain for the backbreaker.
    You lift Carmain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back 
    breaking force. < --- Not bad, not bad. But you're screwed with my next backbreaker. I'm cutting it close, but you know what? You're -ed.
    3780h, 2908m, 12318e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:04:59:921(-33 Mana)
    The blade on the daegger splits into a semblance of teeth as Carmain prepares for the final strike.
    Okay since you are still in the room at this point I assume you want to die, but if you really want 
    to escape, now would be a good time, though by the time you have finished reading this you are 
    probably dead so you should leave before you reach here oh wait nevermind < --- Don't worry, I got this.
    3780h, 2875m, 12318e, 9986w ekdb-80-20:05:02:309
    You have recovered balance on your right arm.
    You have recovered balance on your left arm.
    3780h, 2875m, 12328e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:05:03:441
    ---------------RECOVERED BALANCE---------------
    3780h, 2875m, 12328e, 9992w exkdb-80-20:05:03:550
    You move in towards Carmain for the backbreaker.
    You lift Carmain triumphantly into the air, then yank him down into your raised knee with back 
    breaking force. < --- Wait...what.. Holy -, he's alive and I know what's coming next.
    3780h, 2875m, 12278e, 9992w ekdb-80-20:05:03:553
    Carmain's daegger plunges its serrated blade into your chest, ripping out your heart and killing you 
    You have been slain by Carmain.
    Carmain is a Jerk.
    You are OUT of the rampage game!
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    posting logs of my tactics. BAD FORM.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited September 2012
    Batang said:
    I am at the top of my class. 

    You begin to descend, the wind whistling past you as the earth draws ever closer. You land easily, back on the ground again. 
    Marina boardwalk. (Cyrene)
    The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Flapping its massive wings, a dire bat flies overhead. Bagheera, the grey tengu is here, green eyes observing everything. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby.  Dymaazh Dawyn-Lucoster is here. He wields a steel Theran broadsword in each hand. Archdruid, Batang Moravean, Ithmian Wanderer is here, shrouded. His face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields a wyvern-etched druidic quarterstaff in both hands. Lupine Allene Ashaela Dawyn, Arcane Huntress is here. She wields an elemental staff in her 
    left hand. She is surrounded by one reflection of herself.
    You see exits leading northeast and southwest.
    Your blindness is cured by a wunjo rune on a totem.
    You spy a fehu rune on a totem.
    Your insomnia has cleared up.
    You spy a fehu rune on a totem.
    You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately.
    6832h, 6872m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-138m, 1.9%) 
    6832h, 6872m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
    6832h, 6872m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Allene nods her head emphatically.
    6832h, 6872m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    You quickly pull yourself out of sleep.
    6832h, 6872m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
    6832h, 6857m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (-15m, 0.2%) 
    6832h, 6857m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] 
    You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish all possibility of sleep.
    6832h, 6832m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (-25m, 0.3%) 
    You are not fallen or kneeling.
    6832h, 6832m, XX|EE DCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] 
    You eat some bayberry bark.
    Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
    6832h, 6832m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] 
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    6832h, 6832m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] 
    (Party): Earionduil says, "Psh."
    6832h, 6832m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] 
    You may eat another plant or mineral.
    6832h, 6803m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (-29m, 0.4%) 

    [Oregano]: Paused
    Batang's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Batang springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    5915h, 6803m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-917h, 13.4%) 
    5915h, 6803m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You are getting close to the ranks of the Infamous. Be warned!
    Preparing for a deadly strike, you draw yourself up into a regal pose.
    5915h, 6803m, |EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Batang takes a long drag off his pipe.
    5915h, 6799m, |EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-4m, 0.1%) 
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    BALANCE - Be Patient - BALANCE BAL: 1.934s
    5915h, 6666m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-133m, 1.9%) 
    Batang springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    4998h, 6651m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-917h, 13.4%) (-15m, 0.2%) 
    Allene peers at you unscrupulously.
    4998h, 6651m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    In a single, sinuous motion, you manoeuvre your imposing form to encircle Batang's feet, fixing him with a penetrating gaze as your tremendous jaws open wide.
    4998h, 6506m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-145m, 2.0%) 
    You bleed 24 health.
    4974h, 6506m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-24h, 0.4%) 
    Batang springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
    You quickly jump back, avoiding the attack.
    5315h, 6506m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (+341h, 5.0%) 
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Batang.
    5315h, 6424m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) (-82m, 1.1%) 
    Archdruid, Batang Moravean, Ithmian Wanderer says with a smooth Ithmian accent, "Duanathar."
    5315h, 6424m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    Striking downward, you sink your teeth into the flesh of Batang's chest, feeling bones crack between your jaws. As you jerk backward, Batang's neck stretches and splits apart as you tear the head away and crunch down upon the skull, swallowing it in a satisfying gulp.
    You have slain Batang.
    [SLAIN] Batang
    5315h, 6424m, XX|EE BDCK [4|4|4|4|4|4] (PP) 
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Sohl tries to kill someone in Shallam, gets nailed by guards. I notice he's on clouds and figure I might be able to cheap shot him while deffing up:

