Tradeskill split

TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
edited December 2014 in North of Thera
As posted in Announce News #4241, we're going to be launching a major release in the next week or so: the first phase of our tradeskill split!

Here is the very basic idea: all tradeskills will become miniskills, completely separate from class. Each class that currently has a tradeskill as one of its three major skills will be reworked with a new skill.

Because this change requires major overhauls to many classes, the launch will be done in a series of phases, rather than all at once. The first step is to release all of the new tradeskills as miniskills. Knights and alchemists will be overhauled as part of this step as well. After that, we will continue to work through class overhauls in the coming weeks and months. Until they are reworked, those classes (like Druids) will retain their tradeskills (like concoctions).

When a class overhaul is implemented, all lessons invested in the departing tradeskill will be converted to the new skill. So, if you were a knight transcendent in Forging, you will automatically be transcendent in Weaponmastery.


  • Lessons invested in all general trade skills (Cooking, Gathering, Inkmilling, Jewellery, and Tailoring) will be refunded in full. Don't worry, these skills will remain in the game, but the changes require that everyone start fresh.
  • Multiple new trade skills will be released. Since tradeskills are miniskills, while the former class skills were full skills, we've split them each into two distinct paths:
  • Forging (Infernal/Paladin/Runewarden) becomes:
    Armoursmithing: Forging armour and shields.
    Weaponsmithing: Forging weapons.
  •  Concoctions (Druid/Sentinel/Sylvan) becomes:
    Harvesting: Harvesting plants.
    Concoctions: Turning plants into elixirs and salves. UPDATE: See the below post for updates
  • Transmutation (Alchemists) becomes:
    Synthesis: Extracting primes and creating minerals.
    Transmutation:Turning minerals into tonics and balms. UPDATE: See the below post for updates
  • Enchantment (Magi) becomes:
    Conjuration: Conjuring new magical items.
    Augmentation: Augmenting existing items with magical properties.
  • The milking ability will be removed from Serpents to become:
    Toxicology: Concocting venoms from an assortment of ingredients.

  • The Delosian Crafter's Union will be the centre of all things tradeskill-related. To learn a tradeskill, you will visit the denizen Amarisse and ASK AMARISSE GAIN <skill>. You can then go about learning lessons in that skill from a player or denizen tutor as with other skills.
  • Trade skills will initially be limited to two per player. Permits for additional ones may be purchased at the Crafter's Union for an additional cost (similar to clan slot permits). To purchase an additional skill, visit Amarisse in Delos and BUY TRADESKILL PERMIT (50cr).
  • Additional tradeskills will incur an increasing lesson cost based on the number of tradeskills you already know (similar to languages, though it doesn't scale up nearly as drastically). When learning an additional skill, it will take 50% more lessons than the previous, so transing your first additional tradeskill will cost 150% of the base lessons (so 1039 lessons), the second additional skill will cost 200% of the base (1386 lessons), third would be 250% (1732 lessons).
  • Tradeskills that involve design submission (Cooking, Jewellery, and Tailoring) will still require the purchase of a license. Existing licenses will be converted into "crafting license tokens" which can be redeemed after the change occurs. They can be redeemed for the same license(s) you previously owned, or a different one.
  • Alchemists will have their skill level in Transmutation moved to a new skill called Formulation. This skill provides Alchemists the ability to formulate new gasses and liquids (usable only by the creator) that can turn the tide of any battle. UPDATE: See the below post for updates
  • Knights (Infernals/Paladins/Runewardens) will have their skill level in Forging moved to a new skill called Weaponmastery, allowing knights to chose a style of fighting that suits their character! Options here include: sword-and-shield, two-handed weapons, dual-wielded swords, or dual-wielded blunt weapons. UPDATE: See the below post for updates
  • Forging will be overhauled! The random element of forging is gone, meaning that if you're after a longsword or a scimitar, you do not need to spend days or weeks at the forge trying to find that perfect weapon or armour. E.g. all player-forged longswords will be 119/164/182 when weaponprobed. Existing weapons and armour will be normalised to these stats when the change is implemented.
  • Artefact weapon statistics will be adjusted; they will always be upgrades compared to the new standardised forged values.
  • Abilities that are affected by weapon stats will be rebalanced to factor in the new values.
  • Class-based armour and shield restrictions still exist, but anyone with the armoursmithing ability will be able to forge and sell any armour; fullplate is no longer bound to the forger who made it! Fullplate will no longer be non-decay; all existing fullplate will have a decay time. Any fullplate that was customised in description prior to this post will remain non-decay and will also reset to the owner if it didn't already.
  • Armoursmiths and weaponsmiths will be able to modify their forged goods with a variety of descriptors (e.g. "elegant" or "serrated" can be specified to make "an elegant rapier" or "a serrated broadsword"). As you forge more items, you will unlock more exclusive descriptors to set your wares apart.
  • The way armour and shield resistances are displayed will be modified to be more accurate. Rather than an arbitrary value, it will show a percentage that is more in-line with the reduction for most attacks. A 100/100 fullplate doesn't really block 100% of damage, for example. Nothing else has changed with armour, just the way it's displayed.
  • Class-only benefits associated with tradeskills (like concoctions' sip bonus, enchanting's necklace of purity, and transmutations's potash bonus) will not be present in the new tradeskills. They will stay in place for the relevant classes until they receive their overhaul (i.e. mages will be able to continue making/using necklaces of purity until their replacement skill is implemented).


