Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • Mroxyl said:
     I'll suggest a scenario and ask thoughts on it, as a difference.
    Knowing Achaea's playerbase, the amount of complaining wouldn't be any different. What's being complained about would just shift to something else.

  • VeldrinVeldrin Denmark
    As for the 'kicking out citizens out of their city' thing, look into 'Jhuidor' and 'Jarikland' (admittably it only lasted a few hours at a time but..)

  • Can confirm this is MUCH better than other events. Shallam being the most similar, that entire event felt like we could do absolutely nothing at all to alter or have any bearing on the event. This is not the case right now.

    If this event has led you to cancel your membership and consider retirement/quitting then you’re just a bad sport, sorry, not gonna sugar coat it.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • I could be wrong, but I got a very strong feeling from Sarapis on the forums that the playerbase of the time really didn't like the "Good" faction and kinda wanted to see it overhauled. Could be just dumbing it down, but when he came back he was like "What do you guys not like?" "Okay, papa Sarapis gonna shake stuff up a bit." And then he did jazz hands and stuff. 
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    edited May 2019
    @Telendrieth This is probably something you've already thought of, but there's ways to reach out and interact with the tsol'teth even if you're with the resistance. I play a very introverted character, and still managed to find excuses pre-treaty. This ended up having some pretty unexpected results, which may or may not have been good for my character but were definitely a lot more interesting than fighting Tide. Gather info, learn your enemy. I tried suggesting this IC at a Coalition meeting, even.

    Beyond that, of course the event is taunting you. It has to motivate you to try new things before time runs out. Letting you settle back into routine runs counter to that.

    Finally, "but IC within the first few days of Cyrene being taken, I've had characters literally tell Telendrieth  they don't give a fuck about what happened to Cyrene, or even if it gets ruined for good. " The key part of that is IC, and secondarily characters.  But then in the next sentence you say "Those players are well and able to have their own opinions of Cyrene of course." Not that people aren't necessarily being dicks ooc as well, but it's important to keep in mind the IC/OOC divide. Most decent RPers are not their character. I'm certainly not mine. Be ICly bitter about IC slights, but taking it OOC even accidentally is bad for everyone involved... including you.

    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Shub said:

    Condensed for your enjoyment:

    >Tsol'teth humour<

    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Humour is known to us."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We are considered a talented creator of such."
    Saelily says in a chipper voice, "Whicheva' one of ya been advertisin' that shop... -He- definitely knows it."
    Atalkez says to Trusad'an in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "I would like to hear your humour."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Difficult to translate. We will attempt such."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We believe we have achieved an adequate translation of the joke."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "A member of the line of Law, a member of the line of Conquest, and a member of the line of Progress meet. It is a tense moment."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "The Conquest line's eyes glow. The Law line's shadow uncoils. The Progress line's... legs twitch."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "I do not understand fully."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We contend that it is funnier in the language of Anzari-tarin."
    Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "Don't worry, Trusad'an. You had me reeling from that hook, line, and sinker."
    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "Why are you all liars."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Except Mezghar, because Mezghar's sense of humour is so strange he may even have believed it was funny."
    Mezghar whispers to Atalkez in a rumbling, basso voice, "When a guest tells a joke, you're supposed to think it is funny."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "That is courtesy. Not humour."
    Trusad'an says to Taelle in a smooth, baritone voice, "We consider that it may be less humorous in explanation."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Jokes typically are."
    Trusad'an says to Taelle in a smooth, baritone voice, "We note that the line of Progress always presses forward. It wishes to complete the encounter and be back to task immediately."
    Aranos says in a calm voice, "Well now that the joke is's not as funny."


