OOC Raves



  • I'm making a Warhammer army of dudes. :) My boyfriend and I got an 'Age of Sigmar' beginner kit.

    If there are any model builders out there I have a question. Is it a bad thing to paint your bigger dudes when they are all in pieces still? Also is it bad not to paint them as the suggested colour?
  • edited January 2016
    Tahquil said:
    I'm making a Warhammer army of dudes. :) My boyfriend and I got an 'Age of Sigmar' beginner kit.

    If there are any model builders out there I have a question. Is it a bad thing to paint your bigger dudes when they are all in pieces still? Also is it bad not to paint them as the suggested colour?
    It's generally best to paint models after assembling them, as the paint can cause the pieces to not fit flush together. Larger models are less prone to this, but it can be far more noticeable when it does happen. Also, painting after assembly makes it far easier to hide the seams and whatnot. Go nuts with the colour schemes though, Warhammer only suggests those so you can keep your armies canon.
  • Tahquil said:
    I'm making a Warhammer army of dudes. :) My boyfriend and I got an 'Age of Sigmar' beginner kit.

    If there are any model builders out there I have a question. Is it a bad thing to paint your bigger dudes when they are all in pieces still? Also is it bad not to paint them as the suggested colour?
    There are places you'll want to paint while their still in the sprue. Underarms and groin are easier to get before the model is assembled. Also I would highly suggest priming your models first, as it makes the paint stick better and the models stay longer. (if you don't the paint might start to chip in places after a year or so)

    Also if you ever want to take the time for it, you could coat parts of the finished version in minwax. It happens to work particularly well on things like Skaven, (some) Lizardmen, and Tyranids if you want to make them look wet or glossy.


    But just as well, a very light colored coating can make armor and weapons look very metalic.

    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • My financial aid was approved. (I have a 3.1 gpa.) And this is what I'll be doing all spring.

     And then next fall I get to do this...


  • Saeva said:
    Going through a pretty tough time irl right now with some things, it is what it is. But my IC dad @Aerek came to visit me while I am in Nashville and brough some -delicious- wine and a shot of some damn fine scotch and just kicked it with me and let me real talk. Anyone would be lucky to have an in game family as OOCly supportive as I have lucked into. So much love.
    You still in TN?

  • At the airport going back west now! I'll be back!

  • KayeilKayeil Washington State

    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    As soon as I say @Kayeil had posted, I knew we'd be in this thread for the same reason.

    Major shout to to God, the baby cheese, adult, jesus, adolescent jesus, white jesus, black jesus, grilled cheeses, Allah, the Force, the Buddha, Deucora, or whatever number/combination of polytheist divinities came together for that particular act of god(s). 

    May we also recognize that @Anedhel is a man among men for being able and willing to endure the weather for that game. That's what a real fan looks like.
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Artemis said:
    Aodfionn said:

    Major shout to to Deucora
    You think the Righteous Fire and Lightbringer brought the cold and wind (how else could one explain it being SO FAR OFF, laces my ass)? Pffffft, I say to you.
    Maybe You lit the fire under the Seahawks' butts to hurry up and score?
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Artemis said:
    Aodfionn said:

    Major shout to to Deucora
    You think the Righteous Fire and Lightbringer brought the cold and wind (how else could one explain it being SO FAR OFF, laces my ass)? Pffffft, I say to you.
    Touche. Brb, going off to build a blue and green Yew tree shrine in my closet. 
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Glad the Seahawks won, but man I feel bad for AP.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Aodfionn said:
    As soon as I say @Kayeil had posted, I knew we'd be in this thread for the same reason.

    Major shout to to God, the baby cheese, adult, jesus, adolescent jesus, white jesus, black jesus, grilled cheeses, Allah, the Force, the Buddha, Deucora, or whatever number/combination of polytheist divinities came together for that particular act of god(s). 

    May we also recognize that @Anedhel is a man among men for being able and willing to endure the weather for that game. That's what a real fan looks like.
    Pretty sure I lost twenty-seven years of my life in that game. One for each yard that ball went so heartbreakingly off-course :(
  • You know, two weeks into 2016 and I've made a resolution. This year I will see Paul Dempsey perform live. That's it.
  • Krypton said:
    I won $100 on Powerball.
    I won $8! Rumor has it some dickhead fund manager in San Mateo, CA bought $30k worth of tickets and that's who won, but it's too soon for that to have been confirmed, let alone claimed. Hope it's not true.

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    It says the winner is in Chino Hills, Los Angeles?

    Then of course, there's also this happening right now...:

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Trey said:
    Krypton said:
    I won $100 on Powerball.
    I won $8! Rumor has it some dickhead fund manager in San Mateo, CA bought $30k worth of tickets and that's who won, but it's too soon for that to have been confirmed, let alone claimed. Hope it's not true.

    How's that any different from some of our esteemed big rollers buying millions of gold worth of tickets in the y# lotteries? :awesome: 

    On this side of the world,  the prize was 6.5M

    I didn't win anything. Two people hit the 2nd prize pool of 5.8M. 

  • Skye said:
    Trey said:
    Krypton said:
    I won $100 on Powerball.
    I won $8! Rumor has it some dickhead fund manager in San Mateo, CA bought $30k worth of tickets and that's who won, but it's too soon for that to have been confirmed, let alone claimed. Hope it's not true.

    How's that any different from some of our esteemed big rollers buying millions of gold worth of tickets in the y# lotteries? :awesome: 

    On this side of the world,  the prize was 6.5M

    I didn't win anything. Two people hit the 2nd prize pool of 5.8M. 
    Biggest difference is that it's a much better strategy for the Yxxx lotteries.

  • Trey said:
    Krypton said:
    I won $100 on Powerball.
    I won $8! Rumor has it some dickhead fund manager in San Mateo, CA bought $30k worth of tickets and that's who won, but it's too soon for that to have been confirmed, let alone claimed. Hope it's not true.
    At least if it is, that's one fund you know not to invest in.
  • Huge rave for finding a good new doctor since I've moved (and hopefully a few good specialists once referrals get worked out). But really...best internist I've ever had. I got lucky on the first try.

    (Obligatory rant for new medication that is causing serious nausea and insomnia though. Hopefully it passes in a few weeks.)
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    So, I don't know if I mentioned it in this or another thread, but I got a new job last June. Now, less than a year later, I've received 2 substantial raises and just got promoted effective next week.

    I must be doing something right.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • That's how I felt in financial engineering co-op. Never again.

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  • The snowstorm is not hitting New Hampshire, at all. I repeat, the snow will NOT be coming anywhere near me. After last winter's 9 feet, this feels like an incredible victory. :awesome: 
  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    In a normal year, we might get around 8 inches of snow the entire winter. We got 8 inches of snow here in 24 hours. That's not a rave at all.

    But the cops in the area responded to around 175 car accidents in that time period, the vast majority being non-injury, the rest being only minor injuries. That is a rave. 
  • The only good thing about snow is the ability to make snow-cream. I'm sitting here eating a big bowl right now, and mmMMMM, so goooood!
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • MadelyneMadelyne East Coast, USA
    Our neighbor saw us digging my truck out of 40" of snow, so he drove over with his nifty micro-plow vehicle thingy and not only finished the job, but also pushed a bunch of other snow back from the road so the big plow won't re-bury it later tonight. Woot! Word on the the social media groups is that the state plans to clear the three mile stretch of mountain road leading to the main highway, so we can get to town.  B)
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