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  • How do you have a "Shallam-touched" voice?

  • Pyori said:
    It means it's sounds like she's drowning whenever she talks.
    Holy fuck, that's harsh. Props. 😆
    Cooper said:
    How do you have a "Shallam-touched" voice?
    Not quite a full accent, not quite plain. 
  • edited December 2018
    Ygia said:
    Pyori said:
    It means it's sounds like she's drowning whenever she talks.
    Holy fuck, that's harsh. Props. 😆
    Cooper said:
    How do you have a "Shallam-touched" voice?
    Not quite a full accent, not quite plain. 
    Almost positive he means how does Ygia have an accent that sounds like she's from Shallam when Shallam was destroyed before Ygia was born.
  • Riell said:
    Ygia said:
    Pyori said:
    It means it's sounds like she's drowning whenever she talks.
    Holy fuck, that's harsh. Props. 😆
    Cooper said:
    How do you have a "Shallam-touched" voice?
    Not quite a full accent, not quite plain. 
    Almost positive he means how does Ygia have an accent that sounds like she's from Shallam when Shallam was destroyed before Ygia was born.
    Her mother is Shallamese, as is her mentor, and the two other most influential people in her lives. She originally just had a simple Targossian accent, but over the course of 10+ IG years, and due to some rather severe IC events, that slowly began to shift as she took after those who have most strongly influenced her. Particularly her mother, who still speaks with a very strong Shallamese accent, hence, her own speech slowly adapting to the same. She'll never have a *full* Shallamese accent, but it's still been thought through and has actual IC reason and buildup behind it, not just a throwout.
  • your character sounds deranged

  • Cooper said:
    your character sounds deranged
    Speaking like your parents is deranged? Aight.
    She is a bit out there though, I'll admit.
  • edited December 2018
    I don't think you're entirely... Aware of how accents work.
    It's been 176 years IG since Shallam was destroyed. 165 since Targossas became a thing. Nobody has Shallam accents anymore, if they do they're as equally unaware as you with regards to how accents work, because they'd have long since adopted a 'Targossas accent' as well.
    eta: Even if accents work how you seem to think they do... 'Shallam-touched' still sounds like a really... Bad way of describing it. The only sound Shallam made was when it slid off into the ocean; describing a sound as 'Shallam-touched' is just... Wrong.
  • Pyori said:
    I don't think you're entirely... Aware of how accents work.
    It's been 176 years IG since Shallam was destroyed. 165 since Targossas became a thing. Nobody has Shallam accents anymore, if they do they're as equally unaware as you with regards to how accents work, because they'd have long since adopted a 'Targossas accent' as well.
    eta: Even if accents work how you seem to think they do... 'Shallam-touched' still sounds like a really... Bad way of describing it. The only sound Shallam made was when it slid off into the ocean; describing a sound as 'Shallam-touched' is just... Wrong.

    I am aware. I am seeking further options over time, but "faintly Shallamese" sounds wrong. There is nuance to her voice, but you have, what, 30 characters to describe it? There are limitations.

    I will settle on a better option eventually.
  • edited December 2018
    Lenn said:
    I want to see the great and serious roleplaying done by people who come to the forums to deride other people's roleplaying.
    This just in: You don't have to be better than someone at someone, to criticise something they do. I don't rap, that doesn't mean I can't say 6ix9nine is completely garbage at rapping.
    Ygia said:

    I will settle on a better option eventually.
    Not using 'Shallam' as part of your accent is the best option.
    As a side note: If you're describing an accent, you should probably use SET ACCENT. Not SET VOICE.
  • Kiet said:
    I'm not gonna diss anyone's roleplay but just noting for reference in case it helps people plan their characters in the future:
    Accents are almost never really dependent on what or how your parents speak. Look at any 2nd generation kid and you'll immediately realize that. Accents are formed by where you're raised, not by who you're raised by, it's a function of your peer groups that you spend most of your time talking to. Almost no one spends most of their free time as a child talking in isolation to their parents instead of their friends or schoolmates or teachers or people they hear in everyday routine, etc.
    More than that, accents don't really change once you're into adulthood. As a kid, your accent can drastically change from like british to american, and this can go on into your teen years realistically, but once you're in your 20s-ish (which everyone in Achaea basically has to be, IC), your accent's pretty much set in stone.
    This does mean that people who lived in Shallam for centuries could still have a Shallamese accent, though it's hard to kind of extrapolate to people living hundreds of years if they'd still be as set in accents once adults too. It also means the celebs who pick up a british accent are, I must sadly reveal, probably faking it.
    She was 23-ish when this formed, hence it only barely brushing upon her. She didn't have a distinct accent prior.

