Undead Rebellion/War



  • Achaea ain't D&D.

    Achaea's version of Good is literally 'Whatever Aurora and Deuce say it is." Just like Evil is "Whatever the fuck Sartan wants it to be." I think we forget this a lot.
  • Things I still don't really understand.  Why did Slith kill Thoth?  How come Slith killed Thoth so easily?

    Things I like - events, yay!  Things I don't like - Targossas being forced to join up with an undead faction of evil peeps.  I dunno, it's such a struggle sometimes for good to be all raar, no fraternizing, the Light is the only way, burn burn - and they are finally getting there, and then they get forced to do something grey for the RPz.  Seems weird.

  • Illarion said:

    Things I still don't really understand.  Why did Slith kill Thoth?  How come Slith killed Thoth so easily?

    All the deaths happening around the place in the lead-up were about Slith gathering power from death to enter the Soul Realms and kill Thoth.

    In other words, he was juicing.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Yeah, I dunno - it doesn't really work for me.  Everyone in Moghedu died?  Oh noes!  That's never happened before.  Except like every time I try and bash there.  Next time I spend a couple of hours hunting, I'm going to go kill Aurora.  And Thoth didn't see it coming?  Just felt like there should have been a bit more build-up to a God dying, they're starting to feel very flimsy.
  • It's true. Noone has infiltrated the ranks of Moghedu, placed the denizens in a trance (and who know what else?) and forced them to kill each other before.
  • Xaden said:
    Just gotta hope that they balance the events so that they hit lots of different time-zones.

    Or that there's a way to contribute outside of actual big hosted events.
    I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  • Antonius said:
    Xaden said:
    Just gotta hope that they balance the events so that they hit lots of different time-zones.

    Or that there's a way to contribute outside of actual big hosted events.
    I don't think you'll be disappointed.
    Oh, I know I won't!! I am/can be online for most of 6AM to 10PM GMT. I will likely see a lot of it.

    And given how much people rave about the other events (none of which I've been active for) I'm really excited for it :)
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • For those a bit confused about the massive negativity, a lot has to do with there being no reward for the winning adventurers. At least for this, we have some theoretical prize. For reckoning 3, cash up front.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Just for posterity's sake, I was present when Rhivona was answering @Anaria's and my own questions, and I have no idea how she came to her conclusions from the responses we both heard. Some tinted lenses in play.

    Either way, even with the small tidbits we've been given, I can see where each of the factions has different motivations and reasons for moving for power. I wouldn't say any of them are nice, but not all of them are evil. Some are ambitious, some are just bloodthirsty, some even verge on noble or dutiful. Obviously the Admin aren't going to spell it out and say "X are the good guys, Y are the bad guys", the factions all exist in their shades of grey, but it didn't take me long to suss out the factions I could personally support, and those I would not.

    Personally, I had accidentally confused the Ur'Vampires with the Magisterion, so at first I was also very wary of helping secure the Nexus for any of the evil Tsol'teth that I had in ages past fought a whole war in the Underworld specifically to prevent from attaining such. But once I realized that mistake, I thought it was pretty clear that the Underworld is just full of as many politics as one would find on the surface, and this is just a GoT season finale that we all get to participate in. Should be fun, now that I know about it and didn't miss the enlistment window.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Jukilian said:
    A few misconceptions going around regarding Hashan and the decision we made in here.

    I've honestly heard from exactly one person any form of complaint. I'd explain more, but I've got to work for money.

    (No, not that kind of work)

    That isnt entirely true. You have to take into consideration that most didnt even know something was going on. Heck the only reason i personally even knew shit was up was because i was standing in the room with kasa when he got 6 letters out of no where and later a cyrenian was asking me if hashan made a decision.

    You better believe that RP wise i would be annoyed that a decision to take the city to war is being done behind closed doors, and the citizens would have to just throw their lives away without even the slightest reasoning as to why. No wait...the mob to discuss the pact appeared at crossroads to discuss it and thus the citizens were now involved and informed..

