Player Pics



  • No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
  • Put on some clothes or lose the pants and get some speedos. None of this half-dressed crap. Pick a side, we're at war good sir!

    And I'm very tired but high on caffeine, so try and not listen to me except for this last bit: Way to go!

    Is that old spice? What's the rose for? Do you do your own laundry even though everyone uses svo??? I like to imagine the rose is for the maid or something you little minx.
  • @vadimuses: Time for another meet!
  • edited February 2015
    Old spice. Rose is flatmates. She's cool.

    @tahquil: hey yeah
  • Cats: great and purry and furry... unless they're bigger then you. Then, you're dinner and they rub their tummi because they don't need Whiskas until the morning.
  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    It was right-side up on the mobile site :/
  • edited February 2015
    Eld said:
    No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
    I'm more annoyed that you didn't capitalize on @Kitiara wearing a shirt that looks like it says 'I <3<3 Eld' at first glance
  • Cobault said:
    Eld said:
    No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
    I'm more annoyed that you didn't capitalize on @Kitiara wearing a shirt that looks like it says 'I <3<3 Eld' at first glance
    I figured it went without saying. (And was too tired to come up with a comment that didn't sound more creeper-ish than intended.)

  • Eld said:
    Cobault said:
    Eld said:
    No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
    I'm more annoyed that you didn't capitalize on @Kitiara wearing a shirt that looks like it says 'I <3<3 Eld' at first glance
    I figured it went without saying. (And was too tired to come up with a comment that didn't sound more creeper-ish than intended.)

    Ha! I'll be honest I didnt even know of an Eld until now.....for all clarification purposes, it is ZELDA that I love :)
    "Kit always gets blood everywhere."
    Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
    Medi says, "Rule of thumb."

  • EldEld
    edited February 2015
    Kitiara said:
    Eld said:
    Cobault said:
    Eld said:
    No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
    I'm more annoyed that you didn't capitalize on @Kitiara wearing a shirt that looks like it says 'I <3<3 Eld' at first glance
    I figured it went without saying. (And was too tired to come up with a comment that didn't sound more creeper-ish than intended.)

    Ha! I'll be honest I didnt even know of an Eld until now.....for all clarification purposes, it is ZELDA that I love :)

    Kitiara said:
    Eld said:
    No offense, but you do not look at all like a dragon highlord.
    Thats ok, Raistlin is my TRUE favorite anyways, but I didn't want to cross-roleplay :)

    Also, @Eld I didnt have my weapon wielded, is this better?


      Well, it needs more dragonscale armour, but it would probably behoove me not to argue with the angry woman with a sword, so I guess we can let it slide.
  • ATR, I can approve.
  • I was wondering a few seconds ago about how useful it was to come to see this topic...

    And now...

    Hey guys. How you doin'? :wink: 
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Good lord Mhaldor, stop attracting some attractive men.

    Or keep doing it. I'm not sure which anymore. :open_mouth: 
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Melodie said:
    Good lord Mhaldor, stop attracting some attractive men.

    Or keep doing it. I'm not sure which anymore. :open_mouth: 
    brb moving to Mhaldor

  • Sunday 'Funday' at the daiquiri deck
  • Daiquiri Deck in SRQ? Nice!
  • edited February 2015
    Arador said:
    Uncertain if I can pull off the Heisenberg look *drumroll*

    [spoiler]Mythbusters, if you didn't know :( [/spoiler]

  • Rohai said:
    Daiquiri Deck in SRQ? Nice!
    This was the new vtown one, the one in SRQ is about 20 minutes away so I don't make it that way unless a lot of friends are going.
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