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
  • edited December 2018
    Ygia said:
    Kiet said:
    I'm not gonna diss anyone's roleplay but just noting for reference in case it helps people plan their characters in the future:
    Accents are almost never really dependent on what or how your parents speak. Look at any 2nd generation kid and you'll immediately realize that. Accents are formed by where you're raised, not by who you're raised by, it's a function of your peer groups that you spend most of your time talking to. Almost no one spends most of their free time as a child talking in isolation to their parents instead of their friends or schoolmates or teachers or people they hear in everyday routine, etc.
    More than that, accents don't really change once you're into adulthood. As a kid, your accent can drastically change from like british to american, and this can go on into your teen years realistically, but once you're in your 20s-ish (which everyone in Achaea basically has to be, IC), your accent's pretty much set in stone.
    This does mean that people who lived in Shallam for centuries could still have a Shallamese accent, though it's hard to kind of extrapolate to people living hundreds of years if they'd still be as set in accents once adults too. It also means the celebs who pick up a british accent are, I must sadly reveal, probably faking it.
    She was 23-ish when this formed, hence it only barely brushing upon her. She didn't have a distinct accent prior.

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    Yeah by 23 you're unlikely to change your accent from my experience, especially just from talking to parents/mentors. It's easy in Achaea to fall into the trap of 'the couple of people I most talk to are the only ones that exist' but realistically you're hearing other accents everytime you even run into another Targossian, talk to an NPC, etc, so the odds are even lower then. If your IC mom kidnapped you for 10 years and only let you talk to her or something that's different but I'm assuming that's not what happened!
    Also worth noting is that everyone has an accent, so there's no 'neutral' accent that is easier to override than another accent. How indistinct your accent is shouldn't really affect how likely it is to change other than a kid that sounds VASTLY different than all their peers (to the level of standing out a lot) is more likely to adapt quicker probably. That's the opposite of what it sounds like you're saying though maybe I'm misreading.
  • I have a Delmarin accent because it sounded best following "drawling". Am I RPing right?
  • Pyori said:
    Lenn said:
    I want to see the great and serious roleplaying done by people who come to the forums to deride other people's roleplaying.
    This just in: You don't have to be better than someone at someone, to criticise something they do. I don't rap, that doesn't mean I can't say 6ix9nine is completely garbage at rapping.
    So you're saying you don't do great and serious roleplaying in Achaea? Why not?
  • edited December 2018
    Lenn said:
    Pyori said:
    Lenn said:
    I want to see the great and serious roleplaying done by people who come to the forums to deride other people's roleplaying.
    This just in: You don't have to be better than someone at someone, to criticise something they do. I don't rap, that doesn't mean I can't say 6ix9nine is completely garbage at rapping.
    So you're saying you don't do great and serious roleplaying in Achaea? Why not?
    Nope. I do fine. Just going off of your implications. :) Inb4 "I didn't imply anything."
  • edited December 2018
    Kiet said:
    Ygia said:
    Kiet said:
    I'm not gonna diss anyone's roleplay but just noting for reference in case it helps people plan their characters in the future:
    Accents are almost never really dependent on what or how your parents speak. Look at any 2nd generation kid and you'll immediately realize that. Accents are formed by where you're raised, not by who you're raised by, it's a function of your peer groups that you spend most of your time talking to. Almost no one spends most of their free time as a child talking in isolation to their parents instead of their friends or schoolmates or teachers or people they hear in everyday routine, etc.
    More than that, accents don't really change once you're into adulthood. As a kid, your accent can drastically change from like british to american, and this can go on into your teen years realistically, but once you're in your 20s-ish (which everyone in Achaea basically has to be, IC), your accent's pretty much set in stone.
    This does mean that people who lived in Shallam for centuries could still have a Shallamese accent, though it's hard to kind of extrapolate to people living hundreds of years if they'd still be as set in accents once adults too. It also means the celebs who pick up a british accent are, I must sadly reveal, probably faking it.
    She was 23-ish when this formed, hence it only barely brushing upon her. She didn't have a distinct accent prior.

