New Class: Pariah

edited January 2021 in The Matsuhama Arena
Post your thoughts on the new class here!
I made a crappy flowchart to understand EPITAPH:



  • Can't edit for some reason but the chart should look like this:

  • edited January 2021
    This class fucking slaps. So much flavour it's amazing.

    By the way scorpion can 'chain' from anything, doesn't have to be from Serpent. It'll remove your epitaph chain, though.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • The arrow for scorpion to serpent is the wrong way, thasall.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Just picked it up. Looking forward to it
  • Haven't gotten around to playing with the combat side of it, but between finding hilarious bugs (literal and software), the hunting is squishy yet decent.

    Without accounting for the Epitaph speed boost, it's about 318 per second using the Mindshell method of max stat/collar. Considering there's no artie damage boost yet, Epitaph speeds you up to a maximum of eight chains (I think, number might be off), Fissure razes while damaging, and your defense also scales on int, it'll probably be the first class on release with tolerable bashing.

    Won't dethrone Serpent/2H by any means, but will probably be Bard/Shaman levels of speed.
  • edited January 2021
    Gallida said:
    Haven't gotten around to playing with the combat side of it, but between finding hilarious bugs (literal and software), the hunting is squishy yet decent.

    Without accounting for the Epitaph speed boost, it's about 318 per second using the Mindshell method of max stat/collar. Considering there's no artie damage boost yet, Epitaph speeds you up to a maximum of eight chains (I think, number might be off), Fissure razes while damaging, and your defense also scales on int, it'll probably be the first class on release with tolerable bashing.

    Won't dethrone Serpent/2H by any means, but will probably be Bard/Shaman levels of speed.

    When you say no artie damage boost, do you mean no impact from Collar / Int scaling, or just that there's no class-specific artie?

    Also - I should hope the DPS is quite high considering it's a very squishy class.  

    Lastly - wondering a bit about WP.  Your method wounds pretty WP intensive (indeed, like Shaman).

    Edit:  Oh, Trace Shield scales with Int.  It's on.
    Syntax:            TRACE SHIELD ME
    Works on/against:  Self
    Cooldown:          1.50 seconds of balance
    One of the lesser logographs, the shield cannot be worked into an
    epitaph, though is one of the most useful logographs all the same. When
    traced for your person it shall convey resistence to injury; the wiser
    the tracer, the greater the benefit(*).

    * The amount of damage resistance this conveys is related to your
    intelligence stat.
    Artefact Cloth + paragons + Riding + SoA + 18 + Avoidance Int Shield gonna be a tanky boi.

    Wonder what damage types it covers.  Seems to read as "all damage".
  • It's noticeably squishier than Shaman was, I definitely feel the -1 con and no scale mail.

    Willpower wasn't an issue but I have trans Philosophy and level 2 willpower regen.
  • It does scale with int/collar, yes.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • Cutting/blunt/magical damage for shield.

  • edited January 2021
    I have to say, this class is simply awesome.  After a few hours of fiddling around, I'm quite excited to see what can be done with it in combat as well as in raids, but just from a thematic / experience perspective it's super unique and fun.  Reminds me of younger days dabbling in Shaman or Priest for the first time.

    I do think there could be a little more guidance on how to do the things you need to do at first though.  I searched high and low but in the end the only way to get help was to just ask around on OOC channels - and even then I had to suicide 3 times to do it.  Maybe there's a better way, but it sure as hell isn't clear what it is.

    I also think there must be a way to relocate crypts, either by destroying it or just summoning it to a new location.  I didn't realize, when I made it, that it was a permanent thing - as this is also never stated anywhere.  I figured it worked like Groves - which it absolutely does not.  If there's already a way to do this, please share :).
  • edited January 2021
    I was extremely confused when reading the ABs but after actually using the abilities somewhat it makes a lot more sense. The files have so much flavor text without actually saying what they do that I was lost. Reading the * point(s) before the rest of each ability is probably a good idea.