  • Was prepared to wait a year! Thank you!

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front
    Enforcing the enchantment treaty just got more difficult
  • edited December 2014
    What about non-knights/non-bards with rapier proficiency?
  • I just want clarification because as it stands... it looks like I'll be losing six skills. I have (all transcendent) Enchantment, cooking, jewellery, tailoring, inkmilling and gathering. I can only (initially) choose two from those (with the two new enchantmenty thingies)? Because who knows when I'll have the credits or lessons to learn them all back.


  • Tecton said:
    • What happens to my crafting designs when all my lessons are refunded?
      Nothing. The NDS system will remain in place, and you will still own all of your designs. You won't be able to create them until you regain/relearn the necessary tradeskill.
    @Tecton Can you explain this, please? None of the current class tradeskills use the NDS system. Are jewellers, tailors, chefs, etc. going to have to relearn those skills at the inflated costs after being refunded the lessons?

  • Dunn said:
    Was prepared to wait a year! Thank you!

    The scepticism here, I was predicting march. So this is an awesome gift!

    Any chance we can get a refund on the Hammer of Forging?
  • edited December 2014
    Will hamers of forging and gloves of harvesting/extraction be refunded as well?
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Kaden said:
    What about non-knights/non-bards with rapier proficiency?
    The proficiency token will extend to everyone with a rapier proficiency.
  • edited December 2014
    So as an alchemist, I will have to learn 1 more class skill, and then 2 more skills to have the same ability to make minerals and vials? Why split the trade skills into 2? That seems a bit damned greedy 
    Also, with the crafters trade skills, if you have those, does that also count towards the increase in cost towards the non crafter trade skills? So if I learn tailoring, the 2 required trade skills to be a maker of minerals and tonics will be even more?

  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    Does the static value from forging apply to armours as well? And if so, will current fullplate be adjusted to these values? Also, why why why must this be finally happening when i dont have a computer ! D:

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • Also, are there any people who rolled an alchemist/serpent/whatever primarily to forge, who transed their tradeskill first (or exclusively)? Will those people be given the new PK skill regardless?

  • > The random element of forging is gone, meaning that if you're after a longsword or a scimitar, you do not need to spend days or weeks at the forge trying to find that perfect weapon or armour. E.g. all player-forged longswords will be 119/164/182 when weaponprobed. Existing weapons and armour will be normalised to these stats when the change is implemented.