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    Yeah by 23 you're unlikely to change your accent from my experience, especially just from talking to parents/mentors. It's easy in Achaea to fall into the trap of 'the couple of people I most talk to are the only ones that exist' but realistically you're hearing other accents everytime you even run into another Targossian, talk to an NPC, etc, so the odds are even lower then. If your IC mom kidnapped you for 10 years and only let you talk to her or something that's different but I'm assuming that's not what happened!
    Also worth noting is that everyone has an accent, so there's no 'neutral' accent that is easier to override than another accent. How indistinct your accent is shouldn't really affect how likely it is to change other than a kid that sounds VASTLY different than all their peers (to the level of standing out a lot) is more likely to adapt quicker probably. That's the opposite of what it sounds like you're saying though maybe I'm misreading.
    That's a fine point to note. Thank you for your words on this. :)<3 

    Ygia began play with a sort of podunk-y rural accent, but I knew literally nothing about the game whatsoever at the time, not even what a Shallam was. As a player, I wanted a nuance to her accent that both suited her upbringing (literally speaking to her mom for hours a day from day 1), and aligned with my growth in knowledge of the game and those who are close to her. However, the exact implementation needs to be refined with my newer knowledge on this subject.

    I'm still not 100% finalised on everything she is - she's my first character. So yes, I'm not perfect, I know that, but it makes sense to me (and is not her final accent - it's still altering).


    And for clarification, this was discussed with now three players of Shallam, two of which ardently hold their time in Shallam as important to their personal IRL lives, and found approval in my approach in all three, hence why it sits now where it is. I didn't just throw it out - this was deliberated on for some time, and still is subject to change in wording, of which I will think further on. <3
  • Ygia said:
    Kiet said:
    I'm not gonna diss anyone's roleplay but just noting for reference in case it helps people plan their characters in the future:
    Accents are almost never really dependent on what or how your parents speak. Look at any 2nd generation kid and you'll immediately realize that. Accents are formed by where you're raised, not by who you're raised by, it's a function of your peer groups that you spend most of your time talking to. Almost no one spends most of their free time as a child talking in isolation to their parents instead of their friends or schoolmates or teachers or people they hear in everyday routine, etc.
    More than that, accents don't really change once you're into adulthood. As a kid, your accent can drastically change from like british to american, and this can go on into your teen years realistically, but once you're in your 20s-ish (which everyone in Achaea basically has to be, IC), your accent's pretty much set in stone.
    This does mean that people who lived in Shallam for centuries could still have a Shallamese accent, though it's hard to kind of extrapolate to people living hundreds of years if they'd still be as set in accents once adults too. It also means the celebs who pick up a british accent are, I must sadly reveal, probably faking it.
    She was 23-ish when this formed, hence it only barely brushing upon her. She didn't have a distinct accent prior.

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    I don't think the accent is a good idea. 
    I do think a faint Shallamese accent should be SET ACCENT FAINT SHALLAMESE, not any kind of voice. 
    I have heard multiple people bring up their puzzlement over "a gentle, Shallam-touched voice" in my hearing to me on ooc channels. 

    None of this is meant as a diss. I've been playing a long time and also done quite a bit of design work. If you have Discord I'd be happy to work with you ooc on word choice and the like. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Jiraishin said:
    Ygia said:
    Kiet said:
    I'm not gonna diss anyone's roleplay but just noting for reference in case it helps people plan their characters in the future:
    Accents are almost never really dependent on what or how your parents speak. Look at any 2nd generation kid and you'll immediately realize that. Accents are formed by where you're raised, not by who you're raised by, it's a function of your peer groups that you spend most of your time talking to. Almost no one spends most of their free time as a child talking in isolation to their parents instead of their friends or schoolmates or teachers or people they hear in everyday routine, etc.
    More than that, accents don't really change once you're into adulthood. As a kid, your accent can drastically change from like british to american, and this can go on into your teen years realistically, but once you're in your 20s-ish (which everyone in Achaea basically has to be, IC), your accent's pretty much set in stone.
    This does mean that people who lived in Shallam for centuries could still have a Shallamese accent, though it's hard to kind of extrapolate to people living hundreds of years if they'd still be as set in accents once adults too. It also means the celebs who pick up a british accent are, I must sadly reveal, probably faking it.
    She was 23-ish when this formed, hence it only barely brushing upon her. She didn't have a distinct accent prior.

