OOC Raves



  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Just turned my dad's old nook color into an android tablet and overclocked the processor so it runs pretty nicely.

    This week is going pretty well I think.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Just overheard someone asking someone else at work if "Windows 8 was XP or Vista". Then that person started to say that it was Vista, and someone else chimed in. I thought, "Great, he's going to set them both straight." Nope. He told them Windows 7 was the latest version. I'm just over here cracking up and they have no idea why. They're all younger than me!

  • I just discovered an easy way to edit my ps3 madden rosters. I hate the new edition of the game, and I wanted to stick with Madden 25, but all the old rosters had huge salary cap problems. Time to break out my inner geek and fix it all so that I may continue playing.

  • So, I started my CCNA class, my PC repair and Management class, and I'm excited! But at the same time, I feel extremely underqualified for the CCNA seeing as someone who is a certified CCNA is in the class, retaking it to relearn the stuff he forgot. So.....yeah. And unfortunately that means less time on Achaea for me which is a rant I suppose. Oh well, you win some you lose some!

  • Wow its been a long time with achaea. Altho i cant boast an unbroken play time that lasted for years. I can say that i have been playing for three years or more. Just looking back on my characters life. From an occultist that failed his tests where jinsun threw me off a mountain. To a ten second priest that was like healing people nah i wanna fight. To a monk of the black lotus. I had. great time there. To a ashuran monk in ashtan. Where my fighting ability went way way higher. To a monk in mhaldor. Where i found my calling for evil. @Zii‌ to finally a serpent that still resides in mhaldor. I love this game. An everyone who plays it with me. Except maybe avianca and tesha jkjk looking back over the many hours i have logged its been great. Thank you all for killijg me all the time i really enjoy it. An know that no matter how long my dormancies are i will never stay away forever. You guys rock. Xoxoxo
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • HyperlithHyperlith San Fierro area, San Andreas
    Ellodin said:
    Hunter Pence, one of my favorite baseball players, is streaming Super Smash on twitch right now.  lolll
    Hunter Pence plays as Princess Peach.

  • I have to say, I love the removal of "disagree".  And since nobody can disagree, I must assume everyone else feels the same way.

    Seriously though, it's great.  If people disagree with something, they are perfectly able to comment and explain why, instead of just cruising through threads with their "disagree" machine gun.  Keeps things far more positive.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Ernam said:

    I have to say, I love the removal of "disagree".  And since nobody can disagree, I must assume everyone else feels the same way.

    Seriously though, it's great.  If people disagree with something, they are perfectly able to comment and explain why, instead of just cruising through threads with their "disagree" machine gun.  Keeps things far more positive.

    Disagree. You posted, requires disagreement somehow. Also, your assumption is wrong. I hate the removal, because simply smackin' that disagree button is easier than typing out a response, 'specially when 99% of the time I'm late to the forums and someone else has explained, pretty closely, to why I'd disagree.
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    Kyttin said:

    I can't believe I understand this.

    You're not alone. ;)
  • WessuxWessux Chattanooga
    Ernam said:

    I have to say, I love the removal of "disagree".  And since nobody can disagree, I must assume everyone else feels the same way.

    Seriously though, it's great.  If people disagree with something, they are perfectly able to comment and explain why, instead of just cruising through threads with their "disagree" machine gun.  Keeps things far more positive.

    I disagree. That is all.
    Invest in a 9mm retirement plan.
  • edited January 2015
    I just find it incredible that someone pressing disagree on your post can ruin your day. You being generic here of course. Also the idea that Facebook is good example to follow. The lessons of a place that constantly steals personal information and is a centre for such abuse that people literally, actually take their own lives. Edit: misuse of word!
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    The pictures aren't working @Melodie.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Hopefully that worked. Weird though, direct dropbox links have worked before. :neutral_face: 
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Oh good non-shattered! Hooray! I should have asked her to send the second one full of murky black oil with red motes in it >:) you evil girl, you.

  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Tharvis said:
    Made my first addition to the achaea wiki, woooo!  :D
    thanks to @Kyrra, also finished: http://wiki.achaea.com/Elementalism
    also completed the revamp of : http://wiki.achaea.com/Crystalism
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Eating a peppery beef burger at 430am to wake up. My mouth is on fire but it's so gooooood!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    First day this week able to actually eat a solid meal, washed down with a nice, warm glass of garlic milk.

  • I'm not sure when this happened or if it's already been raved about, but A+ on the video on the homepage not being set to autoplay anymore. :)
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    One unit down and submitted, 10% into the other. Two day deadline (after I wake up from some much needed sleep). I can do this!!
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    Emotionally exhausted having watched the 2012 Tom Hooper version of Les Mis.
  • Inspired by your post, I checked to see whether it's on Netflix yet.  It is, so I've now seen it too.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Is it?! That's totally on my watch list for the weekend then.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
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