Tonight my work hosted a going away party for me and I was surprised that over fifty people attended. I received a lot of hugs ( many hugs) and a lot of gifts. They had a ridiculous slideshow of pictures they've taken of me over the years (all horrifying), they gave me joke plaques to hang in my new office (that's right! The new job comes with my own office! No more cubicle! No more people bothering me ....which I actually enjoyed). They gave me a lot of cash (thanks!). They bought me drinks. I'm not a fan of being the center of attention but these people are great. I've been very fortunate to work with such an awesome team (yes, even the crazy volunteers that tell me they don't like my hair, clothes, face, whatever). I will miss these people. Here's hoping things are even better at the new job.
...that might need clarification! Had kidney stones again (damn congenital defect in my kidney) and hadn't been able to use the restroom for a few days.
So a rave that it passed and I can actually get sleep again!
...that might need clarification! Had kidney stones again (damn congenital defect in my kidney) and hadn't been able to use the restroom for a few days.
So a rave that it passed and I can actually get sleep again!
Oh and stop crying from the pain.
I just had my first run in with stones.. not looking forward to my next one...
It's my official not-birthday party tonight! Since I was in Cape Town for my actual birthday, the friends were looking expectantly at me when I returned. Tonight should turn out good; it always does when Tequila is involved
The Conjuring, Mama, a beagle who's the most affectionate dog I've ever, a rottweiler/black lab mix who's the most protective face ripping offest dog I've ever met, pizza, a historic tour of Clarksburg where I craned my neck out of the window and was in awe for an hour (I love old stuff. Or new stuff. Oh ffs, I just love stuff. The world is absolutely fucking fascinating when you're a three-year-old at heart with a philosophy degree.), and massive amounts of cuddling.
Rant: The dogs ended up liking me. That means I did not sleep because they slept on me. It was like sleeping in a furnace.
[2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
Was too tired/distracted to rave about it yesterday, but I had a wonderful Friday myself. I took a sub class at a school I was mostly familiar with but a teacher I didn't know, and as always classes tend to be gambles. And this particular gamble, I came out far, far ahead.
I managed to end up in the only classroom in the whole county (this is about thirty fairly large schools) that is labled "Vet Prep Science". That's right, science focused on middle schoolers (what a concept) who wish to take an advanced science and potentially end up as vets. So not only was the subject matter extremely interesting, I got to spend my day around animals, which in this case, includes two baby chicks, a grey rabbit, a black/white guinea pig, a small ballmese python hybrid, and some mice. Eeee.
The main teacher, Ms. Friend (har har), was extremely pleasant and informative, and actually taught me a lot about the subject in the short couple of times we spoke. She was only semi absent as she had to take some of the kids on a field trip to a vet office to get a tour and etc, so she stayed with me first period and came back for the end of the day, making my job extremely easy. First period was a good behaviour party (doughnuts!), and the rest of my classes were very well-behaved, even the "bad" class (third period), which wasn't really bad, just easily distracted.
During planning, I got some time to meet the animals up close a bit better.
The students incubated several chicken eggs earlier in the year, though only two managed to hatch. This is the slightly friendlier one, unnamed but adorable, sitting in my hand. Don't mind my purse in the background.
After it got used to me, it fell asleep in my hand. D'aw. It was so warm, it felt like a mini heater in my palm!
Then it decided it was ready to be doing other things, like figuring out what the heck it was standing on.
Then I put it back with its friend. The red-ish lightning is a heat lamp they keep aimed on the cage.
@Jozlyn should enjoy this one. I believe the teacher said this guy is a ballmese python. He's pretty docile, but I wasn't brave enough to pick him up myself. Later on in the day once the teacher was back from the field trip, she fed him a live mouse, and we all got to watch him kill and eat it. That was... different! And slightly frightening.
Their rabbit, named Bolt. He was quite friendly, and very energetic. I forgot how much I liked rabbits.
And last but not least, Oreo, their guinea pig. I had never seen one of these in person before, and he looked super cuddly and like he wanted me to pet him. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how friendly he -actually- was, so I didn't hold him, but now I definitely really want one. Too cute.
Most of my students were very well-behaved, the adminstration were super friendly, the lunchroom was quite lovely, and the main teacher was great. I ended up giving her my number and letting her know some easy ways so she could be sure I could pick up her classes anytime she needed to be out. She seemed interested in the idea, so here's to hoping! I want more classes like this.
Edit: Thanks @Riley! Goes to show my hearing is still terrible.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
oo, good to know.. never dealt with a hybrid before.. do they tend toward the burmese or the ball for size?
