You know you play too much Achaea when ...



  • Kyrra said:
    I had a forums dream last night where I was having an in depth discussion with @Wysteria and @Exelethril about Adobe suites made out of mushrooms. My posting access got revoked just before my alarm went off. :(
    Success! And yes you forums too much like me :)
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • Yue said:
    You meet your new neighbor and find out you both have interest in video games.. the two of you begin discussing your favorite or most-played games for a while before 
    you mention Achaea. You go into great detail, explaining races, classes, houses, cities, orders, specializations, skills, abilities, artefacts, etc. Your neighbor seems interested, but the two of you move on to a Minecraft discussion.
    After showing you his extensively developed Minecraft worlds on his heavily modded server, a few moments of silence afford you the opportunity to say, "I have to fess up to a sort of guilty pleasure with video games.."

    Your neighbor cuts you off with a look and says, "You mean the MUD isn't your guilty pleasure?!"
    When does the strapping young pizza boy arrive?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • When a hailstorm wakes you up a bit before 3 AM and your first, sleep-drugged, thought after WHY IS IT SO LOUD IS MY WINDOW GOING TO BREAK is that you should have just logged on after you showered, that way you'd still be awake and this wouldn't have woken you up and bothered you.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Dreamed of an Achaea themes adventure with different classes, think one of the members of the adventuring party had a mask like the jester in the background image of forums. I don't remember the details but thought it may be a good idea to write a short story or novella about it and publish it in-game in a periodical or something.
  • Or enter it in the Bardics!
  • Chryenth said:
    Or enter it in the Bardics!
    That too!

    I am currently working on an idea for the Bardics, about the Tomacula people being too primal, mentally weak, and other stuff that makes them worthy of death from not embracing the Seven Truths from the point of view of an Apostate in Mhaldor. Been slow going as I've been on cold meds for the past week; my brain is fuzzy.
  • I've just started playing Achaea and came in here to get an idea of how addicted I may become. Things aren't looking up for my current work/school schedule if I become even half as enveloped in it as you guys are. :'^) 
  • There is still time
  • Get out! Get out while you still can!

  • Sounds like something I'm going to enjoy. C: Nice to meet you all, in any case, through this thread. Hope to meet you each formally IC!
  • When you've got alts you can't play because of so much going on with your main.
    Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π
  • I totally had a dream that I had to restock the panties for our novices.

    Why are they going through so many panties?
  • Wishing you were Logosian IRL so you could spend more time IG.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Chryenth IRL Monk is so much more satisfying, quick QUIT MAGI. Doooo eeeet
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    I know I play achaea too much when I text my friends and either tyrp their name and the message or type say then my message. The person usually goes huh?! Er..oops...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put that word

  • When: "I should be sleeping right now"
  • Caoimhaen said:
    I know I play achaea too much when I text my friends and either tyrp their name and the message or type say then my message. The person usually goes huh?! Er..oops...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put that word
    This is why I use the ' shorthand command rather than SAY, unless I am directing it at someone.
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