What Happened To You Today?



  • Ygia said:
    I've set Ygia's accent as "an archaic, Eastern" accent to both reflect Targossian descent and Shallamese influence, for now. (Thanks Jiraishin <3)
    Make sure to get some 'oceanic' clothing to reflect Shallam's descent. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Pyori said:
    Ygia said:
    I've set Ygia's accent as "an archaic, Eastern" accent to both reflect Targossian descent and Shallamese influence, for now. (Thanks Jiraishin <3)
    Make sure to get some 'oceanic' clothing to reflect Shallam's descent. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Hur hur hur.

    (She has a fair few oceanic angel blankets actually so already done :v)
  • Ygia said:
    Skye said:
    I always thought a Targossian accent = a Shallamese accent >_> I mean, most early Targossians are Shallamese. They probably actually still use the same language with a different name. It's just that Shallam no longer exists and to anyone who born after that, it's just what Targossians sound like. #LateToTheParty
    I believe Targossian formed as a mixture of Shallamese and Jaruvian, amongst the other earliest settlers and refugees. So like... While there's absolutely no IRL way to match the accents, I picture it like this:
    Shallamese being rather close to a general saudi-arabian accent in my mind, Jaruvian might be a touch more rural south-korean, and mix those two and you get Targossian. The closest IRL equivalent of a REALLY thick Targossian accent might be Mongolian-English, perhaps.
    I've set Ygia's accent as "an archaic, Eastern" accent to both reflect Targossian descent and Shallamese influence, for now. (Thanks Jiraishin <3)
    I don't see why there'd be any meaningful Jaruvian influence on Targossian. Jaru wasn't destroyed along with Shallam, and I don't recall there being Jaruvian refugees, or any Jaruvians among the early settlers of what would later officially become Targossas.
  • edited December 2018
    Antonius said:
    Ygia said:
    Skye said:
    I always thought a Targossian accent = a Shallamese accent >_> I mean, most early Targossians are Shallamese. They probably actually still use the same language with a different name. It's just that Shallam no longer exists and to anyone who born after that, it's just what Targossians sound like. #LateToTheParty
    I believe Targossian formed as a mixture of Shallamese and Jaruvian, amongst the other earliest settlers and refugees. So like... While there's absolutely no IRL way to match the accents, I picture it like this:
    Shallamese being rather close to a general saudi-arabian accent in my mind, Jaruvian might be a touch more rural south-korean, and mix those two and you get Targossian. The closest IRL equivalent of a REALLY thick Targossian accent might be Mongolian-English, perhaps.
    I've set Ygia's accent as "an archaic, Eastern" accent to both reflect Targossian descent and Shallamese influence, for now. (Thanks Jiraishin <3)
    I don't see why there'd be any meaningful Jaruvian influence on Targossian. Jaru wasn't destroyed along with Shallam, and I don't recall there being Jaruvian refugees, or any Jaruvians among the early settlers of what would later officially become Targossas.
    I had thought I'd read something similar in my early days. Oh well. It's been nearly an IRL year, so I'll read up on things again <3

    Anyway this is becoming very ranty. :P
  • If anything it'd be New Hope-ian?
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Torinn said:
    If anything it'd be New Hope-ian?
    That might very well be where I'm getting my memories jumbled. <3
  • What's the deal with these love hearts?
  • I'm sorry for making an attempt to understand you. <3

    I'll continue to think their overuse is passive-aggressive and disingenuous when they are jammed awkwardly onto the end of sentences that have no logical reason why they would be there. <3  
  • edited December 2018
    Tahquil said:
    I'm sorry for making an attempt to understand you. <3

    I'll continue to think their overuse is passive-aggressive and disingenuous when they are jammed awkwardly onto the end of sentences that have no logical reason why they would be there. <3  
    Sigh. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, I'm just tired after explaining myself on 5000 points for nearing 12 hours now following what was a simple log post and your post sounded like just yet another picky point, not an attempt to understand or something. I should have taken a moment to breathe and read further before responding, regardless of circumstance.

    My intention was for my post to read as a jokey "hey, anyone else seeing this shit?" kinda snapback, but I see now how it can read as an ignorant attack in turn and for that I am sorry.

    That being said, you're being kind of a dick right now.