    So does that mean all weapons/armour will now be identical? Or is the important part of that sentence "Player-forged", meaning we'll only be able to get better-than-average weapons from denizen shops?
    ^ This is horribly wrong.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Honestly didn't expect Gathering and Inkmilling to be thrown on there
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • This... irritates me to no end. I can't afford to relearn the miniskills to return to being a forger, and it looks like I'll be losing Jewellery that I spent two years saving for. Thanks, Obama!
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods

    Trilliana said:
    I just want clarification because as it stands... it looks like I'll be losing six skills. I have (all transcendent) Enchantment, cooking, jewellery, tailoring, inkmilling and gathering. I can only (initially) choose two from those (with the two new enchantmenty thingies)? Because who knows when I'll have the credits or lessons to learn them all back.

    You'll get all of the lessons that you invested into cooking, jewellery, tailoring, inkmilling, and gathering back. The lessons that you've put into enchantment will translate directly to the replacement skill. 

    So, you'll have plenty of lessons to invest, but you'll be a little more specialised.
  • So essentially, if a serpent has to obtain herbs and other bits and pieces, does this finally make us really Assassins in all reality? I mean...I...hrm.. I'm not happy because now in order to milk I'm going to have to choose harvesting and I really don't have the time to harvest, it's why I left my sylvan!

  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Silas said:
    Tecton said:
    • What happens to my crafting designs when all my lessons are refunded?
      Nothing. The NDS system will remain in place, and you will still own all of your designs. You won't be able to create them until you regain/relearn the necessary tradeskill.
    @Tecton Can you explain this, please? None of the current class tradeskills use the NDS system. Are jewellers, tailors, chefs, etc. going to have to relearn those skills at the inflated costs after being refunded the lessons?
    If you want to keep all three of those skills, yes, you'll be using more lessons to relearn the third one. 
  • Kyttin said:
    So essentially, if a serpent has to obtain herbs and other bits and pieces, does this finally make us really Assassins in all reality? I mean...I...hrm.. I'm not happy because now in order to milk I'm going to have to choose harvesting and I really don't have the time to harvest, it's why I left my sylvan!
    I don't know how everyone else feels but Milking always was a pretty useless skills for personal use, since after trans venom we don't need vials anyway. I don't think you'll see many serpents go towards the venom-making route.

    I am however curious to see the skill that'll replace Milking in venom. Maybe a new serpent-only venom? That'd be awesome.
    ^ This is horribly wrong.
  • @Tecton : Maybe you might be over-limiting tradeskills? Some players enjoying being self-sufficient and not interacting too much with other people. Then again, it's a multiplayer game etc.

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  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Are we losing Philosopher's Stone?
    Huh. Neat.
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Kinilan said:
    Will hamers of forging and gloves of harvesting/extraction be refunded as well?
    If they've been purchased within the past 4 RL months, you'll be given the option of a 100% refund, other than that, you'll trade them in as normal.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Ahmet said:
    Are we losing Philosopher's Stone?
    If we lose Philosopher's Stone I'm going to cry.
    Huh. Neat.
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Kenway said:
    Does the static value from forging apply to armours as well? And if so, will current fullplate be adjusted to these values? Also, why why why must this be finally happening when i dont have a computer ! D:
    Yes, and yes.
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods

    Kyttin said:
    So essentially, if a serpent has to obtain herbs and other bits and pieces, does this finally make us really Assassins in all reality? I mean...I...hrm.. I'm not happy because now in order to milk I'm going to have to choose harvesting and I really don't have the time to harvest, it's why I left my sylvan!
    You'll still be able to bite with all of the venoms, just the milking aspect has been removed.
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Silas said:
    Also, are there any people who rolled an alchemist/serpent/whatever primarily to forge, who transed their tradeskill first (or exclusively)? Will those people be given the new PK skill regardless?
    From the looks of it, nobody is in that situation. And yes, the transition to the new skill will apply to everyone.
  • Are you deliberately ignoring the questions from Alchemists? 

  • edited December 2014
    Serpents will only have two class skills, or am I interpreting this wrong?

    Nevermind, venoms is still venoms. Ok
This discussion has been closed.