Echoing @Silas to lose either the suspenders or belt. Some people give a stigma to suspenders, but they are awesome. Button up the shirt all the way, put on a jacket and a blue/purple/dark red tie. Bam, your basic power uniform for the corporate world.
Bonus: Keep your shoes shined, wear a matching watch, and carry yourself like you club baby seals for fun. Be a Southern gentleman with the mind of a shark. Once you get the job you can start hitting a JCrew or some other bullshit and filling out your corporate clothing wardrobe. If you just want to look good for interviews, a black suit is all you need.
@Daslin - Still overtly casual. Ditch the suspenders (suspenders are cool but the novelty wears off quickly especially since they dont really serve much of a functional purpose in the modern world) as they are a bit casual, button up your shirt all the way, add a dark colored solid tie.
Every man should own either a solid charcoal grey or dark navy blue suit for interviews.
@Achilles I'm so very poor right now that I can't even afford a Goodwill suit. Otherwise i'd have snagged one up.
Understood, do you have credit, you could buy one, not remove the tag and return it after the interview. Shady but one you can walk back in and buy it outright.
If I weren't so broke right now I'd buy you one. That aside, I'd call relatives and friend to see if you can borrow one. Just watch out for the old guys, they'll try to get you to wear weird patterns. Those are okay for the job, not okay for the interview.
So I was in Milwaukee Wed-Mon, hanging out with some friends. That city is amazing! Anyway, I came home with these two little dorks. It was not planned, but it was LOVE at first sight. Meet Tank and Dozer:
Someone who's fashionable. HALP! Gimme a step by step on how to look more professional? Please? I got a second interview, but need to look more professional.
Reference image
Listen up bro-dawg.
Don't wear a white shirt to an interview unless you're wearing one -hell- of a tie and more than likely a suit. Go to goodwill and look for all colors and styles you like in the long sleeved shirt section. From the ones you've picked out, check size; try them on. Put away the ones that don't fit. Now, cull out all brands that are not normally expensive. (if you haven't heard of them, odds are it's a knock off of a knock off).
Try to avoid shirts that have buttonholes in the corners of the collar.
Next, do the same with ties at goodwill.
Same thing. Pick colors and patterns first, then pick the good brands out of those. I have some -really- nice ties, but my Kenneth Cole ties pull far and away the most compliments.
You only -need- to wear a jacket if you're wearing a white/light colored shirt. If you wear a more bold color, as long as you match a tie well, you'll be fine. I would say stick with a solid color shirt that's darker like blue/purple(win)/dark red/maroon.
Do not wear a belt and suspenders together. (Unless you're me and your "suspenders" happen to just be a concealable James Bond style tuxedo/suit holster and no one can see it/them anyways).
Slacks - black or charcoal. Make for damn sure they are long enough/fit and that they are pressed.
Shoes - You're on your own, sport. They will definitely be noticed.
Goodwill (rough) prices:
Suits - $24
Shirts - $2-$7
Slacks - $4-$10
Ties - $.99-$1.39
If you wear a tie, button the top button. If you don't, don't (you should wear a tie). Do not wear a white shirt without a suit and tie on for an interview.
@Ainia now you need to invite me over so I can play with them! Totally a cat person
Come on over whenever you are in Denver!
You know I live in Boulder, yea? I might just do it :P
I was in Boulder last monday and I'm around Denver at least once a week. I'm always looking for skiers snowboarders to pawn extra comp tickets off on if you're interested in hitting loveland!
@Daslin Peak is correct. Never use suspenders and belt together. Also, never use a brown suit. A light blue shirt could be fine. You could use a dark blue tie. Ties a very personals, but do not get too fancy on them. Check your hand shaking (firm but not "crushingly strong").
may be a bit late on this, @Daslin, but here goes.
I've never been a fan of suspenders so I'll recommend you drop those.
@Achilles is right, a good blue, grey, or most pale coloured shirts would be a good choice.
