The Bal'met event



  • Oooh, we're gods!
    Dragonknight tells you, "SAIBEL SAIBEL BO BAIBEL FE FI FO FABLE."
  • Looks like the lag monster is on Bal'met's team...
    I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product. :)
  • Rangor can def up and Pontus effing stinks.  Fun times!
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • [HINT]: Check GODPOWERS to learn how to exercise your newfound might.

    And then kissed the screen.
  • Someone have Rangor post GODPOWERS so we can check it out while we wait?
  • ...That holobomb.
  • 8035h, 7489m, 39075e, 36345w excbk 0.1- 02:33:57.375zap bal'met
    Silas takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
    8035h, 7489m, 39075e, 36345w excbk 0.1- 02:33:58.328
    Anmacrix descends from above.
    8035h, 7489m, 39075e, 36345w excbk 0.1- 02:33:58.343
    Silas takes a drink from a glass vial.
    8035h, 7489m, 39075e, 36345w excbk 0.1- 02:33:59.546
    (Gods): Mariel says, "Yes! Don't attack each other..."
    8035h, 7489m, 39075e, 36345w excbk 0.1- 02:33:59.546
    Your power is not quite sufficient for that, puny Demigod.
  • lagg is crazy
  • HaldonHaldon I forgot...
    edited December 2012
    Have to say not anywhere prepared for the amount of lunacy going on right now.
    Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunneling through a mountain with your forehead.
  • I'm still Floating in the Ether.  I can't even do anything.  I have yet to check GODPOWERS, or even be able to send a tell.  Anyone else have this issue?

  • Daeir said:
    3s lag, can't do anything while I'm watching people around me do stuff as normal, this blows so hard
    Yeah. I'm standing there and see other people's bashing attacks scrolling by and nothing I type goes through at all.
  • :P I'm waiting for the commands I sent to finish their course
  • Iocun said:
    Daeir said:
    3s lag, can't do anything while I'm watching people around me do stuff as normal, this blows so hard
    Yeah. I'm standing there and see other people's bashing attacks scrolling by and nothing I type goes through at all.
    Same, this is unbearable.

    I zapped Rangor because I got bored of holding down staffcast Keresis.
  • edited December 2012
    Kaden said:
    :P I'm waiting for the commands I sent to finish their course
    Yeah, I now left the room and paused everything and commands I sent minutes ago are still going through now. 3 second lag would be pure bliss compared to this.
  • Just hold down enter on your bash alias for a full minute or so. will take so long for them to go through that you can browse the web for 5 mins and still be bashing shadows
  • I just want to find a freaking icon so I can get out of Nish and qq. :(

  • edited December 2012
    I'm waiting for my commands clear so I can qq out of this mess.


    Been waiting for my qq command to clear for about fifteen minutes now.

    Edit: Now I've been killed by Dala'myrr with zero mana. Game is unresponsive and I'm watching my xp tick away.
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    lol got home from work log into achaea only three hours late I say, Spent 6 minutes of system spamming selfishness.. What's the point of a cool event if the servers can't handle it?

  • Yeah.

    To be honest, I am dead bored. Don't know about you guys, but I just stayed up until 7:20 AM now, but all that has happened is some extremely laggy bashing.
  • Yeah, screw this.  I'm finding an icon and GTFO.  Back to family business!
  • The lag, it burns.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Yeah, I haven't entered a command in like 10 minutes but I'm still DSLing away.  Demigod mode pretty easy TBH
  • Pretty boring*
  • Currently lagging 8 minutes. It's getting better! It was over 15 a bit earlier.
  • edited December 2012
    The ethereal shade of Daedalus says, "At last, My duty is done."

    Silence momentarily cloaks northern Nishnatoba as the shade of Daedalus splits apart. Creation holds its breath in mourning for the passing of its ultimate fulcrum, Chaos and Order freed from balance into unknown consequences.

  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Can someone send me like a log of everything that happened im gonna go play league of legends.. this is kinda just sad and ridiculous

  • You feel your insides clench as your soul is frozen.
    You have played 7213 games.

    Goodbye for now!

  • |7516hp(100%)|7252mp(100%) | (100%)e|(100%)w,ex|cdbk-48.5%xp [Dala'myrr|stance:mir|shin:]-sq in
    Humming softly in the air, a tranquil note heralds the stoic form of Oneiros, and War and Peace take 
    Their places upon the battlefield.
    |7516hp(100%)|7252mp(100%) | (100%)e|(100%)w,ex|cdbk-48.5%xp [Dala'myrr|stance:mir|shin:]-

    I'm seeing a book joke here.

  • Pandora, in the distant sky, begins fashioning a gigantic puppet of Bal'met.

    If this works
    I will be so happy
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