@Caelan you think cows are bad, run along side a barn and pop out on the ass end of horse. One minute you're running back to the house for lunch, and then next you're trying to figure out why down is up, you can't breathe, there's blood everywhere, and it feels like someone strapped 6oz of C4 to your side.
@Caelan you think cows are bad, run along side a barn and pop out on the ass end of horse. One minute you're running back to the house for lunch, and then next you're trying to figure out why down is up, you can't breathe, there's blood everywhere, and it feels like someone strapped 6oz of C4 to your side.
Sounds like a typical Friday night/Saturday morning for me.
First and only time I came running back to the house that close to an unclear side of the barn. I knew better too, so I don't blame the horse in the least bit. I'm just glad he wasn't shoed!
@Caelan you think cows are bad, run along side a barn and pop out on the ass end of horse. One minute you're running back to the house for lunch, and then next you're trying to figure out why down is up, you can't breathe, there's blood everywhere, and it feels like someone strapped 6oz of C4 to your side.
LOL 6oz!? I tank 6oz C4 all mu-fuggin DAY
Does sound like milking heifers though, all antsy and shit. THANK the many Gods there was a metal bar at about joint height.
You kid, but my uncle ran a dairy farm. He asked my Dad to go up an put a cow down because my uncle loves all his animals. He didn't tell my Dad that you have to shoot them behind the head where the horns meet. He tried to shoot it in the forehead to be quick. He told my uncle he would NEVER do another "quality of life" kill for him (and my dad was a Vietnam vet and active hunter/fisher.) That is basically what it did. Right there. In that video.
i fear drivers.
I have said my life was a joke, but I like your phrasing better.
Bonus otter:
got gud
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Does sound like milking heifers though, all antsy and shit. THANK the many Gods there was a metal bar at about joint height.
Only one of you will understand.
@xaden He'll never know.
They aimed for the legs...