May Promotion

Is it just me or did anyone want to scream out "YUGIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!! and when this first came out this image popped into my head!

But in all seriousness, how do you like the cards?


  • Does anyone know if purchasing 100 credits is necessary to get a deck, or is it possible to collect cards without spending IRL money?
  • Said they could be be traded, iirc, so you could hope to buy them from other players.
  • @Keorin You have to get a deck to put them in, which comes with the first 100crs purchased, afaik.
  • Decks can also be purchased in game with mementoes from Tinker Drucker in Petra.
  • RIP that Yudhi card. Got nerfed between me picking up the deck and buying the card itself.
  • I didn't even know news posts could be editted. :O
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Keorin said:
    RIP that Yudhi card. Got nerfed between me picking up the deck and buying the card itself.
    What was it before?
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • It got changed from melting an icewall balancelessly to having a one second balance.
  • That one was a mistake on our(my) part. We'll likely add something to it to compensate if people don't like the current effect.
  • Sigh...

    *gets wallet*
  • I'm no good at fighting, but why would you ever want to use:
    Lucaine: Gives you the trueblind affliction for 20 seconds. 
    Also gives you significant bleeding on a periodic tick while under such blindness.
    3 charges, regens 1 per hour. 
  • Accipiter said:
    I'm no good at fighting, but why would you ever want to use:
    Lucaine: Gives you the trueblind affliction for 20 seconds. 
    Also gives you significant bleeding on a periodic tick while under such blindness.
    3 charges, regens 1 per hour. 
    Block serpent hypno, blocks totems (so great as an initiator)
  • Trueblind has a bunch of good properties. 

    Largely, you won't hit totems/runes while trueblind. Recently came out that serpents can't hypnotize if trueblind, and I imagine a couple other things that would logically require you to be able to see for it to work.

    Its not really possible to disable mindseye on a whim, so having the card as an option for temporary trueblind is nice.
  • Lucaine is ridiculously good. I always wanted trueblind, but didn't wanna play alch.

  • Is there a third person message for using a specific card? Gonna be handy to know when I have to bail to hypnosis-proof peeps if necessary.
  • Minifie said:
    Is there a third person message for using a specific card? Gonna be handy to know when I have to bail to hypnosis-proof peeps if necessary.
    Seragorn draws forth a card depicting Yudhishthira, The Red from his deck, raising it towards the east.
    Seragorn draws a card from within his deck, displaying the image of Catarin deSangre, The Just.

    I'd imagine it's something like that.

  • Aegoth said:
    Better be careful @Nicola and @Makarios may take you up on that offer. Achaea trading Card Game!!! Famous Achaeans and Gods!!
  • Nicator card testing with a newbie character:

    46.9% - Ogre Sentry
    ------6.2% gain without Nicator card at level 57 without party

    (53.1%) - Ogre Sentry
    ------6.8% gain with Nicator Card at level 57 without party

    Not sure if I'm accurate or not. Has anyone else verified if the Nicator Card effect includes the person who drew the card and if it works without being in a party?

    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • Fairly certain it only works for those following you. That's what the card says; groups lead by you, would imply for everyone BUT you.
  • that newbie is me without a group though. The extra exp was from testing with and without the card effect.
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • edited May 2018
    Lucianus said:
    that newbie is me without a group though. The extra exp was from testing with and without the card effect.
    1 mob isn't really a reliable test. Mobs give differing exp depending how long they're alive, there's also a ton of mobs which are the "same" but stronger than others of the same name. DKs in Underworld were a good example of that. 30% of 6% would be 1.8, as well. Not .6
  • yeah, but I only tested after that area got cleared out and started respawning simulatneously. They usually give consistent exp.

    I'm not sure how the extra 30% is calculated cause I have a constant 25% bonus from my Iron realms membership. I just know that the rate has been the same for my sentry kills.

    I guess I could try other mobs who've respawned in the same day. Just wondering if anyone else has been testing this out of curiosity. Particularly without the 25% exp bonus from subscription.
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • I'm gonna leave it as inconclusive after testing it on more mobs. Best to just assume it works on other members of your party.
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • Got confirmation from Admin.

    It is suppose to affect leader as well and there is no need to be in a party. If required then it should be bugged.
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • It should not be party because experience gain is dictated by who is in the group/following. Not some guy in a party in a different room/area. 
  • Yeah the steelmind one didnt seem to give anyone in my room the defence including myself

  • Slith: Stun all souls in room for 15 seconds.
    A soul stunned in this way has a short immunity after being unstunned before they may be stunned again.
    3 charges, regens 1 per hour. 

    I'm not sure I understand this one. In fact, I'm sure I don't understand it?
  • Prevents dead people from doing anything for 15 seconds (leaving the room/self rezzing/embracing etc)
  • Kriex said:
    Prevents dead people from doing anything for 15 seconds (leaving the room/self rezzing/embracing etc)
    Also continuing to talk over party, like leaders often do to keep people coordinated.
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