Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.
  • Kaedan said:

    (A lot of stuff)
    Best post in the entire thread....
  • Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.
    It's all a perspective based concept. For example, some on Targ may see Mhaldor as the "big bad" while mhaldorians may see Targ as such.

    One thing I like about the Tsol'teth concept is that for the majority of characters' lives...they were just a story. A telling of these monstrous bad guys that want to destroy everything. It was basically a fairy tale with them as the wicked witch until recently. Cant help but make you wonder what their story of the overland was.

    This is the first time in an age when actual communication is occurring.
  • There's something that seems to be getting lost throughout these last few pages.

    It really isn't the loss of Cyrene that is pushing some people to the brink. It can add to a good chunk of it. But it's the combination of things.

    Loss of city, tide, unwinds. Rinse and repeat daily.

    The prospect of playing a refugee sounds fun. And for the first few days it was an interesting aspect to log into... but when you add in everything else it becomes tiring. Fast.

    If you're not unwinding, then you're fending off tide, and if you're not doing either you're trying to stay out of the way of those who are. Normally people would fall back to their city to not get in the way, or to just hang out, but without a base people are left to wander around. You don't feel like infesting another city because well... it's not your city, and you don't want to infringe on the narrative another place has going on. They need their own space.

    And when you do have a moment to yourself once some things are clear -another area is full of tide again.

    Sure. None of us has to clear the tide right away, but we also don't want to see every room full of it. It also doesn't fit the narrative of people who are trying to combat the tsol'teth to just let it seep freely.

    Basically we're homeless custodians right now. Mopping up shit, trying to find an empty corner for a cig break, before we get back to mopping up the shit we just cleaned.

    If it weren't for each other, and the awesome coordination for hitting tide within the Coaltion. We'd probably just... you know. I have no idea at this point. 
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • @Melodie

    That sounds pretty damn fun when you put it that way.  =) 
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • I've been poking people to try and get them to either argue, debate or question their current stances and beliefs with regards to this event IC, not many respond, and that's fine, no character is forced to respond, but the few that did have been fun to interact with, so the more the merrier!
  • Melodie said:
    Jinos said:
    You don't feel like infesting another city because well... it's not your city, and you don't want to infringe on the narrative another place has going on. They need their own space.
    Please feel free to infringe on my space. I'll probably stare at you weird and then try to figure out what sort of mettle you're made of.

    I feel like I'm not the only person who wouldn't mind that. You're a refugee - part of that is being lost. This is practically the best time to be wandering around aimlessly and exploring what you never would have otherwise while anchored somewhere else. 

    Come at us, bro.
    I'd love to, but I participated in banter with a Mhaldorian who was raiding us decades ago. He got his feelings hurt and enemied me for it. :P
  • Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.

    If you're a fan of your LotR mythos, the Sauron comparrison is not a bad one at all...

    The main trillogy is after all the hard work was already done, after all.

  • Makarios said:
    Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.

    If you're a fan of your LotR mythos, the Sauron comparrison is not a bad one at all...

    The main trillogy is after all the hard work was already done, after all.

    Yeah... the stakes in the main trilogy are laughably minuscule compared to everything else in the legendarium.

  • The Benefits of the Tsol'teth 
  • Doriel said:
    Makarios said:
    Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.

    If you're a fan of your LotR mythos, the Sauron comparrison is not a bad one at all...

    The main trillogy is after all the hard work was already done, after all.

    Yeah... the stakes in the main trilogy are laughably minuscule compared to everything else in the legendarium.
    The stakes are not actually that different to a huge portion of the history. The powers in play are fairly lesser though. 

    Dunn tells you, "I hate you."
    (Party): You say, "Bad plan coming right up."
  • Morgoth is to Agith'tai as Sauron is to Agith-maal
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Melodie said:
    Jinos said:
    You don't feel like infesting another city because well... it's not your city, and you don't want to infringe on the narrative another place has going on. They need their own space.
    Please feel free to infringe on my space. I'll probably stare at you weird and then try to figure out what sort of mettle you're made of.

    I feel like I'm not the only person who wouldn't mind that. You're a refugee - part of that is being lost. This is practically the best time to be wandering around aimlessly and exploring what you never would have otherwise while anchored somewhere else. 

    Come at us, bro.
    I'd love to, but I participated in banter with a Mhaldorian who was raiding us decades ago. He got his feelings hurt and enemied me for it. :P
    I don't even have enemy powers!

