Decided to jump off of Dalaran for fun. Greetings from the Broken Shore. The area surrounding the temple is filled with boss level demons, but the rest of the island is empty as far as I can tell.
If you're not doing both pve and pvp you are much worse off.
PvP world quests reset so often that you shouldn't really run out of content (at least, I haven't been able to, when yolo-soloing PvP wq's), especially if you're queueing for bg's or arenas in the meantime.
If you're not doing both pve and pvp you are much worse off.
Worse off, sure. Much worse off is a bit of an exaggeration though. You only get .1% stat increase per item level, so it requires a 10 item level advantage to even give you 1% stat benefit. All else being equal the person with the better gear will win, but in reality, skill is going to matter way more.
@Antidas people who are doing pvp are getting the same ilvl gear as people doing PvE (at least so far). People who are doing pvp regularly are actually getting world quests for 840+ gear faster than those doing PvE, or a mix of the two.
Picked up my DK to level... going to main blood at cap, but leveling with unholy for fun. (Un)holy crap I love having all of these summoned ghouls. It's also a fun rotation. I tried frost a bit too and that felt really fun too. Wish it was more competitive than unholy. Lots of buttons to push.
Arcane mage for life. Aoe might be ass but I can hold my own in single target fights. I really enjoy the new playstyle too, especially when you break 100% haste with quickening. Really dislike fore's playstyle, so i always get yelled at by randoms for not playing the "broken" spec, but yolo. Dungeon trash fight dps meters do not make a class op (unless we're talking about demon hunters, cause fuck eye beam).
They said that the major problem was a talent (which, while a minor contributor, is not the primary issue). I'd be surprised if they nerfed Eye Beam to an appropriate level.
As someone who's been playing a DH (tank primarily tho) I can tell you that Eye Beam is not the issue, lol. That's honestly a minor part of their AOE when it comes to abilities. The worst offender when it comes to absurd AOE is a) Bloodlet (+ the second talent that gives glaive throw multiple charges), and b) The trait which increases blade dance damage by 10% per target in 8 yards, which makes it do approximately "fuck loads" of damage, even with 3 targets.
Note: I'm not defending their stupid dps, just correcting you! Have been enjoying Vengeance a ton tho.
Playin' my Vengeance DH, 821 ilvl now. Queue up (tank ofc). Get into dungeon, shitty Nelth's Lair (Heroic) again for the 4th time today. 3 guilded twats from EmeraldDream. herewego.mp3 Priest healer is playing on a gameboy or something, loading slow af. Pull trash anyway, last resort popped cause i pulled too much, nbd me and Warlockbro (the 5th guy) kill it all while priest loads and his mates jerk each other off. Healer tells me to slow down. ytho.tif Engage melee priest mode! - Derp dies to Rokmora, my fault apparently that he doesn't know how to move out of choking dust. Mr last-place dps (behind me) ret paladin calls me shit at tanking. Ok.jpg Healer says he's not gonna heal me if I don't "pull properly" wut.png Am pulling fine. Keep pulling shit while Tweedledee and Tweedledum do approximately "fuck all" dps. Warlockbro got my back tho. Kill shit up to next boss just fine, priest is keeping to his word of not healing. Np keep killing shit. "You're so toxic tank wtf." mfw.gif Me and Warlockbro 2man the boss without either of them, while they spaz out in chat. #DHLyf
I was getting 10 min queues as spriest for heroics. I feel like people have a bad view of DH tanks similar to when's DK came out etc... just gotta work into the groove and people will get over it. But guild groups where they're unreasonable are awful.
Honestly I haven't had much issue tanking; some people have even commented how easy I was to heal, not only compared to other DHs, but tanks in general barring Ignore Pa--- Warriors.
I was laughing kinda hard about what happened, really. No skin off my back, I got into another group 20 seconds after hitting 'join queue' again, with a massive 'LOL' from Warlockbro because apparently they kicked him too.
I've had nothing but bad experiences with grouped (3+) people from: Kel'thuzad, EmeraldDream, basically any Oceanic realm (where I'm from, oddly >.>) or the LAN realms. This just happened to be one of the funnier ones; I'm not sure why people try to threaten tanks. Least of all ones that are quite obviously carrying the hell out of them.
Fun times. Stay tuned for more Tales from the LFD.
eta because I forgot: There was even a druid/rogue/priest group from Stormrage once on my Monk. Kicked me cause I wouldn't give them a warforged cloak that dropped. Nevermind the fact I physically could not trade it, even if I wanted to, since it was higher ilvl than the highest cloak I'd had drop. Aint nothing capable of curing that level of stupid.
Fun fact: Battlegroups haven't been a thing since MoP! Maybe Cata, forget when the 'full' changes came into effect.
All realms in NA can be grouped with one another, regardless. Likewise for EU, KR, CN.
Not a change I'm particularly fond of, but what can you do. I -wish- they were still a thing. But then queue times would likely be a bit longer for me, now that I'm not on a realm that was in Bloodlust BG. Damn you @Lala.
Note: I'm not defending their stupid dps, just correcting you! Have been enjoying Vengeance a ton tho.
Tales from the LFD:
Playin' my Vengeance DH, 821 ilvl now. Queue up (tank ofc).Get into dungeon, shitty Nelth's Lair (Heroic) again for the 4th time today.
3 guilded twats from EmeraldDream.
Priest healer is playing on a gameboy or something, loading slow af.
Pull trash anyway, last resort popped cause i pulled too much, nbd me and Warlockbro (the 5th guy) kill it all while priest loads and his mates jerk each other off.
Healer tells me to slow down.
Engage melee priest mode! - Derp dies to Rokmora, my fault apparently that he doesn't know how to move out of choking dust. Mr last-place dps (behind me) ret paladin calls me shit at tanking.
Healer says he's not gonna heal me if I don't "pull properly"
Am pulling fine.
Keep pulling shit while Tweedledee and Tweedledum do approximately "fuck all" dps. Warlockbro got my back tho. Kill shit up to next boss just fine, priest is keeping to his word of not healing. Np keep killing shit.
"You're so toxic tank wtf."
Me and Warlockbro 2man the boss without either of them, while they spaz out in chat.
You have been removed from the group.
End. Feelsgoodman.
I was laughing kinda hard about what happened, really. No skin off my back, I got into another group 20 seconds after hitting 'join queue' again, with a massive 'LOL' from Warlockbro because apparently they kicked him too.
I've had nothing but bad experiences with grouped (3+) people from: Kel'thuzad, EmeraldDream, basically any Oceanic realm (where I'm from, oddly >.>) or the LAN realms. This just happened to be one of the funnier ones; I'm not sure why people try to threaten tanks. Least of all ones that are quite obviously carrying the hell out of them.
Fun times. Stay tuned for more Tales from the LFD.
eta because I forgot: There was even a druid/rogue/priest group from Stormrage once on my Monk. Kicked me cause I wouldn't give them a warforged cloak that dropped. Nevermind the fact I physically could not trade it, even if I wanted to, since it was higher ilvl than the highest cloak I'd had drop. Aint nothing capable of curing that level of stupid.
All realms in NA can be grouped with one another, regardless.
Likewise for EU, KR, CN.
Not a change I'm particularly fond of, but what can you do. I -wish- they were still a thing. But then queue times would likely be a bit longer for me, now that I'm not on a realm that was in Bloodlust BG. Damn you @Lala.