    Edit: At least when it comes to Memorium and Pestilence.
  • edited January 2021

    Yeah, I had a laugh at the:

    * Does damage.

    Well done to whoever A )  wrote this, and B ) let it go live as is.

  • Suicide runs for Charnel are amazing.  Though maybe you could have like a wandering nomad NPC give the rudimentary accursed ritual, like a quest, walking them through it.
    Since the ritual does denote an apprentice aiding you.

    Honestly it was fun helping Citymates embraced being accursed(Are we undead...who knows, I think maybe kinda)

    Overall I have had fun picking apart this class and playing around with it, I am not sure how damage scaling works (Shield obviously is INT) but like, I am assuming it will get boosting artefacts like Psion's mirrors, since its a bit unique in that regard. Also -thank you- for the crypt demolish command, even though my crypt is beautiful I like this as an option.

    I am waiting to see what kind of implications embracing the accursed form holds in world events, etcetera.

    KUDOS to the entire garden team for this class and the people who tested it. - Also, Customisable ritual knifes please, my RP bones are aching.

  • It's lots of flavour, nicely themed, like the relapse and heartbeats too. Thank you Garden and engineers! 

    The Achaean Population Today
  • Anyone find any tablets yet? I'm so hype to know what they do!!
  • I don't know if tablets have been released yet. Not sure though.
  • edited January 2021
    In my imagination, tablets are consumable spells that only work once and let you do some neat stuff in your Reliquary (which so far doesn't seem to have a visible purpose).  I would imagine it's a specialization thing, kindof like transmogrify or maybe special or random status effects.  Who knows!

    I was told that they would spawn randomly out "in the world".  I spent around 10 minutes running around everywhere I could think of, and didn't see any, though.  Maybe they're not out yet - or maybe there's some special sauce I'm missing.
  • All of the tablets are available. Its not really fair to say they spawn randomly, more they spawn consistently under given criteria, but we want to let people find them organically.

  • edited January 2021
    CHANGES NEWS #34                                        (01/26/2021 at 08:02)  
    From   : The Achaean Coder Team
    To     : Everyone
    Subject: Updates

    It is Tuesday, the 26th of January, and the following changes have been implemented:

     - You can no longer build traps in crypt's that are not your own.

     - Traps should now all be firing correctly once again.

     - If you lose your ritual knife by some feat of malign genius brought on by your new class change,
    you can go and draw it out of the sands again to get it back.

     - Pariah's wield restrictions no longer apply when in dragonform/elemental lord.

     - You can no longer seal your crypt with intruders still inside.

     - CRYPT RELOCATE has been added - see the CRYPT abfile for details.

    Makarios you rock!
  • Zoktos said:
    Can't edit for some reason but the chart should look like this:

    Serpent/Scorpion arrow is backwards, unless in-game text (below) is actually wrong (totally possible).

    The Scorpion flows into The Serpent. 
    The Serpent flows into The Nest and The Skein.
    The Bear flows into The Jackal and The Scarab.
    The Sun flows into The Serpent.
    The Nest flows into The Bear and The Scales.
    The Scales flows into The Skein.
    The Skein flows into The Scarab and The Sun.
    The Scarab flows into The Jackal and The Scales.
    The Jackal flows into The Serpent.
    The Fissure does not flow into any other logographs.

  • In this case the in game text will never be wrong, the output pulls directly from the transition graph rather than being written by hand.

  • Makarios said:
    In this case the in game text will never be wrong, the output pulls directly from the transition graph rather than being written by hand.

    That's some overkill on the coding right there and I love it
  • If you're not throwing weights on that tradition graph for automating this class, I dunno what you're doing.
  • Made these.  Hope they help some people.

  • A skill to check what traps/logographs you have in a room would be excellent.
  • Might be a first ever for bleeding.

  • Missed this change suggestion initially so it won't show up until we post another changelog, but it is live: CRYPT TRAP LIST.

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