Since you're tight on cash, check for your local outlet store and skim their dress shirt section. If you bide your time, you can get $100 shirts for $2 a piece (the weekly sales are one the store's page). Macy's always has nice shirts on clearance too, I think I spent $10 on a good brand there.
A jacket is a plus, but not necessary. You'll almost certainly be taking it off after you shake hands.
You'll show most of your personality in your tie. It's really all guys get to accessorize with (on a budget) when dressing professionally. (I tend to be conservative with my tie patterns, while extravagant with my knots.)
I personally like this knot style; professional with a splash of personality.
Am I thinking too hard on this?
EDIT: Peak beat me to it. I also have no goodwill experience, and am horrible in a thrift store.
@Daslin Here's a tip that will cost you the princely sum of nothing... stand up straight! Shoulders back! No slouching!
(and definitely bin the suspenders, it's 2013, not 1913!)
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Had a relaxing vacation the last 6 days and thought I'd share some of the photos.
View from the plane; love how it looks like a funky puzzle thingy:
The view from one of the sundecks at our hotel (The Bay Hotel in Camps Bay):
Side view of the same sundeck, yay lazy water loungers! I just want to add that this hotel is fantastic and if you ever come to SA for holiday, I would highly recommend it:
Chilling at one of the outdoor lounge-y things at the hotel:
Here I was standing on some elevated rocks; the beach you see is Camps Bay's and is the very same beach our hotel walked out onto. Ugh, I wanna be back there now.
Me and my boy out on a wine estate, ready to indulge:
Mom was taking the photo here. We were all well into the wine tasting by now ( @Reine, take that biatch ) ):
Found this inlet into the sea that consisted entirely of seashells!
Signal hill (spot the kids on the rocks, they soon slipped and screamed were heard):
Ponderous me is ponderous:
And lastly, some dude providing us with entertainment as we snacked on some lunch on Camps Bay promenade:
Man @zulah all your posts about boarding just make me miss living in Denver. When we were broke we'd just go hitch-hike up the mountain at the Continental Divide near Loveland pass with all the truckers heading up, and the ride down the backwoods.
I love no real winter here in Cali, but I do miss those snowy mountains.
Man @zulah all your posts about boarding just make me miss living in Denver. When we were broke we'd just go hitch-hike up the mountain at the Continental Divide near Loveland pass with all the truckers heading up, and the ride down the backwoods.
I love no real winter here in Cali, but I do miss those snowy mountains.
I actually just rode that pass with some friends. It's a great spot to back country. I made it to Tahoe while I was in Cali but it just wasn't the same.
Businesses and people can't trust a man who can't even trust his own damn pants.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
View from the plane; love how it looks like a funky puzzle thingy:
The view from one of the sundecks at our hotel (The Bay Hotel in Camps Bay):
Side view of the same sundeck, yay lazy water loungers! I just want to add that this hotel is fantastic and if you ever come to SA for holiday, I would highly recommend it:
Chilling at one of the outdoor lounge-y things at the hotel:
Here I was standing on some elevated rocks; the beach you see is Camps Bay's and is the very same beach our hotel walked out onto. Ugh, I wanna be back there now.
Me and my boy out on a wine estate, ready to indulge:
Mom was taking the photo here. We were all well into the wine tasting by now ( @Reine, take that biatch
Found this inlet into the sea that consisted entirely of seashells!
Signal hill (spot the kids on the rocks, they soon slipped and screamed were heard):
Ponderous me is ponderous:
And lastly, some dude providing us with entertainment as we snacked on some lunch on Camps Bay promenade:
I think the only thing I don't love about these clothes is how often I get asked if I'm in ROTC.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
When we were broke we'd just go hitch-hike up the mountain at the Continental Divide near Loveland pass with all the truckers heading up, and the ride down the backwoods.
I love no real winter here in Cali, but I do miss those snowy mountains.
zGUI 4.0 - A Free GUI for Mudlet 4.10+