Mhaldor vs Targossas

Since this is the first war under the new war system. This thread is for feedback on how it actually works. Good, bad, buggy, and not. Leave your comments on what you think!


  • But yo... be constructive.
  • Ohhhhh boy! The salt that is gonna fill this thread up.

  • edited June 2020
    Ictinus said:
    I'm going to be keeping an eye on this thread. Feedback on the system is certainly welcome, arguments about which side had 0.73 more soldiers per square mile are not fun for anyone.
    Can you make CITY WAR LIST a bit more in depth? it's a little vague. 

    Also, can it be done via anywhere, instead of just in council room. 
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • The back and forth sanctions/tanks is kind of iffy. It seems like it could legitimately go on forever/we both run out of tanks.... I don't fully like that we may be forced to fight hours on end back and forth to stay on top because placing secret tanks and getting sanctions/tank charge while defending.

    Eh, otherwise, it wasn't horrible. I'm finally getting better at surviving and seeing what I did wrong.
  • The back and forth sanctions/tanks is kind of iffy. It seems like it could legitimately go on forever/we both run out of tanks.... I don't fully like that we may be forced to fight hours on end back and forth to stay on top because placing secret tanks and getting sanctions/tank charge while defending.

    Eh, otherwise, it wasn't horrible. I'm finally getting better at surviving and seeing what I did wrong.
    It was fun, but I second this. The double sanction super secret tank stuff was great, but I don't want the war to be secret tank hunting. Can you make EMPOWER FONT SENSE see tanks too.
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • edited June 2020
    Astarod said:
    The back and forth sanctions/tanks is kind of iffy. It seems like it could legitimately go on forever/we both run out of tanks.... I don't fully like that we may be forced to fight hours on end back and forth to stay on top because placing secret tanks and getting sanctions/tank charge while defending.

    Eh, otherwise, it wasn't horrible. I'm finally getting better at surviving and seeing what I did wrong.
    It was fun, but I second this. The double sanction super secret tank stuff was great, but I don't want the war to be secret tank hunting. Can you make EMPOWER FONT SENSE see tanks too.
    Yeah, it was cool and super surprising. When you guys blew the first one, everyone was like "wtf", but... I don't really want that to be how this goes for a full month. 

    And I'd be down for the font sense idea, but it's a moot point since we already got your font. ;) huehuehue
  • Good luck to everyone. Try and have fun, if you can, and let's see if we can't get a good story out of this thing.
  • edited June 2020
    Astarod said:
    The back and forth sanctions/tanks is kind of iffy. It seems like it could legitimately go on forever/we both run out of tanks.... I don't fully like that we may be forced to fight hours on end back and forth to stay on top because placing secret tanks and getting sanctions/tank charge while defending.

    Eh, otherwise, it wasn't horrible. I'm finally getting better at surviving and seeing what I did wrong.
    It was fun, but I second this. The double sanction super secret tank stuff was great, but I don't want the war to be secret tank hunting. Can you make EMPOWER FONT SENSE see tanks too.
    Funny part is, even if this was a thing you wouldn’t get to use it much 🤣

    How long before you guys can’t IMBUE? I hope you’re having font power discussions.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    edited June 2020

    Final Note


    *****     During wartime, soldiers are NOT OPEN PK.     *****

    *****     During wartime, soldiers are NOT OPEN PK.     *****

    *****     During wartime, soldiers are NOT OPEN PK.     *****

    What's the deal with bounties, though? I suspect raids are going to be much more numerous back-and-forthing. I'm just watching Fendrel at the city board making super long lists and checking them twice. Are we OK with charging for every single raid and then bounty-jumping forever afterwards until this ends or whats the deal.

    Otherwise today was complete chaos and I am screaming. The current weather forecast is breathrain all week. I died a ton, but am somehow up 5% xp. I feel like I have been dragged between Targ and Mhaldor a half dozen times in the last half hour like some kind of bloodsport badminton match.

    Meanwhile Stheno over here name-droppin like its hot (what did I do).

    Also when is this sanction going to end? itsbeen84years.jpg

    eta: nvm just ended

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • edited June 2020
    Atalkez said:
    Astarod said:
    The back and forth sanctions/tanks is kind of iffy. It seems like it could legitimately go on forever/we both run out of tanks.... I don't fully like that we may be forced to fight hours on end back and forth to stay on top because placing secret tanks and getting sanctions/tank charge while defending.

