Why is this a thing?
Two serpents required to set up a warp but only one to cancel it? Can we please either make it require two serpents to cancel a warp (they can even both be in the same room) or make it take like 45 minutes or something so that a single dude wanting to be an ass hat can't go on a canceling spree and knock out a bunch of them.
I suspect there are some new serpents who just want to try out the skill and go cancel a warp just to see it work also. Requiring a second serpent to cancel would put some accountability in to prevent novices from tearing down warps just out of curiosity.
Or make canceling warps on a city/house/temple a quick process for security reasons but take much much longer if the warps are outside of factional areas. I'm tired of my mapper freaking out over warps being canceled.
I would say that probably 95% of warps that are canceled are between two completely neutral areas that offer no tactical advantage to any city and are just canceled by people who like being annoying. It is boring, promotes no RP or interaction between characters since 99% of the time it is done in hiding. Why do asshats get to gimp the value of my 800cr artefact by sitting still in a room for a few minutes? Make it more of a chore for them or make it require someone else be an asshat with them. Or give warp sticks the ability to create their own warps (no, please don't really do that)
Aerek's post illustrates the most glaring problem with the proposal to require two serpents.
the idea of having cancelling take less time in a serpent's factional area is pretty nifty, though.
I do not know how to solve the issue, but one thing that would be nice would be to find out the identity of the person that cancelled a warp. I have no idea how to actually implement that, though. It would make for slightly more interesting conflict if the victim knew how to engage back instead of just opening themselves for more cancelling when they re-splice. Most instigators of worm warp wars strike and try to keep their identity a secret from their victim. You have to catch them in the act and it's easy to avoid getting caught.
On the positive side, whoever fixed the bug that did not allow me to send tells while splicing or cancelling, thank you. Not being able to send tells while splicing made it one of the worst things to do in achaea. Now if you can only make it like implanting a totem, inscribing a tatttoo, etc. that would be lovely.
exact match these:
There is no wormhole here.
You are not carrying a key for this door.
if mmp.speedWalkDir and mmp.speedWalkDir[speedWalkCounter] and mmp.speedWalkDir[speedWalkCounter]=="worm warp" then
mmp.echo("Missing wormhole detected, locking wormhole and trying new path...")
lockSpecialExit(mmp.currentroom, mmp.speedWalkPath[speedWalkCounter], "worm warp", true)
local destination = mmp.speedWalkPath[#mmp.speedWalkPath]
mmp.clearpathcache() -- clear cache so mmp.getPath accounts for the new way
if not mmp.getPath(mmp.currentroom, destination) then
mmp.echo(string.format("Don't know how to get to %d (%s) anymore
Move into a room we know of to continue", destination, getRoomName(destination)))
That would have to be more fleshed out in if only one individual gets to empower, and if only the creator of the warp can or if someone else can... but what if the creator of the warp goes dormant? And many of these are city created warp hubs created outside of cities, so would cities be able to claim certain wormholes and get a warning like they do when totems are smudged?
It's an interesting idea, but we didn't get into detail when he mentioned it to me, and I don't know what the best way to implement it would be.
I am in complete agreement with it being more difficult to cancel them or something to make this not be so easily a thing. I mean, people have been asking for more 1v1 conflict. Why not make cancelling a warp something that alerts people who are so high in vision, with a passive skill? Something like, "A prickling sensation tingles on the back of your neck, alerting you to the worm network being attacked at North of New Thera". Doesn't have to give a name, just alerts people that it's going on that way it at least gives people a chance to try to stop it. I'm sure there are plenty of warmongers (said fondly) that would jump at the chance to go stop it.
Class leads are over...
I love wormholes...
Haven't run into this in a while so I dunno who what is causing this. Are they decaying??
Allowing people to know when a wormhole is being cancelled like empowered totems and/or to get a name after would go a long way without stifling options for legitimate conflict.
I made a couple of points earlier in the forums about this.
1. Allow city/org/personal alerts for the cancellation of a warp so that measures can be taken to stop said behavior. It is not "conflict" whe one side is unable to figure out who the fuck cancelled a day's worth of work.
2. Either (a) increase the time required to cancel a warp by an individual or (b) require two people (of one who must be a serpent) to focus on destroying one warp.
I know it isn't a perfect comparison but think totems. Imagine if anyone and everyone could smudge/uproot them without any warnings.
Splicing takes longer, needs two people, and wormholes are exponentially more vulnerable to attack.
It would be interesting to allow single-person cancellations within one's city but require two people in all outside areas.
I never said it was, and we know it isn't novices and I already tried diplomacy with Targ to in an IC way say, "It isn't a factional warp hub, you can stop being dicks to the world" but it didn't go far.
Read my first and second post and see that in both of them I said that the serpents wouldn't have to be on both sides of the warp, completely solving this problem.
"Diplomacy." Oh Grandue. Don't. We were cool, but now you're just being silly.
However, on that note, I know Targossas has a limited amount of serpents, I'm not sure about the other cities as I rarely play in any of them. So limiting it to two serpents to get it done is annoying, as we cannot raise our own. I do think warps need to be looked at, I'll agree wholeheartedly about that. But either way, it's always a way to start things with another faction.
@Grandue , you can't tell me if a Targossian serpent isn't caught in Petra that certain people of your city wouldn't automatically attack them, so you cannot say you built it there out of the good of your heart otherwise you would've chosen a more neutral ground instead of a place that you where allied to. But either way, neither here nor there. I say look at warps, lets fix them. I'd like a better stance on warps and I'd love to raise more warps as well.
Such bullshit. Maybe you can enlighten us as to what you actually tried, and then let the masses see what qualifies as "diplomacy."
An easy fix would be to make wormholes be created and destroyed in multiple parts, rather than in one go. What I mean is...
Grandue and I make a wormhole from NoT to Delos Bridge. It goes from being no wormhole, to 'wormhole in transition' phase, and after a 24 hour period goes to 'wormhole created'. During that 24 hours, someone can go through and destroy it.
Same with destruction. Worm cancel puts it into a 'being destroyed' phase, and after 24 hours if no one repairs it, it is destroyed.
Terrible explanation but it would work, and would also fix the stupidness that is putting wormholes in enemy cities/estates/order halls.