Combat Logs



  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Sohl said:
    1) The window is one second plus latency, hardly a "substantial" amount unless you mess up your own curing.

    2) It's still possible to enfeeble, choke, enfeeble, resulting in the same thing. In this particular scenario, aura doesn't help.

    3) There are tradeoffs and benefits to incinerate versus truename. I don't think anyone on Team Green would argue that incinerate is underpowered in any way.

    4) So you want an additional way to remove truename, besides the already incredibly useful devo force? In order for a group of occies to kill you in one second, they'd either have to a) be three of them, all with truenames of you, all using it within the one second window of someone smoking elm, b) at least two occies with two truenames a piece, which provides an even much longer window to heal/escape.

    As Tanris has already stated, chained truenames is something that should be looked into. The nerfs you propose are disproportional to the problem, however; if you want to go down that route, I'll happily start laying into the things Team Blue has that are unbalanced, the only hard part will be choosing where to start.
    1) 1 second is a very long time (see poor Cooper), don't pretend people in group fight aren't spamming curare/kalmia throughout.
    2) You can still run away immediately after being enfeebled, getting away after being enfeebled is easy, after being truenamed is not
    3) Not sure what you mean here.  I'm sure they would agree Truename is stronger.  Truename be an instant kill under 46%, gives aeon (thus delaying sip)
    4) Actually if you see my classlead (posted below) you'll see my suggested fix is quite steep.  Definitely one of those it might not even be worth it but if I have time and find someone with devotion to spare then its possible.

    Report #71
    Submitted by: Achilles       Status      : Submitted
    Skill       : Devotion       Ability     : Sacrament
    Right now there is no way for anyone to see who and how many truenames Occultists have on you.  Also 
    no means at all to remove any truenames that have been collected
    Solution #1:
    Create this ability, it will cost 50% of ones devotion to perform the rite to wipe off one truename. 
     Cannot perform on yourself, it has to be done from someone else.  Also cannot specifically pick 
    which truename is removed
    Solution #2:
    Above, but add ability to see someone truenames when you perform enlightenment (devotion) on someone.
      Right now it just checks devotion level, add line to also list truenames (and number of them) on 
    the person.
    Solution #3:
  • Truenames affect is better than incinerate. Its practicality is not. I would 100% trade truename for incinerate without any form of hesitation


    I'm not going to go into why your fix is unreasonable.

  • The window of opportunity after a truename is generally more than a second. In a group fight I'm not just going to be sitting on my thumbs spinning waiting to be truenamed (although maybe I should be :P), I'm always doing something, and it takes me a bit to realize I'm truenamed and stop my attacks and let curing take over.

    Everyone knows the ability is broken. Just like thornspray, piety/warding, pit, etc. I didn't know about chain trumpeting though. That sounds awesome.

  • The way Achilles post and sig line up make it look like solution #3 is Lion-O


    Also hasn't this dead horse been beaten enough? (RE: truename)

  • edited September 2012
    Trumpet is goddamn ridiculous, and nobody knew about it (or at least I never saw it) until recent Jhui. The stun on that thing gives you enough time to regret every single moment that lead up to you getting trumpeted, then you die before it wears off anyway.

    Thank god he's monk now
  • edited September 2012

    Trumpet was a good idea :(

    Get off my Sentinel 1v1 :(:(

  • Every time I would get trumpeted vs the Jhui squad, my neighbours probably wondered who the - Mizik was and why I was cursing about him so badly.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Tanris said:

    (after all, imbalances must be addressed across every faction. Something can not simply be made balanced against one and unstoppable against others, that just wouldn't be rites).

    hehehe. Anyone else catch this... Tanris, dunno if it was on purpose, but I lol'd shamelessly.
  • wut? new?  hehe Calleis was the godess of trumpet 

    We miss you Calleis :(

  • Yay someone noticed.


    Also, you have no idea. Jhui kept me prone off eq for like 40 seconds in one melee.