    >Targossian humour<

    You say in a hoarse, chirping voice, "To be fair, I'm not sure if us Targossians are known for much humour, either."
    Adrik says to Trusad'an with a Jaruvian accent, "Want a humorous joke?"
    Trusad'an says to Adrik in a smooth, baritone voice, "We will accept such."
    Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "Why was six afraid of seven?"
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Seven could more efficiently contain its instability."
    Gattan'bahar says, "Negative."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We do not understand. Seven is inefficient. Why would Six be afraid of it?"
    Gattan'bahar says, "Six is more efficient than seven."
    Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "Because.. Seven Ate Nine."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Seven, as a number of individuals, is less efficient than six. But the Seventh of the seven was stronger than the sixth of seven."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "So Six was afraid."
    Gattan'bahar says, "Negative. Sixth of sixth is stronger than sixth of seventh."
    Gattan'bahar says, "Proven."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Yes. Tests were undertaken."
    Gattan'bahar says, "We do not like jokes."
    You say in a hoarse, chirping voice, "I think this validates my point, not particularly known for humour."
    Gattan'bahar nods


    >Another attempt at humour<

    Adrik says to Gattan'bahar with a Jaruvian accent, "Okay, here's a joke that'll
    knock you off your feet."
    Gattan'bahar says, "Negative."
    Adrik says to Trusad'an with a Jaruvian accent, "Why did the Cyclops close his school?"
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We do not understand the question."
    Gattan'bahar says, "Students terminated?"
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "This is a logical reason to do so."
    Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "He had only one pupil."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "And the pupil was terminated?"
    Gattan'bahar says, "We do not understand. If this is the case then why was the school closed?"
    Gattan'bahar says, "One capable asset would be wasted."
    Yen says, "The pupil was perhaps transferred to another facility."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "But then he would have no pupils. Not one."
    Gattan'bahar says, "A pupil does not necessarily continue to study under the educator."
    Gattan'bahar says, "We are Terrin'tuuran's pupil. We long since ceased our studies."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "So he had one pupil, and the pupil


    >Gods please make it stop<

    Xibalba says in a groggy voice, "Here's a joke: Targossian international relations."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "That is not a joke. That is a beheading."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Granted, I would find it worth a smile."


    >This one was a little funny<

    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "I have a joke."
    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "This one is from Tesha."
    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "A bear walks into a bar and says,  "Give me a whiskey and a ......rum"."
    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, ""Why the big pause?", asks the bartender. The bear shrugged, "I don't know, I was born with them"."
    Gattan'bahar says, "We believe designation Atalkez should return to practice."
    Adrik says to Atalkez with a Jaruvian accent, "It's okay.. your instability is already noted."
    Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "Tesha told me that joke when I told her to quit using puns."


    >More attempts at jokes<

    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Why should you never have a staring contest with a Serpent?"
    Gattan'bahar says, "Mental defences prove adequate."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Ruining my punchline."
    Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "The answer is... Whoever blinks, you lose. Unless you have steelmind."

    All perpetrators at these failed attempts at amusement are hereby remanded to the Targossian Annex for Re-education of Dissidents to undergo mandatory re-indoctrination of proper humour based witnessing techniques. Those that fail to report in a timely manner will be collected by the inquisitors and flogged.

    T.A.R.D. High inquisitor
    (just trying to lighten the mood a little, no offense is intended towards the disabled)

    (and before the gripes for the poor roleplay come in, we have legitimate reasons to attempt to build rapport with the tsol'teth)
    You didn't include the bit about the severed fingers. Or stabbing. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Jiraishin said:
    @Telendrieth This is probably something you've already thought of, but there's ways to reach out and interact with the tsol'teth even if you're with the resistance. I play a very introverted character, and still managed to find excuses pre-treaty. This ended up having some pretty unexpected results, which may or may not have been good for my character but were definitely a lot more interesting than fighting Tide. Gather info, learn your enemy. I tried suggesting this IC at a Coalition meeting, even.

    Beyond that, of course the event is taunting you. It has to motivate you to try new things before time runs out. Letting you settle back into routine runs counter to that.

    Finally, "but IC within the first few days of Cyrene being taken, I've had characters literally tell Telendrieth  they don't give a fuck about what happened to Cyrene, or even if it gets ruined for good. " The key part of that is IC, and secondarily characters.  But then in the next sentence you say "Those players are well and able to have their own opinions of Cyrene of course." Not that people aren't necessarily being dicks ooc as well, but it's important to keep in mind the IC/OOC divide. Most decent RPers are not their character. I'm certainly not mine. Be ICly bitter about IC slights, but taking it OOC even accidentally is bad for everyone involved... including you.

