Multiclass (It's here!)



  • edited October 2015
    Melodie said:
    With the way things are currently coded, it'd probably just be easier to make it so switching to/from an empty slot class has no cooldown, whereas switching to/from a slot with a chosen class does.
    This would result in being able to switch to an empty class then to another without any cooldown triggering.

    Ideally, switching to empty should trigger cooldown (otherwise switch/gain class/switch back) but, when in an empty class, switching to another should not check for cooldown (but should reset it to your current max).
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • Silvarien said:
    Xith said:
    Yeah tl;dr - slots should come at 70,80,90,100...

    You honestly spent 3 years preparing for multiclass and I can now be... *drum roll* ... two classes.
    But hey, if you'd announced that plan sooner I might have cancelled my Iron Elite a lot sooner, so good move financially.

    See ya later, Achaea.
    @Xith : I think getting to 100 is not at all that hard, right now. That leaves you with primary class, two secondary classes, and Dragon. Considering the expense of lessons involved in subsequent classes beyond that, if you really DID want more classes beyond, you probably could save up the 250 cr cost for a slot -- though I admit I am saddened by it being moved up from 100 cr. Is paying 500 credits for class slots really that much more insane than any other promotion IRE has done? Even if the slots came at 70, 80, 90, 100 -- the immense rising cost of lessons would STILL make you unable to get five classes. Five classes, if I calculated correctly, cost 7914 cr in lessons. At that point, an additional 500 cr starts to seem not-that-insane.

    I really am baffled why you're quitting Achaea over this.

    Well good thing I checked back in. I managed not to read about the 250cr class slot option. Just me being an idiot as usual. Carry on.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • TitonusTitonus Youngstown, Ohio
    Anyone else with two knight classes not able to select a separate weapon spec for each one? I've already had a bug filed, just checking if it's more than just me.

  • Not just you; I was expecting to have to/be able to pick a weaponmastery spec for Runewarden when I picked it up, but it was keeping DWC from Paladin. I mentioned it on day one and Makarios said he'd look into it, but I imagine there were so many other small issues to take care of it got forgotten.
  • TitonusTitonus Youngstown, Ohio
    DWB doesn't work so well for runewarden...:(

  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    I'll check this out today!
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    edited October 2015
    Question: if my second class is a faction-related class (alchemist, for example) and I wanted to join Eleusis or something, would I still be able to or will that not be possible? I'm assuming it's the latter.

    Same for holding an aligned secondary class like Priest and wanting to switch from Targossas to Mhaldor, are people forced to quit those classes before they can be citizened?
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    You can't join a city if you hold any classes that city doesn't accept
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Ouch, I thought it would only be that they can't switch.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • No. But if we had a system in place like CLASS DORMANCY where you can mark factional classes as dormant when you jump spheres. That way if you want to jump back (because the city wasn't for you or something) you don't have to spend all those lessons again learning it.
  • Tahquil said:
    No. But if we had a system in place like CLASS DORMANCY where you can mark factional classes as dormant when you jump spheres. That way if you want to jump back (because the city wasn't for you or something) you don't have to spend all those lessons again learning it.
    I'm going to channel my inner @Lorielan and say... NO. It should cost you to change spheres unless it's something massive like the the devotional change with cyrene that had been that way for hundreds of years IG.
    (Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said.
    (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."

    (Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
    (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
    (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    edited October 2015
    800cr + is an expensive cost though. Oh well!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • It would actually cost me more to keep Paladin and pick up Infernal than it would to drop Paladin as my primary class slot and learn Infernal in its place. If the only argument you have is "it should be expensive to switch faction" (which is an awful argument) then that's more the case if you can set a slot as dormant.

    If I later switched back, it would still be cheaper. I'd have to make the switch quite a few times before it added up to the 2500 credit cost to just pick up Infernal and keep it.
  • I see the dormancy option as a fall back for those uncertain. It keeps an option open to a character who want to try a new faction but is not one hundred percent certain it is the choice for them. I do think one of the purposes of multiclass was to alleviate some of the pain for those people who find themselves flip-flopping between two, three or four classes all the time. The already instated faction restrictions restricts people from changing between spheres willy-nilly, like those people who who have been catered to because they want to class change every week why can't this catering be extended out to those who pick up factional classes?

    Using myself as an example : Currently I am Sylvan. I want to try to and join Cyrene to engage with people. I leave Sylvan, join Cyrene and not pick another class. In a week, however, I fall back into cynical bitch of a self and leave Cyrene and revert back to roguedom. Then, I can only learn half of the Sylvan skills I had known. That really sucks.