I was just going based on a little googling; not much of a snake person, myself. From a little more looking, it sounds like they're relatively uncommon, with the first ones only having been bred in 2007, so I don't know what the chances are that this is actually a hybrid. From what I could find, it sounds like they tend more toward ball python size, but hard to say.
It was 45 degrees today, and I got to go outside and groom my horse without thirty layers of clothing on. And now he looks fantastic, and I feel optimistic that winter might end after all, maybe, if I can just hang on a little bit longer. ;;)
Few raves, first off new job at a steel mill, been there three weeks now and down a pants size YAY!
Second and biggest rave, after a few dates with someone we go out last night and I come home and get this before we say goodnight: Love is a poison, it kills everything inside of you and replaces it with false hope and dreams, and here I am, nursing the idiotic idea that I would love to taste your poison, make you my next heartbreak.
There were middle school classes where you got to play with animals? And I missed these? A great hole has suddenly appeared in my life.
7th grade classroom had 3 boas, a king snake, a tarantula, and a couple other things. 6th/8th grade classroom had a bunch of mice (which largely went to feed the snakes in the other room) and guinea pigs. I thought that sort of thing was normal.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I want a rattlesnake (venom pouches removed of course) and a bird eating spider. If I ever make it rich I'm gonna build up an exotic pet terrarium in my house so I can just walk in and get bit by anything I want. My girlfriend says were getting separate houses.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Been marathoning Madoka Magica with @Verily the past few days! We're not done yet (last two episodes) but holy hell, I'm loving this! Also, see related gif.
We finished the series, and I'm honestly surprised they got anything close to a happy ending. Favorite anime now, and I fully recommend anyone to watch it who hasn't seen it - do -not- look up anything about it though. Seriously.
You clever bastards.
FTFY @Naah
...that might need clarification! Had kidney stones again (damn congenital defect in my kidney) and hadn't been able to use the restroom for a few days.
So a rave that it passed and I can actually get sleep again!
Oh and stop crying from the pain.
I managed to end up in the only classroom in the whole county (this is about thirty fairly large schools) that is labled "Vet Prep Science". That's right, science focused on middle schoolers (what a concept) who wish to take an advanced science and potentially end up as vets. So not only was the subject matter extremely interesting, I got to spend my day around animals, which in this case, includes two baby chicks, a grey rabbit, a black/white guinea pig, a small ballmese python hybrid, and some mice. Eeee.
The main teacher, Ms. Friend (har har), was extremely pleasant and informative, and actually taught me a lot about the subject in the short couple of times we spoke. She was only semi absent as she had to take some of the kids on a field trip to a vet office to get a tour and etc, so she stayed with me first period and came back for the end of the day, making my job extremely easy. First period was a good behaviour party (doughnuts!), and the rest of my classes were very well-behaved, even the "bad" class (third period), which wasn't really bad, just easily distracted.
During planning, I got some time to meet the animals up close a bit better.
The students incubated several chicken eggs earlier in the year, though only two managed to hatch. This is the slightly friendlier one, unnamed but adorable, sitting in my hand. Don't mind my purse in the background.
After it got used to me, it fell asleep in my hand. D'aw. It was so warm, it felt like a mini heater in my palm!
Then it decided it was ready to be doing other things, like figuring out what the heck it was standing on.
Then I put it back with its friend. The red-ish lightning is a heat lamp they keep aimed on the cage.
@Jozlyn should enjoy this one. I believe the teacher said this guy is a ballmese python. He's pretty docile, but I wasn't brave enough to pick him up myself. Later on in the day once the teacher was back from the field trip, she fed him a live mouse, and we all got to watch him kill and eat it. That was... different! And slightly frightening.
Their rabbit, named Bolt. He was quite friendly, and very energetic. I forgot how much I liked rabbits.
And last but not least, Oreo, their guinea pig. I had never seen one of these in person before, and he looked super cuddly and like he wanted me to pet him. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how friendly he -actually- was, so I didn't hold him, but now I definitely really want one. Too cute.
Most of my students were very well-behaved, the adminstration were super friendly, the lunchroom was quite lovely, and the main teacher was great. I ended up giving her my number and letting her know some easy ways so she could be sure I could pick up her classes anytime she needed to be out. She seemed interested in the idea, so here's to hoping! I want more classes like this.
Edit: Thanks @Riley! Goes to show my hearing is still terrible.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Second and biggest rave, after a few dates with someone we go out last night and I come home and get this before we say goodnight: Love is a poison, it kills everything inside of you and replaces it with false hope and dreams, and here I am, nursing the idiotic idea that I would love to taste your poison, make you my next heartbreak.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."