    The hashan log was simply " we made a pact with x and y. Prepare for battle!". The heck? Did i join mhaldor while drunk? How many citizens literally said "the heck is going on...is there a post" after all the world drama? We literally asked for just 1 post for transparency...and were told to accept whatever decision the council comes to. When i said i would rather not involve myself in this random war, it was insinuated that i am useless, which seems to be a fad going around at nonfighters in hashan lately..

    Yes you are elected to represent the city as a whole by mitigating decisions and responsibilities. However you are not there to exclude the players from what is going on, only handle it. This seems to have been lost in communication and it is slowly becoming more akin to a dictatorial regime.
  • Question, if we want to nondecay/reset our medallions (as a keepsake etc.) is that possible before the war starts/continues/is over? Or could they be made nondecay/resetting to us as-is? I'd definitely like to keep mine.

     @Nicola @Makarios
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Sarathai said:
    Question, if we want to nondecay/reset our medallions (as a keepsake etc.) is that possible before the war starts/continues/is over? Or could they be made nondecay/resetting to us as-is? I'd definitely like to keep mine.

     @Nicola @Makarios
    They can be repaired, for now. Though, they can also be pickpocketed, so wear them or keep them in your pack.
    Huh. Neat.
  • edited July 2016
    Who would have thought the court of shadows would be a place full of secrets?
  • Illarion said:

    Things I still don't really understand.  Why did Slith kill Thoth?  How come Slith killed Thoth so easily?

    Things I like - events, yay!  Things I don't like - Targossas being forced to join up with an undead faction of evil peeps.  I dunno, it's such a struggle sometimes for good to be all raar, no fraternizing, the Light is the only way, burn burn - and they are finally getting there, and then they get forced to do something grey for the RPz.  Seems weird.

    I can answer this one @illarion. The answer to why is actually mythos/lore based, something i feel the RP admin tend to forget that much of the achaean playerbase is uninformed of / uncaring for.

    The underworld has always had a genersl unease about Thoth, which is generally understood when you contemplate their makeup. The underworld itself is a sort of byproduct of soul energy lost to its way to the soul realm and is thus a manipulation of said energy. Thoth has always hated the undead and the undead have always feared thoth. It was this very unease that lead to Slith originally agreeing to fight the gods, just for a chance to kill Thoth. Ugrach was against this and rather than draw the ire of the gods, thoth especially, he banished Slith.

    While Slith has attempted to perform little projects here and there, he never achieved his original goal of slaying death. You could consider it a childhood dream he has harboured. He finally found a eay and got the chance, accomplishing what he set out to do over 1000 years ago

    The end
  • Aerek said:
    Just for posterity's sake, I was present when Rhivona was answering @Anaria's and my own questions, and I have no idea how she came to her conclusions from the responses we both heard. Some tinted lenses in play.

    My conclusions were not based on that one conversation that you were present for about half of.
  • Asmodron said:
    Illarion said:

    Things I still don't really understand.  Why did Slith kill Thoth?  How come Slith killed Thoth so easily?

    Things I like - events, yay!  Things I don't like - Targossas being forced to join up with an undead faction of evil peeps.  I dunno, it's such a struggle sometimes for good to be all raar, no fraternizing, the Light is the only way, burn burn - and they are finally getting there, and then they get forced to do something grey for the RPz.  Seems weird.

    I can answer this one @illarion. The answer to why is actually mythos/lore based, something i feel the RP admin tend to forget that much of the achaean playerbase is uninformed of / uncaring for.

    The underworld has always had a genersl unease about Thoth, which is generally understood when you contemplate their makeup. The underworld itself is a sort of byproduct of soul energy lost to its way to the soul realm and is thus a manipulation of said energy. Thoth has always hated the undead and the undead have always feared thoth. It was this very unease that lead to Slith originally agreeing to fight the gods, just for a chance to kill Thoth. Ugrach was against this and rather than draw the ire of the gods, thoth especially, he banished Slith.

    While Slith has attempted to perform little projects here and there, he never achieved his original goal of slaying death. You could consider it a childhood dream he has harboured. He finally found a eay and got the chance, accomplishing what he set out to do over 1000 years ago

    The end

    Thanks, my question I guess was more "Why now", and it just felt a bit easy. It was a fairly short period of undead energy gathering that let it happen - the Underworld has been gathering that kind of energy for millennia, but Slith only needed a fairly short prep time to take out an Elder God. 