    8195h, 7175m, 36450e, 31809w cexkdb-  (22:47:59:373)
    Fixing your gaze upon Sohl, you begin a low keening, exercising your mastery of 
    the Veil to bind your foe.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:437)(-266 Mana)
    Sohl touches a mindseye tattoo.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:687)
    General Sohl Vallah, Herald of Ruin turns a finely crafted steel ring inlaid 
    with rosewood about his finger. A crackling stream of argentine light emanates 
    from its band, surrounding him with a flickering aura.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:687)
    General Sohl Vallah, Herald of Ruin turns a steel ring set with an icy sapphire 
    about his finger. A coruscating stream of sanguine light emanates from its band,
    surrounding him with a scintillating aura.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:687)
    General Sohl Vallah, Herald of Ruin turns a warden's steel band with a falcon 
    carving about his finger. A swirling stream of heliotrope light emanates from 
    its band, surrounding him with a shimmering aura.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:687)
    General Sohl Vallah, Herald of Ruin turns a gold ring set with a volcano-shaped 
    ruby about his finger. A frigid stream of cerulean light emanates from its band,
    surrounding him with a frosty aura.
    8195h, 6909m, 36400e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:47:59:687)
    You feel your density return to normal.
    8195h, 6909m, 36420e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:48:1:609) (apply mass)
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
    Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
    8195h, 6909m, 36420e, 31709w cxkdb-  (22:48:1:647)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6909m, 36420e, 31709w cexkdb-  (22:48:1:880)
    You rub some curare on your wickedly sharp claws.
    8195h, 6909m, 36390e, 31697w cexkdb-  (22:48:2:495)
    Lunging forward with long, flashing claws extended, you tear into the flesh of 
    Sohl's left leg.
    Horror overcomes Sohl's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
    8195h, 6909m, 36350e, 31697w cekdb-  (22:48:2:595)
    A supple purple shell of sileris berry juice has formed around Sohl.
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    8195h, 6909m, 36350e, 31697w cekdb-  (22:48:2:595)
    Drawing an enormous breath, you exhale, expelling a gale of wind with such force
    that Sohl is knocked over.
    8195h, 6843m, 36270e, 31617w ckdb-  (22:48:2:852)(-66 Mana)
    Sohl eats a bloodroot leaf.
    8195h, 6843m, 36270e, 31617w ckdb-  (22:48:2:853)
    Abruptly the keening ends, and a blossom of ethereal tendrils bursts from Sohl's
    chest, ensnaring him in a web of undulating bonds.
    8195h, 6843m, 36290e, 31617w ckdb-  (22:48:4:482)
    Sohl takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
    8195h, 6843m, 36290e, 31617w ckdb-  (22:48:4:746)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6843m, 36290e, 31617w cekdb-  (22:48:5:15)
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    8195h, 6843m, 36290e, 31617w cexkdb-  (22:48:5:15)
    You are not fallen or kneeling.
    8195h, 6843m, 36290e, 31617w cexkdb-  (22:48:5:437)
