Combat Logs



  • Lol Dunn tried to go NW
  • edited September 2012
    Oh no! It's a good thing I wasn't the one making the argument about leaving room during a melee.

    Also a good thing that I came back and meleed instead of using my bow.

  • Pssh, clearly only because you have no access to Tanvana without Tanris being up there bc mono, so no bow.

  • Can't LoS from Tanvana :(

    Idea for next auction, bow that can snipe through one way exits. Would empty Ashtan cr reserves.

  • I hate LoS with a passion. Wouldn't snipe from his clouds if I could. Also, my shooting aliases are clunky and I hate having to use them :(

  • I totally would abuse that to death if I could snipe from Tanvana. In fact, I would forsake all semblence of pride, go serpent, and do nothing else.
  • I miss axewhoring from clouds. Also people getting Caelan'd from clouds.

  • My free mudlet scripts can be had HERE.
  • Sohl said:
    serves you right.

  • Look at that enmesh timing. B-)
  • Sothantos' turn to catch crap for having the staff.

    Omg that was overpowered, staff needs to be nerfed, Sothantos such a tool, when will the cruelty stop?
  • As Sothantos draws Waning Mercies from its scabbard, he drives the pommel into your chin.
    (svo): Seems that we're fighting with Blademaster - enabled class tricks.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.067(-451 Health) 
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.070
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.135
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.137sn sw;evade n
    aim Cooper sw
    snipe Cooper sw
    Sweeping out with a blade hand, Sothantos strikes at the back of your knee.
    You tumble to the ground as your leg abruptly gives out.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.205
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.295
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.365
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.367
    Drawing an enormous breath, Ruth exhales, expelling a gale of wind with such force that Sothantos is 
    knocked over.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.370sn sw;evade n
    aim Cooper sw
    snipe Cooper sw
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.488
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.555
    You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.558
    You are no longer stunned. (0.493s)
    3959h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.560(sip health|stand)
    You take a drink from a redwood vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    4861h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.650(+902 Health) 
    You stand up and stretch your arms out wide. (0.512s)
    4861h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbk 11.5- 02:01:36.717
    Senoske tosses back and forth in restless slumber.
    4861h, 4070m, 19036e, 17162w excdbkh 11.5- 02:01:36.789
    You feel yourself compelled to leave the room, beckoned by the allure of a guardian angel.
    Rocky fields (road).
    A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. A rune resembling a horse 
    has been sketched into the ground here (raido: return location). An occupied iron gibbet, suspended 
    from a wooden gallows, creaks ominously in the breeze. A runic totem is planted solidly in the 
    ground. Spreading its majestic golden wings, a giant eagle searches the ground with piercing eyes. 
    The shining figure of a guardian angel floats in the air here.  Father Darroth Vallah, Champion of 
    Elysia is riding on a giant eagle. His face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields 
    a Shield of Absorption in his left hand and an Odyssean mace in his right.
    You see exits leading northeast, southeast, and southwest.
    4861h, 4070m, 19034e, 17162w excdbkh 11.5- 02:01:36.862

    worst luck ever :(

  • That's what you get for sniping me. Thanks for the free xp.

  • CrathenCrathen Ireland
    edited September 2012
    Yeah, so, this is an I'm not a combatant disclaimer, whatever. Would there be anything wrong with the following scenario -

    Tanris kills Achilles (or someone else does) and Tanris takes the truename. 


    Achilles kills Tanris. Tanris gets -1 truename.


    Edit: Oh. I was reading a few pages back and never realised this wasn't a truename thread. Nvm
  • edited September 2012
    @Crathen yeah, Achilles isn't gonna kill Tanris without 7 of his closest friends. Complete the scenario, please.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Never said I could kill Tanris alone?  Probably only a handful of people can do that.  But I won't die like a scrub like someone else I know or leave Ashtan for a collective one hour total over a real life month.
  • stfu, please.

  • Why does Cahin think he's relevant in this thread? Did I miss something?

  • Achilles said:
    Never said I could kill Tanris alone?  Probably only a handful of people can do that.  But I won't die like a scrub like someone else I know or leave Ashtan for a collective one hour total over a real life month.
    You're obviously still upset. Calm down, it was a joke.

