Two words to describe Windwalker so far: No regrets.
This spec is so fun, holy shit. Brewmaster is also significantly better now than my experiences with the pre-patch were, definitely am not regretting playing this when Lala's not around to level my druid (Guardian) with. The amount of damage I do as Windwalker seems unparalleled so far, in between constant 150k rising sun kicks (at only lvl 105)/200k whirling dragon punches as well as my artifact ability doing anywhere between 400-700k damage, which also hits EVERYTHING in front of me.
Did a couple dungeons, so far averaging at ~160-175k dps. Pretty much everyone else I've been with has been doing between 90-110... Gotten a few, "Thanks for the carry," whispers after dungeons, was fun. Onwards to 110!
i love ret paladin and ash bringer. sometimes i could do half of million to over of a million damages from justicar's vengeance. IT's probably coming from avenging of wrath + ash of waves or stun then a justicar's vengeance. it give you that much damage. i'm sure when geared up for raid and so on, you would probably bringing in more million of damages.
Tecton, the Terraformer has bestowed His divine favour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
I've always loved Ret but it's getting a lot of bad press right now. They took so much stuff away that they had to give it buffs. It's like one of two specs with buffs....
Did first Mythic earlier today. Brings a tear to your eye seeing CC like this again from PUGs. Also kinda nice needing it, and not just mindlessly zerging into things like Heroics has already become
Basically. After you've done the dungeons once or twice, it becomes something like:
Normals = Casual breezy leveling difficulty, Heroics = the new 'normal' difficulty, Mythics = Heroics, Mythic+ = Mythic. Didn't get to do it on the beta, but supposedly around Mythic+5/+6 or so it actually gets really difficult.
Basically. After you've done the dungeons once or twice, it becomes something like:
Normals = Casual breezy leveling difficulty, Heroics = the new 'normal' difficulty, Mythics = Heroics, Mythic+ = Mythic. Didn't get to do it on the beta, but supposedly around Mythic+5/+6 or so it actually gets really difficult.
I find healing people at heroics with 810 gear as discipline priest is kinda hectic. But I think the tanks maaay have shitty gear too.
Also disc priest healing... so many buttons to click. It's awesome!
I've been off speccing as holy to get short queues. Thankfully, the shadow stat prio is about the same as holy. Just no real artifact power to speak of for my holy setup... But it still just craps huge heals left and right. I was leaning hard on holy words and flash heal during high damage and wasn't touching my mana pool that much too. Felt pretty good. Haven't tried disc, tho.
Don't think disc will do well in mythic/mythic+. Feral Druid is so much fun. I generally avoid pvp when leveling but when I get jumped I am destroying 9 out of 10 people.
Don't think disc will do well in mythic/mythic+. Feral Druid is so much fun. I generally avoid pvp when leveling but when I get jumped I am destroying 9 out of 10 people.
Yeah. It struggles a bit when it needs to heal big amounts fast.
This spec is so fun, holy shit. Brewmaster is also significantly better now than my experiences with the pre-patch were, definitely am not regretting playing this when Lala's not around to level my druid (Guardian) with. The amount of damage I do as Windwalker seems unparalleled so far, in between constant 150k rising sun kicks (at only lvl 105)/200k whirling dragon punches as well as my artifact ability doing anywhere between 400-700k damage, which also hits EVERYTHING in front of me.
Did a couple dungeons, so far averaging at ~160-175k dps. Pretty much everyone else I've been with has been doing between 90-110... Gotten a few, "Thanks for the carry," whispers after dungeons, was fun.
i just want our execution back.
I just wanted 106!
My legion infused dreams are lag free too.
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Senior year of uni, though, so it's sadly a no go
Also kinda nice needing it, and not just mindlessly zerging into things like Heroics has already become
Normals = Casual breezy leveling difficulty,
Heroics = the new 'normal' difficulty,
Mythics = Heroics,
Mythic+ = Mythic. Didn't get to do it on the beta, but supposedly around Mythic+5/+6 or so it actually gets really difficult.
Also disc priest healing... so many buttons to click. It's awesome!