    Twisting to grasp Sohl in your powerful jaws, you sink your teeth deep into his 
    flesh before tossing his helpless body into the air and catching him once more 
    in your teeth.
    8195h, 6843m, 36210e, 31617w cekdb-  (22:48:5:697)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6827m, 36210e, 31612w ckdb-  (22:48:5:697)(-16 Mana)
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Sohl.
    8195h, 6827m, 36210e, 31612w ckdb-  (22:48:5:697)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6827m, 36210e, 31630w cekdb-  (22:48:6:420)
    8195h, 6827m, 36210e, 31630w cekdb-  (22:48:6:730)
    8195h, 6827m, 36210e, 31630w cekdb-  (22:48:6:994)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6811m, 36210e, 31625w ckdb-  (22:48:6:994)(-16 Mana)
    A shimmering curseward appears around Sohl.
    8195h, 6811m, 36210e, 31625w ckdb-  (22:48:7:399)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6811m, 36210e, 31625w cekdb-  (22:48:7:719)
    8195h, 6811m, 36210e, 31625w cekdb-  (22:48:7:972)
    8195h, 6811m, 36210e, 31625w cekdb-  (22:48:7:972)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6795m, 36210e, 31620w ckdb-  (22:48:7:972)(-16 Mana)
    Sohl utters a short incantation, his body slowly fading from sight. Only his 
    laboured breathing warns you of his presence, and in seconds even this grows 
    muffled and silent.
    8195h, 6795m, 36210e, 31620w ckdb-  (22:48:7:972)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6795m, 36230e, 31620w cekdb-  (22:48:8:538)
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    8195h, 6795m, 36230e, 31620w cexkdb-  (22:48:9:62)
    Sohl takes a drink from a pinewood vial.
    8195h, 6795m, 36230e, 31620w cexkdb-  (22:48:9:310)
    You are not fallen or kneeling.
    8195h, 6795m, 36230e, 31620w cexkdb-  (22:48:9:505)
    Twisting to grasp Sohl in your powerful jaws, you sink your teeth deep into his 
    flesh before tossing his helpless body into the air and catching him once more 
    in your teeth.
    8195h, 6795m, 36150e, 31620w cekdb-  (22:48:9:760)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6779m, 36150e, 31615w ckdb-  (22:48:9:760)(-16 Mana)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6922m, 36150e, 31633w cekdb-  (22:48:10:387)(+143 Mana)
    8195h, 6922m, 36150e, 31633w cekdb-  (22:48:10:888)
    8195h, 6922m, 36150e, 31633w cekdb-  (22:48:11:130)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6906m, 36150e, 31628w ckdb-  (22:48:11:130)(-16 Mana)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6906m, 36150e, 31628w cekdb-  (22:48:11:817)
    8195h, 6906m, 36150e, 31628w cekdb-  (22:48:12:8)
    8195h, 6906m, 36150e, 31628w cekdb-  (22:48:12:704)
    You conjure up your illusion towards Sohl.
    8195h, 6890m, 36150e, 31623w ckdb-  (22:48:12:704)(-16 Mana)
    You have recovered equilibrium.
    8195h, 6890m, 36170e, 31623w cekdb-  (22:48:12:961)
    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    8195h, 6890m, 36170e, 31623w cexkdb-  (22:48:13:211)
    A large, rectangular gateway opens up near you, and as you hear the laughing 
    voice of Tanris, Sohl is drawn through.
    8195h, 6890m, 36170e, 31623w cexkdb-  (22:48:13:321)
    You are not fallen or kneeling.