    I quite like that the Gods are vulnerable too now, and there's a lot of interesting stuff to say about the post-Sarapis world and what the implications might be for the Divine in particular but I always felt like the death of a God - particularly an Elder one - would need a bit more of a wind-up, and should be the prime focus for the event.

  • Xaden said:
    Targossas = White Mhaldor

    ... kinda sounds racist, but I swear it's not meant that way
    Targossas = Mhaldor light

    or, if you ask a Targossian: Targossas = Light Mhaldor

  • edited July 2016
    Asmodron said:

    You better believe that RP wise i would be annoyed that a decision to take the city to war is being done behind closed doors, and the citizens would have to just throw their lives away without even the slightest reasoning as to why.
    In what society, fictional or otherwise, have citizens ever been involved in the decision to go to war or not? I understand that you would have preferred greater involvement as a player, but from an RP perspective, it's far from realistic (much less feasible) to have the entire city sit around and deliberate a decision that, in effect, comes down to what the medallions your faction wears look like.
  • edited July 2016
    Rohai said:
    Asmodron said:

    You better believe that RP wise i would be annoyed that a decision to take the city to war is being done behind closed doors, and the citizens would have to just throw their lives away without even the slightest reasoning as to why. No wait...the mob to discuss the pact appeared at crossroads to discuss it and thus the citizens were now involved and informed..
    In what society, fictional or otherwise, have citizens ever been involved in the decision to go to war or not? I understand that you would have preferred greater involvement as a player, but from an RP perspective, it's far from realistic (much less feasible) to have the entire city sit around and deliberate a decision that, in effect, comes down to what the medallions your faction wears look like.



    See Athen's history with its citizens voting to go to war or not.

    And frankly in an Democracy, if a leader attempts to force their country into a war that the people themselves do not want or support, it quite quickly sees to the removal of said ruler. Democratic leaders are about representation not enforcement
  • Extra, extra, read all about it! Rohai ousted due to #forumrp!

    I kid, but, I think we're getting a bit off topic.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Targossas doesn't need to be defined by comparing it to Mhaldor (they're vastly different, and Light Mhaldor or any such desc discredits both) or D&D! We have our own ideology, damn it. :(

    I love what they did with Targossas in this event because it gives us a chance to actually follow that ideology in a unique way that really helps to demonstrate what Good really is in Achaea. Practical cost/benefit considerations with the ultimate goal of preserving the realm and little concern for what has to be done to get there.

    Should be fun RPing how much we hate undead while being forced by circumstance to help them anyway.
  • If Deucora signs the permission slip can we enervate/absolve people to death in 4 seconds, @Farrah ?  I volunteer to be your Shadowsworn partner ;)
  • Finkle said:
    If Deucora signs the permission slip can we enervate/absolve people to death in 4 seconds, @Farrah ?  I volunteer to be your Shadowsworn partner ;)
    Quit Hashan and support Zsarachnor and it's a done deal.
  • I'm not finding it difficult to roleplay this out at all. Different though, and blissfully so. It's actually a lot of fun to put this element of Targossas roleplay into action. I love zealous roleplay, the internal conflict of working alongside things Quisse absolutely abhors, the wealth of "ugggghhhh this is so distasteful to me" emotions that fight with the "nothing matters but the Bloodsworn" sense of dedication...it's all awesome, and super engaging, and a great tool to suck others into the world, particularly the newbies, who are getting to have a "magic" Achaea moment RIGHT NOW.

    So far, so fun. I can't wait to see what's next. :)
  • A thousand years of fiery darkness as Farrinkle captures the souls of the damned.  Or till next week, or something.   I'll see if Skye will bake us a commemorative cake for the occasion.
  • edited July 2016
    My phone kinda ate my post so nvm.
  • Anywho, back on topic.

    Events posts up, I admit I felt some pity for the ur'vampires. It was as if watching daddy walk out the door leaving home.
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