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    I don't think the accent is a good idea. 
    I do think a faint Shallamese accent should be SET ACCENT FAINT SHALLAMESE, not any kind of voice. 
    I have heard multiple people bring up their puzzlement over "a gentle, Shallam-touched voice" in my hearing to me on ooc channels. 

    None of this is meant as a diss. I've been playing a long time and also done quite a bit of design work. If you have Discord I'd be happy to work with you ooc on word choice and the like. 
    I understand this. I do have Discord - I'm on the discord server as Ygiving Season, currently, and am willing to discuss word choice and nuance.
  • Ygia said:

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    Frankly you should keep it as is just because it annoys people
  • Dupre said:
    Ygia said:

    I will be thinking on this further, and thank you for your explanations, rather than just dissing.
    Frankly you should keep it as is just because it annoys people
    There seems to be a culture wherein the slightest misstep on the forums is noted as someone being irredeemable terrible trash, and assumed that said misstep is 1) reasonless, 2) unmeditated 3) unfixable. I don't want to really contribute to that culture. Folks think that by demonstrating how someone else is doing something wrong and extrapolating to the point of nausea they will show the world that they are the true RP hero.

    It's a mistake (though WAS premeditated and with consent from 3 Shallamese individuals), and I am fixing it, in the interests of betterment.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Ygia said:

    There seems to be a culture wherein the slightest misstep on the forums is noted as someone being irredeemable terrible trash
    Only by a handful of elitist pricks that don't actually know how to let things go because the most important things in their fantasy worlds is to be right.

    You do you. If it is such an affront, those people should probably be on some zanax and blood pressure meds.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • edited December 2018
    Skye said:
    I always thought a Targossian accent = a Shallamese accent >_> I mean, most early Targossians are Shallamese. They probably actually still use the same language with a different name. It's just that Shallam no longer exists and to anyone who born after that, it's just what Targossians sound like. #LateToTheParty
    I believe Targossian formed as a mixture of Shallamese and Jaruvian, amongst the other earliest settlers and refugees. So like... While there's absolutely no IRL way to match the accents, I picture it like this:
    Shallamese being rather close to a general saudi-arabian accent in my mind, Jaruvian might be a touch more rural south-korean, and mix those two and you get Targossian. The closest IRL equivalent of a REALLY thick Targossian accent might be Mongolian-English, perhaps.
    I've set Ygia's accent as "an archaic, Eastern" accent to both reflect Targossian descent and Shallamese influence, for now. (Thanks Jiraishin <3)
  • This is like a russled jimmies paradox, everyone elses jimmie’s are (your jimmies)+1 russled, so you are always calm as a cucumber. 

    Can I have a “sorrowful, Harambeian” voice?
  • edited December 2018
    Much badgering resulted in:

    Astarod falls in a blaze of silver to Quartermaster Zoktos, the Crowsbane's sword, a Two Arts training sword.

  • people from shallam sound like israeli urbanites and jaruvians sound like israeli fishermen. shallamese was yiddish. or change these to palestinian/arabic examples if you lean that way

    why the comma in between archaic and Eastern
    And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
  • Ellodin said:
    people from shallam sound like israeli urbanites and jaruvians sound like israeli fishermen. shallamese was yiddish. or change these to palestinian/arabic examples if you lean that way

    why the comma in between archaic and Eastern
    It just reads smoother that way. :x
  • Ellodin said:
    people from shallam sound like israeli urbanites and jaruvians sound like israeli fishermen. shallamese was yiddish. or change these to palestinian/arabic examples if you lean that way

    why the comma in between archaic and Eastern
    Not Yiddish... Hebrew, in that analogy. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
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