  • @Cooper I had a post typed out about how I liked it better when you didn't play and just had a huge ego about everything, but now that you're -kind of- back you just bitch all of the time.

    I decided to go with 'you would get so beat up', instead.

    You would get so beat up.

  • He would get so beat up.
  • +1 would read again.

    Thyme lol

                   Party right, party hard,

                                            Sing and dance, perfect bard.

                                                                     Prefarar loop, accentato whore,

                                                                                             Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.

  • Your body is split open by the mighty pounding, and you die in an instant of agony.
    ...   ...   ...   :O
  • I should go jester, this unprepped insta thing seems to work p well.


  • you got hungry at the end? @tanris
  • Tanris said:

    I should go jester, this unprepped insta thing seems to work p well.


    Hey, rubbing a tarot card 7 times is totally a prep!

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited September 2012

  • Proficy drops to the floor and sweeps his legs round at Vaehl.
    He misses.
    6689h, 5441m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:21.862
    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists Vaehl.
    Vaehl parries the attack with a deft manoeuvre.
    6689h, 5441m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-
    Proficy balls up one fist and hammerfists Vaehl.
    Vaehl parries the attack with a deft manoeuvre.
    6689h, 5441m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:22.224
    Proficy puts his hands on his hips and goes "Hmmm!"
    6689h, 5475m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:23.679
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5475m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:24.041
    North of New Thera (road).
    The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A rune shaped like a butterfly has been sketched
    into the ground here. A rune like an open eye has been sketched into the ground here. A polished wooden sign is nailed 
    to a small tree here. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A stone gargoyle 
    flies overhead on leathery, grey wings. A large wall of stone stands here, blocking passage to the south.  Twil is here,
    vines undulating about his form. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Benedominatus Proficy is here. Unblessed
    Vaehl Vastel is here. His face is partially concealed beneath a raised hood. He wields a nearly perfect vodun doll of 
    Proficy in his left hand and a cavalry shield in his right.
    You see exits leading north, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:24.888
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    Proficy's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-
    Vaehl takes a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:25.226
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:26.285
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:27.255
    Proficy opens his eyes and yawns mightily.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:28.027
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:28.386
    Proficy eats a magnesium chip.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-
    Proficy clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:28.740
    You slap your thighs and guffaw like an old man.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:28.989
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5460m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:29.345
    Proficy stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
    6689h, 5445m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-
    "The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" Proficy moans, holding his head.
    6689h, 5445m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-
    Vaehl takes a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    6689h, 5445m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:29.719
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    Proficy's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
    6689h, 5445m, 28695e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:30.371
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5445m, 28695e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:31.551
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5445m, 28695e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:32.356
    You slap your thighs and guffaw like an old man.
    6689h, 5445m, 28695e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:32.963
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5445m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:33.365
    Proficy begins to jerk and shake violently, foaming at the mouth.
    6689h, 5445m, 28725e, 24090w cexkdb-21:33:33.707
    Vaehl takes a drink from a black-walnut vial.
    6689h, 5471m, 28725e, 24089w cexkdb-21:33:34.248
    Vaehl points an imperious finger at Proficy.
    6689h, 5471m, 28725e, 24089w cexkdb-21:33:34.622
    Vaehl's eyes flutter and close as he begins to rock back and forth, chanting ominously under his breath.
    6689h, 5456m, 28725e, 24089w cexkdb-21:33:35.445
    You slap your thighs and guffaw like an old man.
    6689h, 5456m, 28725e, 24089w cexkdb-21:33:35.802
    Proficy lets out a long, rattling snore.
    6689h, 5456m, 28725e, 24089w cexkdb-21:33:36.139
    With an outward gesture, Vaehl opens his eyes and glares fiercely at Proficy. Face contorting to a grimace, he raises an
    imperious finger and points it directly at his forehead, uttering one final word: "Tzantza."
    Proficy winces and stumbles as the skin on his head shrinks and hardens like aged leather. His eyes roll back and 
    strangled gurgles escape his rapidly diminishing mouth as he struggles to breathe. His head withers like a drying fruit 
    and with a final dull "crack," his skull splinters, the shards embedding themselves in his brain.
    Proficy has been slain by Vaehl.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Proficy in red light.

    Benedominatus Proficy says, "No kola for the loss."

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