  • I never realized I was so hypnotic.
    My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Pretty good showing from Pazazel. He hasn't yet got scorpion stance and only got Tekura aliases around five hours prior to that post. I'll be interested to see what he can do once he has breaking down and against someone a bit closer to his might.
  • @luhar yeah that was pretty much my second spar against someone (other than tanris -.-) and i only have 200 more lessons than him i dont even have scorpion yet
    why is scorpion so good?
  • Scorpion, good for hunting, balances recover in a generally convenient way - speed, accuracy and limb damage average out to being a strong offensive stance.

    Also, it looks like I need to spend some more time training with my BMs
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    hell hath no fury like a loaf of bread scorned


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited October 2012
    A beam of prismatic light suddenly shoots into the room.
    3436h, 2466m, 13595e, 12610w e- (1.889s) (1.947s) (1.922s) (1.952s)
    Your eye for detail tells you that an ornate steel rapier cannot be refined any further, and has 
    reached the maximum level of perfection that may be achieved with it.
    3436h, 2466m, 13595e, 12610w e- (1.874s)
    You take an ornate steel rapier from a sturdy iron forge.
    3436h, 2466m, 13595e, 12610w ex-pp
    (svo): System paused.
    The forgeroom.
    A rune shaped like a butterfly has been sketched into the ground here (nairat: transfix). A rune 
    like an open eye has been sketched into the ground here (wunjo: cure blind). Intense heat radiates 
    from a sturdy iron forge. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A sigil in the shape of a 
    small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
    You see a single exit leading south (closed door).
    (p) 3436h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex-ts
    (svo): Will keep shield up.
    Rangor HERE <prism>
    (p) 3436h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex-
    Rangor burps obscenely.
    (p) 3436h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex-
    Rangor BLOCKING south! Rangor BLOCKING south! Rangor BLOCKING south!
    (p) 3436h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex-s
    Rangor stops you from moving that way.
    (p) 3436h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex-
    Rangor lunges forward with long, flashing claws extended, tearing down to the bones of your left leg.
    Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
    (p) 3195h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st]-(-241 Health) 
    Drawing an enormous breath, Rangor exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that you are 
    knocked over.
    (p) 3195h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st pr]-
    You bleed 60 health.
    (p) 3135h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st pr]-(-60 Health) call for help
    Rangor snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before 
    catching you with a second powerful bite.
    (svo): Seems that we're fighting with Dragon - enabled class tricks.
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-(-1614 Health) 
    You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance. (i)
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-
    You yell, "Help! Help!"
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w x[st bld(210) pr]-
    You begin to writhe helplessly, throwing your body off balance. (i)
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w x[st bld(210) pr]-open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    You drop to one knee.
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w x[st bld(210) pr]-open door s
    open door s
    open door s
    You have recovered equilibrium. (3.04s)
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-
    You burp obscenely.
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-open door s
    You pick your nose absently.
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-open door s
    You open the door to the south.
    (p) 1521h, 2466m, 13598e, 12610w ex[st bld(210) pr]-
    Rangor snaps his massive jaws close around you, flinging you effortlessly into the air before 
    catching you with a second powerful bite.
    You have been slain by Rangor.
    A piece of coal falls out of your inventory.
    A steel bar falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 5 steel bars falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 5 steel bars falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 5 steel bars falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 5 steel bars falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 5 steel bars falls out of your inventory.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13598e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-(-1521 Health) open door s
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13598e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-open door s
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-open door s
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith enters from the south.
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith enters from the south.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith enters from the south.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith exclaims, "What disturbs the peace of Mhaldor!?"
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith enters from the south.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith exclaims, "Who offends this city? Let him suffer as I suffer!"
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith enters from the south.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith swings at Rangor with his blade, slicing and tearing at the tissue around his 
    skull with a length of rusted metal.
    An infernal wraith swings at Rangor with his blade, slicing and tearing at the tissue around his 
    skull with a length of rusted metal.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith pulls back harshly on the reins of his steed, which rears back and kicks Rangor 
    powerfully in the forehead.
    With a swift, practiced motion, an infernal wraith rends Rangor's flesh with one of his blades.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    The great form of Rangor grows still and his eyes glaze over as the world blurs and then sharpens.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Rangor.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    With a swift, practiced motion, an infernal wraith rends Rangor's flesh with one of his blades.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith swings at Rangor with his blade, slicing and tearing at the tissue around his 
    skull with a length of rusted metal.
    An infernal wraith swings at Rangor with his blade, slicing and tearing at the tissue around his 
    skull with a length of rusted metal.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith pulls back harshly on the reins of his steed, which rears back and kicks Rangor 
    powerfully in the forehead.
    Rangor has been slain by an infernal wraith.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Rangor in red light.
    A storm bull falls from Rangor's person.
    A skullcap flower falls from Rangor's person.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith pulls back harshly on the reins of his steed, which rears back and kicks Rangor 
    powerfully in the forehead.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Rangor clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    An infernal wraith pulls back harshly on the reins of his steed, which rears back and kicks Rangor 
    powerfully in the forehead.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    A look of extreme focus crosses the face of Rangor.
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-ql
    The forgeroom.
    A rune shaped like a butterfly has been sketched into the ground here (nairat: transfix). A rune 
    like an open eye has been sketched into the ground here (wunjo: cure blind). Intense heat radiates 
    from a sturdy iron forge. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A sigil in the shape of a 
    small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. The twisted remains of Torr lie here. A lump of black 
    coal is on the ground. There are 26 steel bars in 6 groups here. There are 5 infernal wraiths here. 
    Like a mountain against the wind, a storm bull is standing here, motionless. A skullcap flower lies 
    You see a single exit leading south (open door).
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    You are dead, perhaps you should "Pray for Salvation".
    (p) 0h, 2466m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.
    (p) 0h, 2316m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-(-150 Mana) 
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith leaves to the south.
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith leaves to the south.
    (p) 0h, 2316m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith leaves to the south.
    (p) 0h, 2316m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith leaves to the south.
    (p) 0h, 2316m, 13600e, 12610w ex[st bld(360) pr]-
    Riding upon a spectral steed, an infernal wraith leaves to the south.

    EDIT: Shouldn't have paused, why did I do that. Ah well.