    Eh, otherwise, it wasn't horrible. I'm finally getting better at surviving and seeing what I did wrong.
    It was fun, but I second this. The double sanction super secret tank stuff was great, but I don't want the war to be secret tank hunting. Can you make EMPOWER FONT SENSE see tanks too.
    Funny part is, even if this was a thing you wouldn’t get to use it much 🤣

    How long before you guys can’t IMBUE? I hope you’re having font power discussions.
    u rly don't know much about grief do u.

    Font is an item. Not a room.
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    We can use font, not the first time its been tanked which is why it wasnt protected by guards. 
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    I was really impressed by Mhaldor's coordination during the crusades.  The lock pressure is unreal and it seemed like everyone had their jobs down pat.  Good job, look forward to more engagements. 
  • I really like the monthly result posts. Short, to the point and nice flavour.

     Part of me wishes it would say who was on the winning hand, but then I think it's more interesting to let cityleaders decide whether they want to let their citizens know or not for whatever reasons they choose. 
  • Astarod said:
    u rly don't know much about grief do u.
    You must be new here

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Akri said:
    I really like the monthly result posts. Short, to the point and nice flavour.

     Part of me wishes it would say who was on the winning hand, but then I think it's more interesting to let cityleaders decide whether they want to let their citizens know or not for whatever reasons they choose. 
    I think the post was really good too- wish the city war list gave the same msg. 
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • The war post was cool, but.... 

    We captured a tank right after blowing the second. 

  • The war post was cool, but.... 

    We captured a tank right after blowing the second. 

    We disarmed one too. Though Disarms count and it seems in the HELP WAR file that captures don't. Maybe to make them both desireable. Not sure. 
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Yeah, I know you guys disarmed one. Nothing in the post was wrong. I just thought admin missed the capture. 

    But if captured tanks don't count towards war, then that's... Kind of stupid. It takes just as much defense to capture as it does to disarm, so I'm kind of curious as to why it doesn't seem like captures count? 

    @Ictinus Any chance you could shed some light, so we know in the future?
  • Captures give you a tank that you can then use, it makes sense that disarms would be worth more since you're giving up a chance to use it on your enemy.
  • edited June 2020
    Issam said:
    Captures give you a tank that you can then use, it makes sense that disarms would be worth more since you're giving up a chance to use it on your enemy.
    Fair point, I didn't even think of this. Sounds fine to me, nevermind, then. 

    Though, I am curious: does detonating a tank give more war points then disarming? I figure it should since with detonating, you have to worry about guards and font defences and stuff.
  • Capturing takes a lot longer, and requires a spot in your tank reserves. Should be noted in the update that a city overcame their enemies and turned their weapons against them.
  • I checked on this already. Because the captured tank gives you the ability to tank more than your normal capacity (5), it’s viewed as beneficial in that way without rewarding points directly.

    That said, it doesn’t make sense to capture unless you know you can detonate it. Capturing then giving by a disarm is a double hit to your point generation.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • May also be a consideration for offpeak guardbash -> tank captures? If captured tanks don't count, at least you can't run up the score that way.
  • Kog said:
    May also be a consideration for offpeak guardbash -> tank captures? If captured tanks don't count, at least you can't run up the score that way.
    lol, qwho mhaldor dude. looks peak. 
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • It wasn't, a bunch of us logged in to try and stifle a guard bash, just happened that more than just me thought the same thing!
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    Kog said:
    Aliza, Dalran, Davok, Iaxus, Isaiah, Jomi, Kylso, Minifie, Mizik, Nbige, Proficy, Quilana, Reyson, Saibel, Talyne, Tarly, Umaiar, Vorrak, and Ysela.
    Plus another 1 whose presence you cannot fully sense (19 total).


    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • That was aliza, davok, isaiah, jomi, nbige, quilana I -think- when the guard bashing started, so Kog was pretty much bang on. 
  • edited June 2020
    Achilles, Archaeon, Armitage, Astarod, Blive, Daeir, Damari, Draekar, Eldoran, Halos, Iadeva, Issam, Kaios, Layta, Lyndee, Numira, Romaen, Solaine, Tesha, Trisyra, Uija, Vasher, Vinzent, Vivena, and Yansik.
    Plus another 1 whose presence you cannot fully sense (25 total).
    5783h, 5991m, 25390e, 23860w cexkdb-

    Even at the biggest I see, we don't outnumber Targossas. I just want a stompfest for once :(
  • To be fair, when you came in, almost all of those people weren't online. We had about nine. (FYI I don't care, just stating facts).
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