    In Aetolia (I can hear some of you groaning already) unless you pick something in the trial that is already bound to a sphere you have to manually acknowledge a factional sphere to use those classes. When you go and acknowledge another factional sphere it turns any conflicting class dormant.

    I could see this turned into a a great IG mechanism. A rogue priest wants to go sentinel. The go into Eleusis to talk to a denizen (ensuring they aren't a enemy to the faction city), maybe go on a little quest or have to petition to the Eleusian council to have their sphere changed. Someone wants to join Mhaldor but was an occultist? Same thing.
  • edited October 2015
    I think you'd probably need to have a restriction on how often you can switch a class from DORMANT to UNDORMANT, to prevent (rogue) people without a cooldown doing something like CLASS SWITCH BARD, CLASS DORMANT PALADIN, CLASS UNDORMANT INFERNAL, CLASS SWITCH INFERNAL. Maybe once per year per faction? So you could switch both Infernal and Apostate from DORMANT to UNDORMANT, but then not switch Paladin and Priest.
  • That's why I would put tie it to denizens or faction city to be able to open the sphere for a person to use. For the denizen you could give the sphere swapping cool-down. Cities/ factions could elect to have varying cool-downs times (i.e The wait on forestal/chaos could be a few months.. Devotion and Necromancy may elect to have 6 IG months to a year to properly asses a persons 'worthiness')
  • Any chance I can opt out of Runeblades and armour fading on switching class? I'm more than happy to accept the fact that I wouldn't be able to use one suit of non-decay fullplate or my scimitars as a Paladin, but that's preferable to having to re-ink everything whenever I want to use the class since I wouldn't be using them as a Paladin anyway.

  • Antonius said:

    Any chance I can opt out of Runeblades and armour fading on switching class? I'm more than happy to accept the fact that I wouldn't be able to use one suit of non-decay fullplate or my scimitars as a Paladin, but that's preferable to having to re-ink everything whenever I want to use the class since I wouldn't be using them as a Paladin anyway.


  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Yeah, I posted in the rants on it, probably should have come somewhere constructive first. For any Runewarden that swaps often, that's 22 inks of various colors, 10000 willpower, and 1&1/2 minutes to replace everything.

    That's a serious hassle. The only reason runic armour/weapons have the empower restriction was so Runewardens couldn't rune up everyone else' gear. Can we not just put in a check so the runes only function if you're a Runewarden and the Empowerer?
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • edited October 2015
    I'm wondering if buying the artie to change quicker was a mistake, haven't been able to test it yet but reading the above and assuming puppets or at least fashions and lusted people will be wiped on change. This would mean I'd want to change as rarely as possible. Actually makes being able to change a lot less appealing.

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    From what I've been able to observe, I don't think fashions decay, at least for shamans, while they are in some other class. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • I can't see any reason lusted people would fade when you switch, you can quit the class entirely and still have them lusted. Honestly just seems like runes in particular haven't had a suitable solution found yet.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Fashions don't fade if you switch to another class, neither do lusts.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Oh phew, that's great!

  • Yeah I know they needed a fix to runeblades and runicarmour. I don't like this fix though, I also don't like the idea that the other option was you couldn't wield them at all.

    If there was a way to just have them go dormant and re-activate between class changes that would be the ideal. I don't know how to code though and if this is even possible.
  • Valkyn said:
    I'm wondering if buying the artie to change quicker was a mistake, haven't been able to test it yet but reading the above and assuming puppets or at least fashions and lusted people will be wiped on change. This would mean I'd want to change as rarely as possible. Actually makes being able to change a lot less appealing.
    I am going to wait until they figured out a better fix for runeblades/runearmour before buying it. Pain in the ass to change back to Runy.

  • Dunn said:
    Valkyn said:
    I'm wondering if buying the artie to change quicker was a mistake, haven't been able to test it yet but reading the above and assuming puppets or at least fashions and lusted people will be wiped on change. This would mean I'd want to change as rarely as possible. Actually makes being able to change a lot less appealing.
    I am going to wait until they figured out a better fix for runeblades/runearmour before buying it. Pain in the ass to change back to Runy.
    Yeah, my other char is BM/Runie. Not looking forward to the re sketching and empowering every switch... definitely preferred the original way it worked, though I guess that's rough on those with two knight classes.

  • It's rough on the small number of people with two Knight classes and one (set of) artefact weapon(s). Sucks for everyone else.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Ideally, they'll find a way to make it not suck for anyone involved. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Maybe I should rent out my purple paint brush? Pretty much had free jeras and weapon runes since that auction. It's amazing.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

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