    I would appreciate it, please, if we could move on. Not trying to be passive aggressive. Not trying to start drama. Legitimately tired and wanting to let this go. Thank you.
  • Ygia said:

    I would appreciate it, please, if we could move on. Not trying to be passive aggressive. Not trying to start drama. Legitimately tired and wanting to let this go. Thank you.
    you could just like.....not respond....us forum monkies grow bored if you dont pay us attention and look elsewhere. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Driden said:
    Ygia said:

    I would appreciate it, please, if we could move on. Not trying to be passive aggressive. Not trying to start drama. Legitimately tired and wanting to let this go. Thank you.
    you could just like.....not respond....us forum monkies grow bored if you dont pay us attention and look elsewhere. 
    Good point.
  • edited December 2018
    No. <3

    ( <3 )
  • I read the hearts as an attempt to make it obvious that you wanted to be non-confrontational.

    That being said I vote turning the voice all the way up. SET VOICE the faintest touch of a Shallamese baby's butt on a cool summers day on these haters.
  • Camroth said:
    I read the hearts as an attempt to make it obvious that you wanted to be non-confrontational.

    That being said I vote turning the voice all the way up. SET VOICE the faintest touch of a Shallamese baby's butt on a cool summers day on these haters.
    E X E C U T I O N
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • I've done more embarrassing, stupid things while on team green than I ever have in all my time playing Achaea...
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 Free speech! ‘Merica!
  • Set voice "Shallamese hoodrat"
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • edited December 2018
    Died to a pair of morsuleus due to carelessness. Came back later:

        --- Amidst shattered stone ---- -8:-21:-1 ---
        The decapitated head of Zenui has been carelessly tossed aside. Growling softly, a scaled creature prowls in the darkness. You see exits leading northeast and west.

         You pick up the decapitated head of Zenui.

         You frown at the decapitated head of Zenui.

    Either someone's being funny, or the morseleus are really tired of me hunting them...
  • edited December 2018
    Ismay said:
    I've done more embarrassing, stupid things while on team green than I ever have in all my time playing Achaea...
    Team green isn't supposed to be fun. You're doing it wrong, you have to be boring.
  • To be fair, she just said they were stupid and embarrassing. Never said they were fun.
  • Antonius said:
    To be fair, she just said they were stupid and embarrassing. Never said they were fun.
    True that. 
  • A lot of my kids base their accents off a mixture of my own and their mothers.

    Don't see why she could adopt the accent over time.  


    Anyways enjoy!
  • Antonius said:
    To be fair, she just said they were stupid and embarrassing. Never said they were fun.
    Well, they haven’t executed me yet!
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • edited December 2018
    Milabar said:
    A lot of my kids base their accents off a mixture of my own and their mothers.

    Don't see why she could adopt the accent over time.  


    Anyways enjoy!
    Like I said earlier, that's just not how accents work. How your parents speak has near 0 influence on your accent in the end, so unless you're RPing that Milabar and his baby mama are locking kids up for 18 years in a room where they don't get to talk to anyone else they're not gonna end up with their accent.

    I assume you mean you don't see why you couldn't adopt the accent over time, and I already answered that too. 1) Accents basically never change once you're an adult. 2) TWO PEOPLE aren't gonna make someone change their accent unless they literally never interact with anyone else. The rest of the world outnumbers anyone's parents, which means parents are not even 50% of the total spoken conversation of most people.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    edited December 2018
    Sorry, Kiet, but on point 1 you're so wrong. I have lived in Wales for 14 years, after living in Bristol in the SW of the UK for over 10 years (all while an adult, yes I am old, get over it). My friends in Bristol (less than 25 miles away) say I sound Welsh, my friends from Winchester (where I lived before going to uni in Bristol) say I speak like a cross between a Somerset yokel and a Welshman (both pejoratively, I believe :( )

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Agree with @Klendathu .  I find myself picking up accents pretty quick.  In Japan, in North Carolina, in South Carolina, in Vermont and Maine - all different accents.. maybe I'm just a sociopath? 

  • Not knowing how different Bristol/Wales accents are I can't really comment much, lol. Mild drifts in accent are definitely possible but idk how mild your change is with no reference. In most cases though I've seen people living 10+ years in a country still sounding like their old accents, so maybe you're also just a weirdo!
    In any case, I doubt you changed accents because of your parents lol.
  • I've got a buddy who went to a speech therapist for several years. He's got a full on southern drawl. His parents are Irish and Brazilian, and he's from South Grafton. The southern drawl came directly from his speech therapist. 

    Makes sense to me!
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    edited December 2018

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
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