    I'm purposefully pretty positionless. I'm practically harmless at this point. Honest, guv.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Kiet said:
    Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.
    Had your school been honest with its history lessons, you'd realize the British are historically pretty horrifying monsters, so it fits!
    my eyes rolled so hard they fell out and now i'm blind, help me
  • I'm sorry that actual facts are upsetting to you! :(

    More on-topic, though, @Jinos I agree that there's literally nothing stopping you from going to other cities. Eleusis seems 100% welcoming to Cyrenian groups from what I've seen, and if you're just hanging out, nothing stops you from using, say, the inn in Caer as a designated hang-out beyond that. Obviously there's no guards but if you're in a group of 10+ it hardly matters.
  • Cyr said:
    Doriel said:
    Makarios said:
    Morsul said:
    IMO this event kind of ruins the idea that the tsol'teth are a Big Bad of the Achaea story. Dry humour and negotiations? They've changed from being Saurons to being British.

    If you're a fan of your LotR mythos, the Sauron comparrison is not a bad one at all...

    The main trillogy is after all the hard work was already done, after all.

    Yeah... the stakes in the main trilogy are laughably minuscule compared to everything else in the legendarium.
    The stakes are not actually that different to a huge portion of the history. The powers in play are fairly lesser though. 
    Morgoth: Ea (the universe)
    Sauron: one continent
  • I'm very, very surprised that we actually still have Tide on mainland Achaea. Whoever is organizing the Tide clearing is either not using any strategy, or their strategy is terrible.

    Get better at tide strategy and the tide would have gone away already. 

  • Cooper said:
    I'm very, very surprised that we actually still have Tide on mainland Achaea. Whoever is organizing the Tide clearing is either not using any strategy, or their strategy is terrible.

    Get better at tide strategy and the tide would have gone away already. 
    Cooper, have you ever considered saying something remotely positive to anyone on the forum, or not acting as if you know better than everyone about everything related to Achaea in its entirety? Every forum post I read from you is combative or passive-aggressive and wildly skewed in favour of Mhaldor.

    Perfectly fine to have a bias, we all do, in your case though not only are you bias, but passive aggressive or flat-out rude to people.

    With regards to this event, its been relatively interesting, though I;ve missed the majority of the live action and onyl really caught up with everything through event/news posts.

    I'm hoping something big happens soon that I may be able to be more involved in, as that would be very fun.
  • edited May 2019
    Cooper said:
    I'm very, very surprised that we actually still have Tide on mainland Achaea. Whoever is organizing the Tide clearing is either not using any strategy, or their strategy is terrible.

    Get better at tide strategy and the tide would have gone away already. 
    Was nearly gone a few days ago, but it came back with a vengeance yesterday :(

    Too many people are taking forum advice and taking breaks from fighting it :)

    (Which is totally fine with me!)

    Edit: Also having three cities not helping ... sometimes actively working against us makes it tricky as well.
  • I've seen a time in which two shrines were unwound, and six spawned in the same half hour or so. Followed by a series of WTF? over the clan channels, and a lot of people deciding those breaks sounded better and better.  I'm curious if there are things that affect the spawning rate of the shrines, or if there's just random chance of when they spawn somewhere.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Cooper said:
    I'm very, very surprised that we actually still have Tide on mainland Achaea. Whoever is organizing the Tide clearing is either not using any strategy, or their strategy is terrible.

    Get better at tide strategy and the tide would have gone away already. 
    You *do* realise that the Tide is coming out of 3 fixed locations that cannot be cleared right? One of them is very nearly on the doorstep of a river that connects to at least 4 other areas. There have also been incidents of surge where it creeps into an area but spawns a shrine on the other side of said area.

  • edited May 2019
    "Negative. Three-fold retaliation is most efficient to invoke despair. Despair has proven to be adequate tool for processing emotional species"

  • edited May 2019
    Telinus said:
    Cooper said:
    I'm very, very surprised that we actually still have Tide on mainland Achaea. Whoever is organizing the Tide clearing is either not using any strategy, or their strategy is terrible.

    Get better at tide strategy and the tide would have gone away already. 
    Cooper, have you ever considered saying something remotely positive to anyone on the forum, or not acting as if you know better than everyone about everything related to Achaea in its entirety? Every forum post I read from you is combative or passive-aggressive and wildly skewed in favour of Mhaldor.
    Cooper has actually said a number of positive things in this thread. This one was a bit unfair tho. Since shrines are proven to spawn even in Tide-free rooms I am fairly certain it's mechanically impossible to clear all Tide from the mainland.

    Overall, the continent seems far less infested than it was before, though. 

    Edit: idk how to quote.
  • I think everyone has figured out the sweet gold and they’re milking it dry at this point. If the tied could mechanically be cleared I suspect it would have by now.

  • Buffed my gold that’s for sure

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Later we find out that the Tide is being coaxed back into rooms by herb-gatherers making sweet, sweet profit off kelp demand.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Blah, I had a big post written up and forgot to hit submit before closing Chrome.

    tl;dr version - the whining about the Tide has gotten annoying when we have ways to prevent it that aren't being utilized

    Nothing the Tide does is truly random, it follows a set of rules. If you can figure out those rules, it becomes much easier to defeat.

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