Heh, ok ok. The rat snakes in Florida are so aggressive I had one I caught while clearing brush around a lake but eventually released it. Mean ass that it was.
Only if he tried to kill or crush or eat me! But you know what I mean. All snakes bite, even really docile like boas. I'm talking about the difference between, "Hey, I'm hungry and tired of playing and you're starting to piss me off so I'm going to bite you in order to let you know" and "BECAUSE FUCK YOU *fangs*".
We had a small African Rock Python who kept hanging around the house even though we moved him away repeatedly. Afraid the dogs would eventually kill him, I adopted him and named him Monty. About a year later I got home from school to see the Maid screaming as she ran out of the house. Monty had managed to escape.
Over the next while I missed him constantly, always thinking about him when I cleaned the house. I also missed my mother who had gone to live with my aunt. Never saw him again but thankfully life returned to normal and my mother promptly bought me a dog who was to become my shadow and best friend for many years and who had a habit of catching puff adders and cobras and leaving them on the door step for my mother.
My cat does the same thing except she is a really fluffy white cat -- I like dark colored clothes
My other cat is addicted to adhesives and other household chemicals (rolls around and huffs the floor every time there's pinesol on it) -- as such, the lint roller things are always chewed up and impossible to tear off to get a fresh one.
So I go out in public looking like I sleep in my clothes (which I pretty much do anyway but... yeah...)
My landlord and I went out to get lunch and see a movie today. We went to Twin Peaks, and they had their calendar girls signing in various restaurants around the area today. My landlord got a calendar and had it signed, and took a picture of me with his calendar and some of those ladies.
And as he slept he dreamed a dream, and this was his dream.
My landlord and I went out to get lunch and see a movie today. We went to Twin Peaks, and they had their calendar girls signing in various restaurants around the area today. My landlord got a calendar and had it signed, and took a picture of me with his calendar and some of those ladies.
It was supposed to be named "Peak's Twins" but due to some miscreant in charge of the sign, alas, Twin Peaks was born. These are just a few from my harem. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
Almost every afternoon is some variation of this. It's breathtaking and beautiful (and about the only time I love pastels).
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I wanted a way to say hi to the forums because I never have been on here before... So I guess this stupid picture that was taken of me over the weekend works! Hello big world!
Over the next while I missed him constantly, always thinking about him when I cleaned the house. I also missed my mother who had gone to live with my aunt. Never saw him again but thankfully life returned to normal and my mother promptly bought me a dog who was to become my shadow and best friend for many years and who had a habit of catching puff adders and cobras and leaving them on the door step for my mother.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Almost every afternoon is some variation of this. It's breathtaking and beautiful (and about the only time I love pastels).
I wanted a way to say hi to the forums because I never have been on here before... So I guess this stupid picture that was taken of me over the weekend works! Hello big world!