  • edited September 2012
    Rangor said:
    I like how truename gives the people winning group fights, even more firepower against those who keep dying. /sarcasm
    I got sufficiently owned by Eleusis yesterday (3-4 times in a row), so I wouldn't say we don't ever die. Tanris dies a ton, too.
  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    I gained and lost 102 probably 5 times yesterday, so much death, it was great.
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • To Adventurers:      7581 To Denizens:        1165 To Misadventure:     166
  • Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You inhale deeply, allowing the raging flames to build up inside you. With an earth-shaking roar, you release a white-hot jet of fire directly at Halos.
    5343h, 3971m, 21460e, 16560w cxkdb-  (18:1:44:47)(-100 Mana)
    You take a long drag off your pipe.
    5343h, 3971m, 21460e, 16560w cxkdb-  (18:1:44:93)
    Halos lays his hands on himself.
    5343h, 3971m, 21460e, 16572w cxkdb-  (18:1:49:218)
    5343h, 3971m, 21460e, 16584w cexkdb-  (18:1:49:937)




    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You take a deep breath and feel the heat begin to build within you.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16580w cexkdb-  (18:2:24:734)
    You take a long drag off your pipe.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16580w cexkdb-  (18:2:24:828)
    In the crystal-clear night sky, the stars twinkle and glow brightly.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16580w cexkdb-  (18:2:25:437)
    You are ready to breathe yellow fire.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:32:750)
    You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:33:328)
    You are ready to breathe blue fire.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:40:750)
    You feel your density return to normal.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:41:625)
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
    Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:41:672)
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:42:703)
    You are ready to breathe white fire.
    5343h, 3821m, 21460e, 16600w cexkdb-  (18:2:48:734)


    24 Seconds to summon flame

    Almost 5 and a half seconds of EQ loss


    You can throw down truenames every 4 seconds?  with no windup, just a corpse of that person?


  • Additional information : 37% health from full was the amount of damage dealt


  • think you can incinerate with just blue flame, but still quite long
  • best druid fighter ever, everyone.
  • You are seriously retarded. Please scout our group while graced more.


  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    @Dunn - Expected no less from you.  No one cries moar than you.

    @Tanris of course you would if it meant you could still do everything else an occultist could do.  Druids are stuck in a form that limits them to only do 2 or 3 things.  
  • AkiaAkia phoenix, az

    Achilles said:
    @Dunn - Expected no less from you.  No one cries moar than you.

    @Tanris of course you would if it meant you could still do everything else an occultist could do.  Druids are stuck in a form that limits them to only do 2 or 3 things.  
    Pot calling the kettle black a bit here...I think the saying goes.


  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    it should be "pot calling the kettle a similar colour" because black is not PC


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    @Akia - I'm pointing out/agreeing with what others already said about truename.  I could only imagine the rage you would go through if Shallam had truenames waiting to instantly kill you.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    this song is also highly relevant to this thread, as decreed by the great Malifuus


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • The next time I go into a whining spree that spans multiple threads about a couple of skills, you can cite me as a whiner. You take the medal for that one. Why do you post on these topics when it has yielded a similar result (ie. my statement)? Nothing has changed about the skill or the people that will inevitably respond to you. Performing the same task over and over with no change and expecting a different result is an accepted definition of insanity, by the by.

  • I don't think you quite follow.


    Ok. Since you're so caught up on the whole druid thing, should we talk about absolve? A fairly similar concept: hit 50% mana and die. Incidentally, I think you're utterly delusional if you don't think we'd trade our text left arms for any form of guaranteed mechanics instakill that was viable in melee, but that's neither here nor there.


    I'm pretty sure I'm done with this argument though, is going absolutely nowhere.

  • AkiaAkia phoenix, az

    Achilles said:
    @Akia - I'm pointing out/agreeing with what others already said about truename.  I could only imagine the rage you would go through if Shallam had truenames waiting to instantly kill you.
    I would just smoke elm like I always do then earring away like the man. 


  • Personal attacks aside, your group is retarded if they're not immediately sticking asthma and a bunch of other affs in the window after truename; but the same is true of aeon in general. The additional health loss is inconvenient more than laptop-breakingly annoying.

    As an aside, though, Tanris dies because he chooses to put himself into situations where he's almost guaranteed to die. He could go the Poergh route and never die ever with mog and the escape abilities at hand, but he chooses not to. The same is true when Ashtan talks about numbers: Ashtan is only ever at a disadvantage numerically by choice.

    These choices seem to be overlooked fairly often when these points are used to refute arguments in pissing contests on the forums.

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