    I'm well aware of the IC/OOC divide. I honestly just look down on their character and move on. But I'm voicing it because if I heard this from multiple characters, I'm likely not the only one. And there will be players who aren't as able to keep that IC/OOC wall up, and those comments can be pretty infuriating and make players feel like they are alone or like no one cares. 

    As for the Tsol'teth, I'm aware and have thought about it. But I don't honestly feel Telendrieth would ever treat with the Tsol. If he had the ability to scourge their lines from existence, he would heavily consider doing so for what they have done.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Honestly, if the players can't keep IC/OOC barrier up, they need to learn to. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • You didn't include the bit about the severed fingers. Or stabbing. 

    Remanded I said! What is taking those inquisitors so long?

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Jiraishin said:
    Honestly, if the players can't keep IC/OOC barrier up, they need to learn to. 
    Sure. I've also got friends that need to leave their abusive partners and patients that need to not skip out on their heart medicine because "They don't like taking pills". If either of us comes up with a way to convince people to do what is healthy for them, lets share... deal?  =)

    Abusive relationships aren't a good analogy here. The heart medicine one is probably better. In both that case and the ic/ooc one, I feel bad for the person but it's really their problem, not mine. It's not an event problem or a problem with the person who roleplays with them, so I'm not sure why you included it in your complaint. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • edited May 2019
    Jiraishin said:
    Jiraishin said:
    Honestly, if the players can't keep IC/OOC barrier up, they need to learn to. 
    Sure. I've also got friends that need to leave their abusive partners and patients that need to not skip out on their heart medicine because "They don't like taking pills". If either of us comes up with a way to convince people to do what is healthy for them, lets share... deal?  =)

    Abusive relationships aren't a good analogy here. The heart medicine one is probably better. In both that case and the ic/ooc one, I feel bad for the person but it's really their problem, not mine. It's not an event problem or a problem with the person who roleplays with them, so I'm not sure why you included it in your complaint. 
    Because it's in line with getting people to do what is healthier for them. Not entirely sure how that was lost on you. 
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    This thread is stupid and you should all feel ashamed for participating. 
  • Archaeon said:
    This thread is stupid and you should all feel ashamed for participating. 
    After you.

  • Ayani said:

    Finally, I will be muttering curses under my breath for the next 10-12 days for having to miss the next bit of the event due to travel. It's like reading a really good book and getting to that final battle, then dropping it in the shredder. I really don't want to wait for a new copy to find out what unfolds. To everyone involved, players and staff, keep up the good work! Good luck, Achaeans! 
    I feel you there so much, it's on the weekend again so I'll be at work. Sad Telen hours. 
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited May 2019
    The thing about this event is that it's actually sort of possible to divorce yourself from it. You don't have to feel pressured to deal with tide (let's face it, when the time comes, if they really want to, they'll just surge the Tide and undo all your work in like 5 minutes), and you don't have to stand around talking at denizens if you don't want to. City ships are still functional, lots of hangout places still available albeit it's not CC. And yes, you can still engage in unsanctioned procreation, the Tsol'teth don't knock on the doors in Thera like the Spanish Inquisition. 

    That said, Cyrene's ambassador and newcomer aides, most of whom have probably never had to take a full on newbie orientation without workable city tasks to help with basic syntaxes, now have to step up to take on newbies to keep them engaged without all the conveniences of city amenities. I'm really feeling for them and kudos to those who manage to still keep it engaging and interesting for new players in these times. 

  • Skye said:
    Come y'all kiddies gather around and lemme tell you about the Shala-Khulia war. The  3 month long griefiest mcgrief fest to ever exist of multi-hour raids where they implemented class changes in the middle of the conflict and then the event secretly restarts itself several weeks after the fact once everyone's forgotten about it.

    No I will never let it go :P Y'all got it lucky. This is a great event okay? At least the denizens talk to you.

    You forgot the camping at the time when ships were not used as much and only way was by ferry and getting jumped without even knowing what the hell is happening cause you couldn't see who was on the island. Good times!!!
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