And here we have a kresslack in its right element. When the sun climbs to the sky, this creature takes out his pipe and lights it carefully. After a few minutes it creates a dense fog that protects its skin and eyes from the sharp light.
I grow lots of medicinal herbs and prepare tinctures, salves, teas, and various other curatives for the people and animals in my life. I periodically teach a free (very) introductory herbalism/plant biology/human physiology in my area. I hestitate to say this because I don't want to come off as a hair-brained New Ageist piece of shit, but I love plants. In any case, I'm making this post because my (once) baby chia plants are finally flowering and this is painfully exciting for me and I have to pretend that someone out there cares. Yes - that's chia as in Chia Pets, and also as in the state of Chiapas in Mexico (in Nahuatl chia shares etymology with the words oil and oily due to the high fatty acid content of its seeds). Chia plants grow to be over 10 feet tall and each can produce up to about a hundred thousand seeds. Mine are at 10 feet right now, but probably won't produce that many seeds due to crowding.
Anyway, gonna stop this geek gushing while I'm ahead, and I'm sorry to everyone who couldn't care less (not rly tho), but here are my plants which I started from seed:
corollae emerging from the calyces. and in case you notice that its flowers look an awful lot like lavender, they are both members of the mint/sage/thyme/rosemary family lamiaceae (formerly labiaceae, notice the shape of the corollae/petals), just chia is in the salvia (sage) genus and lavender is in the lavender genus. chia seeds and some lavender seeds look a lot a like, too.
okay i'm done.
and this is me brooding in the shadows one sleepless morning some days ago after work. you know, because i don't want to be off topic or anything.
@Direv: Is that where chia seeds come from? I mean, the ones that are sold for health? I vaguely remember my father buying those as health supplements.
Bleh, work ate my gaming life. 내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Yes, they're the same thing. Most chia seeds grown commercially nowadays come from Australia or the US, not much of it comes from Mexico (which is a good thing, as when foods traditionally consumed by indigenous people that will only grow in certain areas become popular in the west, prices tend to become prohibitively expensive for those people that historically consumed them - quinoa is a good example of this). If you still have them, those seeds will sprout very easily.
As far as its value as a health food goes, it's no more or less valuable than any other nut or seed or fruit or whatever. I mean, don't get me wrong - it's great stuff and has some unique qualities, but so do almonds, pumpkin seeds, and other foods.
Zulah looking not so happy but impressed at the same time. Broken computer case and damaged mobo won't stop me from enjoying my highspeed! Hillbilly computing, liquid cooled on plywood ftw!
Also getting ready to do 2 weekends of snowboard training clinics at loveland CO, I know there are some denver people here, hit me up if you want to go skiing or boarding next weekend or anytime after that! I'll have some extra comp passes to give out next month
It's been awhile since I've been around so I thought I'd post my finish computer now that I'm back with a bit of time!!! Still not finished upgrading it though
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
Oh. It's been a while. New hair, new duds, no plugs. And a new hat that I'm not showing you because I can't remember where it went. Life is kinda looking up guys.
Stepped on him by accident
Totally awesome. Also, it looks like the members of Clan Bob are Kevin Smith fans.
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Also getting ready to do 2 weekends of snowboard training clinics at loveland CO, I know there are some denver people here, hit me up if you want to go skiing or boarding next weekend or anytime after that! I'll have some extra comp passes to give out next month
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
Not sure if @Kyrra or Mother Theresa...
@Ourania @Jarrod @Triak
@Jhui when we hookin the dogs up?
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."