  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Probably because you would continue forging whilst he was attacking you :P
  • He's not Salik

  • edited October 2012
    He's so bad you don't even need willpower.

    Lunging forward with one palm outstretched and a singular purpose in mind, you strike a blow to 
    Carmain's heart. Willing Nature's ire into his very soul, a warm pulse accompanies your attack as it 
    4112h, 1896m, 18126e, 47w x-15:05:11:751(-750 Mana)
    You take a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    4112h, 2500m, 18126e, 47w x-15:05:11:862(+604 Mana)
    Carmain takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4112h, 2500m, 18136e, 43w x-15:05:13:243
    A nearly invisible magical shield forms around Carmain.
    4112h, 2500m, 18136e, 43w x-15:05:15:831
    Carmain takes some balm from a vial and rubs it on his torso.
    4112h, 2500m, 18136e, 43w x-15:05:16:069
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    4112h, 2500m, 18136e, 43w x-15:05:16:267
    You take a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    4112h, 3149m, 18136e, 43w x-15:05:16:321(+649 Mana)
    You bleed 4 health.
    4108h, 3149m, 18146e, 33w x-15:05:16:686(-4 Health)
    ---------------RECOVERED EQUILIBRIUM---------------
    4108h, 3149m, 18146e, 33w ex-15:05:16:922
    You cast a spell of erosion at Carmain.
    His shield defence is eroded away.
    4108h, 3074m, 18146e, 24w x-15:05:17:118(-75 Mana)
    An agonised grimace crosses Carmain's face, and something visibly writhes and crawls beneath his 
    4108h, 3074m, 18146e, 24w x-15:05:17:731
    ---------------RECOVERED EQUILIBRIUM---------------
    4108h, 3074m, 18146e, 24w ex-15:05:19:383
    You command the razor-edged thorny vines around you to lash out and rend the torso of Carmain.
    4108h, 2949m, 18146e, 9w x-15:05:19:583(-125 Mana)
    Carmain takes a drink from an oaken vial.
    4108h, 2949m, 18146e, 9w x-15:05:19:590
    Carmain takes some balm from a vial and rubs it on his torso.
    4108h, 2949m, 18146e, 9w x-15:05:20:291
    You can no longer maintain the form of a Viridian, and the vines retreat.
    4108h, 2949m, 18156e, 0w x-15:05:20:694
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    4108h, 2949m, 18156e, 0w x-15:05:20:929
    ---------------RECOVERED EQUILIBRIUM---------------
    4108h, 2949m, 18156e, 6w ex-15:05:22:237
    Horror seizes Carmain's features as his skin rapidly withers and parches. Forked patterns gain shape 
    beneath his wasting flesh, skin splitting around them to reveal bulging vines coiled around his very 
    skeleton. Streaking through his body, the green lattice tears Carmain apart from within, until the 
    final dessicated remains of his carcass fall away. As the vine-tangled bones fall to the ground, a 
    single ivory blossom slowly blooms from within the pale ribcage.
    You have slain Carmain.
    An abominable kitten falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A noble grey destrier falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 aurum flakes falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 magnesium chips falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 4 goldenseal roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A goldenseal root falls from Carmain's corpse.
    4108h, 2949m, 18156e, 6w ex-15:05:23:803

    He could have kicked my ass if he tried, probably.

  • @Vaehl: He's so bad, you don't even need to attack.

    Dreadlord Carmain Fol'ia says, "Time to go home."
    4555h, 3947m, 19955e, 17235w cexkdb-  (20:14:47:199)(+60 Mana)
    A great weight seems to have been lifted from Mycen.
    4555h, 3947m, 19965e, 17235w cexkdb-  (20:14:48:907)
    Mycen takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her skin.
    4555h, 3947m, 19965e, 17235w cexkdb-  (20:14:49:144)
    A single tear drops from Carmain's eye as he stops his own heart, slaying himself instantly.
    Carmain has been slain by misadventure.
    A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 aurum flakes falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 magnesium chips falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 goldenseal roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 aurum flakes falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 magnesium chips falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 goldenseal roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 2 ginseng roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 aurum flakes falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 magnesium chips falls from Carmain's corpse.
    A group of 5 goldenseal roots falls from Carmain's corpse.
    4555h, 3943m, 19965e, 17234w cexkdb-  (20:14:49:996)(-4 Mana)
    Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Carmain begins uttering fervent prayers for salvation.
    4555h, 3928m, 19955e, 17234w cexkdb-  (20:14:51:808)(-15 Mana)
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